HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-15, Page 8K -Thursday, August 17,. 1920_
per cent.
all Royal Doul-
ton and
to August 24th.
Cole's Book Store
PERSONAL MENTION Mich.• wart• guests last week of Mayor
mud Mrs: )1Ll (Ewan. Miss Macl.ereu is
eeiiwrvieer of who'd. at, Port Heron.
Nile, 1., Hopei, us Detroit, is vinit• Miss L. Crook, who recent) returu-
ng her deter. Ibis Edna Hogan. vl frau 1a trip to Europe, i• vh•ftiog
Mies Eleanor \Vhfuy spent flu• warn• at the hunts of her prrev,t., Mr. 01
, eel with her parents In Turuuh.. , Mrs. I•. 11. t'rutk, before returning to
Mr. E.I. Wermal. of le.tatiee. eats a .,er duties as superrltslug nurse at 1111•
Week -end guest of Mr-. C. .trough,' t'hildreu's hospital, Detroit.
East street. I County Crown Attonlcy I). Helmets
Mr. And Nlr, A. M••e:t1livrty, of !and Mrs. Holmes left this morning nn
Vancouver, vlrltel Mr, and Mis, Wm. A motor trip to Quebec and the Mari-
Strucbau last week. ties. Front °Toronto they
' 1 't and little daughter, of will 1a• aecowpauled by their son Jack.
Mrs. Intl
Cleveland, are visiting the lady's par- They exIeVt to lit. away two weeks.
cols. Nir. and Mrs. Andrew Porter. a Niro.. E. M. Harvey and her friend.
Mr. and Niro. W. E. Trident and Miss Thellna Irish. of 1Jetrolt, who
Hall have returned spent 1w'0 weeks' vacation with the
-'there Is a best way to live, and it
is bete tolive the bet way. •
Ilr. J. W. Johnston. •uf Te•swater,
opent the week -end at the home of
Strongh. East street.
Goderich Elevator
Transit Co.
Price on Application
Huron Investments Lim ;pd
Royal Bank Bldg.'
Phones - 430 and 445
Goderich - - - O^•t'
M Rt1. Tot 141.%8 Me•GEC
The death -,,red at
Tl a oes .
Wednesday, Au u•t 1 of
} lea
7t 1.
I9tits. s ire of Thom.... McGee, Deceits -
ed was it. her twebtl+Kt•oud year. 8be
watt born In Gealcri.h, a daughter of
the late Mr. and M'r Thowas Rater.
but for several )tar.• had bect1 0 resi-
dent of 1)etrutl. The late Nine. McGee
le survived by her hue's -0d. 'lite re-
mains were brought to Goderich and
the funeral took ph,* fram the home
of air. Wm. Blair. Cambria road, on
1a1urday atterbo. ii to Maitland come•
tory, Rev. 00140u Butt, pastor of Vic -
lir. H. K. 8181 ax1R
Iron, a w'eek's trip to Mldwud and format's parent's. Mr. and Mev,. J. Wes- torte street United .hurt'... conduct
.Ir:tiu. . tom. have Some to Higgins Lake, Mich., the services and tis• pallbearers were
Mise, 11111uuh Style.. of Lorain, 0.,, to spend a week with Mrs!' Harvey's Messer. Reg•. Jobe uud Aller{ McGee
cod Mee, Stack and daughter, cot l'1e.'e br,tD r and .tstrr-lu•law, lactate oak- and Garfield 31011i,ha •I.
told. conk,. visited friends In Iowaand lug up ber duties at Grut•e hospital, /
:.1 Kinggl,ridge the past week.I>,•rrult.JHN
Mr. Anil Mrs. 11.hare
ere nt
pu'll*11 week's,'
lie !Imola,rf. rt�the,week 01141. 1lti Mrs. o guests n+n,of Sn esteemr'I ,d lil(,bmg reeident of
teles a {
day-. They motored to Midland and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ofield. 014 their
lithe cownlunty, L1 Ow psrs..n 4.1 John
'L' he haaPaw,uud: return they brought with them Miss Sturdy, passed away at hie home. BaY-
Nnret.11s•\goter ltucthatouoa arrynd daughter, \'era Elliott. of N'wu, who had leen fit;ld Hold. ou Suu,!.4 i0'I. In his week and 411ss
Buchanan. have d-itiug at Dundas fora. ty-ninth year. Mr sturdy was bora in
Geslrrieh t0wushi;. nal 144141 there un -I
Miss Mi -
from a delightful two wells r 1outur .lean afield, who is staying for A time 111 his removal t, horn sixteen years
slid TAKEN 1N
trip to ,parry Sen14d and other poops. 44ith her 'Mtge anti aunt, Mr. and Mrs. �r
Nir. and Mrs. A. 4V. 4 rntteudeu and \li,i wati. Miss Odell're.•eutly won ago. Hr had leen 111failing lit' tth the, at private home. Apply Mrs. t a rat a
faintly. of Mt. (9em.ns, Nll.ia., m(.t,r-- thr,girla' championship In an athletic last two Year( 111- alfa, frowerI?• Miss I.AIML►ER. Box 842, Goderich P.O. y present ed over and 41911451 for .n few du7w field d❑} in her home town. Mary Connolly, died in 11x2 and he
tuately $300000.00; grocery or ot8ee. Immediate Pott
with their sister, Mrs. E. M. Harvey. leaves three thing' :,coop one son: WANTED-Aliltl, alt WOMAN TO AND WHEREAS the increased session given. Apply to CHAS. K
Nlr. and Mrs. W. ('. M.KPurle and Ileo the new Victor radio ted Pb - Mks Fawcett Sin:,li awl Mies Ger- n go to Toronto; light house-
,Sprclty will mean • greatly lucrras•' SAl'\Dl91tS, Goderich.
,•liildren, of linndnrg, X.V.. who have Irohl towb111911 11 t'amld"•ll's Drug trade Sturdy, of :...•n, Mr-. Tyner. of work. No washing, Aipl)• Mrs. 6.13).el uumler of {loafs Palling at the snkl
ls•e•1. visiting the tenure.. uu, le. Mr. store.
Clinton, and Mr. \I.lyilic. 1nu,h. of lol'XLOI', West street. port of Goderich, and wintering here.
-- Godrrt••h- town-. 1 . 'f4yu loot hers. 1 1 1 alumna f[ I I
$Tt KAT, lu Gotierlctl, ou Sundae.
August 11th. John Sturdy, it. bits
79th year.
tIGHE.-At Detroit, on Wednesday.
Bates,wife o
.August 7th,- Eleanor
Thos. McGee, aged ... years.
Mr. M g
GLAZIER. - In Goderich, on Friday,
Augued 1)th, John Francis (:lazier,
111 (.f Mr. anti Nino. W in. /:lazier,
11 his 36th year.
Nicll EN'AIF) - li Asbtlrld tow[Isd11p, wl
Friday. August t1th,•Aunle'MeXeu-
zle, daughter of the late Alexander
MoKenzle, aged 74 years.
GAUI.EY.-lu loving memory of John
Gauley, of Saskatoon, Sark., who
passel 84\uy In G,derielt nue year
ago, August 12th, 111*,.
As we loved him, so we miss him,
In our memory he is near,
Loved, remembered, longed for always,
Bringing ,any a silent tear.
-Inserted by his lot log wife and
daughter Etta.
Town of G
Polling pall clerk, David /darwki•
� Poling eutedivirion No. 7, at GIMP
Haggttt'a realdeuee, corner of WHOM
and ('Soley streets -Deputy ret elect,
officer, • F. E. Itl.gtwm; poll Rohl. MacKay.
� - da 4 Bat►
1 'edtlewl
he 4
l u N Y•
tdwls•r, 1112'1), the Nlayur of [he M
BY LAW NO. 3B OF 1929, OF THS Tuwu will attend at the Cultu441 Ohara
CORPOR1ATIO� OF THE TOWY t1en` elf the raW Tuwu at fru oiloct
lu the forenoon, to aq,la,lut le[aoui to
(sF' GODF.RIOII. attend at the various yulltng plates
A BY-LAW OH11ini.\G A FIXED atureaabl, and at the litfinten
ASSESSME'N'T ON TILE P1tO1'OSE1I of t11 thetl1'rsuna 1votes utelreetel In and i,re Clerk on o
A1i1►1TION TU THE I'ltOlsO1iTY OW wolfing or opposing the garslfg 0f 4115
TILE GI►I►ERI('H ELEVATOR A\1) raid PFO - D- Bc-law, respectively.
TRANSIT COMPANY, LIMITED. The Clerk of the Cour 1I of the Said
WHEREAS the Goderich Ek•vator low•n of Gt"lerich will attendten at hits
uldce In the Tuwn 11x11, a[ feta o',•lu••k
and Transit Company, ',hulled, has our !n the t0renoun, on FTIday, the Koh
many years carried on business at of 8eplem(ier, 19129, 40 rum uP
Ibe Town of Goderich, for the purpose pe her (.f 401011 tar 8111 agui!,+t
the 'geld proposed By -Lae.
' flown Clerk.
of elevating. storing and trata.hipplue
grain, and has during that time more
than doubled lis capacity for storage
by additions, which brings a conetaut- I
ly Increasing number of boats 81111
tonnage to the port of Goderich;
AND W'HEItEMI the said (' pony
now proposes to erect au addition to' cr RNISIIF.l) APARTMENT
Ito present plant, which sa1d addition, a rent. Immediate poese•slun. J.
when enr•teli, w111 increase� the cape- ', ('ltAIC}IE.
city of 1t facilities by one mil -
Ikon bushels, and will cost appwox1- i'rt 1(F)NT.-ST(►1tE SUITABLE F()R
.Jaw. Nt, {Vicar, returned home 4111 TMes-
Mrs. Jane Lyon, and daughter. Jen-
nie, and sou. Ed., with Mr. awl Mr-.
P. I.' 1411. of Detroit, hare g•a+e • oti n
u,.t.r trip to Ste. Anne de Iteampr•.
(' d TM stlr•!y nlsu sue
(Buten Wire Thir One
.wage nn ,a ,.
The Iola.-ksox clone out second toot fire. The funeral. which took Placa,.
1114' ;NOW w'1111 4 IiutlII o„ Monday from 111e family ide!ce to Maitland
.4 ening. n fixture hi the Hurott4'ert1. cemetery on Tn.-s' a' raft acre, s.11. Wu.;
Ila..etaill •Lenges. Fairly ...lose Hall was largely attended I• friends from town
venth inning.. when -nisi township. 14. •. .l. E. I'„rd c,•n-
t11e locals went to pieces and allowed., 1
Clinton five run...making rhe score t+-1. were Messrs. 1. �J:r.,' a.. IL.•b!
-.Attu . e•. cow . Vey • 11 \ecin
1plelsw. 1'luvtrl until the we
\Ir. and Ntrs. elem. aallr11, of ('hl..o
111 have been visiting Mrs. C. 1..
hu•te. the servlc.- .,11.1 Ih• • ':t.,.;uers
\I• „r,. Fina street, Mr. Stuntt has been In their halt Clint,,+ 1 I 1 I ft Itmwnlew \1 m• I S e 4
Gro. Stur-
"hue led with the C.. 1t. and Q. Rail 4, ,ked as If tlw•y might present the and Wm. Mak, of .411, and
..,y forhhe pard torts Years. amine t•. 4;,s1.rl.i1. but th,• Mutt score 117, of Auburn. 'Members of the L.O.i.
)1r-. Robert N1n,iaerw,' And Mks 445. s.-7.. the gone being called at the No. 1S2 attended the funeral in n
u.1.a 1Lo•l.aren. of furl Huron. cud of the seventh on a euuut of dad:- body.
.•s. feature of the game was the• -- •
.,iting of Bob 1 arriek. who played left 3111£N FILt'. • I:l..1-/11:14
-inide �14 111 Al- our agent will call.
and Refreshment Booth
l,x•atd on the South Pier
Bathing Suits for Rent
II-1,11 al I;aching Il -acll
ld f,.r the c ,I5'rs. 1'1' to. the 9t•4elttl1
kings Clinton had three rune, and
.':res• were -4.r'.ught in by succe' lve
...e • from C:+rrieks pat.
S,•ore• by 'mines!.
170 101 :e --s
41.eherich 1110 ((00 4
`• GIRL. with references, to assist
in store. Apply J. 1l. PIPE, cor. VIc-
teria and .Nelson streets. 1 t
mlydleagel widower and brother,
..n farm two miles from town. Apply
vent feather tied glade into a sant
tary roll mattress or down comforter
! highest pri"e paid for feathers. Drop
I a card to DON81XlON FEATHEI
.1NT) MATTRESS C(l., petered', an
l:rautlful wonwn wit11 a sense ••f
i:11.r are the most w'elefine (.f (:."I9
The death i,
T eat
e\1111sa hlu'pltal. •;
Auzust 0th,
-,.0 of Mr. and NI
of this town. De:,
att11 for apgetul.- .
110111P was In Ki•
visiting his pare: '-
*seam0 su ldralt
of Ashfield tow
d.•rlvh.' 01i Friday.'
I. 'Frau.I 4:Iizier.
- 1VI lliim 411zler•
f,dboved nn ups- ,
The deeetiset1'e
err and he was t
in tumn %lien he,
110 ss I a,-uativt•
RIO 11 -sided in
rept r ng a asp's Awol M (. I(4' "9. -
tier aur work to be done thus lene-
filing the said town;
AND WHEREAS Ole sa111 (' qsu+)•
ha. requested the Connell of ile• Cor-
vorI .ration (.f the Town of Goderich to
add It in Its proposed project of the
erection cor mild addition by granting to
the said Company a fixed AMe•sna•II
gee addition for n period of tea
year. eommencllg with 111e 5•-09,9-
nlent to be made lu the year 19?!).
sS1.11 fixed ase -meat not oto Include
w1h,o1 111N.•, or hs col ImproscnIcn(a:
AND WHEREAS by reason ,f the
1 fact Gant 9114.11 proia,sed addition will
f greatly benefit the Ton u of Goderich
11- the expenditure of large amounts
1.4 money iii w'age's In the said town.
• and the inerease•11 1'apw.'lly will afford
1e19•r faolIl dew for brats 10 (.211 at the
•• said elevator. It Is deemed. expedient
to grant the sa141 roplst 'upon the
• n'alnre. 'le d ,r'r<'rtalnly the \ G,slcrioh fora t. • but for the past
ovely."- Emil Ludwig. - QF:-Sf.F.D TF:\i)F:1tS addressed to the�,10 n oLGoderieh enacts aA 1011Aws:
• urn years be ha rn a nr•idrnt ,f J
undersign. d. and endorse(' "Ten- (l t Upon the G,slrrkh Elevator and
Thr Jut} n• enforce the. law rest- Klh hrurr. Fie Is l.Irwl by ...Iiiwife 'or for Publb Building. Exeter. (let ." lranslt Company. 'l.lmlted, erecting
tls'u .4911 t ellfli ,offianl and the.(furnitrly 'Elia I.:, •111, of Kihh.Iicr1 will he receives{ unci! I1 o'clock 10on find Completing during the year 19'29
.ilrly to oleo it reel" Upon every 6111• hit lslronta and !..o brothers. N'ilhiam,
o �Vindttor, and 'I'h(.mfis of ro.lerieh.' (dg'1(ftht Raving). Wedn•wlay..Sugttsf an extrusion and aldpliun to Its pre -
z.•11." -Herbert hoover. *1 lf!!, for the eonstructlon of a seta plant. whit -11.611M eztenslon and
A Pet -rice was held at the home of • ihlblie padlding at Exeter. net.
addition will be planed to the east
ec.alesl's parent,. Nit*. and Nlr Wil- Flans and spsv ifkAtlnn tan DP
of Its pth
resent properties at e
Ilam Saler, East street. .d, Nllnday
seen And forms of tender obtalnel at harbor at the said Town of G,slerlch.
■ rvening rad 011 Monthlyw„ruin_ cls• i the ,Akers of the met.tr(•hltect. De- and which said extension 1s to cost ati-
- remain,' re taken to Kit.luer. S Ithe afternoon, en.l the funeral took
partment of Public Works. Ottawa, build -
proximately pt {(If1,ntlfi.M1, ■rad to have
serene was Meld at the h••mr there In. ' St.. Teronto. Ont.. tbe District Engin-
, Supervising Arehlteet. 59 VictoMa capacity ,.r s,s.roxlmAt.Iv•Ane mIl-
plxee to Hlteli e•r w•meterc. 11,4•0.J. etc, Custom 1lnttw, i entice. Ont., and Inge. machinery. plant end equipment
H. N. Milia, r h4r of Sr. George's 1 the ,Postmaster, Exeter, Ont. and the said lands upon which they
vv-er41•Pts here xnd nr h11'4..1;4;1.11\1r'.
cts•ue•r to rat prints yen be ohtalne.l at ties tope erected shall be. and the iameare
,n IB f \1 .• tt -. 1'at '.ttde0 rat tit Chief .Sre•hitest. DPpnrt hereby declared t he, subject to a DRUOL- PRACTITIONER
dept Ito
latrrlt'E OF 1(EIi1STRATI(►\ '1W
Notice is hereby given that a by -:.1x
w89 passed by the Municipal Colin,:
of the Town of Goderich
on the
day cot Jnly. 1929. providing,
I9941e (.f debenture,/ to the 8mou11t of
$121,00000 to provkie DOols for add.-
, flints 1114(1 extensile!), o the Hydro
Electric Light field Pu er plant. and
that 01 .14 by-law' w-11'. ret lowed iu the
registry office of the ('.11nt7 of Hurd.
at (:oeh•rieh nt1 the first day of August,
1929. Any mptiun to quash or set wail*
the same or any port
thereof m fo
ninde sslthln three months atter the
first pltai...tion of this noti.e and
cannot he Made thereafter.
ihlted the tired day of August. 1929.
1.. 1.. KNOX, Clerk.
to twir and coodi1fs hereinafter wet
totals: on
NI)IV, THEREFORE, the Munk•lpal
('conn 11 of the or oration of the
XLJXXXX XXX 'lrtflutrdlattltXX
I The S. A. GRAY Co.
Commencing this week
We have numerous lines of summer merchandise which are
partially sold out and now, commencing this week, we offer these
at considerably reduced prices! Hosiery, Dress Goods, Summrer
Underwear, Linens and Ready -to -Wear are included in these
August Bargains. Choose your requirements early. for it is an op- \RI)II
portunity to save. 11 `h`"
friends. f.
X,-hnr.•h. (:oelcrirh. lo 4.1 charge of 1111 Bi
A Ti
Int 1rnren were .. Kari , meet of Public Works. byn
X Ion. W. Phillip's, .SIIri Melo. uud. Ger. depositing tined assessment of One Dollar ($1.00 h
an a(wpdeel Mak "Moe far the sera for a Perin('
of ten yeam. beginning
T)re,,tinn and 8. D. Croft. Many beano- ..f aceep, payable to the teres of the with [he aaeewament to be made to the illtVl'RACT(IR A\D DRUGLESS
ItlfIIl floral ,tribltle4 tw11(1(9* to the. Minister of Pubic Works which will I year tlia�p Sesta nab lxaaseesraa�t� THh. Phone
esteem la width the detra'sed wan I returned. If the intending MAAPr
p shall `trot aRe•t assessment for 'schrod Goderich. 341
'sMrmft a regular hid.
1 not be ran'sIdered nn- the said Company shall tun e fixed bx
lets made on the forms soppllel by the
Telept.one i No. 119.
Saler attended to anywhere and every
effort made to give watisfactl•rn.
Farmers' sale note. dlwronnted.
will conduct wiles anywhere. My
terms are reasonable and I will ea-
deavor to give satisfaction. Pion
Carlow 1314. or address R. R. 4. Go,1-
bell. Friend* iad Mathes were pre -
rent at the er"vlce, from :Sshflrhl. To: ,Lender, w Il n
metra. T.uckn•w and Kir.hener. The
r ilep•,rtment 'and In accordance with
ftp the cv.ndltlnn t
purposes or local improvements. and I Equipped with electro-magnetle
y a xe, ' the. Ele• tronic electric treatments
bnelneae aanessment of One fin 'er an,l chiropractic. Chronic organic and
(11.001 during the same period but Herron* diseases. lady In atten'tatess
sa.•h fixed tiwinesa A9+eMl,ment tux 04144'e hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p m..
'shall not laelnde aesessmrut for school ex(•eteing Monday and Thursday and
purposes or local improvements. by appointment.
(21During the said I1ritei of ten • A. N. ATKINS(ON
hi* itcvine t eta ,• of
lite Mr. Glaii'r Wn9 A n,emhrr of the
Inde wltnt abler of (>rld.ello44s• a se forth therein.
Farb tender motet he accompanied M
- CARD OF -THANKS an .'septed cheque on n chartered
TF.R -
cert that
for flip n
•'raring 4
,ath of
Aprons of Broadcloth
or Print and daintily
August Bargain 69c ea.
Heavy Linen Towelling
Regular value 35c
August Bargain 30c yd.
Odd Silk Hosiery
Regular 75c to SI .25
Dark shades only
August Bargain 29c pr.
with the popular pointe41 heels, till the flew
shade, Regular 11.61 pr
August Bargain $1.49 pr.
The popular summer dress goods. \Y.- h:1%,
very neat pntt.rn-. '2.gnlnr $1.3:1 784.4
August Bargain 98c yard
Sinden: rose, gold, blue or 1nerve•
August Bargain $5.25
Children's Rompers,
Pantee Dresses and
are on display in our
windows at final
clearing prices
V i l T E STURDY AND 1418-
to express their '.1M -
'friends and neighbors,
Ind110sem shown them
• 'new and subsequent
. . 11144 father.
during tlo i
Glazier 01,1
m0et. W.
xprevia tion tl.
and the kin
0 their • urs t'•
,:1.4/1111 .\
in dainty floral designs and good shades itcl
August Bargain 29c yd.
pity of expressing our
4 to neighbors( and
:nlny kindnesses shown
r. John Francis
• sof M
our time of tereave-
aekuuwlwlge 441111 ap
.• neantlful floral tributes
.!:,. o of those who lent
le funeral., MRS. J. F.
1t!t. AND MRS. WM.
1 RANGE, .111 �(wd condition. Too
large for prteent use. Apply G1E0.
WOODS. . Patrick's street, It 1
tank. payable to the order of the Min -
1*ter of Public Work•. equal to 1 per Years coyerel by t h 11 Residence find nrtl•e� (Ores
The Goderich. Elevator and Trandt South street and Britannia road.
.eta. of the amount of the tender.give its (9911.1.nt Writing to thegranting by the said Corpositionthe Town of Goderich 44 any bones or(mired to make up nn odd antou.nt. aid to any like industry -in the saidRy orsderE.fft Ass a condition ef the subtle,. Town of Goderich.Beefeltari• shin of the. By-law to the ratepayersOttawa, July 30. 1923. aTruantileitcfr,.."tni.17;17;;rreE.linliitti"tille"ta.rielpaPr8a).- nil. F. J. It. FORSTER.I t4on and submiedon or /hi. Ity-law u EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROATAUCTION SALES. arriatant
Bonds of the Dominion of Canada
bonds of the Canadian National Mafi-
wlt Company will elan he areepted ay
security. or 1t.nds and a cheque if re-
Anetlon sale en bloc at th4e pro-
perty, ]lain atreet. Wingham. Ont., on this 0th JAY of Augl[.f. A.D. 1W1A.
SATURDAY. AUGUST 241,11. 11. S. A. M. A.D. 19
at 2.30 p.m. Mayor.
Ex,ellent loeatlon on County High-! L. L. KNOX.
Accountant. 14»2 Ontario street,
Stratford. Phone 1580. Rea 1350J.
This Icy-llsr shall take effect on ils'thalmic and Aura l Hospdtal,
ay of the flnnl pawing thereof. 1 at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden
'READ a first and second time In ! SquAre Throat Hospital. Lnnd011, Eng.
Pen Conn('11 and provisionally passed I 53 Waterloo St. 8., Stratford. Tel-
ephone 207.
At Hotel Bedford, Goderlch, on the
evening of third Monday of each
month till the following day, Tuesday.
at 1 pm Next visit in September
Way At N-ingham• (hot. A complete nP-
to-clNte• Pegnlprme•nt rf rnnAll tools. Nir \hF \(✓ I('E that the above 1s a
of a propntfd RY-law Whk'h
Akan Into condderaMon, and
1 toe flnellr grss0(1 by the RNHST M. I.EE,
the Municipality (In the EI Barrister and Solicitor
s wore obtained thereto) atter rano month Sun Life Building. Adelaide ani
gnerdinr and oil hnsi14e-s. .4 rare op- g Victoria streets, Toronto 2.
portfnity for one who. understands the f� the flet patrlieatinn of a cop? Telephone Elgin 5301.
hnslneees thereof In The Goderlch Star news-
paper. the date of which publication I DUDLEY E. HOLI[E:,
AUCTION SALE, e►F VALi'ABLE w80 the Rth day of Aliglet. 1929. Barrister, Ete.
1I0F8EIf(►1.D F'I'RNITi'RF:.
AND Fl"RTHEU TAKE N'0TICE O1flce--Hamlltnn street, Godrr.'•h.
that all leaseholder* gnnfitted tinderlPhone 27.
the provisions of the Ntuntclpal Act
epn.press(rr, bntery' charger. brake trate c is
Iver. overhead track with chain block, 1Y
and everything nr,e-sar4 fon a going has been t
amain,. A lease on the property
+•an Whl.h all
he secured at a raasonahle rental.'('pnnen o
11 t e has always bad a large' event of the assent of the electors be -
lime: ti,• high-grade fertilizer/
always In ''"-iock. Prompt delivery
service when required. 11. R. BAER,
R.@. No. lerich, Ont. Telephone Carlow 2 .'
;LANDS .SNI>w Fu • l: <A'LE FOR TAXES. tf
Notice Is l;. epi given that the list
of lnnds ler r..11e for taxes 1188 been
prepared a, bat copies thereof can
ls• 118,1 n: •' office of the County
Trblsnrer. that Fht I5 151115
published 1,, ,e Ontarthe;Tol Gaan 111111th,
.11117 "(114 : '. Aug.
and MO i:. atilt payment oflt in the
said taxes costs, the land will he
sold.••prl \I .T. Oct. 21st, 1929, at
tWA 0010. he en at the
('(.1111 hm,-' t-bte townaftrn000f Goderlch.
.R1)ON Y01'NG,
CamtY Treasurer
Goderlch, , Ang. 7, 1929.
v t
English Dress Prints
32 -inch width. Regular 35c
August Bargain 30c yd.
of Crepe, \•nil.• nn,1 liacon 1G {:alar 7.-a. to 95e
August Bargain 55c a yard
F,ll-faabioned 1
Heavy servioe7wcight or
sheer milk -to -top Regular 11 '05
August Bargain $1.69 pr.
Shades: white, black, orchid,. peach and
August Bargain 35c pr.
There iuill be dozens of other August Bargains on display! You ere.
cordially invited to call and look about.
The S. A. GRAY Co.
11111 sell by public. anetton at the horse
of Mr. S. Strnughan. Nelson street, on
at 2 o'clock:
A quantity of house fnniishllgs. 111•
1-111ding i4VIII g•r•s'In tables. e9tenslon
table, cherry tall•leet table, large old -
fashion's' bwtean. 2 bedroom Stites,
springs and mattress, toile, sots, rugs.
enrp'ts. ,1111.n. entlery. pictures, and ankle". 181411 1 I1t1tlllptnllty of plecetlhn the Town
nimwrous other ankle".
}Everything must ire sold There are polling' s'44, 114lslong of 1110 Nnnlel-
' 1I everal antique piece" than would be! palltu 1s•to.vn the houre of nine
haul to reprtase. Inlet...k 411 the forenoon and five o'eloek
1 Terme Cewh I In the Afternoon on 'rhnrsd'y, the .dh
1 At
R 4 41 1027 Chapter er ".'i') Section 274
(31, and amendments thereto, are re- ri R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ITTC
before ten days efore 110 ante of Successor to J. L Killoran.
voting to file with me A statutory de- Phone 97.
elarntlen of ,pialinention, otherwise Of ire -The Square. Goderich.
their names will not app(Ar on 1110
voters' 11'11 for 011(h voting.
.that the 4ot4(1 of the electorsofthe
Old Age
Pension Board
Appli-:,'ions for pensions
are cnntibg in rapidly and are
being eon-i'lteed As promptly
R9 l4-" il•1' 1..y the Board. At-
tention is called to the fact
that in aidu,jt eighty pet cent -
of the en-• . applicants do not
furnish p' ,f of note' This is
abenlut' ,4 necesearp t0 the
passing ',i applications.
he :mention of applicants
i1' MMlnlly direetrd to ores.
tine No. tion the application
ageform ?goblins proof of ag
T. ot-Nt)RY k SON, da. of •para ser. D 1!12!1 Seel
Anvtirneers. the t,ll•, iug places 1'v the following �j
1"•pore-retnrnlnc oY'i cor* rind Poll M'K1I10P MUTUAL FIRE IN
*lape & Tape
Hamilton St., Godericn
}lIttU ,1414 SALE
OF (larks SLTRANCE CO. -Farm and iso
1H►1'I"F: FI'RNISHi\(i3.
1'olling »sib-dlvlsiot: \o 1. at M' - heed town property insured.
Iere gamer. at .orner of \.Morn Otllcerw-Jia. Connolly, Pres., GAA -
R'. einstrnotwl n.Ireet and Elgin Ave-Depmty-trtnelf- erich 1'. 0.; Jas. manna, Nice -Prem..
of Ibe esrruue of flat by latethe JudgerxecHotnr'lt. .i„g .(neer. Thos. R. Wallis; poll clerk. Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor.
to sell by 1,111.110 anetton at the real- lamas \lac\b8r Nee.-TTP8s1' l 11th F. O.
r rot. Goderich, on
Dlreetmvs Brnedfoot, R. R.
No. 3, Seafnrth; John G. Grieve, No.
4, Walton; William Rim, R. R. No.
1're,tl.all7 all the contents (4 the 117; psdl .I,rk. F' (: \Crit. 2. Seaforth; John Bennewles, Brod-
1. rat the hagen ; Gro. McCartney, R. R. No. 3.
Satin, bedroom and kitchen f.rnttnre. Tuan 11811- R1rpnt.-returning otileet. Senforth: Robert Perris. Harin'k:
inebuling reel. walnut and mahogany E. C. ltel.her; poll ,Irrk. Gen. Belcher. Murray Gilson, Rnuseflelrl; lames
' tem", end chairs. music stand. large i'olling .tlh-dltlsdon No. 4. At !{nth- Evans, Re•eehwood : James Connolly.
P1'9' wal(0n 411014 Vietnrla feree!-- , Goderlch.
ileteity-returning officer. 1111400 A. Agents ---.1. W. Yen, nnd0rlch
Tnffnrd: poll clerk. William Soothers. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton:
Polling (9t0(litislon No. S. tit 1'. 1 - John John Murray, $raforth ; E Hinrhley.
Walton'' *torr. wept .tree{-1leptty. Seaforth. Policy holders 014,1 mak. ell
returning officer. Harold Btaeketohe: payment, and get their cards reePlpt-
prop (leek. (herlee• Shrpbsrd. - ed at R. J. Mnrrlsh's Clothing Stere.
Felling tui -division No. fl. at Mae- Clinton: Calrtn CAM's Grocery. )(Ing-
electrical more West street- stun street. God.rleh, nr J. 11. Reids,
Deputy-retnrnfng officer, H. 1.. WO General Ston. Bayfield.
rn1)I„¢ .11h -division No. 2. At
Stn pleton's In nor .1107). Ens. street-
ilepntt-retnrnln¢ officer. D D. Moon -
dense. North h et r
(•ommeneing at 1.30 o'clock sharp:
I meet tonal b okce*. and desk, wishes(,
Bre Trona. "earpete. curtains. rugs,
cn*Lions, ilnoleume, entiery. china.
glassware, Happy Thought range. oil
moose. garden heel and fools and
nnmerOns other arriele..
Everything mnst ire disposed of.
Terms - Cat*.
T. Gi'N'T)RY & PMT.
2q Awet lonters.