HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-16, Page 205. Cars, trucks for sale GOOP FARM 'TRUCK, 1.967 Chev. 3 ton, 14' fiat rack,. Phone j5777 e ore. a.nrk, 7:,-29,30x THREE BEDROOM home hi Lucknow. Spacious living area. Phone 528-2526. (after 6 - 528-3543). -29tfar M." 7. Real estate for sale 11 ACRES close to Lucknow. Phone 528-2900 after 5 p.m. -29 NEW THREE. BEDROOM cottage, fully furnished, win terized, all conveniences in= eluding' drilled. welli on one of Muskoka's better lakes, $48,500.00. Phone 705-789- 8092 or Box 2416, Huntsville, Ontario. -nx 9. Accommodation to rent SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment, available September 1; also, apart= - one bedroom apa- ment; frig and stove, aVail- able September 1. Phone 395-5596 or 528-3134. --29tf TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately. Phone 528-2625. -22tf THREE BEDROOM house in Amberley. For further infor- mation call 395-5305. -43tfar 10. Wanted to rent. WANTED TO RENT: Land in, Lucknow area suitable for planting fall wheat. Write to Box T, c/o Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow. -28,29 WANTING TO RENT: 300 acres of well drained land; no more than 8 miles from Kin- loss. Phone 395-5842. -28-31 12. Help wanted TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS requires a waste site attend- ant 9-to 5- Saturdays, year round, except every other Saturday in the winter and Tuesdays, 4:30 to 7:30 in summer. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. July 21, 1980. W. F. Hawthorne, Clerk, , Township of Kittloss, Holyrood, Ontario. NOG 2B0 -29ar • DAN SUL 'MADE 011 HE' THr4OUGH THE ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in Teeswater arid Ripley. Call Glennhaven Ap- artments, 528-3234. -28tfar SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment, electric heat, car- pet throughout, fridge and stove. Phone 528-3932. Av- ailable Jnly 1. -2 • PRIEBE H.J. & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATIONS CALL COLLECT (519) 364-4590 Res. (519) 396-7680 Kincardine R. R, # 1 Hanover, Ontario --19eOw/ar BARN PAINTING Brand name paints Quality-Workmanship Airless Spray Equipment For free:estimate Call Collect Ray Stewart, Kitchener. 1-893-4781 -26-29x' 20. Public notices FIRE FUND Donations fcir the Harold and' Janice 'Fowler Fire. Fund may be left at the Bank of Montreal, 'Machan Home Hardware, Lucknow or At Siecker's Store in St. Helens. The Lucknow Public' Library will be closedfifir holiday July 28 to. August 5 inclusive. There will be no story hour during August. Starting September 8 and-each Mon- day thereafter, Story Hour is from 1 - 2 p.m. -29,30 Page 2d--Lucknow Sentinel, Wedneadah Ady 160 1980 HISUTi-SELL RENI.T11110LICilt THE. C.ILASSIPIEND ASS ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 528- 2113. -22tf THREE BEDROOM house to rent, two miles from Point Clark. For particulars phone 395-5066. -28,29x 2. Mobile Homes 1979 pools, These come coin- lete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing pump, motor and filter, Regular price $2400, now $1498. Call Im- perial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970. -23.30arx BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On. Tuesday and, Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available • BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 -40tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent, prod- ucts, etc. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -8tfar TOP SOIL. Lloyd Whytock. Phone. 528-2006. --17tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers. Squjare, Goderich, 524-7241. -8tfar NEW TEXAS Instruments desk model calculator, print out only, no tape, reg. price $75.00, Special $50.00 plus tax. I only. Sepoy Stationery and Printing, 528-2919. -29ar RENT A POOL Swimming pool nianutactur- er will lease and install new 1980 family-size pool com- plete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try before you buy! Call Imperial Polls toll free 1-800-268-5970. -23-30arx USED RECONDITIONED appliances; one 30" electric range, one Speed Queen spin washer. Phone Greer TV & Electric, 528-3112. -28tfar USED RECONDITIONED Electrohome 26" colour TV, $350.00. Phone Greer TV & Electric, 528-3112. -28tfar ALPINE nanny goats and billy; one Palomino mare, mood saddle horse. Phone 395.5654. -28,29 GUM'S SUMMER Clothes, sites 12, 18 and 24 months. Like new. Phone 528-2737. -28,29 HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A ' DEHUMIDIFIER Prom Greer T.V. & Electric laCkIlOW. Phone 528-3112. -27tfar B. & W. TV. 21", Coleman 2 burner camp stove, Metal bread box, five 10' lengths galvanized 4avestrough, quantity of 1/4 " plywood, odd storm windows. Phone 357- 3531. -29 DUCKLINGS, goslings and chickens; also dressed chick: ens. Phone George Detzler, 392.6486 3,000 GALLON steel' tank, suitable for grain bin. Phone 395-2821. -29,30 TEN H.P.. DYNASTAR rid- ing lawn mower; electric start, 36" twin blade, Call Cecil Little, 357-1963. -29,30. - - ALUMINUM WINDOW with screen, size 34 V2"x 63 1/4 ", $20.00; aluminum door with screen, size 34" x 73 1/8", $25. Mrs. Len Chisholm, Dungannon, 529-7912. -29 7 CU. FT. DEEP FREEZE; 2 cupboards; one summer ,and fall coat; one winter coat, never worn; stereo; coffee table. Phone 395-5916. -29 FRESH GARDEN PEAS for sale. mile east of St. "Helens at Edward Shetlers. -29,30x BLACK CURRANTS for sale, pick your own, 50c a quart. Mrs. Len. Chisholm, Dun- gannon 529-7912. -29 70 • x 12 NORTHLANDER mobile , home, five years old, two bedroom, excellent con- dition. Phone 529-7857. -29,30,31 4. Articles wanted POSTAGE STAMPS - Post Cards; Wrilie Ca-lector, buy - sell. Call 395-3545, R. Pow- ell, R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont- arto-.-NOG ONE WICKER'fernery stand. Phone 528-2119 after 6 p.m. -29x VENDORS FOR. GIANT Flea. Market - Antique Sale. Sept- ember 5 and 6, cost $5 Chamber of Commerce, Box 237, Waterford, Ontario. NOE 1YO. Book Early. 519- 443-8933,519-443-5361. -nx TO RENT OR BORROW, girls or boys centennial out- fits. Phone 528-2914 or 528- 3013. ---29 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1967 i/2 TON CHEV pickup, for parts and tires. Phone 392-6694. -29x 1975 MERCURY, 2 dr., dark brown, immaculate condi- tion, 45,000.miles, new tires, $1500.00 certified. Phone 357-3248. -29,30 1973 SATELLITE SEBRING Plus, 62,000 miles, 318 auto- matic, many new parts. .$900.00 safetied. Phone 524- 7003. -29 1978 FORD PICKUP Standard, 6 cylinder, ex: colient condition, radio, CO, snow tires. Phone S24.6266. ume to Box 3, cio The Lucknovv Sentinel. - - 14. Employment wanted 18-YEAR-OLD girls wishes employment. For. further in- formation phone 528-2713. -28,29 PAINTING interior and ex- terior. Phone 3952821. -29,30 15. Tenders TENDER The Huron County Board of Education will receive plainly marked sealed tenders on the following supplies required ' for our Elementary' and Sec- ondary Schools up to 12 o'clock noon local time, Mon- day, August 11, 1980. Mini-Computers Typewriters Sewing Machines Audio Visual. Equipment Classroom Furniture Office Furniture Drapes Specifications and Tender forms may 'be obtained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert Street, Clinton; Ontario. NOM 1L0 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D, McDonald D.J. Cochrane Chairman. Director. -29ar 11,Fam ammo mown ••••••.•••••••••••• paimmo• =NNW 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available ELECTRIC FENCERS We make and sell any strength you desire. We also repair all makes. Alvin Beer- eman, 345-2306, -23eow SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS' All makes and models, gard- en equipment, outboards, chainsaws and sharpening. Cecil Little, R. R. 3 Wingham (Whitechurch), phone 357- 1963. -2leowtf CABINET MAKING All types & styles. Specializing in early CANADI ANA STYLING. ALPS CREEK WOODWORKING Teeswater 392-6360 -28,29 M•11. OP. 18. Services available GEORGE ikonits CONSTRUCTION I Whitechurch. -3rf BILL THOMSON CARPENTRY Renovations, repairs, odd jobs, cement patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Free estimate call 528-3508 after sic., . . .• • . • •.., • •. POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE • IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- tioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs call, 395 2982. --8tfar JIM MOSS White Washing and 'Disinfecting To Barns and Buildings Of All Types 529-7850, PAPER AND PAINTING. Interior and. Exterior Phone Todd Park 395-5079 • or Joe "Allison 396-7173 -46tf DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395.3466 RIPLEY --15tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers' Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater-39-2=-6-170 --40tfar PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 -2tfar ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement sealing. Jam- es Symes; 528-3233. -18tfar MOBILE SANDBLASTING • Brick Cleaning Phone Wingham 357-3637 -29,30x RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528-3714 -28-31 Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529.1691 AIRIIAMMER BACKHOEING -5tfar 18, Services available RONW1N CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior and jpter- 21. Persanal 28. Engagements mmlo 1.11••• loom '011.1. ,iumn• mgan. RIDDOLLS=WIEFtSMA Mr. and Mrs. Wally Wier- sma, R. # 1, Holyrood, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Riddolls, R. # 3, Listowel announce the forth- coming marriage of their children Helen and Ivan Sim- eon. The wedding will take place August 9, 1980 in the Kinlough Pentecostal Church. Following this the newlyweds will reside at R. # 3, Listowel, Ontario. BEYERSBERGEN-TURNER The forthcoming marriage is, announced of Janice Turner, daughter of Mrs. Helen Turner and the, late Mr. Elmer Turner, R. R. # 1 Varna, to Marius Beyersber- gen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I3eyersbergen, R. R. #2 Lucknow. The wedding to take place on Saturday, July 26, 1980 at 3.00 p.m. in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippers. Open reception to follow. without advertising you could lose your shirt! 1. Articles for sale 1,„ArtIcles for sale SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new CLEARINGAUCTION SAYE Of Household Effects And Antiques will be held for THE ESTATE OF THE LATE FRANK MacLENNAN Part of lot 9, Conc. 14„ Ashfield Township Sale to be held at the Loch- alsh Store on Hwy 86 on SATURDAY, JULY 26 at 10:30 a.m. TERMS CASH Property Sold Articles consigned from Jam- es L. Grant of Ashfield Twp. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392.6170 -29ar 12. Help wanted PART TIME HELP wanted to work in store. Must be able to work Saturdays. Ideal for onovat ons, a itions, cot- for renovations, cedar decks, student. Write giving res- tages. Phone 357-3457, rec.. rooms, etc. For free estimate PHONE 395.5450' -13tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING PREGNANT and need help? AND TRUCKING ' Free positive confidential Sand Gravel support. Birthright. Call 357- Topsoil - Paving 1066 collect or 392-6541 or Robert Symes Contracting 4324197. _40tf Lucknow 5283047 -10tfar BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING Bill Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529.7857 -17tf