HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-15, Page 7THE SIGNAL, Now she is no longer anaemic ARE you worried about your daughter ? Is she growing too fast for her strength ? Is she pale, thin, anaemic ? ' You can build up her blood supply with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They contain the vital, lift -giving nourishment which anaemic blood cries out for. NI do not think that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille have an e qual for budding up the system," entre Mr.. Albert Powers of Parton. Ont I gave them to my eldset girl when she was anaemic, pale and thin and had no appetite- Tisey restored her to health daughter • later when my youngest daughter was run-down atter diphtheria, I again brought them int* us.. Mr daughter wee thin, pale and extremely nervous but the pills soon set her right." Start your daughter ':al this proven treatment now. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla at your druggist's or any dealer in medrine or by mail, SO cants, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a 48 Dr.Wdliatti PINK PILLS • NOetaNOLD MAY[ iN as COUNITwtaa" County and District Mooghens town coolie!' has voted #IlN) to Mayor Fella as an honorarium 144 rwrlpJtlou of services rendertdl to 1114' town hl hi1 eu1acily of mayor. John Roach, a native of. -tu+hlleld township. diel Saturday. .tugtost Sed, at his hollow In Klu•anlIIe t'wialllls. i)ecw.5444 was 114 his sixty-ninth year. Before removing to Kienwrillue town- ship he ens for moony yeah* u maid - 1'1111 of Huron luwm•hlp. )Ir.. Thus. Tolbert. of Crewe. i• 0144' of several 1rclrlug children of the dw eased. and )I n, S. I'hfllite, 14f 114.1GIe11. la a sl.fer. Its(-. Mr. Forster. the lieu. uliuls'er "f Knox ebir.to. Lnudwlorn', and Rorie ehureh. 1(11114 -It. ails 41/1/11.1141 on Friday evening. August 21141. Ile -mese is I(4'. Jana* .\IN•ry.'Itev. tt'rlr, of Itlyth. 4.r.--tded a1 1114 11141414' •lou ,'rvl.w. 1144,1 other ministers tek• ing part In tlw .melee wer4. 1lrv. 1st. It Connor. of Klppen. N'. It. .Up. 4.1 Tnbnru. .1. Seid11., of Ite•h(rare, 141141 •.t. H'hue., of Clinton. Cq nnf.rrlu11tr :1.' Id.•ul ha,gen141 u 41ie farm et Win. Hemingway. Grey 40wme111t,. 1114 Welliw•.lav evening. -\u- Kist 7111. when William 1'4rrne. eldest son of J•Imks I'Irrie. or 111,. slime twl.h- I.'rh,NNl. lou Ids leg 1.•rribly sas14Klw1 I' 111 tow large. �w1(rel of n tractor. t'Irrlr au. 4.4gazed l plowing when the plow rt rnek a kip, 4444,; a( armful! 1 t and IN-•nn44. delaelted\frent the tractor. Ile jir.t got It 1lllehril up again when . he .1144.14 1114 the 1 til' 1, ' +h p lest. 'which toned the meehlnt• lark. 111 the Targe .1 heel tnuxhd the calf of 14 Ir[. tear, 11,1 14111 large portions of 511 and •tlwr mangling It 'sadly. Brophey Bros. TIIE LEADING F1'NEK%I. DIRECTORS AND FNH.►L WERS Ambulance serVKe at all hours. day or eight. Story 121. Ke+.. 217 I:4II)I:R1('1 nnt•ssE1J'i \. Sld4rc Itallantt We. who has Ism' plrtel the 5nutn•r cone.,• at 1Cratrrn 1 nitrr.Ity. 44115 Irwu-en44ag4,) to te•Nrh II. Itl54wwll eout3u11utl„u school next year. )h4. lic'rring'. .1f 113rgere, Mae' sl 'hos.. elder daughter .1f )Ir. and )Ir.. 4,%' 11. •)Iomub•re 4.f Bristow''. 414 George. Frnnkllu Contra. son .1f .Mrs. 1'e:1'e•. :red the 111144 11,.1N•rt of Se•af,rih: took olio; In they ehnp•I of Sttolnn4191 foiled church. Toron- to. on .\ugttsl. all. The .wremony 14x. p•rf.oru.e l Ly Bet'. Ira lioness _\fter- wlrrds Inn••hw01 was error' .11 the Itoy11 York hirer. .\frer is motor trip to New York. \\'a.billgtoi 11114 N11•1111. 1•••1 Mr. and )Ir•. 114141'. will n+lar .0 II+1til.0•k. wIn-rr )1r. lit:tte'a hi N GODERICH, ONT. of Win. Searle. orurrel Motion .401 at the home of Mrs. Kap'u4, where 14111' toad !Bed the last threes years. ,a Thr marriage took lame quietly in toroldo lou .\11441154 3rd of Agues. Mary, duns liter of ME.. McMurelite and the late Jaunts Mellorehie of Clinton. to J4.1111 FI.mh,g Mallon 4s1 Toronto. 5'111 of the late !'Wer and Mrs. Mutton of 4,her tuyh. .A pretty welding tool' place 111 tit. •J„4e•ph's .11111111. 4'141441.11. when Mary' Peel's'. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh. INramr Ihr bride of Juhu W. Sorel. of Fort William. Ater a Trip down the St, 1.awreuer River the happy couple will make their louse at Fort 'William. -, Mary Jackson. elk. of henry Steep. 481s.....1 awtly t IeF dome herr on .W- 101.4 44 h. axed slxt45•lx Year, he'll"' her husband. deceased hairs.. a daugh- ter. Mrs. Harol.-JohusUm, +41141 II 1.4114. Jack. both of W111 141111, Stud:. The last regular ui,,nthh• meeting of the Clinton brunet' of the \\'open'.. 1n; •11(11(4' toll' 1114' form of the annual garden party. It wins held on tow lawn of Mrs. E.I. Snvl11r's rrsldrn•e. 1,1rtnn11- motherw were the guests of to and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. mf Reatorth, hrrx''If a proud grandmother. presided over an Women Why Suffer Periodic Pain? Thursday, .tu[u-'t 15 14241 -T NIP TOMATOES port. ordered to be forwarded to the 4,o- I TO HASTEN RIPENIXO t+Pr. 'for his examivatiou anti 1e- i Mort. TIN• engineer's report On the Ih•yell- Sornw Illut, for the 1411. Sulalarer Ianwut Thounison drain wits read and hardenovlsion4Uc adopted. • When Mt11kel tomatoes hone Kole to; On motion of Kerr and Th.tuipu04. the top of the support. they 7111m1.1le j Ja•. F. Young waA a,yrdutel'1'olll fur nipped Irl under rt: rneolr:Ixe them l for the current year, at his former to .form feuds and to rI..',i 4111' fruh'igolnry of #7.i. The -telling id the township rate war hila over 4414 the September meeting. For a prrtuilnu of f14N). 1.:1)31.1.; L: thirty days. Ihr..,nnel' entered int,. 411 agreement with the 4'nu:.II i. 4:rueral IIs*1rane.i'41.. (he Company ,i.5uming all liability for our y;,:ir for any .11111 :ge. or Injuries aeer1111ig 011 the town- ship roads during this period. The following ae,..44111• Isere paid: The' )lunl.4 i1 \\'.rid. *toadies. #ti47lt: .1. M. Campbell. 'Nome's! o44 1114, Ilar- 1•i , drain. 5014 Ir,ih :1' 1'. i 1. #1 F.. I'h•k:lnl, hal I 11w gravel. 111144: The Signal. advertis- ing. S3.410:.I," Se•Fings. lir. ,114vert•. 1t1:nt.24 It. .\rules. pa) Iu.'n of hoard .1.411, t17: W. A. Hoyle. sltpplfes for 4ru'•k. •23.7: 'rho.. 4111•••1. .hw•p de.- tru1e,1 by dogs. •#1.: .\let. Mowbray. lohillx and balling gravel. $114.4(1: 11. Chimney. Knitting. It;l:.:.s; 1.. 11. Bosnian. tile. 14414): 11. It,p'h:41 ion. hard- ware. :3 ,ours .1. E I'ur•Ion. hard- wur4'. *4.(414; .I. A. Grd.lr•. hardware. A111.41; J. .1. young. repair.. II4U:i: J. Siew tort. rrislir.. ys; .1. M. 1ltupds•1:. pay went on the Ilarri-tit ,Irwin. it1t2.144 Geo. ('nodi••. pMltrntmai. ><31:541: Carter. patrolman. *2.1.1144: S. .Mrltur-', ley.. patrolman. *711 c Ilnlh11.3ti. Patrolman. 1421 ; J. 1'lu.wut. palrolmam. 1171.2:.: 4. It. \'lunr44t. lutrnlnla4.-2It5:1.•1- 414: %V. )1'1:111. l.Ilrolul:u.. *31.1: . 4;ilhwplr, superiiteulemt, 7G91. 4',iiiii l.udJo'r11.r1 to nowt: :14414111 011 Tuesday. September •r 1441 h. .l: 1'1.1ItTl:It l'I 1:1.1', th•rk. • • "1 am letter posted lou I::rope.:ln sir- loins by reading thy new+psp•rn ib .lmerle:l III:111 lo' gohiK; to I:nro4a•."-. . 48(to. 11 Kahn. NILENE will rollers per;,,Uc pain, already NO. Where the plant. 11,14 not headaches, backaches, ...aka", been staked they .honttl Ie operas' loll nausea, sleeplessness, trritabulty, to the -sun b4 renlovhlg 'n ts.rliuu lot and many other ailments from which the .retne and :Mont a ,planer of 111P tow women are entire!) fru.. A won- 1: ,tee. The same prue,lpte 141:1) lie ap- dortul reconstructive Norte Tonto. lai.rl to other vier fruit., .11.11 11•.1.11• NILENE can be obtained lu either 471111111N•rs. n44•luna, pluu,,llu, mid liquid or tablet form at il.on per s,Inu sh. ahi'h 14111 w.•1' fruit upon' bottle or box. qul'•kly If tow -4.54.1, of the 1,114111 .414.141.1 NILENE LAIORAT ORIEL, LIMITED are nipprl•off :11,1111. time. It 111:0)' 126 Willlagtea SL :,:-o Ile earth while to remove` ii few 2 :euros i. 41114 e.l•e \\'hui4 the ,'lour, TORONTO T O ONT CANADA A D Ire to ripen. they should he w,tc144r1 -Hold by - U:Irefully ,o :lake sure that they are CANPBELI:(tei(R Fi UKIIS' •tultl: 11„rnrfug' 4.4 rlil). If Ute we1lher H. v ut'N1.111'should turn ort. gpol plan 414 'rnit lurel dial• ;I •hlugl4, ..r thin pir,•r of 1••,114•.1 H. UREHtdAdiY Iltaylk•Id► "oder the liu•lou ,11111 to nlni the fruit n 11111,' elVry elny t.i proviso rrstting :Ind t.. illrMire even ripening. .tmerlean Imports of ,•1'':1'r 4111ri11g, Harwertink O,4io0194 that l,erlo,I liner delllnr,I ;i,.,^rotiuuue- As th,• ,noon trop- wilt and turn '7 ly aM1,f44M1 Ib+. Ins'. thrr glve• dgt.. ,•f ennlnrlty. 1\' Anerlan eproduetlou •.'sitterloer h:.. the we•ii1N•r i, hot atid_dry they 1114 I1ne1. It stood at 2.•1'.'"''01a4 11... la piffled lip 1111.4 1:43,4 o1 IIS• an. In 141425. and 41roplest : •1'i; 4MM1.114, row., A 4111- o4 4en rtltrr, they 14i 9:7. Cheese ti 4111' `I.1, .4i-.. .1r..1. 4endv for storing. i44 *Lally pin ed 1011': 1•1 11:11111.1. cont. 1f pIIs(Ide, ,oft root dry. t • :.c.:', 1 i advisable Ie Meanwhile the IM.oilati.,t •a 1l. 1-4424.it• increased 14. ould 1141 In will 1u. tli:,t 114 •.ertNlnly p to t well INe- attendnne*. of sixty-five members. el gran Yore :tering. Ihrnwiat; •1 1111 .oft :old The opening ode arul e..mmunity sing- If the pegallatiem In. refs,' and im dlw'Isr•d w{ti-•inN.ils. ,411 putting Iles... biz were fulluw'rd Lr a 4141154 interest- ports tell. white pralu.•ti••:, derailed,. wino thlek a ltiiyke and t .. chat ore lot Ing paper on -Grandmother- by Mrs. whet was happening to )lir ;■•r ca pit^ �nti11•I) .hrirell4.d , i1, 1 { t1.- by Kirk. 'Trials nod Troubles ,,f. a :tore 454nauuplu1 of burner': (it4r.'lMr. for ,.ori) nu.. Tlu•.r will 4'Irrk," was the .n1,jr'•t of u lt41umn)1ts; it was declining. - r:111 keep as long nor as well as the paper 111• Mrs. (ilei. of Sea forth. and I Consula3,tlell ens (alio:; '' f •I4.-'1t4w orhom s ore) triers 11. T'o•re• Mrs. M. T. Corless rend mane humor- tariffs force.' 1 1 were man 4114011g: clotted fromthe 1441Ti-rf4Wer men 111 work liro•hh'u,, butter. HatrtMing dale Flewert Were varied e•.iulle1141o15 eIeltwl keen 1 tow hour market wall t.•ft,: killed -- There Are ...Mur flower. that Her- Inn•n.r. '1'111' ,rxmful walking "WWI"' 1*rn4h44tlo44 wan l*'img •tifl.,1 ny 1.N,n1 lute b1 th4 .4.:4...14 :ala (1\1..11, for Kr,uldmollwr' only. ells won ('•a4rlunpaluu of bnt►er is going •mp '\lnllilei e.1:1;1141 Weill h. 144411111• a .,serer In. Mrs A. J2212n,02411. 4411111' the KIT, Ill ('N1x'11. It Is ISy .t.. Irr ,a pll:, Ir.st to bring o11 III. 1.604,41. Ttov •s - for the longest stride ',)1 lion wax' higher limn it was. In 1'' mo: la one of the.,• •ffo•u.h•r.. sour• \warded to )11•, .\rn011 Vernier. Mr.. ('unmu"INium per eapll,, 14, lie 1.4424- tyles of this 1.1a14 blooming mulch lat- t\'..\1.ludsny .evured Ihr prize for ell State. 1.11w4hling. If ha. 1':1111.11 oft 4,r thin others. T.. linrry Mem 441.14444. 1.rlll the uldwl grim/hooker present.' torr • 444111111 ler eni.e 4 -r ; nal alp the main .14rm 1.11,1. Islam? .it in- na41'Vila. McNell. or., o•,•ltpfed • 4'innllan4 14111,41mi..• s I: of bolt rhes. and if they are well-d••velop•,I the Iu••f. elns4r. Ilerrrshnw11ls were ter per rnldt'. :.\uwrle•n,v 1; 1 11... per , plants nip hark soon.. ..f 4he AAM!, .rrvel 1,, (111• . 4.4.4143 cemmftt.• Ion- ''g'i'lt". Bigh, Pelee% •: I•,,'o'r prove •ho.t.. :I• (w.e•:1. Thi, pal •ti.; a ill 11, der rhr .s.11 -rewrshlia of 1\1rs. I:. Ward. forted the poorer people of, t4..• I'uitwl ttn11y .4x11 111e•. pints 1.1....11.11m in a The. a41maal 1 Ilk Is h, IM• hada at my- Stater1 le adopt .1111.4 1 4 a'e. '1'11.• tariff 4'"k or ten .1.1'.-..\ 4344le pruning 1s,1, 411'1.! lou Atm' 2'n41. prevents them from 4)1,,4,,1 1,i44.'4', s•, of other rtlk•gr1.wMI: animal pLn0- • _ _ , _ - they 4.1' eleomarglrlur N'':: h i. the 4111) 11 1..1 l■• aar:.nlee lit order to Ir, TARIFF$ AND THE n' , wi.r '•..nw• 1-rbn.fig •' .a. Ila. l,. .14111144111 and h-,- ,'i fioa,•rf"g . needs of ,tlw 1..•..ple 4 r 11.3 for 1 litadiwlua DAIRY BUSINESS . particulnr ' 114•x' The I,efterl $t:,f•,"•,lInI 1144:fila 11144,' SUMMER COMPLAINTS both .trFnrll 1lryrl41,i :situ: 4\, helm. KILL LITTLE ONES try. The Tufted Slat4w Ila. adopted, the ,elan 4.f a high profeetIve total - I4111,IIy exploiter) ley sopeopleoue people MI \r the fin') -IK,, . during.during.pretend to 441 10m 4r 111ding 411111 hl It, the hot weather 44141' • Waif ' Itle' .1IN Canada lilt ndopt"at 11 very 451.'11-. illy'. hell 1':Ihleta 414 •.w 110111•••• Hest. 1 114.r44e• Weir 1110! )1 re. Weir are able tariff on butter. partly Iwennse I4•• my IN•y„1141 ala. TI•• -• 1 'lets will .peo....ng a momfh at their ,Ilunmrr 1615 eoo1?r ea4uot .t:41,d high tariffs prey 1t rummer 1'11111 • if given rootage at Lake of Rai.. )luekokil. _Dart!) 11.4. 1......11.44 herr the '•uusum- .o•ra..443411)• f,. the wed .:Ind will 1 ler.: •\Yil•.m rwruth lost fewer Ir Pr •nr•eivrs ..'low .•nridrratluli. promptly rellev4. these if tier •ernchlg hl. ,otatn rrowlf4. There are different w:1).4 of m4nsur- 4,u MO. 'Mealy. l. •.. , TrWrl- ,.1'u 'i 1. 1114 pr'g•s. re - It could 111• nr'.l.nn-I by .bunid alwit,'s be kept ., .•r) b,,u11- ..r•r4ate of Irad and )eft the peekase.tle amount .1f 11441444'}• mild) in the where there A e• young ?'if ,-.•u. Thorn 'war the tell,; while !w weal tar Lndlwvs. by Die total value 4.1 pristine- Is no other n rine . • :.•••,1 awl 11e anter. In hl. 11111+•44(; the ealrPs ln11h'i tion. I. tk•• 4ulIme of raw nrlterinl 44lothrr tins the tar -1.•••• t1,•14 tlwy' the• pat -knee through (.1w bons. and ate eawlmeel or by tlw number of nen are at.eelntrly s:lf . '1!.. are odd 3.7 nuRMlPwt of the potato to rause doth. i .....0„20,..4.' all 4Intn[Y5s...r wit g saatiee1 on re. It) 12..1. Ihw.lWun. '•al4vs in it 3Ms•u11ar roller. 11e 11511 .\t the home lot tlw bride's mother. ParryMound. U1. sodding took 1'7e' +' the numeriot 11n1ry t'owa hes •'e"di17 !toothless. There 1114'. of '+)11151.. *nrlti \\'1111111tH alw444'- ,• Co. 1Ir.'l.'ji'l4.. -�_ .toi.137 of Lama In^..144n011t "1,• 1 Mrs. 111.1.1e111.0141; lit tow United Stales- the (rat. ‘row and tow htr J.hn Argue, to tor, number has de.•I11rd with nlnl411' (5411.11' is $ 1.:l• perfume,' by Iter. It.1bt. Itrydou'' lion• front vwor to year. The Bowes'OOL FAIR DAT n 4'auadN. over 11 period of year.. a;ipt of pric :•211e i••1' s. br The III J. R. Wheeler All Funeral Direplor and Embalmer • call, promptly attended to day or night PI11)NE1 Store 3:45 Itestdence 33.1w 1lamlltum Street, (:'dlerich SHI NGLES1 A car o1 Roofing andR'o'k Fhoe,il:inglce just nrri',' 4 5x and 3x B. C. Shingles .,, I .n1' I.4.''"IM•(..r.• )���i boy Robt. Standish Fast St. 1'hnnt;:N4t4 1 i' Mlr tic h Transportation Service Long Distance Short D,rtance Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully Bandied Efficient Operator. Chargee rea- sonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. R. Mc)lath, *1011'31': Clinton C('n- tral. - Oliver Pocock, Operator, 4110r42, Clinton Central.• The forerunnerof colds and grippe. Heat and inhale Min- erd's and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive. e Ark.. E. Toll. of Ith Ili. Thr ,T•renwaly lir. and Mrs. Ton blye liner been , - - Melding some. time at Tnr.1utn. where 111.11' .hY•11 hid lr111P tlw trend: i p The Cow Population Fn •,a'L1, nese '•t 1:4,+ Of ti r the Iwu•tnr lot. been 4akin44 n (wog- lo'M aahtol Mir• r 4. held In Ih:' • flitted Shur. 1'amnd•1 _radu,ltet.t.,nrr In .Mntfwry. ro1 It 4!(114 year 1114;, .L21i'2,IMM1 2016.,46y i 1919 .. :X1.47:...mit 111 3.: ol8 ' ' 11r23 .. . '�'.:V1.4MM1 331.....:741;41.,41:7175331.....:741;41.,41:7175 Rev. W. 1'. Will )Ir-. !wrier are al- 1ltp11 .. ... -42.1!.4.111 1 :19.4.at.� b•n1111 a rPllglo11 te141i41dy at Lake lir- ..,,.....1�1".IMM1 7,�INa x hr_'r :S1.N..INM1 14.7!1'2.:1 Zt'RIt'H 4I, o ?nngna. N.Y. i'hriralan Stade. ,1 wrll•kuown r,'sl• \Ye• boy,' forty ps-r cent. more r .epi. 11th- 14••:4,, Sept. 12th-7.ur: '.:. Sept. lath -t:: Rend. Sept. ltkli--e' •rn,' township. Sept. lith-'.\ tie! 1 townghlp. Sept. 1sth-+1 Ihr:ens. Sept. 111411-W4 'te:er. dent of i5shwol'(I, passel away An-- than we hn1 I1, II11.i; the .\mrrji•nnn Sept. 241111-H•„4 •k township. gust :1111 In his seventy-fifth year. have threw per vent. more. Alt' 'hove Sept. Pard-F.',e4. after a Ion. Illness. Deemosed wits horn 27",tNM, more cows 1111rn we I d tete-- Sept. 2141 -)t.•::'Mie. • at Preston sod canoe to the IMIPhwINNd yen 1's am.; tow Auwrh•atw 1111 l.:dal,• cert. lith-G'•'rri'•h towtl/11 4 ip. district sorer fifty years ego. Ile Is IMMI fewer than they had then. Sept. 27th-i7c'h. -.united by Ills sift.. twit 54)115. W11- 1.1 the las? three years mar Imports Oct.3ll---4'I','.•n rural. Ilam. of i14w4iw.NNI. and Itlodulp h. of of butter fiery gone up 1);.I101.44411) Itos. net. 4411--•(" • ' 01 !OWL ' %nrleh. and two daughters. Mrs. J. This 1111111444• haw taken phew stone 14)2:4. • EI(It of New 11nn•burg, a1141 51re. tier-' - lila n EMI. of Ingersoll. )Ir. Stade 1.n° :itt' for of the '1114. Township %int11411 4'ire In•1lrnln; 1' patty for over twenty year.. The demi of John Ihr•hler, of Blake. -,tarred Angled Lhld, at the :It, of seventy-four yenrs. Ihr;:Nosl 4411• 11 lifrinrrg ..r'.id,nt of the nomunudly. basing been Zorn In Hay township. Hr haves a widow. three sons and three' 1111111ghter.. demo. Itw•liter. of %nrl.h. Is n brother. PAKTEN X.. floner. wit\, 114.'- i461r pets.'. tion -of the dahlia. ha, collie l0 4111- ' „e • -e 1';t 'l. 4 111 enrol %r:lt, .,- od6.In.. Tb.• r••:nori i.. lo ions 4., . n.• oho ha.: _roan it. T141-14i,g i.. nu. -t any .5.11 or .irl11ft6oi. 11 r:114 4.,• lie•: Immo b.?heuer.freely every )e'ir No'floawr- are brIt..1 for rutting. If the '-p1ke• I, removed Obeli !lie (fr.! 111•.5 ori .44.1• nI Ir 4v ill keep for a der•;, in the lions, I4 is IM••1 10 oho, the INge4p•t in 0411 .1144111 for at, hour or two .•a,'l, .boy t.. bring 4114.1 the .'odor, , rind nn hill or nit .hnal.t le 'I..move'd off the NNat..m of the stems at the -imp Fare. 1iiiii t• five water ail fh . For It- 111b11ion ta1r,N,se•s. :I tided 4• 14.4:1114' 11111 .1'1 14.r the floner bads before eat -1 ting to retard develo3 1144.14., s., that 1111 rho bulk. ail) op.•I5:4' nearly as p.v.- ••Ible al the 041 1111' tittle. Mark tipolw ea Sewn luthracno-4••I• a r,•rr .115 ' P:Iw 11 41141 11 44 Trans. 4.'4u. 4,11 daunt •••a•n11. TIII• 11111141'• • In black •1511• o1 th'• tiro: add to 4he quell!) nor mice of 1111• y,g1't.i1.lr. 4 klep rowel• 11411111 the (Menu. weather. 4.r whet. -Ow .le•a ,. 011 ,111.111. bra-toing pt••t the plant. :t this. time will',sprea.J the ftmgI-.-Removal .*'.the ntfe•iel nods 1.him -fir-t unbend, w-111 help eh.,k the s•pr••ad. The 111'. P11.041111.1. .111111114 le derdr'.re.l. . during 1. I,.„'. I• -elf and do... the 1pp■•,r roe .1401111 'Whiz wet. TO SH!P COUNCIL 1:.1$ W%N•.1N1ti1i. • Connell net .1 .\ago -o loth. still' all the menders I •send. )lint'..:...? Inst uur•Ung were re. 1 ,111,1 :jq,r41ve.!. Jans. 4'nn tilllg I've meted a pelt (ion fur a mond -141.1, 'In: 1 144 1,'? 41. (•.neawsbgl 1.. .% ropy of 4 Ihi.n etas a• 7AMBUK is the best remedy known for sunburn, heat rashes, eczema, sore feet, stings and blisters. A skin food! s , .4il V Ii awl Samos -10:. Fresh Bread Baked Daily That's what you get when ordering your bread from us. It contains the purest ingredients known to bakers. Bay a loaf to -day and taste the difference E. U. CLEVELAND . P11014e 11.4 West St. Cr►�u►�u►x N�nownt TORONTO August 23 to September 7, 1929 ARRANGE your vacation for the last week in August and the first week in September. Come ,to Toronto and take part in the spectacular Empire Year celebra' 1341"WiA G r SLOWS= ugornoc tion ot the Canadian National ' Exhibition. Enjoy a distinctly it6 Wngk, Mr°ratho" S..m is lap° 11.nb-Fndey. Aur 11. different, never • to - be • forgotten f tremen). and WednuJ°y, holiday combining education and Aug 2R. ('•pen) for 450.44)4) and worldIhamp,endlIP I recreation at the world's lar�}est annual exhibition --a diversified I nsp'r'^g dad'. .,,acerb by the Goldman and ether famous 14 -day program of agriculture, in- band,. \ dustry, science, music, art,. sport, Faro cnncerti b, the 2A00- pagcantry, entertainment a vivid, uni,e i:ihibdion CA°re-=A.f rful expression ot Canadian, 24 "".f M, Septemker 3 and - Empire1'r andinternationalprogress 51'rpe^dau,.mili's'� •^d ""i and p?oapenty. grand stand spectacle Dritennia's MwMr•• Re' ' ed ►aiboad, steamship'$125.000 Arricuhur°I Pri)i a airways rates. List. Perfect highway Ampk accommodation. Trolling anJ Paring Races and **.ono Phonies. AS BRADS! 14' International sport program on Pre,.dent lard and rater fea(uring Can- ada s oldest Ira.+ .w.l au.l •'.t board m.lmb„"t ranee. Rees. Walter J M. rentor of Trlrltt' - %temerin) 'harsh. hnb twee• iilipolnted rentor of the p•Irish .1f I(I,1.e•nwn nn,1 Ilbtthenle. tow eltnngo to take effect the middle of September. The Federal IA•pmrn114n1 of I'uldic Works Is 1•:iIling for tenders for the ere shot\ of 11 1o.141fflt•P Imlldlmg for Iaeter. TIw soh: known ns l'wle'ral Park. -woos 34ln•lu"erl h) the r,4lrerl• Mont at )11' Willie /101111114' P.1 err. 1'4411.4.A ,ra ago.. Walker. Exeter. nn- agemwnt 4.f her da1tg11- sotl. to Harvey A. rites. irt. ites- Irt. IL.\.''. New Toronto. :wail of 11r. 111.1 Mr.. Female!: Stew's:. of Stapley township. the marriage to take .In.e "t 1 I v, Angled 3154. ,W(11111111 A. Davis, to former r,'.Id,nt of later. 416.1 n 'ilatullto, .\ngn."t 211d. In tole Pitt)'-seven(1) celr. lA•- nenwrl lived 114 11'inlrhnm anti after - arils In NIB •hell and London before moving t.1 Ilnmll'on. The remains were brought to Exeter for Internment. ae41 1111lon4 1111,.e w110 ntten'!•'.l the inner:ll on Sunday. .1nau.t 4411. was Mrs. Thos. •Terry. of 'le,ndon, a sister of the 411•149"e1. )Ire. Terry was taken f'I n, the grnvesl41r and pissed away the snore Pr4gllat. Mr...Terry, who wan born in Eseter. had livveil.-for twenty-five i(:1M an Linton. Ilr•r hos- hand H president *111 manager of the Ienu14144 Alr Tnuteporl 1'0. Tbe inn• ernl of Mrs.. Terry took p1nr4 4,4 114.11• '1,141 111 Ttos.lny, lite IRh. Ennpdoyees of the fotrtorles of 1'an• :tell,,, Canner. at Exeter and Forest had to joint itl-nle.at Grand Bend on. Friday Inst. Aland 230 person-. were I present. The lt•'rtieoltttrnl Sollety w11) hold n floor? -how on .\Hann? 284'1 and 24(11. (1.INT11Y The death of sire. sear*. widow H. W. • Crne TENS Manager National /bresaf1 Shoo and Cartural o/ ih. Clouda. ISKIT.tIN'S NEW TIIhI:.\T FOR MI'EF:111'1).►T IItINII! ,\114n-e,Is the "world's fastest speedboat.- wh1 h %1.4"5 M. 11`1'nrettlr', the will -kunst, Itrill•h tnol..r 1014\ 1'a' or, has heel 1,11111 at I.1w,n, I -lo of Wight. at! .1 fi nth which' s/he hopes to bring hn• 1 to England the linIl1sh International Motor limit Truitt», which is n' 1'r"4'sent held by floe United State.. TM. dont', ,dp.wn below pa Pallet)-Fiete•IM I\'.," and 4. of 3.44414) hop .1)".9P 111 MI1e 1'nrrtalrs, centre. with J. Barrio, left, and Captain Campbell Marshall. right, who will pilot 41'o new Moat. 'a ' Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Eric on your Trip East or- West, or to and from Canada VYIlf?HfR mveline by Mal or 11.1'11, entor en all night's rideon hesunful late! ne. (.48 Line mtemo,.are maytn.x.mak-wine hotelc,wuhLusecow- Gamble wIQne'ma, excellent :Imam room serv4e amt cnurreou. ettendasu. 1.4..•c end Dentine on the 'rest ship "rrFANDPEE" Aumien, tree a day (:AR Luse way. Avoid miles and auks of congested rradwn. Male and Ckveland Diviaies R St ky. CRR., as Goebel Div. Cacti 1..v. r• ry nu nt. I.., r e u 900 Dailranv4e, Messina Port $nnl,T.4 1 p. m . an • ,ng m • • I • r / p. m. arnv,n` Ievdand v 1) p m hl,. I ,4 n, Nuvrmbrr :.' n jure )ugh 404. Scptemixr 44.8. Cegmarnon. .4 •levoI.M for CM., 1'481, pet-I.•aa►, Detroit, pointe .Net and eoeth.wt 44.50 one tray - Pt'FFAi.n to f2FVF?.AND - $11.30 rd. trip IWtr' /.°u') Auro. t srried 16 S0 and u 1414111 ll14.00nnewar-PT. m (iSTANLEY tni I. and ND-$1.00ed.ttip p relator &gab ea (61 Triangle liar THE CT.FVPT.AND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY FOR Stanley, (•nada Buenos New York Inn,nnnmunllllllllllllllllllllllllllRttn,i : s� .'1451111111111111)111i11111111111141mu.n.,.,l I