HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-16, Page 7e f
4,0 •ten too 04. Notei k ,a.re 'N311
"How can you sit in your ivory further 12 per' cent decline in faim
tower and. tell me that farmers are. income this year for the same
,su eriug bEtitl y- ortrfriondlot—reaSoti ,as last- year. --costs---are
Mine jtist a week ago. , soaring, especially energy. And the
"My sister is married to a bog final price for`his product is going to
be less. prices have droPP-4
frem about 53 cents average , last
year to 48' cents this year, That's a
drastic drop for him. It means he'll
have 'to do a lot of figuring and
:ma* pork, Arnold Rivott and Isabel Adams assisted in identgying this pictire taken
Shout1937.; The children were students of Millie Whitlow( at Si. S,,:#8, AS111300. Front
leftiare Donna [Hodges] Alton; Beb'Mole, Ken Brown and Outbid Culbert. Back, 'left; ,
are. Margaret [Black] StSnleyfLewis
Arnold Isabel [Erringtnill Adams;;
Jean , [Eriringtoto]. Henderson,' amt George Harrio4
This, picture taken in 1941 or 1942 has been Identified by Isabel AtiSins and Arnold Rivett.
Bilk, left, are Donnie Glenn, Elaine [Petrie] Meluk, Anne [Hamilton] Ditchfield; Mildred
[Quaid] Montgomery; Betty [Black] Doherty; Joan [Rivett] Boel; and Wilmer' Errhigton,
Front, left, are Carleton Sauget, Merle Quaid, Reg Anderson and Fred Anderson. Mrs.
Adams mentions in her letter that all of these children are still living. She believes they were
in either grade two or three when the picture was taken.
fanner and he took in $150,000 last
year. He sure isn't suffering with an,
income like that!"
not, an accountant. In fact,
Mathematics always leaves me
confused. I cannot add a column of cutting and scrimping and saving if
figures without,an adding Machine, I only to keep his losses as low'as last
get a different answer four times in year.
Where will he cut? .Well, he'll
lower his standard of living.
He'll try to,chop three or four
thousand dollars from his family
present economic situation in expenses. lie will not get his
Canada. It took only a few minutes already-dilapidated truck repaired.
for a dumbbell like me to see the He will not get a holiday, but he
facts when I asited a neighhour, a hasn't had one for three years
hog farmer, how an income of anyway. He will not buy any new
$150,000 a year leaves him in a bind. equipment unless he has a major
"Look, my friend," he said. "This breakdown.
farm and these buildings and this He many others. And that is
land is worth about $400,000 total. why MAssey-Ferguson has had to
Those are my only assets. lay off so many people.
"When we bought this farm we He'll haVe a long talk with, his
had about $50,000. We haVe paid banker and ask , for a deferred
more than $100,000 off. In other payment but his interest rates will
words, we still have liabilities increase and he'll pay the bank more
around $300,000. My net worth is money in interest alone -- in fact,
about $100,000. - more than twice as much -- as he
"You gOt that? Assets are $400,000, pays himself.
Liabilities are $300,000. Total cash And he's lucky. He has enough
income last year was $150,000, But I equity, in his operation to do it. Pity
can show you figUres to prove that it the poor farmer whose net worth is
cost Me $105,000 last year just to . much less than $T00,000, the young ,
keep this place going. My interest guy who started on a shoestring and
payments alone were $35,000+: I is in hock to his ears. The bankS will
Managed to pay only $20,000 on the not -- they cannot -- extend -more
principal.. It cost the around $15,000 ' credit. The equity iS reduCed so low
to keep My family fed and clothed.' that the risk istoo great.
"Total it up, Man. It comes to And that's why some farmers are
$175,000. That's what it cost me to going broke. In fact, too many are
keep going last year. I made only going broke. Just check the auction
' $150,000. I lost $25,000." sale listings in the pages of your
Why? favorite newspaper. They tell a sad
Because input costs -- that $105,000 story , of broken dreams while the
-- were too high. He paid more for rest of the nation sits back and lets it
r ti 11 r s , h e r bi ci d e s-, happen in a world where food
replacements, interest. He received shortages will be, chronic in the next
less for the final product than in the decade.
four . previous years, so' he is in a We should be doing everything--
financial bind• possible to keep people who can
What can he do? He knows that all grow food on the land where 'they
the guessperts in Ottawa, Toronto 'belong and right where they want to
and the universities are predicting a be.
four attempts if I do. not have a
machine. '
But I can readily Understand how
farmers are suffering from the
Letter wants oTd school pictures .identified
Dungannon correspondent has done an
excellent job of identifying two of 'the
Dungannon school pictures printed and
we have published them this week with
their identification. One of these is the depth and Lock 8 is just a guard lock for
picture referred to in the Lake Erie entrance to the head of the
letter. lakes.
Please remember me to my school
friends in and around Lucknow, Lorne
Reid, Buster (Russell) Whitby, (two Rus-
sells in the one class made it difficult) and
Roy Havens, also Catherine Mowbray
who was mentioned in last week's
edition. (June 24 issue).
The article about the Wingham Hospit-
al was interesting. The same applies to
our hospital here in Port Colborne.
Regards to all. Hope to see you in the
near future;
navigation season for 1981. The lock itself
is 1,380 feet long. From Lake Erie to Lake
Ontario is a drop of 327 feet. The locks
from Lock 1 to Lock 7 have a 46 1/2 foot
To the Editor:
I have been reading the Sentinel since I
could read and look forward to receiving
it. Although it's one week late arriving
here in London, the post office here-says
it's an internal problem.
On. May 28 the issue had a picture of a
school class (teacher Norma Thompson),
but no caption, no names, and I would
'very much like to see a reprint with
Donald Thompson, former editor is a
nephew and maybe could help with the
It's great ,to see pictures but when so
many appear with no names, I feel it's a
remiss on your part, as names mean so
much to the individual, or us away from
the old town.
. Thank you in advance.
Mrs. Arabell (Cameron)Bushell,
Apt. 817 -160 Cherryhill
London, Ontario.
Editor's Note:
The Sentinel does not make a' habit of
printing pictures without identification.
'Since the identificatien of these pictures
was unknown, we published them under
the caption, "Who and when?" in an
attempt to learn if any of our readers
recognized the people in them. Out
To the Editor:
Enclosed please find $12 to cover my
subscriptionlor the Sentinel which I look
forward to receiving every week. Hope
this finds you and yours are well.
I left LucknOw in .1942 where . I had
received my public school education,
being born and raised there, namely the
Lyons property Which was mentioned in a
recent issue. However, loved ones gone,
the estate had to be settled, with Bill
Lyons having the reserved bid.
After leaving Lucknow, I worked in the
Winghatn Foundry and Lloyds Doors,
coming to Port Colborne in 1944. I am
presently employed by the St. Lawrence
Seaway which has been in operation 26 1/2
years:" The Jack Knife Bridge—which '
spans No. 3 highway east to Buffalo and
west to Detroit also the bridge and Lock
#8 Port Colborne, are automated.
They are presently 'cbustikucting a new
Jack Knife Bridge at the south end of the
lock to be completed for the spring
Russell Armstrong,
31 Third Ave.,
Port Colborne, Ont.
L3K 5P2
To the Editor:
"Mir Fun, Fellowship, Partici?ation
and Recreation...Come to Sportsfest '80
Sportsfest is being held in the host
community of Goderich on August 15th,
16th, and 17th, 1980. It consists of 18
Recreational event tournaments, through
which we encourage fun, good sports-
manship, participation, low-key compe-
tition, and to promote on going intercom-
munity competitions in the future for
these developmental 'sports.
Sportsfest '80 is sponsored and organ-
ized by the Lake Huron Zone Recreation
Association-. (L.H.Z.R.A.)
The events offered 'are for all ages.
They include: - Archery, Ball, Hockey,
Cycling, Euchre, Pun Run, Girls Softball,
Gymnastics, Horseshoe Pitching, Karate,
Men's .Slo-Pitch, Shuffleboard,. Soccer,
Swimming, T-Ball, Table Tennis, Tennis,
Women's Softball, and Women's Slo-
The registration deadline date for these
events if July 25th, 1980.
If you are_interested in more informi-
don or in participating in Sportsfest '80 in
Goderich, contact your local Recreation
Director or Recreation Committee.
Tim McLean,- Sportsfest Co-ordinator,
can also be contacted by writing to 166
MacDonald Street, Goderich, Ontario
N7A 3N5 or by calling 524-2127,,
Hope to see you participating in
Sportsfest '80.
Let's make it the greatest yet!!!
Sincerely yours,
Tom McLean,
Sportsfest '80 Co-ordinator.
Mrs, Bushell's