HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 211. Articles for sale 2. Moblle Homes 3. Articles for rest 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board' 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted [general] 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17...Anction Sales " 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In Memoriam 31. Cards of thanks 32. Coming events CLASSIRCATIONS ...the start of a happy ending DEADLINE Classified Ads 5 P.M. MONDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 5 p.m. Monday for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED-11c per word, minimum $2.25 4 • 11,.. ermr 0... .... ............ ..... ....... .nrie.is . +4,.. ••••• ....I. ..... 32; Coming events' , 32; Coming:events. . ---„,---;.., ----,:,.... P.14. 0.1.4.... 1..4 g4414. ..414.ir. Of* ..... ' /4401.004,4 ten,.... •milf .444 }MM. 4M4.414r4. BLILIEGRAkas SVIANIMI nem . mother,. griandmother, and. :Tbe. LucknOw Agricultural WATERFORD great grandmother, ' Vera Society Will hold their annual Blue Grass Waterford July summer dance .011Satuvlay, 18,19A Camping:; Ten name Evelyn, .who, ' passed away Juiv. 12 iti the t ucknow , - hands": • ' Good . BrOs, four years age, July 13,1976, 4 . , StOneitains, Station Road, To us you Were someone Community Centre. Dancing ' McLain Family, ' •:Clinch special • . . from 9:3,0 to 1.43() to Walter • Maittain Clan,' Write Blue God must have theught so Ostanek:110,00 per c01,1131e, :Grass; Box 2000, ,Waterford, too, . lunch included. AU proceeds Ontario. NOE ' 1YO. 519-493- N ofhillg-enn-147-40-10tire-for newjeriee at-ball-park. 9311.... _ beautiful:', ' Tickets available from any 77 ACRES in Kinloss Or Fleautifully restored stone 5280119 Yards house, barn x 60'. For Tuesday or Thursday by one,third down owner Will 8:30 a,tn. for proinpt service • take; hack a first mortgage ". AsKBAL Fog for 1)atanee at a very low . REQUIREIVIENTS OF rate '').1 interest' ONE : ACRE lot on Hwy. 86 west. of Luck:low, Asking. a .. d ay . we will :. .always,.. Unit invites you to attend the NOW -,.AVAIL AB L ,E coin- STAVE SILOS ' ' CARP:FRONT:COTTAGE at Child Health' Clinies heild at . mercial bred gilts ,.. from . • Oxygen touting silos with . Point - al! , rills is a super remember and forthe lovely ' gifts, ',flowers' and visits at the 'Health Unit Wien, . Li qu i d . .4mile ;winterized • 'and out ,' standing. in everY waY,. e*tra, clean herd. Phone bottom utiloader: wingh.am ;Hospital op, ) FoUr Seasons-0°414.y Farms • manure tanks: Phone Francis our cpen house; especially:. Wednesday Jul 16; .1080 days 52.9-7704,7 after. 6 n.m. .Boyl 395 5088 3tf our family Who. hosted the ;529-7982 o.r 529-7.697.7-27,28 . . 28 ACRES:' in ,Holmesvilfe . . party.-Sincerely,:Art and f r 0n1'9:3° -14; t-39 a'r/L '::ir ''' 1. • ' LYNN LOWRY ; control: (tan' - good'bouse am AO aern ia. •Scr6eiting ' " -.3.: HAY BALED in Stook. Phone We would like to thank our. Fluoride.-28 ------;•- . 3940 ACRES of standing relatives and friends f9r the: _: . • • Many gifts and good wiShes CASH BINGO" alfalfa and trefoil hay for we received et th time, of' St. ' JosephP's ;Church, sale. Phone 528-2323.-28i29x our Wedding, Thanks to all Htngsbridge, Teesclay, July wait 'Ensilmixers. DeGroote -28x'. if nee'essai.y. Phone Spike Confinement systems. , early registration for Sep- • WARDELL Thursday, Jul:y.10, 9-12 a.m. We wish to sincerely thank and 1-3 p.m. Children, must D. Livestock all the folks who 'assisted. us • - be between ages of 2 and '5 at the time. of the logs of our years. For informatidn eall loved one; ,the William 395.5246.-2g Wardell. Thanks -also to - those vvho • sent flowers, cards, made phone calls,.Saturday, Silly 12, 9 eat. to ale two to five weeks. Bob food, gave ,donations of Community Centre, 2% Ontario, 345-2317.-28,29,30 -21tfar RED ANGUS BULLS farm Agricultural Listowel, Home and.tbe UCW Ladies of tested or Guelph tested, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Lunch and Pine River Church for Large selection. Free deny- tickets available at the providing the lunch after the 40 dell..---28 will hold a potluck supper BRED,.GILTS - York x with their annual meeting on Landrace with closed herd Wednesday, July 16, at conditions. Original herd Brookside School. Supper at 7 p m. Bring a potluck constantly being ROP tested . supper to share with your by Quality Swine. Breeder neighbours.-28,29 boars also available. Lau- rence Van yen Heuvel, 524. 4350. ---40tfar Free parking, Meals for sale. COALDALE, ALBERTA FARM SUPPLY Crafts, home Made baking Co aldale, Alberta and s Vince Austin 2 and fresh produce for-sale. surrounding - -district will R. R.# 3, Godetich Many demonstrations. celebrate HOMECOMING PhOne519.7240 Sponsored by • Ludknow 1980 August 1,4, All former -16tfar Agricultural Society. SeboY residents invited. Contact ----, Sidewalk Sale both days.-27,30,31ar • Mary Stewart,-28i Health Surveillance 2. • JACKS ON I mthunization 4, Edburt Bushe11395-5212.-,48 FARM SYSTEM'S LTD. :1 • That the memories we have director, ' Bill's Place'. or TRACTOR PULL . Or groups of 5 or More phgne 528-2184. -26-8ar- Ckass "A" cau-Arn Tractor o of You. On Thursdays God saw you getting weary,' . • - Pull,Saturdayd• $ d He, did what He thought best,, He put His arms around you And .whiapered, "Come and rest." -Lovingly remembered and . sadly missed by her farnily.-28 31. Cards of thanks STEWART We would like to thank A., For sale • golden• wedding;anniversary The Huron County Health everyone who' made made our CHILD HEALTH CLINIC - . • .-- $7,91/0, •' who attended our reception 15 at 8 p.m:, Jackpot $75.00 in B. Custoin ers, • Cenvey- eed. Cattle ' Rep. L. W., Hutton at.L. - the 'Hepworth 50 calls. .; Sponsored by CUSTO Feeders, Singe. Chain Con_ Real Estate Lid. Legiet..-Sincerely, Glenda, Hingsbridge" Area Seniors. M COMBINING, with and Greg Jacksot.7-28 , Admission $1;,00':,--:28 - veyors Barn Cleaners,Os-Broker,Kincardine; Rotary'Gleager, 4 wheel ' ERR1NGTON lovitig Irt %Wry' of a dear COMMUNITY SHOWER RelativeS arid friends are invited to attend a miscellaneous shower for Margaret • Montgomery io the basement Of the"LuCknO" .011111.111111111111111111111101.. United ChurCh, on Tuesday, • • :July 15 at 8 p.pn.:-.27,/8 Attention farmer; '• July 19 and 20 in ;Lucknow, purse 9f $10,900 sponsored by Great 'Lakes. Tractor, Pullers.-28,29 work Form setiticoo !N.-4 ipcorow SHIPPER' , LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom well-. maintained licate in good residential 'area. New levy asking price, fOr quick 'sale 100 ACRES. Beigrave area, 60 workable, balance bush and pasture, brick house: barn 40' x 66'. Reduced asking price-481,000;r • ,REPLACE1VIENT CATTLE. -39tfar TO ONITED COOPERATIVES OFONTARIO 'LIVESTOCK D TORONTO, Ship your livestock with TAY/J011 ...R..R.4.50AxicstoW ..'On Tuesdays PHONE 395-5286 BUTLER Ring, Drive .Silo. Unloaders, Big. Jim Silo loaders, Volume Belt Feed- 4 ACRE treed lot hi tneknow area, 3 bcdreoin hoUse needs renovating, small shed, 24' X CALL 48 ; From Lucknow StodItYards ''''T .1 :Y• nn /tufter• 5/8,3530 Home, TOwq KING PRESSED . AmberlOy' MEL MATHER'S.. • Wingham 'Phene 357-3208 area, 2 spring-fed lakes Witl • NEUFELD. w o uld lik e :to t h n k Howick Lions Bingo will be eVerYone for cards, flowers held "on Fr'id'ay, J1:115/ Ilth at arid gifts While I was in 8:00 ;p m': in Wroxeter Wiagharn Hospital. SpeCial Community Hall. Admission thanks to the Doctors and $1.00, 12. Regular games for n ur s e s . Gin r a $10.00;; 2 Share. the Wealth; Neufeld.-7-28X one $25.00 Special; . Jackpot.: • $159.00 on 57 calls.; Purple DeoRooTE,. Ball $100.00; Door .& Con- We would like to say thank solation Prizes--25ar you to Mr. and Mrs. Chuck I?.ecker fbr having the going WINGHAM away party for us; to all our co-OP: friends who attended, for our NURSERY . gifts 41--lif the yummy . Wingharn Co-operative WANTED': A-USed stooker terns. . ca e.- rian an Brad and stook loader; Will repair • B ,ist L - Complete 'Hog Nursery School is holding LURRY;StINt*ER - -Litral-d- _AMY ICKI.IONS' BINGO Wheat, mixed grain, beans -ind- corn. -Reasonable rates. Contact Robert Enter- son, R. R. # 3, Ripley, 395,5115. tember, 19110-arth-e's"chool On Bakke-r-r5•284426'"28ar • CUSTOM-SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing 529-7988 21t1 -; - C. 1A/anted Systems. ASTON - Ventilation.Sys - FABMATIC - Blender Ham,' mere; Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Bletder Mills for Ground Hi-Moisture orit, Augers, Leg• Elevitors. ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps, WESTEEL 7kOscp Grain'Bins - 1350 t6 250,000 Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan-Jet Ventilation helped at the hoUse, brought 12 noon, at purple Grove" Robinson, .i.e, Walton, money, donations of Gideon miles north and /1/2 miles FARM Bibles and to the ones'who east of Ripley. Sponsored by SI MMEN 'I' A L SALE gaVe to the children's Purple Grove W.I.-28 Western Fair Grounds education fund and to all. London, Ontario, 50 head thoge who -called at the BUCK AND DOE selling on July 16,7 p in -28 funeral home, Special thanks For. 3aniceStariley andGary to Rev. "Putman, MacKenzie' and McCreath Funeral Richardson, July 12 at the, ' SEVERAL age 'Hampshire, Yorkshire, Hamp York YARD & BAKE SALE bred "Ramp *XI 21cIrr6acc eb., ogalirtss,• Manure Spraders. CLAY - Parts and Servicefok,_ Clay Equipment. AFRO'-FLUSH - Liquid Man- ure Pumps, Aerators, Sepal': ators. .,. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING - ALMOST - service. YOur kiridneis *ill door.- cry, sensible prices. Gra- 28 , `h'am's Red Angus, R. R. 3, long be, remern- ANNUAL MEETING Marys, NOM 2V0 (519- bered.-.-Leslie, Dorothy and The West Wawanosh • 284-1233 or 1467). -26-30 Henry Wardelh Loretta, Federation of Agriculture . Tuna and Vincent War- , 32 Corning Events CRAFT .P_ESTIVAL. Lucknow's, tenth annual craft festival at Lbcknow Arena op Friday, August 1., 1980: 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 1980. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Free draws every hour. Admission 50c, Children under 12 free (if ac- companied by an adttlt). OPEN HOUSE An open house will be held on Saturday, July 12 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Reeves of Ripley, commencing at 1 p.m:This is to honour the recent wedding of their daughter, Santee to Mark Burgess of Blenheim. Come help us celebrate,-28 E. Farm services Farmers get your alterna- tors, disc blades, cultivator points, plough points, dog food. Agent for O.F.M.A. , KINGSBRIDGE Homecoming, Box 404, HOW DOES YOUR SUB.. Coaldale, Alberta, TOK 3CRIFTION LABEL READ? REALTY WORLD Reulty 395-5952 BUY,. IN; JULY - clee Augtist-,--and-haVe-the7kids in school. by September, 4. 'bedroOni home • in LUcknow,. Large attached garage, and front porcli.;, Asking $4 .5,000.00.. Call Chris Holloway evenings 395-3448, M-20... • • :SMALL TOWN SPECIAL -. bedroem. bungalow available in Dungannon. Full basement 'and stone fireplace, in the Rem Room. I 0 1 2,. percent 0,ortgage% just waiting 'Tor' you.. Call i)on Mc- Canty 524 ,8100 or 524422.6 evenings. LOT. AVA4.4BLE in. Whited-till ch. Shady trees' at back at' pi'operty: Asking. $7,006,00., Call Chris 11611.oway'evonings 395 ,3448, W-4 ' NEWLYWED SPECIAL in Point' Clark. bedrooni, year..rotind lion,: e.'Great starter Close to the beach' with..'a shady private lot: phone Chi is 401,10W09' d uceri,ings 395-3448. .R.796:. .f N .5:s P POJZTU NITY • kir who. ‘N:aat to. be . I heir ..owe boss; Enttip- .. eat and stock included,. C:i.! Holloway. evenings. 305 :1448 PONT CLAIRK oFFICE.HOURS'. '• OPEN 7 DAYS A %I N't . • • 395,595? .SKELN.N.IIEORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO , A large stock of monuinentS at fair prices Available for evening appointments i.