HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 20•••• USED . RECONDITIONED appliances; one' 30" electric range, one.Speed Queen spin washei. Phone Greer TV 4 Electric S2831.12.--28tfar USED RECONDITIONED Electrohome 26'.' color •• TV, , $350,00. Phone Greer TV & Electric 528-3112,,-28tfar ALI:PINE nanny goat and billy; one - Palomino Mare, good saddle Phone 395-5654,-28,29 , FORK LIFT 1968 A.C..gaS, 21' mast, side shift, running condition. Call Claude 1-648- 2722 days, 1-884-6854 evenings.-28 MASSEY. FERGUSON .6500, fork .lift,, 1200 hours, diesel,' 21' roller mast, side shift, lights, good condition., Call Claude 1-648,2722 days pr 1- 884-6854 evenings X28 GIRL'S summer clothes, sizes 12, 18 and .24 months. Like new. ''Phone 528- 2737.-28,29 SUPER 8 movie camera and movie light, good condition: Phone 529-7209.-28x USED SCM typewriter, in good Working condition. Sepoy Station-ery and Printing, Lueknow, Phone 528-2919.-27ar NEW TEXAS InstrumentS desk model calculator, print out only, no-tape, reg: price $75.00. Special $50.00 pins tax. 1 only. Sepoy Stationery and Printing. 528f2919.--27ar HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER From Greer T.V. &•Electric LucknoW. Phone • 528, 3112.-27tfar SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come corn- lete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing pump, motor and filter, Regular price $2400, now. $1498. Call Im- perial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970. —23-30arx BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Mailable BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 —40tfar SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, sup tort gar- meets, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. See Bieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241'. —8tfar OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See" Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —Star 4. Articles wanted .1,M0 1•1•111, 10i1.115 dad dm. add POiSTAGE STAMPS - Post CardS, for the coileetor, buy- sell. Call 395-8545. R. Powell, R.R;2, • Holyrood, Ontari?,, N00.200,--28-35ar 9. ACCoMmodation to- rent -..; SPACIOUS TI-IREE bedroom apartment ,,electric heat, car- pet 'throughout,• fridge and stove. Phone 528-3932. Av- ailable July .1. --24tf ONE BEDROOM aparfnient, heated, fridge and stove; goOd parking. Phone 528- 2113. ,.-22tf SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment. Phone '528-2174, if no answer 528-314. -7-170 THREE BEDROOM houSe in Amberley. For further infor-: mation call 395-5305. -t43tfar 10, Wanted to rent ' WANTED TO RENT: Land in Lucknow area suitable for planting fall wheat. Write to Box T, c-o Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow.-28,29 WANTING TO RENT: 300 acres of well drained land, no more than 8 miles from Kinless. Phone 395-5842.-28. '31 12. Help wanted APPLICATIONS for Registered Nurses will be accepted by .Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Luck now. Phone Mrs. Dymer or David Newbold 528-2820 for interview ap- pointrnent.,--27,28ar WANTED: Supermarket Managers & Assistants. Grocery, Meat, Bakery Departments. Required for supermarkets in Central Alberta Parkland locations. Challenging well paying positions. Excellent benefits. Write„ CAREERS, Box 429, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. TOM 1TO. 403-845- 2110for applications. TWO EXPERIENCED parts persons for progressive Ford Dealership inWhitehorse, Yukon, prefer 3-4 years experience. Call collect 403- 667-7866. Floyd or Harry. la. Help. wanted . HURON 0194T- OD. OF..EDIJCATION ruquires TYPIST/ RECEPTIONIST; To begin eMpleiment Aug. 11/80. The' „sec, cessfal applicant bo responsible for the operation of PBX- Switchboard and act as receptionist at the'cen- tral office in addition ' :this job' requires a high degree of typing skills. Salary and' Working con- ditions are in'accordan- ce with collec- tive agreement, Star fing salary '4.95 per hour. Apply .,in writing ,prior to July 14/1980 to: y,s Mr, P. Greels Personnel-Relations, Admin. •- 103 Albert St, Clinton- NOM 'RONALD McDONALD ci-iAlRMAN 'et:KARAM! 3IRECTOR . JIM-MOSS Vi./hlteWashing and Disinfecting.:. ' To Earns and 13uildingS. Of All :Types • 529,766B Interior and Exterior Phene To Park 395.5079 Or Joe Allison 396-7173 - —46tf ;.PAPER.AND PAINTING DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna • Installation - 395-3466 RIPLEY --15tfar • AUCTIONEER SERVICE • Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater_ Licensed Auctioneers”' Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 • Teeswater 392=5170 --40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand - Gravel. Topsoil::--Paving Robert. Symes Contracting Lucknow 528.3047 --10tfar BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING BIB Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529.7857 --17tf *ma, 0••••.•••• PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 —2tfar ROOF TARRING, driveWay 'and basenient sealing. Jam- es Symes, 528.3233. —18tfar • arredd. dea adel ond did lad 20. Public notices 21; Persons- PREGNANT --------- PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357: 1066 collect or 392-6541' or • 432-7197. —40tf 22; Lost and, found , FOUND: One. man's 10 speed bike,, -owner muse identify. 52 -7338.-28 • FOUND: A dirt bike. Owner. may:have by identifying and paying -for ad.- Call 529- 7432.-728-30 28.. Engagenientsi :S ACH -GOLL AN Brad :Sach and Gail Gollan are ..pleased 'to at-matinee th eir forthcoming marriage cti July 26, 1080 in Trinity ' Lutheran , Chtirch, Ayton. Brad is the son of Mr. 'and. Mrs.'llruceSach and Gail is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 'Grant Gollati.-:-.211 RICHARDSON,STANLEY ' Mr. and Mrs. gay'Stanley, Kinloss, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their, daughter; -Janice--Mae' - to Gary Layerne Richar- dson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Coulter, TiVerton.The terneurrytedding Nyitrtak-e- place at Kinloss United Church, on. Saturday, August 9,1980.-28x ELLIOTT-MciNlifitE Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre, Denfield, Ontario, are' pleaSed to, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Karen Marie to Wayne Harold Elliott, son of Mr, and MrS. Harold Elliott, Ripley, Ontario. The marrlage will take place at Carlisle United Church, Friday evening, August A', 1980 at7.:90 o'cloCk.-28x VANNUS-LAIDLAW- Mr. and Mrs., Elroy Laidlaw wish to -announce the -for- thcoming marriage of their daughter, Jane Blanche to Tom Vannus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Vannus, Win- nipeg,' Manitoba: The wedding will take place Atigust 2, 1980, at 3:30 p.m. in Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Whitechureh, Ontario.-428 • USE WANT ADS wad oda dal oda dd. ad ...NNW 4•111110 20. Publio notices ddend .....r da. dal ALLAN K. OVERGAARDC 1 • • is pleased to announce the commencement of his practice -00-CHIROPRACTIC— - at' 197 Josephine Street VIOngharn OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT` PHONE 357=1224' 4111M1,11111,11114, roloossiowwWwommionotoivow.wormormiwomewmilbow • ELECTRICAL APPLIA NCES Local Company needs pecIple with car to work in our customer service and develop- rnent program. • Highest bonus and incentive program in the industry. Call: 524-2456 interview ado 14, Employment . Wanted 18-YEAR-OLD girl wishes employment. For further — information phone 528- 2713.28,29 15. 'Tenders TENDERS TenderS will be received by the undersigned._ until 4 p.m. July 24, 1980 for ex- terior renovations to' St. Edmunds Public Scheol, • Tobermory, including new prefinished siding and other related trades. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be obtained by telephoning or writing the undersigned. The Bruce County Board of Education Box 190., Chesley Telephone: 363.2014 Attn: Mel Wedow, Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance —2 0 tar 18. Services available CABINETMAKING All types & styles. Specializing in early CANADIANA STYLING. ALPS CREEK WOODWORKING Teeswater 392-6380 28,29 RADIATOR' REPAIR SERVICE Phone Art Gilmore 528-3714 2841 18. Services available RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, 'exterior andinter- ior renovations, cedar decks, rec. 'roOms, etc. for free -estimate PHONE 395.5450 „ ,7-- 13tfar BARN PAINTING Brand name paints Quality Workmanship Airless Spray Equipment For free estimate Call Collect Ray Stewart, Kitchener 1.893-4781 —26-29x Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn • Phone 529-7691 AIRHAM.MER BACKBOEING • --Saar CUSTOM BULLDOZING Reasonable Rates J. A. CULBERT R. R. # I, Dungannon Phone 529.7469 —25-28 • PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 2 LviclOnoly Sentinel,' 041sdny, July 9; 1980 (70.)11. THROU.Coli THE CLASSIFIES ig S ad. •ffo# unr. lom,Nr.1.141*Frr. yr.4. 1. Articles for 'sale r 12. 14elp wanted • • • RENT *POOL Applicants, must be willing to to shift work if required and. able to provide.rnedjcal cerificate and proof •a satistaotory chest x-ray or tuberculin test.• Apply on or before. july 22; 1988 using application form which can benbtained' at the • school or- by* writing or telephoning the employer below, The Bruce County Board of Edueation Box 190, Chesleyf ,Ontarin ' Attn: MeLF. Wedow Tel: 363-2014 7-280 IMMEDIATE Opening lor RepOrter Photographer - for • Weekly newspaper, general reporting and interest _in sports.- Phone Jean Baker- ' Pearce 705-435-6228 tor ppointment. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR requires bilingual Sales Rep,.for Hawkesbury Area,,with -experience and knowledge in Electrical Industry and. Preducts. Write: Box 160-, - "`A"' Vankleek H11, Ontario, KOB WO. Replies in strictest cenfidence. Articles ter Sale .URINE-ERASE saves Carpets!. Guarantees -rerno.yal dog-,—cats7hunians Urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure; Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, LOndon, Ontario, and fencing, on a rental 'basis vvith option to buy. I Your, choiCe of Style. Try before, you .;buy!' Call Imperial. Polls toll free,-14300";268-5970.' '--23-30arx TOP SO1L, Lloyd Whytock. Phone 528-2006. —17tf WALKERTON DISTRICT Switnining pool Manufactut- ••SECONDARY SCHgOL er wilt-lease and install new -,1-Fill1,--Thne Custodian 080 family-size pool corn- 401teurs per week .\.• plete with walkway, sun deck Duties to coramence . Sep- teinher 1,1880' , TWO. BEDROOM apartment • available immediately., Phone 528-2625. '-22tf THREE BEDROOM house to rent, two miles from Point Clark. For particularsybone 395-5066.-28,29x ONE AND'TWO bedroom apartments in Teeswater and Ripley, Call Glennhaven Apartments 528-3234.---28tfar • ...... — --r — ,-.... ,-,- -.--,--,—,— —.—,-----,... - GEORGE LUBBERS - THE ' F .E. - MADILL CONSTRUCTION • SecoodarY School office will -Renovations, additions, cot- be 'closed, during the period rages. Phone 357.3457: July 14, to August 11 in- elusive. Appointments for Whitechurch. —3tf timetables will be arranged, during the week August 25 to • . sir,VrnOmsoN 29.-28' ' CARPENTRY Renovations, repairS, odd HALL RENTAL • jobs, cement patios, curbs,. EFFECTIVE July 1, 1980 sidewalks, etc. Free estimate ehyone wishing to rbnt the call' 528-3508 after. six. • Lucknow Legion Hall please _.4..... ", phone secretary, Jeff Taylor ?QUACK MUSIC CENTRE ' -ie. Services available O. Public notices IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock- Manning PianoS,,' Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- firmed pianos for, sale;., used pianos wanted." For piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. -Stfar Va. '58-3910:—.27,?8fir