HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-15, Page 54.1,t„ .. sees •.
Templeton Razmah Capsules
Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules for Rheumatism
'Sciatica and kindred troubles
For sale by
11IFICI .' I. -I:IIVICE SI'_11.I1IN F1.I: •
Don't, Hein*. and Essex, General Meters Astoiobiles and Tracks
Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialise on Brace Service
I.,11 call 111%11, Tali. 1r1.1.Y•tt•nt %Own they are repane•.1 I.p n -
Automobile Supply, Electrical P rt. for AU Makes of Auto. in Stock
t1'l a -T.• NI11••iu- 8 1 can bring a cur ee can't n•I.air-!=•'
---- FOR
the famous Fleury Plows, De Laval Cream Separators.
Frost Fencing and Gates
Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Muir's
Windmills and Cement Mixers.
Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines.
Hamilton ! treet Goderich, Ontario
Just A Reminder-''
our old and new patrons that Brophey Bros..'
the old reliable Furniture Dealers, have always
in stock for your inspection the finest assort-
ment of
Bed Springs and ventilated
Spring Mattresses
Marshall, Fishman, Simmons and
Brantford Mattresses
They are the finest that may be seen in all the larger
cities. An inspection will convince you.
Furniture sold ---either from catalogue or a personal
visit to any factory showroom, at rockbottom prices.
Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers '7
West Street - Goderich
Monday Night
August 19th
(Direct from Hamilton Pier)
Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
- Thursday. August 1:.. 1'✓t.1.-i
ma her re.y is improving in health af•1 p�
ter her tl., operation.
Nl•w- Florence and Sudir SuW•
uteri reniriet to Siratford ou Sitar• '�
tiny after -1.rudlug tlu•tr %a4atiop with
tit: 11'. !t. Elliott.aol.
l►r. 811.1 Mr.. I,eNI- teturtWil t., T.. -
E O. S T E W A R T
uu )1uu11ay uftrr %t. tiny with i.-!.(rkI--1
• Ill. awl Airs. N. W. 1\'„••d•..'INk were
a.4owl.ulied . he Ali+ .Iran 11'00.1 St. Ts ephoae los Goderich
N le. urn %I -it In '1'••n.ut •
H4-1 It. 11 F. 1 4ireln.•1 e,1' .....,L..,,,,„,,,,.,„.THE u l(if
lyra.• 1,. 11'8 •I,iugtou, I'a , 1i 111
.! the .. handl fu '1'rl,itc Owl, I C H• , Niv- t, .\.1.F GOD E RNIr: LorAli-. .1 Lor l:',Mlr-
alw..u. ofr.,the
liva_.• on Sun.1ay anti Nero y;i4.t. of
NI, .,r.d \Ir- E. .\. Featherston. lin.
the:r return flet weir 3.-....1n14.40%,4l ! r A
1.1 NI „+. Lord. e,4 %%w anal K.•n11eth.1 .�
wII.. Ic11r hewn ti -iliac her brother.
.1 ,..r., tiny .er%ie4 .Na. 114.1.1 1:t.tI 'a
$111.11:0 04,411114,111 51..\uelr, *'. I'iittwl j
Public funeral Df unclaimed budiee Wit '.• '.•linr.il It wit. ht .hire of Ire.. and I *COAL UP"
trout ltropliec Bro..' funeral home. Mrs Fred .I. Kellar. wi•- .•.:u alio* 'row
\flier•. \.,rill .\rri.•.,. 1114.. FORA YEAR'S
__ are work-
--- ing dere tinder ulo- .Ie!h.-.1i-t I:i.I.4'u-
1:;_ill .n, .1.11'''''I.': :trier•-1.•u.Iihi n Ic1l i'11ur.•h elf the 1111'1,1 SI IN.. Mr.:
Funeral Establishment :. ,11 I1 1o•a-i-.-r. NII.,.• J. Stir- Kell:u told tn:nn, intrr4-ting aorlr:!
Brophey Bros.' 11.E •'4*iit- YII'llg lin %1 ;Irk :1III••IIg`( 1111' Nlo,+- i
Ur and NU., 11. K.-Ki11g and Ila.- 1.•111- •.f North .Afri.a Nin.,. Kellar
' \•1N..,.1 -;.•rat •i,r Neek-4-tid w'It11,y"d,rr.'4 r1,ii.tle1i1.•..f tie wo•al.m
Nr King'• ;..14.40-. mi. and Nies. ,.,844.1 the 1%ouderfanl email.11i1tiei k% 'dill
Recollectioas of the Great Lakes Disaster of November, 1913 1'31'104. ;lyse'r ref 11111 t.. Snrula they sane• h. theca thr.D,;:ll the 1'1111.1:w
(1[rprhnted troth Canadian Funeral Servici fur Ju : 1
t n
I. u:.tad Ik•lore, rued• -:r1. •.A,l.r1-1.1 11:Kl1.y the f•.rnier'.. , f 11tH.
... tlutu•nl11 rr4
in his page Nrpnseut some poll thou When It wa,
'tures of Brq.hey Bros.' funeral %votab- .,nae etc." lees
lshmeut at t:,.l,•irh. Ont.F..l..eiallc Thr t..1y was sent , ,:. aAll
ltnafug I. wee
• the picture showing the funeral and burial r.• 1,..:.!
in thatw.r•k
funeral of the victims of the Luke eify two days later, f•':.:.,,._ a ia!, „le -f it.,
Huron disaster in Neve et.. 1'913 ...
. lie• view of the remelt::: 'le mntl's
Thin tea. pr.rbably the most trying of home. everybody ru It _ y' •`;. never ',I
lr_ F' 1..114; .ink Airs. E. ii*srnu•r
all eases handled by flit. Broplwy Ione saw a case where the r•.a...w looked •"1's
NI r+• A1.•lunn•. ..f I'itrt Manley.
ileis ill tlarir 6xlfsrunlry of .tt.trn*c.' more natural."Mr. Ht ,d.•> prizrs a ti -'ted their father. Re%. \11ll. Itiudr.
Thr 1 tIw •Haran dl.0+lir u.lurrel letter hr recel%e.l from fri.•u•t- of :1..1 fri.•u•l. 111 the %HLage on 1Vedue..
ou Nuct.at4•r :x, '!ala. wbri altar Inky 1111. wan 1l. which l • .••D alm'''s .lay In.r.
work is highly pra[a•i' Nlis. NI:16 1\'11.1 iirrived bons# •.n
,Arrirr- 44'8111 down with all 14141111-4 ill The Hruvllry brolhe�• .I.•.•I.h and ITf•1:1, t.. .I. 11.1 her ra4:td•an with her
Lake •IhtrDu, following a fors cif 011 W11118111.hal"e la en car>:',_ .en •a frau• ::::::
her. Nlre A Wild.
�n'.iiI seceritc, w111li wept tit Great real laxness ill t:ak•,:!. .'..•e Isar_',, r-. 11'. .I. SI in -.l.1 a4.I M14• .Ui.e
I aI - for aw%$raI .lacy. \rat nue whet• t14e firm Brol. ••. lir••-. •-:tu•' rrn,Irfr •u. Nl•nulac to crit h, r
uwrhaer .ur%'h'wl fr.sn may Df the into exlaemr, sy;°•.a; ;: heir _liter. Mr-. .1.. Furter. at North
I.aat a lust• father'.., furniture bu+i. ••..' , I,i• h irei it".
Rrq.hl•y Itrdhees h..kwl after been &r+tablishcrl in l'..1.1 ie..- Nlr. L4.•Ii,- I:Iliott ulotore,l to/In-trot.
twenty-seven bodies that were w•ashwd
when he la•utel In slur •....,, '1'141• old „n Snndnl. mut hi, n•nint hr war. :n -
whore, .eery oar of w1114.11 ila,l 1111 n gentleman. Joint ltro;da•7. diel ..n .,,xil,•,i,i..l by Iri- .inter, Nti•. Leda i -:I-
' life preserver. Mill n pill"" funeral Ninroh 31. 1:►lid. age." ri:h y this•. lion. and little It•''emr> .Iiller. Dr
w•a, held from the ItrDlihrc IS7us.' fun- :after +Illy -eight prat•', r.••i.lei, -,, In Alt. I'I,aie11-., ii II" w-111 .-I.•nd, her
era" 11,1nie on ND•;runlwr 17. for flee' 4;..trri4h. Ili bud Inc•.:,,,,.rl.•.rfal in ,a•..t11.11 :lith her u4nher. •
un,laltp,st L.dirs, whi,h had been land the G..I4rl-h artilier •'11,ie early Nlr. :1141 NIIr. It. W. Bristol. ..f
awaiting identifi.aUlou. They wire day. awl was vent wii• .Dries n' 1\'a-hf11gt•n:. Ir•'.. '31.1114.1'x1* Snuday
111.',.1 lu Go.lrrl4h ,1nu.•t4.r.4. Thorold during tree I'••ua a IL. 1.1'in .{.•:nl :, tn•.L111 in Nik. Ni. E. ear -
r ti,,, ,th4r t..lfr, wet'1' t...IC. cotta_.. .
Ir,l:uel. Mr. and Niru John .41.9,2. Nir. and
:: -hal. %l r• Ilot44 >letrtt :111.1 -ell. :nel .4)1-
Ili- wife. NIteri,•. ..f I'inL.err. ,, wen••tli.• gne-t-
1r_1r ec• '.f 11-% :11,1 Nlr-. It. NI. 11111, .ne sun -
•lira -et- -:a' 1•l.k,r* . Nei, Itrv, Mr. Gale' -
•a -hurt 1 lir-t a liar,+•.
• 1'. Pixie.. ..f Ih•tr,dt. -neat the
-44.1 with hl. 1%i'.• at the houu•
•r Isu'rut., NIr. and Nile. W. J. NI. -
u• 1411.
of the
ata1 sh111.41 to vitriol'. parts' John Itrol.h4-, ova, I•
't ihP 4uu11tn', anti all nf,tlrtu Were i
t"418"ead.tltn.'d. While •wafting 41rutlf1- ,""ll
.1 trod 414 w4 w c4o " w1 18 y• .:;
,trioti ..r bnrita► the Brophey estate also -of Irish birth. ha.l al
Ii.htrrnt e:1 lees'. wt' with •taflers eni4r. 'rhon
and hn11dredo of )N•rwnus clewed the {n 1
tle•.r1iin Nlouetre,al. ba.gaU..r, .Yid
remain- daring the interval. tines mood Tl. Boder. h. &;> :.•r.• they \N'.• are gla.l., •:•.e•._•rr tint! Nli-•,.\:-
Three weeks after the burial of the
ninuhnime.l dew*. a telegram seas re- resided. until their de•, h. - '.-ably .et
.1•1 1,4•41 one ,I:0 by .1..... Brophey. ask- rico I.1%, "1" four 1114.' ..-*`_•s'''oil fe
i4g that one of the 1..di,•.. be lift..1 1:1.lerieb. - 't
fr.•ni the grnye and shipped t.. Canton, Jahn Itr•q.l,y wn4
II ., LEERLTRN. ITh..- Ma41)nnal.! '.,.•..h. w...., r.
leent vi.itot, w•i' 91 • 1i-1 .:reg.,
Sidle Burn-.\ngit<. .. .. Mr. end 41
LI:EItURN. .\ug. 11. - - N11 -s holt. *,, , ra}
Boron:. of Niagara Faller. was the _ _ --
fittest of her aunt. Air. 19. took. It nil i BAYFIELD
other relatin'.'- 18n1 week.
Mr. ;do Mrs. Sutherland and three) -
4hi"tren...f )k•troit. are -wending their 11.\YI'Iia.p..1..--1:114,e:-.11,!:
holiday. with Air. -1 lid Nfr-. ,e• Took. Ilitz 11..!.•1:.1., 1,ba '" •n. fort-'.111'e-
Mliss Flora Horton. of Toronto. ar- Mr. nor Mrs. , i4- :I. [tune:, p..
rived home Saunrday' night to .pend Roger'. Alar. '' 11'•1 Bin- , o 1 NI;
her holiday4 with her Iptrent•' and Ileleu lire,...: ,; 3 }}l an :;n, : NI
other relatives. . and Nlr-. .1. 1'
Mr-. Ie Fltrlmtri'k and two *laugh-, E. G:av:n. .9 1 `i ism', .1.n.e 99,,,
- Atilth. London
',r-. frena' i,are vkslting het1 lir. alnd 1Mil*-.. 11 Ii"nd4-rwn.. Pr:a,.'
'molter.'molter.Nit. Arch. iTnrtnn. lord: Nlr :nal NI. - .l. E. M,. lar :111 '.
IV), E1 i d:•,tglit.r. NNalk. • it. W. L.s.ut'.I
sena. 1'wit• P.en.I 1% n. deffrev. SIra•
ford: Nit' and NI . 1 19. Q", rrF11 ;Ind
11 �IIITEI'lIl'Rell. .Uig. 12. - Mrs. son. Tor.•,*o: NI \ .rth4.. :111.1 liar
-1'eter Robin -o11 and Florence and )fes, tc. 11,-I, * f114 11•
:iioI71tr-' 11r. and
field. NIh•h.
Ing 41 III 11„11'?_•
Inomo in Toro'',
▪ their ya 4nti..,,
-:Ir1•ut-. Air. an.I
:,•rink. •
the life prewr',i' had 1ielped by 11-11.:4'. um) ...ut, of '!..'yr. i••-: r,..
Identify the L.ly net oar from the .14-1.,4: of the 4xw'u at..• exi-ting
-reamer •'t':t•rntlwM." Thi. 1..4 N114 mounrl*111s to his h311.1ix•':,. Later
Again on view In the itrophey' par• he w'(I1 into furn(tu, '11 I: ng and
lore awl seen 1.v oyer a hundred repair work.
people. This. was "..even weeks after Thr present ..•tali . ::`,••• .•f Br..
the dire -ter. bet rine 1..ly was firth ',hey Bros. 1. modern 14 :i.-to-.l.tte.
and presentable became. of ,arefu( as also i. the e1[iiptu. • . 114 11111,,*
embalming. L1 fact. Mr. Brophey .414,4 twang.. t.1.•. A ...a .. ntubnlau•e
st41014, the body wad "In Letter ehape .e•rviee is also part of buslnrss.
Aug. 10 to 17
Clearing Sale of Summer
50 Pair Women's White Canvas Pumps,and Oxfords,
with low and high heels. Clearing at 45c Pr,
20 Pr. Women's White Canvas Strap Pumps with cov-
ered Cuban heels - _ . Reg. $3.75, for $2.95
Any Pair of Women's White Kid Straps and Pumps
reg. $5.50, for $3.45
:'5 Pr. 11'otnen's White Canvas Strap Pump, ,Tearing at
Sac 1'r. -
30 Pr Misses' and Children's Whin. Canvas Strap Pumps clear-
ing n( 45c i'r.
Men's and Women's Golf (Oxfords.
Min's White Canvas Bowling Oxfords, reg. $3.50, for !12.35
Many other broken lines to clear at greatly reduced prices
reg. $13.('1, clearing at
Phone 43'
The Square 4; .'Iericl
Ther. Hobhtwm spe''t Tltnraxlay with 5, 111 er- au.; !
Ni rs. Wm. Beecroft.
Snndav vi -hors with Mr. and Mrs. Nit.. 1111.* Nil• .1
John F,t l.,'ner were Mr. and Mrs.,, In-,r,tttru••d 1.:
Calvert Faleouer and son and Mr. Sunday. 11:0i.._
Fo•eter Nltnn.hill, of ('mlrot.., and Mr. with the 1 •r11 •
and N1rs. Cordon Jamieson and chit- Nlr-. tie..' Kin '
dren. of ['Remount.
and 1''
wuulay ylsitoro with Nlr. and erne lac of 1•
J. 1). Beecroft were Mr. and Mrs. Green. I mune is .,.I.•4.1-
John Campbell and ehtldren, of Ayl-, Mr. 1. Iln't his anal. Mise is
mer: Mr. and Mr's. Jas. NVightmen fug 1114 vas-1'';••�•
fl 1141 Phyllis. of Itelgrave: Mr. end Houghton. Wroxeter, sln•nr
Mrs. 19111 Lyon. Artimr and hath, of Air. 1V 1: I:.•
Lnldeshoru'. and Nil.. itita Kirk. ut, d few tin). in nage tills wee:.
Toronto. .11-• \iia 11 , visited tit Ito I.
Mrs. NV4'.loy Leggatt spent Inst c. -ter. \I:acne:. and Kfl. hPlu•r.
week with friends in Te,ww•nter. r,lnrniog IDew.. - `nndar.
.11ase.. Amirev. !fazed and Fanny ThePertht.4-•
!al band gave :1
Shut -sem of Toronto. mre n•I+iting their ver, tine 4on.,., • •. t,,wett'.. Grope ...,
ttii.le. Mr. 114.1.1. SInll.een, of 4`atlros4. Sunday *flet**•• - ! 1,1, ens e11J''.
Nlls.4 Nlurlel Pardon Is hulidnvfng by the l in:4 4l.•' I re14nt.
with her grandparents. Mr. and Alis. Amster I:Illy t:,• i iii Varna. i- ci
.\n'hir Anderson.of St: Helens. 'ling hi• gr:114.;•'
Mr. and N11 -
Mr: and Nit,. taw,. Nintllers. or Hine. I'.• I':u'k,•r. Ill- N1Plln are 1i i
calx. slant Sn11day with Mr. and )Ire. 'Mr. and m•-•
Henry I'Ot11•n+nn. fug friend- a• t ••i;
Allis Eleanor Sprung. of Loudlwbnrn. Ntr. and NI 1-. 1L; Ia erre NIr. and Nir-
is visiting her limit. Mrs. l'lar,nc•e 1'i4ror 4111;,_' Walker!. l.1. Nf.--
t'D[. glad,. •1 T. Mallett. ..t
Ntk.-' 11 ,;il'Idlll w. mo
f G,alerl.b. Lndo1 e'n, er.• d gue-'l-. weld.
1 .i• Fre.] 141%1..1,1.
,.l been cisitfnt
I 10 }h•rn'it 4.1.
••'41 lett the .:nn.•
•rats Im ('oll..rt..•
..1 ('arty •4,.I .Inn,
▪ visiting lir-. NI
%cho has been vhdt1tg her 441.4er. Mrs. Mr.. 3. Dail --
9. Fox. . ne,tnred tD Litintn Dri S111141ay lib., witlr .hi-
wieh tlr. and Nirs. cloy l'tittnn. his smother. r
t11 ..•. Nettie I'asenere and Ertlee: Monday. Ml'-' I'g
Karr,) -.leen Sunday with Mrs. Lance day h. %frit 11.
,:rata. town -hip.
Nlr. and )ire& Neil Nlnekay And Mrs. Iln.h on. Marlon mr•I
Ih,rothy. of Toronto. and Nlr. nud sirs. I'htirtlne AI. 1.1`
-turned 10 Pot.
I-:VI•:ItV1IIIN1i "illi: ri-T
Silrerwood's Ice Cream
t..r your I'r. t•.-ti.11
l'nll in: look 840911.1 'ural be
Where Cleaalisess is Paralsouet
Sparr's Grocery
• rt... •1• re .•t • .,1-1 t 1 .n'
Hamilton Street
Godeti-ich Phone 143
99'1 pit.l\ I -l: I\ ,1'I1\t'N
Now is the time to get your winter
coal from the Heat Folks' "Coal-
ing Station."
If an ocean liner waited until it need-
ed coal before filling up its hold,
There would come a dangerous time
of drifting on the high seas until
help could be summoned.
if you wait to fill up your bin until
bad weather comes, you may be
sending out distress signals, too!
Better "coal up" today.
for Good Clean Coal
cwt. THE
r.c^ '
Phone 98 - Goderich
Will continue until Saturday, August 24th. Here
are a few extra specials
10 dozen boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Sizes 24 to 31. Anniversary sale
25c per garment
25 dozen men's fancy C )'ton S3cka.:Anniversary sale price
3 pair for 50c
25 pair of boys' and girls' Running Shoes and Sandals. Black, brown and tan. All
sizes in lot. Anniversary sale price
10 dozen of "Lighthouse" Overallrs with red backs. All sizes in the lot. Anniversary
styles with fancy tops for sport wear.
sale price
Children's Hose. All sizes. Long and short
Anniversary sale price__ _
Silk Hose
Ladies' Pure Silk Hose in all
shades and colors.Anniversary sale
29c, 59c, 79c
Ladies' Sweaters
Ladies' brushwool and fancy
Pullover Sweaters. Anniversary sale
$1.95 and $2.69
Men's "Atlantic" Combinations. All sizes in lot. Anniversary sale price.... •--59c
Girls' Khaki 'Play Suits. Sizes 3 to 8 years of age. Anniversary sale price _ - _79c
Boys' Khaki Overalls. Sizes 3 to 6 years of age. Anniversary sale price_ _..__59c
Ginghams in stripes and checks. All colors. Anniversary sale price 16c to 25c
Men's Straw Hats. All sues and styles in lot. Anniversary sale price__
Men's fancy Pullover Sweaters. Black and white, brown and heather. all white. `it s
36 to 42. Anniversary sale price
Agent for -
lip Top Tailors
South Side Square
Phone 384
Pluto of .mint Itroi hey '.• fetrnl,nt-.• •,*•? N1•#s4
-beet nl.ntt fart) ,ears ago.
teX81811.8111wo deur.