HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 17195H
MAY BovLE were Mr. ' and Mrs.
Mrs, Laural Hewitt of Douglas Graham of
London who hadileen Lucl_OloW_La_n=c1
visiting with Mrs., George Mrs, Francis Boyle Con..
Graham returned :to 1Q. ,
Glencoe to" attend , the
:graduation of her HOLYROOD WI
grandson, Todd Hogan. Mrs. Raynard Ackert
,CongratulatiOns, • Todd was hostess at her home
from all of for 'the July meeting of.
Mrs. J:A. Pope and the H.W.I. on Thursday,
Mrs. Stan Wright of Glen evening beginning with a
Orchard spent a few days potluck supper. '
',With Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Mrs. Elsie Houston or
Maulden and Keith.. • .LucknOw was guest
Mr. and Mrt. Gerald speaker. and 'gave a full
Rhody.. returned. home.: account of the A.C,W.W.
from. Medicine; Hat, Conference at Hambitrg;
Alberta where-, they at- Germany, the theme
tended the 13face,Rhody ,being 1 1 Forward -
(Marilyn) wedding. Mrs. together -. $he showed
Allan Rhody , ac- towels. with .the different
"coinpanied them, We countries repfesented by
.extend congratulations .to the A.C'.W.W. which was
thenewlyWeds. also the answer to the roll
Friends froM here call. "Mrs. Gerald Murray
attended7'.the 45th wed-, 'thanked. Mrs.. Houston
ding anniversary' of Mr and presented her with 'a
and Mrs. Ezra Stanley at gift.
the Purple Grove /Mrs:. Lorne Eadie
Community Centre on , pres,ided and , Mrs'.
SUndaY afternoon, We William , MacPherson
extend best wishes at this read: the minutes and
. titre. correspondence which
Mrs Marjorie Olney included a thank you
and her niece . Mrs. from Mrs -John Scott fOr •
Marjorie Bennett of her . W:f. pin, and 'an in-
Toronto- spent a frora—Kairshea
with Mr Arthur InstitUte, to join them . on
Holdenby. e their bus trip to Oshawa.
F.riends of Mrs, Mr§. Charles Murray
Howard . Thompson are - reported on Fancily and.
pleased "to know that.she Consumers affairs and •
is making, 'favourable conducted a quiz on the
recovery folleWing Major W.I. handbook. •
surgery at -Owen:; Sound Mrs. Gerald Murray
Hospital. We send along . gave a _sound' film
get well wishes, ;Mar— presentation on quilt
jorie. ' making entitled "Pat-
: Mrs. Audrey Horthwick terns of Love" The
_of ..:St :Catharines—and courtesy„-remarks-closed- —
Mrs Lenore Sutherland the meeting.
of Toronto Spent, the
weekend with relative
here and attended the
40th anniversary picnic
hOnouring Mr: and Mrs. €.' restn.etg Jack.Hod ms.. 'anvil ••• •••
and relative 'attended... efrom page 13
We extend
congratulations to Jack Church came on June 23
and Merle at this time, and everyone told me
Over 100 relatives got' how wonderful the music
together .on Saturday at was. As I was not here, I
Lurgan. Park for the have to wyby"what others
AnnUal Stanley pienjc, ,tell me, but so. many
The chilly breeie off Lake praised them I hope they
Huron kept everyone on will come again;
the move and as alWays, Unit No. 3 of the,
a good time wag had by ,Lucknow, United Church
all: kelatives came ,from Women came on June 30
Michigan, Niagara, St. to entertain us. We en-
Catharinei, Toronto and joyed singing hymns with
surrounding area.. the ladies.
Miss Cindy , Stanley of Lucknow Christian
Walkerton enjoyed a , Reform Church held their
holiday with Connie and monthly church service
Cathy Stanley. on June 22nd, We also
Sunday visitors with 'appreciate their service
Mr. and Mrs. John. Scott as it is nice to have
church on Sunday.
For. AN tour Gorden Needs
Sweet Corn,
Cauilflower, etc,
This week- Fresh Peas'
Pick your own or we wilt
PHONE •1 nine north and 1 mile
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