HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 16Brookside, Dungannon
defeated Kingsbridge by
a 6 to 1' score. Don Car-
michael kicked himself a
ha.t tripk While John
Curran, Dale': Rutledge
and -Mik0..—Au-stin, scored
one each. Pat Frayne
scored for. Kings bridge.
At Colborne; Luckno,w,
Was beaten by Colborne.,
by a"4 to 1 scere.
Roundup stops where the treated weeds stop.
Roundup goes wherever the treated weeds go.
Then it stops. Because Roundup works in the weeds
not in the soil.
Don't let patches 'of milkweed spread in your
crop. Hit the spot, with Roundup, See your dealer
today and ask about the new trial-size.
There's never been a
herbicide like this before.
Park and Holly, Misses
Valerie and Vicki Park,
Mike Bendig and Rick.
Elliott, all of Goderich
spent Sunday with 41Vir,
and Mrs. Bill: Park and
farnityLan d helped Todd
celebrate ^, his 12th bir-
with`lif f' and . ,Helen
Daily yacaion
school is being held. thts:
'Week' :At the, United
• Chtireh for- the jvniors
and the ';.Christian;
Refornied77Church for the
nightS al
Olive Blake will be
hosting a picnic in honour
of Molly Whiteside of
Dunganneni Ireland whol
will be' attending the
Dungannon 125th bir-
thday celebrations. The
picnic will be pot.-luck
and will he held at Mts.
Blake'S home on. Wed-
nesday, July 30 at 2 p.m.
If it rains; the picnic will,
he held -'at Brookside
'School, Everyone is
welcome to attend.
,Mr. and Mrs. John
Buchanan, Joanne , and
Matt of Colberne town-_
Ship visited With their ,
daughter and 'husband,
Mr.. and • Mrs. Ron
Brind ley on Sunday.
Welcome to Mr, and
Mrs. John Harris.
Although they have
owned their trailer home
on Berry St., for several
years,. they have now
moved in permanently,
Congratulatiens to
Leonard and Olive
Chisholm on the occasion
of. their 25th anniversary- Varerns Provineial. Park
on July Z on the weekend with their
„Word has been received leader, Gordon Johnstone
here ^ from Mrs., - Ed and Bob Snyder.:-
TaPPing (Cl r a Company laSt Saturday
McWbinney) of Prince with Mrs. Lynn, Wall and
Albert, Saskatchewan Were:herMother4._
Saying .how she has. en- Mrs. Pat Emerson
joyed the memories queensville; her sister,
Lin AnderSon published Mrs. Lois Graham and
over the past few weeksQ Jdnnifer of. Scarborough;
Mr.. and '‘..Mrs„. ,J'irn Mrs. Vera Emerson of
Rivett, Duane and Marty Ajax and Mrs. NOrma
are spending a few days McDonald of Agincourt.
holiday, travelling the On' Thursday her father, -
north Country:: with. the Mr. Tom Emerson
van 'and camper., Qdeensville • and .• uncle,
On the Tong holiday. Mr. WilliaM Westbeareof
weekend Terry :and Marten called in for a
Rosanne Bradshaw of .short v>sit
Toronte visited with Jim Mrs. Elsie Irvin, visited
and Sandra RiVett and on the weekend with Mr.'
family.M • and Mrs: Fred Stirling-;
The large "Welcom:e," Darlene.:: and. Harold at
Home" sign was erected. 'ThameSville.:: HarOld•
last week in front of the returned for one week
Agriculture Hall. The with his grandma.
light bulbs on each of the Mr, and Mrs. Stephen
letters will he illuminated
during the bir.thday
The. Torch Bearer
group from the Christian
Fellowship Church
camped out at Point
and ^Dave
spent the
n Leamington
Phone Phone
Warcls011e 034383 Komoka 471-30591
Dunganno1152977947 ti
Washed Materials—CrushedStone
Cement Gravel
Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors
ohOton:13:Fos:. McCallum AgrOair
{across from Zellers)
Hanover 364-3374
P Grove,
Visiting for, a- few days,
in the Purple Grove area
last week With Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Farrell and
famil9 were Edna and'
Sheila. Hutton of Bluffton,
Alberta.. Also callers at
the Farrell's were Sandra
Linton, David and Ross of
Gerrie and Mary Ran-
some., Heather' and
Karen of North Bruce.
Courtney and Susan
MacDonald and George
and Janice Miller of
London visited on the
weekend with the Jack
Farrell family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Lawton and sons of
Kitchener spent the
weekend with Doug and
Shirley MacDonald and
family. Also visiting with
them were Mr. and Mrs.
David Lawton of,
Catherine Scott,
Morley and Deanna
visited Mr. Ben Scott in
Owen Sound hospital
where 'he has returned for
further treatment: Mrs,
Scott also visited for a
few , days, last week with
her daughter Frances
Watke and family of
Mildmay. -
Visiting on Sunday ,
evening with Morley, and
Deanna Scott were Mr.
and Mrs. Don Doupe and
family of Millarton.
Golden, wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie
Harris and Arthur
McCormick of Kin-
cardine spent the
weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Percy of St.
Catharines. Mr. and Mrs.
Percy celebrated their
Golden 'Wedding
Anniversary with an open
house on Sunday, June 29
at their next door neigh-
bours' house. They are
well-known and well-
respected people.
Mrs, Percy was the
former Myrtle Jonston of
There was a large
turnout of friends' and
relatives at •the party!
They came from Buffalo,
New York, North
Towanda, New York,
Toronto, Kincardine and
St. Catharines.
Many messages of
congratulations were
received including those
from Prime Minister
Trudeau, The Governor
General of Canada, The',
Mayor of St, Catharines,
The St-."Thomas Anglican'
Church,.:, They received
many gifts, flowers and
Mr. and Mrs. Percy
farmed in Huron
Township. They sold their
farm and moved to'
Kincardine. They moved
to St. Catharines in 1950.
They are both in good
health and looking for-
ward to meeting their
friends in Kincardine at'
the Old Boys Reunion
next month,
Patches of milkweed can grow and spread; soaking
up moisture and valuable nutrients. Milkweed
patches can slOw yciu down at harvest, Cause yield
loss. And come back next year and do it again.,
Spot treatment with Roundup herbicide gives core
trol of milkweed. ,Roundup by Monsanto controls
treated milkweed and stops it from spreading or
/ regrowing. Because Roundup controls the whole
weed, roots and all.
How to hit milkweed with Roundup..Just spray
Roundup on actively growing milkweed, when most
of the weeds are in the bud to full bloom stage,
Retreatrnent may be necessary if all milkweed
plants are not at t he same' stage of gro,,vth.!Vou
can use a boom, a handgun, or a backpack
sprayer, Roundup will destroy the crop if you spray
it on the crop, so keep Roundup where you want.it.
Right on those ugly milkweed patches.
Always read and follow label directions for 'Roundup"
Roundup', is ..ineyistered trademark of Monsanto Company.,
',Monsanto Company, 1980. RC14,13.8Q
Monsanto Canoga Inc, ' ^ , •
Toronto, Montreal, Winnik, Regilitt,"Catiaryc Yancouver.
Spot treatment with Roundup® in the crop
can stop yield-robbing milkweed from spreading further.