HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 13one CARPETS STEAM CLEANED. MISEIVAC cleansbetter NOT WETTER! Service Available FINLAY DECORATORS tecKNow, ONTARIO wAIIPAPER AND OW, PAINTS PHONE 52844:14• • REAL ESTATE AUCTION --..APPR.0*,. a ACRE . • . RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY—. - ON SATURDAY JULY,10TH: 1900, AT 12 NOON. AT THE SITE,,,IBAILWAY STREET., ' • RIPLEY,' ONTARIO ' ' • (APPROX.40 MI. NORTH-OF LONDON, • BETWEEN. GODER.ICH /5- KINCARDINE) Under, instructions received from "TbaMortgagee",.we have been retained toeffer the following property for • Rato.b.y:polilii auction. "subject to a reserve bid":7-: .0POJE•:.' 2.92 acres,. (more or hiss), . in' total, located in 'reSidenticiltection.of theVillage of Ripley, class) to all. • SkIkadailitoviin Services A consists 5beildIng lets. con- tained in. 2 • separate parcel*, suitable for lurthersub- division, (subject to zoninfirogniationS,,etc.) ••. "Parcel .. lats:14, 15 & 1.11",.RP100 3 adioining lids, 1.116 acres j waperox. 330' ft.• frontage, On „north. side Of : • Railway St, • • "Parcel: NO. 2"4-'.10t. 58,''and part.lot !PTO° S 2, aci.jaining lots,1.704 oCrei,Ivi;;iapProx,.250„8.ft.• irontageen south side of Railvv.04 St Ripley Is totaled on OrnteOurity between HVvy, !7,&,Hwy. 86, e-p. prox-,. 11 ml . to tekcnOW , &. Kincardine, 30 'Mt. Goderich& Poelrettitivea, OIL, to Kitchener & London; 1:30" MW, TOOPt0 rEamsprsALE: tiiciperity to be•;0..:. ',fered'"en "by parcels" A. deposit . of 1,000:' ' certified cheque is: required 'from tbe,sucrceisfnl.; ,chaser, at the auction sale. A. further 25% of purchase ""price is ,payable within. 7 days, and balance *1040, so . dais* • ,Mortgage arrangements may be available to; suitable.purchaseri • Complete.' erins and ,COniditiOni of sale, etc. available, inspection or on. request ,• , .SPECTION BAM ey-appeintinent; or Morningef Sale et , --the-presinises1 *-MIREtTIONS:;ffeeno ,.T4riiMovarOY-r-.-4akv-,-, west to Elrue ,CoOnty Road 7 (just past' El k .ervie South (left, twill on County Itic.7 Into. Ripley. Left at, Jessie St..to RailwaSt,• • • -FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE AUCTIONEERS - TRANS";CANADA tIQUIDATIONS:13V 11 I RICHMOND ST. W., TORONTO, CANADA. PHONE: 366-S6S$ "CANADA'S FORM ii$T INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONTIS AND APPRAISERS" 161 161 Approved by Government 8 firioncidl firms ' licensed Auctioneer NORM JACOBS • . ... , ... -...- ..... . , , 4 .. - .. , ......... , , ..., ....-. , „ .-..T..1.... ,1,•.......,,, ‘,. `tr.,. -',...',4,4 t..4414-.4.',..':3 •J.11,1,..+-.:,.44,-.-!:..i.,-..- ,,,..... ...,,,,,,,, .7.Tti.' .44,' Ity........n , ' 1,,, .,, ,,,, h 11.4 . 4 LI., .....V. -,* 0,-, ...r.. - .1 r , ,i.-1F111, 11 ''''-'41 - *Vr....-'..* ''''''''''''-=',,,,re-A.f ,,,, ,.. .. e • .,,.--... , •-, . Ie...., ...'''...• • .0 "•— ''., --0.'•••:- ••• " • • . . .. ... , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 'Green ivy and spring flowers adorned the Kinloss United Charch for the wedding of Valerie Helen Stanley •and William Dane Found on Saturday,, May 10, 1980. The bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mts.. '-Ray Stanley, Kinloss and, the groom's parents are Mr. .and Mrs. , Bill Found, Picton. Reverend Robert Clyde performed the doUhle- ring ceremony. Given -.in , marriage by her •father, the bride wore an original gown sewn by the gr oo 's mother.: The white chiffon dress ,Jeatured a blouson =top. with ac6erdiOn pleats falling from the waist. Two 'rows of wide lace separated, the accordion __pleats, froth mushroom pleats which helped, form the 'gown's train. The' ,dress was hemmed with two more rows otla&e.-A lace jacket with long sleeves and Victorian neckpiece completed the satin trimmed dress. A mushroom pleated hat held her floor length veil and she carried pink roses, white stephanotis and baby's breath. On Tithe 29,, 1980 the lith annual Osborne Picnic was held at the Tiverton Community Centre with 50 people present. As the weather was wet outside, indoor games and contests were held. At five - o'clock a delicious smorgasbord style supper was enjoyed by all. A surprise 25th Wedding anniversary cake was presented"-to Frank and Pearl Williams who are celebrating later in the. year. Frank' and Pearl shared their Cake, with all present.1— - , Chairman ,- Frank Williams welcomed everyone and conducted the business, The picnic next year is set for Bradley's School on the --last.Sunday in .June,-- The new committee for the next two years is: Dennis and Dorothy Scholtz, Murial and Stewart Barber, Lois 'Denise :King, friend of • 'being seated, Rob Hollet the -bride, was maid of and Fred Lester, cousin honour ride s Mai ds of the groom, sang and were °Barbara and julie:_eceornpanied each other Stanley, sisters of the on gaitars. They alSo bride. All three wore sang during the signing of blouson' styled 'dresses the register. . , with accordion pleats Mrs, Paul Greenwood, failing from the, waist to cousin of the bride the floor. Matching lace Provided the organ jackets conipleted the- music. ' • sweet pea gr6en gowns: ,The kride's mother They carried bouquets of chose.a floor length pink spring. flowers in Shades gown with a pleated skirt of pink. and 'yellow; and' .a .corsage of 'white highlighted hy puffs of carnations and pink sweat pea fabric., roses. The groom's JenniferStanley was • mother wore , a • floor her sister's flower girl . length pink gown with a r! chiffon cape and • and alsc wore a Sweet pea Pleate • green gown with a lace matching corsage. The fathers were attired in jacket. Her basket :of' pearl grey tuxedos with a flowers matched those4,of white carnation on, their the bridal attendants Each, of the gir ls h ad a: Wending dinner, was single pink. rose in their — hair. , held at the Kfincardine Community Centre, The grooin rooked fellowed -by -dancing fo handsome in a dark green. the music of Bittersweet. nixeclO, accented: with a For a wedding trip to white rose. Best 'man was Paradise Island in the Mike„Bishop,•friend of the Bahamas the bride chose. gtooth. The ushers were a Salmon' coloured two Gary Richardson, fiance piece suit • with bone of the bride's sister and accessories. and co- jon Found, brother •of the. orclinating corsage. The groom. They wore dark groom wore 'a brown Pin green tuxedos with green stripped three piece'suit, . tinted carnations. The happy couple are As the guests were residing at RR1 Alliston, jar, Isabel Hydel guessing number of jelly beans in jar, -Alf Sawyer; man guessing • articles' sewn in' material, Kevin • Bain;;. lady, guessing articles sewn in material, Dor othy,Scholtt. After Bob Hyde thanked the committee in charge, there was a peanut scramble for the kids. rtietree restnets Johnny", He has' a story to go with it, so come‘in and visit him and get him to tell you. Kingarf Anglican Church held their monthly meeting at Pinecrest on June 12. We enjoyed -their music-. and readings and Mrs. 'FOUND-STANLEY moon in Bahama Usborne picnic at Tiverton Schnittker and George McLean. 'The following prizes were given out: earliest riser every day, Jack Ches son Oatest up today, Murial Barber; birthday closest to Thanksgiving, October 13, Helen - Houghland; lucky chair', Gerald Wagner; guessing number' of smarties in BY WILMA CLARKE ,Seven residents Celebrated birthdays at • Pinecrest Manor in June. Minnie Ernmerson, June 3; Jessie McIntyre, June 9; Gib'Hamilton, 3'urie 10, Jean Christopher, June 181--Aiiiiie Swan, 3une 26; ' George Lockhart, June n 'and Harold Edwards June 29. We enjoyed many van rides' ' through the . countryside in Jnne. Everything is growing fairly' • well, however, the corn has a lot of growing to do before the 12th of July._ My father, whoa cultivated corn with, the horseq, always said "it should be up to the hories' 'Belly' by the 12th of. July' '. 'Lucknow. Christian Reform Ladies, came for •their- 'monthly bingo on • •June.9. ' e0:tri gresidentsd ocncupucniel. 12 with Betty MacMillan presiding as Mr. Aubrey Higgins was in the hospital. He is back!with us again as of Rine 30 and is • looking forward tto the Dungannon celebration in August. Others in hospital from •Pinecrest are Allister Hughes, ,Etta Cook, Lloyd. Irwin, Mae —MacDonald -and =Marie_ Houston. We miss• them and hope they will be back soon. Joe 1VlacMillan goes, to the Sale0' Barns every Wetineiday morning to see`the cattle. We' don't -know where we are •going to keep' them if he gets carried away and buys a truck load. He wants, us to call him . Iiitelaurty Sttatinell, VirOdnforlaLYi 9% 1940-74.140 k • Ellen White enjoyed visiting with her friends, The. Pentecostal church came on June 19' for their monthly service. Everyone• loves to bear the old hymns and the message from the Bible, Kincardine -Fellowship Tara to page 17*