HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 6Got a
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to the editor
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"The Sepo.y,TOWn"
On the liaron,Orttoe Boundary Publishert Wednesday
Eqtn811shed 1873
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AN"rtiONY N, JOHNSTONIF Acilcertil,ing and
(ivnyrat Managyr
etttitiftt ,;
1.1viNw;ToN Mnna8er
MERI,E. 111,10'11 7 .TypysYnOr
MARY McMURRAY • Ad Cornpositinn
130siness and Ednorial Of rie6 Telephono 528.2822 '
Ma il ing Adclryy,1.):0, Box.400,:Layknoi., NOG 21E10
Seentid•e1ass rdail rdgbitratinanornher -0847 •
• 8ubscrip11on rate, $i 2 per Year in advance;
Senior Citizent‘rate,.$19 per year in advanee
• U.S,A. and Foreign, $21,59 Per year in advance
Sr, Cit.: U.S.A. and Foreign, $19;50 per Year in ativanci
Some of the people who appear in this picture have • been! identified. Unfor;
turiately, we do not kriow the order in which they aPpear. Taken about 1940 at the
Dungannon Public School, those in the , picture 'include Harold 'RiVett, Jean
Errington,Isabel Errhigton (Adami); Bob 'Swale, 'Tom Brown and Harold
Culbert. !xe picture was contributed by Millie Whitiam•
False alarm is da4gerous
A false fire alarm is not a funny
thing. It could cost a life.
Luc know and. District firemen
answered a fire call about 2:30 am.
Saturday Morning, but' when they
arrived at the location there was no
. The caller—had given- an iden-
tification which proved to be false and
as the firemen learned, thelocation
the fir e was also false.
Besides the cost to the. Village and
surrounding townships to send out the .
truck and men when there is no fire, a
false alarm could cost a life. Firemen
off on, a wild goose chase cannot
answer a valid firecall and 'someone
trapped in a Miming building could
loSe his or her life, because firemen
could not respond in time.
There is alkr---a certain ainnunt of
danger present , on the street when
firemen are racing to the firehall to
answer a call; Firemen Tace .to a fire
in an attempt to get there as anon as
possible and again. there ' 'is some
danger for them as they speed along
Fire is a serious business and not a
joke. Whoever made the call should,
be aware that if he or she is ap-
prehended there is a stiff fine or a jail
sentence imposed on anyone guilty of
turning in a false fire alarm:
Fire is dangerous and a false alarm
can be equally as dangerous. Anyone
who may have informatibn regarding
the incident .Saturday morning is '
asked to contact Lucknow Police
Chief, 'George Whitby at 528-3813.
This picture was also contributed by Millie Whitlarn but again, we have only
several of the people identified. Taken about. 1943 or 1944, they InClUde Minnie
Glenn, Margaret Mack, Wilmer Errington,,Franklin Stingel and Reg AnderSon.
Anyone who recognizes a familiar face, please contact the Sentinel:Office.
• Letters to .,:the ;editor ....
o and when?
For the past several weeks we have
been publishing' pictures of school
children taken in past years at the
Dungannon Public School with a title,
"Who' and when?"
These pictures have been given to
the Dungannon 125th birthday
celebration committee for, use in their
slide presentation, Yesteryear or for
display at the Yesteryear presen-
tation in the United Church
basement during the birthday
celebrations. Millie Whitlarn con-
tributed the picture published on our
editorial page last week.
While we have some of the names of
those in the picture, we do not have, all
identified. For this reason we !are
publishing the pictures with the
question "Who and when?" in the
hope some of our readers will
recognize those in the picture, per-
mitting us to complete the iden-
Should you recognize any of the
faces in the pictures we have
published or in the pictures we will
carry during the weeks before the big
celebration, please call the Sentinel
'office or write, to us. While you. will be
helping us to learn who the people are,
it is also a chance for our readers to
Lower prices
The Toronto Star recently Carried a
story which indicates that small
businesses are not necessarily
doomed by the, encroachment of huge
chain operators.
A recent survey of business in North
Toronto revealed that many small
independent retailers were offering
prices for merchandise which were
lower than their big chain neighbors.
All six retail strips (small stores) had
price totals lower than the two malls
surveyed, the report stated.
Apparently there is room for both
types of outlets to survive in the
'Modern climate of diversified
business techniques. The Wirigharn
Advance Times
To the editor:
Late spring and early summer are
times of the year associated with
increased human contact with wild
animals. This includes species
which, as many of your readers will
know, carry rabies. In Huron County
the major carriers of rabies are fox
and skunic. They may easily 'tran-
smit this disease, to' cattle, horses,
dogs and cats.
A major warning of rabies in an
animal' will' be unusual behavior.•
For a wild animal, this means that it
may los e its wildness and be easyto
catch or to play with. A tame, or
domestic animal, might become
wild and aggressive.
While there is no dramatic in-
crease in rabies in this area, many
people have caught Wild animals,
partibularly young foxes. Some of
these have later turned out, to be
rabid and have placed people at
great risk of getting rabies. I would
caution farmers to be very wary of a
fox or a skunk which is easy to
capture. Such animal _behaVior is
unusual and shouldbe a 'Warning.
Also sensible would be a warning
to children tilt to play, with wild
animals,of any kind. It is unusual for
squirrels or mice or other rodents to
be rabid; but they sometimes are. If
a child is bitten by a squirrel, and
the squirrel cannot be' exarnined. for
rabies, there is little choice but 'to
administer rabies vaccine to• that
child for his• protection.
Any person having a concern
regarding rabies, should contact his
family doctor, The Huron County
Health Unit, or the provincial
government Health of Animals
(Seaforth, Ontario).
Yours sincerely,
Brian Lynch, M.D., D,P.H.,
Medical Officer of Health,
County of Huron,
To the editor:
An updgted c t' Logue of suitable
field trilitS sit for elementary
students is being put together this
summer. OnCe completed, the
catalogue will provide'teachers with
information about field trips in and
around Huron county On which they
could take their students. This
project is part of an 'Experience '80
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