HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-09, Page 4OW West`Wa w an•o sh birthday celebrations in. TOwnshiP'Council met on 'August, . Wednesday evening .July = Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 2, for its regular, monthly .• Mc Quillin spoke to' meeting', • . council about the' Fen. cevie wers Award made Mr, and Mrs. Robert on June 26 for the fence Stothers of Dungannon ,. bordering their Property. appealed = Pass e something about the That WeSt Wawanosh unsafe condition -nt the , Township Council hereby building adjacent to their approves the applications home. They mentioned for loan for tile drainage the fire hazard aspect of :subtnitted by •Cecil the building due to its Cranston and Allan tinder-dry condition and. Dickson," close prOXimity- to Sic owners, involved in surrounding buildings in the Hamilton Municipal Dungannon. Council < Drain Improvement met assured the Stothers that, with • council .. and an order had been issued engineer, Will ia;,m and that it was coundiTS Shifflett to consider the intent to have the report propelsty in "4`fiestion A motion was: passed . taken care of before the "That West Wawandsh Township hereby gives: first and 'second reading ,to. Provisional By-law 13, 1980, adopting the Report on the HaMilton Municipal Drain Improvement.- , Court of Revision on the -sessmc-nts--under-,--the HarniOn Municipal Drain Improvement was set for July 28 at 8 p„tn.. "Building Permits were issued for: J. Geertsma (shed); W, Hardy (silo); W, Elliott (house); J. Finleon (house); W. Be yersbergen (mobile home),; A,. .Miller (Schoolhouse); N. Rib.- toul (two sheds) and St. • Augustine Manse (por- ch).. The• permit for the Finleon house' will be issued ..'subjeCt to the provision that Absolution of Reiporla sibility for the Township for problems arising in the future with the existing foundation, required to be signed by' J. Finleon. - tenders received for the application of pit run gravel were opened and considered; A motion was passed 'That the tender of George Radford. Construction, Blyth, for the loadinglancl hauling of aPprwtitriately. 30,000 cubic yards of 'pit rain , gravel, at 59 cents per cubic yard froth. Whitechurch and 69 cents per cubic yards from St. Augistine, is hereby accepted by West Wawanosb' Township, subject to approvalby the Ministry of Tran- spor,tation and Corn- rnunioations," The road accounts were ordered paid. Two severances were presented to council for, ,.examination and corn- ment, Both 'were ac- ceptable to council, An- -application-. for -,-a- Minor ,Exception from the County of Huron Tree 'By-laW was reviewed by council. There, were no comments, and it was generally felt that the applicant ,' should 'be allowed to clear the land covered by the ap plication. By-law 8, 1980 was, given first, second and third readingand finally paesed. This' by-law imposes a special rate on two properties to' cover tile drainage loans, A motion was passed "That West Wawanosh Township hereby gives first-, second and third reading and, . pasSes by-laws nos. 9, 10 and 11, to 'authorize the issue of debentures to, cover the installation of • the Auburn, street lights and- -Part- of -the,- con- struction of the -Smyth and Kirk Drains." A motion • was. passed °That 'West • Wawanosh Township hereby gives first, second and third reading and finally. passes By-Law 12,1980, to consolidate by-laws 9, 10 and 11 General Accounts totalling $98,936 were • ordered paid: These included Board of Education and Huron County taxes. Couneil adjourned to-. • Agust 5, at 8 p.m. • • NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN the jumper class at the Canadian Arabian Nationals were Christie Messenger and her gelding Andegor Abnaa. Over 700 registered purebred and partbred arabians from all over North America attended the show at the Coliseum in Exhibition Park in Toronto June 30- 3uly 5. Sepoy Stationery and Printing in Lucknow Can. Supply You With Business Forms - Office Supplies, Paper Supplies - Office Equipment And Many More Items, Why Not Drop In And See Our New Arrivals, More Stock Arriving Weekly