HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-15, Page 3BUY -AT-HOME' DIRECTORY On Page 2 of This Issue • 11'hat are you doing for the community that is doing so touch for you? You can help by buyinb everything you need in your own horny town. z ivat 1 OUR CLUBBING RATES Save You Money • The clubbingrate or The Signal and ThtrToronto Daily Star is 16.50. You lay, 40e A similar saving on other papers. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, 1'ublt.here. GODERIC 1, ONTARIO, THURSpAY, AUGUST 15, 1929 f)I IITy'-$4a't 4'N I t The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance A$ency LIFE INSURANCE (Stn life 00.). A('('IDENT.SICKNESS, AUTO. ETC �,tiSUR,ANCE Some eery they houses and lots for Sale Large number listed to select from. Just a few: A fine 'raise,. two I with fruit. modern equipped, garage, illi-firnisb..l. e"sivrnient to lake front a wharf 1,u - n i •-• o w l ail ata ae.s•ssi, n., Price 1 6 f onlihrre it 1 E 11(1). Fins led brick Masse, oxer tiva. 925(1.. (old brick house, hull Imderne. and garage. Fast Greet. Iinmedia eneil.n. $15044. A good twine, got.' location, I modem equipped. $12(10. • i Good two-story house. lights, and toilr(,>t water. Clone to Poet Office. 9750. A fine nine-r.na, home, two tots, fowl ' Lowe. boner modern equipped and god I cellar, well planned for heating me.aven- dence and conif,rt. Close to Collegiate Institute. li.zcellent aecotnnudation for collegiate student roomer.. Low price. }Jul terms. Inuni.I reoweesion. Many Fine Farms Listed to Select Fr0IS. ' Very Cheap. Easy Terms. For all particular. see or write J. W. A&MITRONG Real Estate Agent Box 89 Square G.4 J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Confederation Life Association Age 25 -year Amount of Prem. 'ridowment ! sii k, n Horn 1.5 M%M) 9185.00 wi 9191.00 25 8194.25 :t 2.5•year Endowment, maturing in 114214 paid 10 our policyholder ver 815(0 per thousand. M. N. MacDONALD AGENT Fin• and .1ut.,r 1111,• 1n4iranee Goderich Phone 382 or 142 Geo. Williams Dealer In DOML\ION, PROVLNCiAIe MUNICIPAL AND ('ORPO• RATION BONDS Gessessi Office,.nezt to Phone 53 Automobile, and Iesoee ABrmt Ink of Commerce (ioderich Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH ' Assurance in Force -- 91.896,915,000 Assets -- - - *488,958,000 Dividends to. Policyholders increased for the ninth .successive year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus PH(SI. Office 11.5 Residence .54'i H. R. LONG, District Agent HONOUR WiTH PROFIT CANADA is proud of the grain and livestock records established by her farmers in the face of international competition. Success in any branch of farming comes with a knowledge of the best methods. "Feeding and Better Livestock" is a booklet issued by this Bank to help the Canadian farmer increase his profits. Ask for a copy. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch - L D. Eastman, Manager • CORONER'S JURY SAYS DEATHS DUE TO EXCESSIVE SPEED Inquest Held at Teeswater into Deaths of Miss O'Callaghan and Mrs. Jamieson TEF;S\\'.t'PEI1. .alto. 12. -The Jury in ita:wiled to inquire into the death. of Margaret O'Callaghan and Mrs. Mary .lnmlees,n. following an automo- bile slectileut two tulle. south of Teet- water,. met . to the town. !MK a fterli w,ll. and after hearing several w•in4.se.. Ave of w-huw vlw the a''1 - dent. brought in the following ver - diet -We. the jury. And flint Margaret fl'l'nlinghan mod •AUtry• .luuliesono IIue Iq their den111. on .511811,+4 5. 19*_41. by tieing Thrown from a .air driven by John 4011.11., when he 10.1 emit r.,1 of the en r. doe to"4x'••,,14'4. .peel." for. Hoblns nl. who performrl 411e 1•..a-awrtelin 1141 both the les -Iles. W.1 .. the first w'Itne.r. and Jw 'lid M:ir- 1111r•1 4)'('u11ng11a.n !net death 61' hay ing her i.knll frle•tnrel nod tlw'brii 11 ,Ja(erllf.d. Miry 41111e1les4114 44441 after the 0,14414.114. her death' lelhg due to a broken pelvic lone. Internal injirM+' and 11 l0,ernikm 14444' the right rye. 'Mr. irMaIlley. who 1.;111 111• %tory' 111141 11 11.8'40141 the questions .'•r the ('row'11. it.'tlrly broke down, when he (44444 to the port where 'he told of go- ing to the wear. -e? girl. Al:rgaret. who • lay on the ground. dying. In a ..p....1 of 1i444 el. 11tH story .was that lie had swerved to lap.. hitting anwher ear and book 1114' 1111.1. .mashed a tele- phone 1st,'' 3111.1 finally stopped In n field. after going through a.,fem.w With only 141l4' strand of wire. \\'Ill.• -.a•. *1111111 1114 111141 peceie ) jinn to few moments previous 111 the •IceIMnt .ay that they did not make any other car. alta h 444,444. ,.f 4114.111 "aid they midi] cwt ,.e• •h for dust and wont.' not 1e positive I'rovin.lal ('onstal,le X41144411 to,iuk arra-nrrm,ut. isql Mantel that the car welt l:4': flet after 1t left the road. .acting Crown Attorney Robertson. in ad.redng the Jary, said that (!'Mar. ley was.not on trial and they were to ex prey.: nn opinion based only on the et•Id101ee srrl'm11tell. Alias (►'('allaghan mid Mr.. Jamie- son were daughters of Mr. awl Mr.. Daniel O'Callaghan. of West 3\'aw•an- 01111. near 'Whitechurch. Besides the parents, several brothers and alataew stiffly". Just a week before the stri- dent which bereaved them of two .Irnghter.. Mr. a 114 Mr... O'Callaghan had a happy reunion of their family: Jolla 41' Malley. of Detroit: the driver of the car. 1- a relative of the family. FINLAY ANDERSON AT THE NINETY MARE Splendid Record of Nell -known East. • W'awaneatl Man 'III 1A;IL.t\'F:. Aug. 9.- For •1•t'entc- fl►e years $1 ree4den4 of Huron enmi- ty. Finlay Anderson eelehratel h1. ninetieth 1.irthday at 11i• hum,' today. Ile wile bili In Ken tiiore. N:•otlnnd. Mr. And.r.on ha+ the ]fstin('iIon of being the •.1114".2 11•siden t of the tuw'n- ship of East Wnwanosh. a. we)! ns tieing the oble.4 piddle official 114 the county .of Ilnron. Ile has seme,l un both the tonnshlp and (minty emin- ent'. and 11111 lawn tlw-n4hip tren.urer for I14. Iwi't thirty-four lea's. 114. still tills thf. poxitlon. 31r. A1wletv0n spent;. the grenter.l part of the time at the old home. Ken - ore Farm. which meas taken up a1. h .h land about 1852 by his father, Thi Inn lmlers0n, and on which he hell d hl. father and brother. to do plop work. The farm is non- the proper of hi.. yonnge.t ...nl, whoop children are the forth generation to call the fllaee home. Mr. An4l soil'. wife,. who was Julia i Ann Naylor\lwfnre her marringe• diel 111 1213 at the age of .•i. i.lt-two, il(f a lumpy of tru, .angter• .1 thr1e sm" 11re 114.1148•four '1'11l., wclr,• b•114ona• 1 fur%thr birthday oecasio44.• and. w'1111 the twenty -tour 'gra: 4,•4,i.l.lrrtl .8 Nil • eight gnat-grIIn4k'hlkl,".•a. ,1- well ay.; mans friend.. and aMuair 11. ,•:, join - 441 111 wishing Mr. -tad,,. •,n IInt I,) more happy least. W. J. MACKAY LIBERAL CHOICE IN SOUTH BRUCE FUSIMr N'ar•den of Itru., 1„ 14.1114..1 . Seat fey Legislature Williapl J. Maolia ,•4' \\'Arden, .•f itruer county and cul u,.,I0 year, n pr Ilona figure in the 41..411. ipal fairof I1urou tuwn.hi;, :u,d Itru. c aolnty. 1• the ruudldat:•,.f '4c I.II,•r,, of South litmus, for 'i,.. 41.•44 1'1114. 1114-1111 elrethin. Thr 11•.24,.1:,21..44 11144•I- I14K 1114.k place at Hilr1.• I'lulrsd.. Ili.t. Several other,. were ; n,;•,.., I for 1 he 11441111111 11111. bit all w i•i, ., • .,', 14,.,.1,1 Al r. Mlo•Kay. Thus a..•. .-,.,I w,.iy.; 1)r. 11. it. Fi14laywu14" I;;,. • i : .1. .5.• .Iohla•I1141. M1Idtuil It I: 'r ;,4• 55':,I- k4'rrou: D•nid Mue1►, Frank Iteullle. \\'44lkert .•. 1'•:'1.13 114m- ry. IUlroa tuwu.hil,: AI . s, N, Ir .43'11,11.-w'aikertun ; 11 , 11• Kh:/e•u. lull''x1111 Mr. Mai•K ,' . i \\'. F.:. N. $I)Irl:iir, 1. I'r.o h, • - '•iul Liberal leader. •...•n? and gave a 1'Igoron. addre as It. • riticize4 sererelc, the Fergus.'', 1114111111111 re 1411. Slav!. L'.7 , .. 1.11.41 41„. Fergis.nt Goyer11lue11? .. ,aiice. the debt of the Prot-In.r'1 I • reasel 1.y t Y,!x4.IMMI.1MN4. while - d11- - 1114' -•11111' period. Alr. Sinclair • •..,241 the. Lll•rl,I G.overnntent , ' . a'a haul reduced the public d. t_,IMLIMMI, ono. Mr. 1Sind:sir'aka. • •,r .•.41,1l-' 411114..he lm] (.erod 11 .. - i- 4114 441 .lour of Norther) 1111411:• ' f .• , .tlNir\', lie 4ti1,1. waw full of .•f.. 4 .J the Fergn144gi Goverhwrmt. 011'. ,.•n• work - lug -to keep tilt t:oven,:N. ' .11 office rather than .f•;r the welfa r.- .,f the e,t- tler.. ()114.r speakers mer,• A. P. Alew'•hhn- Iwy': 74 speakers for North Ren..•: lir. NI..- Iplih4rem. M.P.P. for."\„rtbe;i•t• Well- ington. and I./r. W. A, 11411. 51.1'., South Brute. 4.4 'WESTFIELD R'ESTFIRT.D. Aug. 12 '11-. June ituchanan. of lVinghnm. .pi•nt last week with her grandp,n•I,,-. Mr. and Mrs. Rola. 131rchanni,. :1114 e4her friends. 3.11.44. Marjorie aryl 14:111 e41MO*" ere Klwndluo tido o...k wttb theft 44004.. Mr-. 1R. erer�I�1t, 1%r. Rnht. F'itzgerahl 111411 Mr- Ifni. 'Crozier, of A.1184.1d. CnM.olEileen 4'ar'. If '.tnhnrl. 1s visiting her gr..n, ,n .444.4, Aar.. John. k.ls Mr. and M.•-•. 55' .: Tnmhh'n. of To - and Mr. .1 'r , mhlrn, of Lon:len• 14,ru', vI-IN.I 'ons , . last week with the latter'. -I.n;. 41st. J. N. Cpm('' Ip11. AIr. and Mrs \4' 5. Campbell spent Snn,t,ll with , • .,..er'e Meter, Mr.. Itl,har,l 4:411,11 , r A.hAeld. ST. II EI.ENS ST. III 1.IJNs 4 _. 1:. ---Mr. and Air.. 4;.•orge ''1111•. 4'1.) daughter - lean. 'f H44minon. w1. • •„-re holidaying 114 4;,aleri,•h. were 4i•ilnry 441111 their ther hist wee:, The symptll, „f 'Ile Aemnnlnity 14'. 4.811.11111.1 to lir. nn.' Mr.. 4)'4',, IIS ghn11 in the tragi- .1...404...f their daughter-. Mr. and Mr. s•a..rt MI•(:i1re and Marie t,,..k n 4..1,1 Iv trip by motor down to Erin. 1'.:en Mills and other tailttt' 44441 w,4'•{ • Mr. and Air, stiorl AL4:nire and 'Infighter. SI1rb.). of '1'Hmr• Albert, Snpk.. were the I a.e.s of Mr. and Mr.. Ed. Thous• 44y1T the week -end. M4-. AI. F. s:,,kel.) and MI..- i:. Nwtltejlt. of (F.1*•]ch. 'ter' 11.1411,-. with Air...,;ordo, 2Tli. week. .• 3.11ss Beatri 4 \1..;11111811 .1. a '51s1- t4.r 441114 friend- t,• Hamilton. Dr. \t'nlla•,i• 1'"lnningham and HOW TO VISIT THE EXPERIMENTAL FARM (Experimental. Farm. Notes A visit to an E tlerimental Farm .should 14' 1,lc11-'1rnble. it 'honk] also be highly profitable. The degree. mf p1411-14'. find profit will depend largely atm how it !e undertaken. To 1111 1141e caunnlly bunt the premises 1,4,441112 ''hiits. t41rh- out learning their *'(P4* n purples. nor the sig1111'b.'.-• of ac.nnm- lated data, is to make the fist of the opport11441t3- 1;1,•ate.2 lenr- fat van be derlyel only mule the guidance 4.f •om1^•r,r 'ompet,•ut to explain the work. Tins writer has never forgo Ontario Agriculturist 1'ullege. ul excursions. .after luncheon. folk: by'President MIIIs, Professor (n ..11144441s through the 11.41 HON. nn( inspiring an 'rater Were.? In ostler lt'Itllani Rennie .11w•f,.wl "June '.tilt and .0 on. Thecae nen had the fervor undying Impreeslo0 of 'knowledge, enthlw.lw. any exllerlm.,)tel Term ehmlld yield somMh To this 10111 group attendance 1,, nt1•e.sar, of tl .411(1N 4If 1141111.' 41,14 ,'n4•1, of there 1 Ihe,dron. a' are the NMR. of meeting and Err• k. w phyaleal lmpo.sNdllty to give adequate atter dual vl'Itors, 1)n the other hand, large crowd. ars unwieldy scatter too much and get ort of hemring. The ileal way I• to organise a neighborhood von) a nnmler of s•hsd., a elnh or any.twaly with enmmon interest - :1. V1.lt the Itwlltntion at a time .p pointed. taking along a pi., In neon to leeeaten on the Rroilnds. 1 -. t whole day shnnld Ito spent, and If there are pheallt , the work In which the visiting party are ..plr•lafly Intens*Q tit. taf ehotild he advised of chi. in advance. Arrangement. can usually 1e made to give .plrlal attention to mirh groups and the pleasure will be monist. There 1. sl.mething to be learned at P111`;'141111'11.1/1414171: nch ,.f tb.•s.• 11114114. lustlrn. Don.. ite.olve 1a learn It. 'Follow 17 . j.t tinthm'. Ask "7111111,1‘11 Bon.. 1.I.ten and' obeerve. The zest of learning :11111 compering notes will mild keen Intermit to the occa.l,n. When a man (ease. to Main he .-ommenee. to ,.1144.1. Let m keiep *1111'. ten hi. Ars 4'1.41. . • boy, to the n one of the :n I fn niters' eel b5 no 3445:,, . ng nddre.r r lir. %archta 1 - the excnr- teing a 111•:,1',, f data and N• 411 to -, • The lute .is In t4,. ,ser Ntahb•.. z/'11 1111• . ••reeet nn m and b'- • .5 4i -it t., g like • . .1. In ; -2 ea.M trawl tltlrri'•,.N annnalh-. ng 'be inibdle. it '0 all hollvl- The people w11,1.4r. Acle. 1'(1110.1,4411.1111, •,l .a. I;1t111u'lu1•,•. Urs., 11Rw'?horne, nt Dtlkm- 411. Mrs. t•riugle. of Toronto. and Mrs. .1 no. 4 nuuhnxh+4141 and Miss Clarke 4' Ingham. of \\':Ilker:on. were 41si• Mr- at Mr. M4144'4 . o4.. Situr- 41.1y. Ali.. ,414111e 1'111rk and 311..- 1'In 4'k 41,1,,11.441 rhe 11044,4•1AleKe43:1e• wed.1ing ou Saturday tit Ktutnil. 1'ongrlt11181 oy. no. Mr. and Mrs. :::w•nnd 141riour on the birth of a daughter. Mr.Mrs. Ahll•. ur 1 01111411. were t Litore 1;121 atok with thelt nephews.' Mr. 1':lirn.1 .titch,' -1411 111141 Mr. .1r.•hie l .4 414 be -..i. '1' heIle lien 1. wighIJet 1 1111 11 1 he 'woe.! It.•.. 11. 1:. N'11i?111•I, will '.••,'Illy hl+' 4,114 it .4,w•+ ju4t .n. n,:u,t fool/o111 1441144 111111 1.1111411 114.42 Sunday. Mr. 11141 AII41 ••. F'. 1.1.1..41 111141 won. . : K11e111'Alr. el1U.1. 11Atu4'l'I'or.raym'•.o. were 111441141:11114 One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars 1,11 lost 11..44. :Idol ,4 1141.4 %%eche 114.'1 4443 with her awn, Mrs, }:.1. $owrrb). 4:i4.1eri.'1 tuw'u•h1ll Me..r,.. 14141,1 1114.1 Bert Mo\t'hlu11e) wade a bmsluew trig. to \\'iugluuu In -t w eek. The 1,113 erup wldel. wa• n IKurlit 1fn1 one, 14 slow • stored ntal the' nr4estinc Of fall wheat and barley 1. now in full .441144. 'Threshing ,..f fall wheat �s4111 take 141(''' till• week on the farm. of Messy. .I. A. and Donald McKeu- zie. corlces•io44 -4. who have over thlrty- five aero of, ex. V114 111 =iv hen t. 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AN D INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICN -- ONTARIO Thr Bible N.w•14.ty meeting 5'o. 44'1.1 u. the Anglican church and was, well tend'!. 11,4. •F'. t 1. 1:m11m:her presldel. I \ ver y threw..? 4,,g nddr,'-• wl` tri Veil I,y !'raw. 11,:\.. agent of the 1111,1e SA •let). onkel-. were .•4'. -tel It. (..1- I,n. - : Pre -114...t. Mr. .loo. 5144,111.11111. • i e pre -idem•. I(e4. 11. t;. W101l6el.! :11u1 Itet". F:. 11. t;Allagher: •..•recur). NU- LIF:! Ilnulplu•ry : treasurer. Alr•. IL I. \1111.'1. • 54 r. :i,,d Al r.. .1111111,1 111rlw,ir nod .d Fergus: :111.1 .AIr•. Itar- b.al•'s uu,ther. lir-. It..1, Wood-. k•.ft ,,,„t•'% for a Iw,r alvei•' 11o(ida} n,•:.4' AlnskJka. . Ur. lied 'Mrs. W. 1,.•ngh.•rl). of t:nelpit, are taking their bdid:,)• at 111eii odd flume h. the• of their mother. �i.. AI., 51 IA•1111. ••t 71u,i,,i11.4: was the guest "of miss 55'. 11."-Itntherfor.1 la -t week. . Male) and Irene \t',»w1..' 111.1 Albs 5'era '1'•dd 111.• the guest. of I4•`:k• Ma rdie. 1.1ack11..w. -at her coy tage. at Claris'. ham. Sir. and Alis. T J. 51.11041.1 attend Irl the \\'ark:Al:ris *eldhIg' hu (:,,l,'girh tui week, $150,000,000.00 . will be paid to Royalty Owners in 1929. :1tr 4(441 going to be in on this:' Buy Standard Royalties NOW and buy! buy! Priced now in units of 100 preferred and 100 common at 5125.00, paying 9;: . t l\ AI-1;t'ST 24; WE RADE THIS PRICE \)'e alae° ..ff.•r • Several gill-,.Ige.l \lnrtgages ranging front 11100.1111 t0 $4,01k1.1k Also ---.\ it... Fir,•. Life, tick and Accident .\"urance Phone 292.- ASH1h IELU (Intended for last week). .5$I1FIE1.D. August 0. '- Slr. and Mr.. 11.'M.Wlihnws and Mr. Bert Me - Whinney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, .Earc make. 4'liiit''11. ..n Nntl.lay - Alr.. 4\'..11. Maize 1. visiting In St. o'a11u411t104. the Joliet .I.( hi'r niece Mrs. 11401 Comfort. Mr.. hurry Bennett and friend. Miss Midair, of-('ldcago. are visiting at Ther h14lt).• of Mr. and Mr.. John Bennett uud with oilier relatives 141 the district. Mr Wilfred McCarthy, of Detroit, spent the 'leek -end with ltia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will MI4'arthy. MI.. Kathleen MacKenzie has sa-I W. J. Powell P. 0. Box 438 NATIONAL "HOSIERY MILLS LIMITED Our previous Ailing on this issue has leen withdrnw'rt front the Market for the .Past two weeks owing to the rapid developments within the rompauy. • We have leeiriurcei to complete new arrangements and we ex- pect to wake a- further limited offering of stock at a new price next week. i We recommend every investor t9 purchase Route of this stock now and would suggest telephoning us or calling and making a reser- vation. Huron Investments Ltd. Royal Bank Building - - Goderich, Ont. Phones - - - 430 and 445. ►14:41 al Capital, $34,548.760 H. R. DRUMMOND, ESQ. 1). FORBES ANGUS, ESQ. ' HAROLD KENNEDY, ESQ. E. W. BEATTY, ESQ., K.C. F. E. MEREDITH, Esq., K'C. W. A. BLACK, ESQ. Rest and Undivided Profits, $37.o' 6,829 Total Assets, $915,7o5,653 • PRESIDENT Sol CNARLn GORDON. O.a.!. VICE•PRESiDENTS MAJ.•Glo. THE HON. S. C. MEWI /RN. o, GENERAL MANAGER / SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMI-TAYLOR DIRECTORS Wst. MCMAaTER, ESQ, G. B. FRASER, ESQ. Gro. SIR ARTHUR CUaatt, 0.C.M.C., R.C.I. THE HON. THOMAS AHEARN A. O. DAWSON, ESQ. / LT.'COL. HERataT Motion, c.w.o.,iw.c, THE Hos. HENRY CocaxtlTT JAMES STEWART. E&Q. J. W. McCoi iia, W. N.'TILLEY, ESQ., EA. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD Sia CHARM GORDON, 0.1.1, MAJ.'OIN. THE Hon. S. C. MtwauAN. c.M.o. E. W. BEATTY, ESC., I.C. H. R. DRUMMOND, E.Q. LONDON COMMITTEE HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE., K r,, (Chairman) P. R. S. BALPOUR, Es(1. SIR HARDMAN i -EVER, BART., K.C.S. THE RT. HON. LORD STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL PARIS COMiTE CONSULTATIF M. GASTON MENIER MEXICO COMMITTEE FREDERICK ADAsS, Etta, C. GORDON PATERSON, Esq. The Bank has over 600 Offices in Canada, Newfoundland, United States, Mexico; at London, England, and at t'aris. France. with Correspondents in all Countries, offering exceptional facilities in all departments of General and Foreign Banking. - The Bank(If Montreal holds an interest in Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), and by reason of this association • is able to offer its clients close competitive rates and complete Nanking service for busi- ness with the West Indies, among the im- portant advantages offered being f 1. ilitics'•-. for obtaining accurate local information. BANK OF °st.MONTREAL .bli::hLd 1817 .1 .44 r, 1.1 - 1 1 i tIP 1.1 `J i. `.L'! f '.e. :47ik. A Safe Repository for Bonds . + or Other Valuable Papers ASAFETY" Deposit Box in your nearest branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is the logical place to keep your valuables for security and convenience. We shall be pleased to furnish you with space necessary for your requirements at minimum rates. THE CANADIAN BANK - OF COMMERCE ( THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ft 11 it A I) ll f A It I I l♦ t f t t The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance A$ency LIFE INSURANCE (Stn life 00.). A('('IDENT.SICKNESS, AUTO. ETC �,tiSUR,ANCE Some eery they houses and lots for Sale Large number listed to select from. Just a few: A fine 'raise,. two I with fruit. modern equipped, garage, illi-firnisb..l. e"sivrnient to lake front a wharf 1,u - n i •-• o w l ail ata ae.s•ssi, n., Price 1 6 f onlihrre it 1 E 11(1). Fins led brick Masse, oxer tiva. 925(1.. (old brick house, hull Imderne. and garage. Fast Greet. Iinmedia eneil.n. $15044. A good twine, got.' location, I modem equipped. $12(10. • i Good two-story house. lights, and toilr(,>t water. Clone to Poet Office. 9750. A fine nine-r.na, home, two tots, fowl ' Lowe. boner modern equipped and god I cellar, well planned for heating me.aven- dence and conif,rt. Close to Collegiate Institute. li.zcellent aecotnnudation for collegiate student roomer.. Low price. }Jul terms. Inuni.I reoweesion. Many Fine Farms Listed to Select Fr0IS. ' Very Cheap. Easy Terms. For all particular. see or write J. W. A&MITRONG Real Estate Agent Box 89 Square G.4 J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance Confederation Life Association Age 25 -year Amount of Prem. 'ridowment ! sii k, n Horn 1.5 M%M) 9185.00 wi 9191.00 25 8194.25 :t 2.5•year Endowment, maturing in 114214 paid 10 our policyholder ver 815(0 per thousand. M. N. MacDONALD AGENT Fin• and .1ut.,r 1111,• 1n4iranee Goderich Phone 382 or 142 Geo. Williams Dealer In DOML\ION, PROVLNCiAIe MUNICIPAL AND ('ORPO• RATION BONDS Gessessi Office,.nezt to Phone 53 Automobile, and Iesoee ABrmt Ink of Commerce (ioderich Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH ' Assurance in Force -- 91.896,915,000 Assets -- - - *488,958,000 Dividends to. Policyholders increased for the ninth .successive year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus PH(SI. Office 11.5 Residence .54'i H. R. LONG, District Agent HONOUR WiTH PROFIT CANADA is proud of the grain and livestock records established by her farmers in the face of international competition. Success in any branch of farming comes with a knowledge of the best methods. "Feeding and Better Livestock" is a booklet issued by this Bank to help the Canadian farmer increase his profits. Ask for a copy. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch - L D. Eastman, Manager • CORONER'S JURY SAYS DEATHS DUE TO EXCESSIVE SPEED Inquest Held at Teeswater into Deaths of Miss O'Callaghan and Mrs. Jamieson TEF;S\\'.t'PEI1. .alto. 12. -The Jury in ita:wiled to inquire into the death. of Margaret O'Callaghan and Mrs. Mary .lnmlees,n. following an automo- bile slectileut two tulle. south of Teet- water,. met . to the town. !MK a fterli w,ll. and after hearing several w•in4.se.. Ave of w-huw vlw the a''1 - dent. brought in the following ver - diet -We. the jury. And flint Margaret fl'l'nlinghan mod •AUtry• .luuliesono IIue Iq their den111. on .511811,+4 5. 19*_41. by tieing Thrown from a .air driven by John 4011.11., when he 10.1 emit r.,1 of the en r. doe to"4x'••,,14'4. .peel." for. Hoblns nl. who performrl 411e 1•..a-awrtelin 1141 both the les -Iles. W.1 .. the first w'Itne.r. and Jw 'lid M:ir- 1111r•1 4)'('u11ng11a.n !net death 61' hay ing her i.knll frle•tnrel nod tlw'brii 11 ,Ja(erllf.d. Miry 41111e1les4114 44441 after the 0,14414.114. her death' lelhg due to a broken pelvic lone. Internal injirM+' and 11 l0,ernikm 14444' the right rye. 'Mr. irMaIlley. who 1.;111 111• %tory' 111141 11 11.8'40141 the questions .'•r the ('row'11. it.'tlrly broke down, when he (44444 to the port where 'he told of go- ing to the wear. -e? girl. Al:rgaret. who • lay on the ground. dying. In a ..p....1 of 1i444 el. 11tH story .was that lie had swerved to lap.. hitting anwher ear and book 1114' 1111.1. .mashed a tele- phone 1st,'' 3111.1 finally stopped In n field. after going through a.,fem.w With only 141l4' strand of wire. \\'Ill.• -.a•. *1111111 1114 111141 peceie ) jinn to few moments previous 111 the •IceIMnt .ay that they did not make any other car. alta h 444,444. ,.f 4114.111 "aid they midi] cwt ,.e• •h for dust and wont.' not 1e positive I'rovin.lal ('onstal,le X41144411 to,iuk arra-nrrm,ut. isql Mantel that the car welt l:4': flet after 1t left the road. .acting Crown Attorney Robertson. in ad.redng the Jary, said that (!'Mar. ley was.not on trial and they were to ex prey.: nn opinion based only on the et•Id101ee srrl'm11tell. Alias (►'('allaghan mid Mr.. Jamie- son were daughters of Mr. awl Mr.. Daniel O'Callaghan. of West 3\'aw•an- 01111. near 'Whitechurch. Besides the parents, several brothers and alataew stiffly". Just a week before the stri- dent which bereaved them of two .Irnghter.. Mr. a 114 Mr... O'Callaghan had a happy reunion of their family: Jolla 41' Malley. of Detroit: the driver of the car. 1- a relative of the family. FINLAY ANDERSON AT THE NINETY MARE Splendid Record of Nell -known East. • W'awaneatl Man 'III 1A;IL.t\'F:. Aug. 9.- For •1•t'entc- fl►e years $1 ree4den4 of Huron enmi- ty. Finlay Anderson eelehratel h1. ninetieth 1.irthday at 11i• hum,' today. Ile wile bili In Ken tiiore. N:•otlnnd. Mr. And.r.on ha+ the ]fstin('iIon of being the •.1114".2 11•siden t of the tuw'n- ship of East Wnwanosh. a. we)! ns tieing the oble.4 piddle official 114 the county .of Ilnron. Ile has seme,l un both the tonnshlp and (minty emin- ent'. and 11111 lawn tlw-n4hip tren.urer for I14. Iwi't thirty-four lea's. 114. still tills thf. poxitlon. 31r. A1wletv0n spent;. the grenter.l part of the time at the old home. Ken - ore Farm. which meas taken up a1. h .h land about 1852 by his father, Thi Inn lmlers0n, and on which he hell d hl. father and brother. to do plop work. The farm is non- the proper of hi.. yonnge.t ...nl, whoop children are the forth generation to call the fllaee home. Mr. An4l soil'. wife,. who was Julia i Ann Naylor\lwfnre her marringe• diel 111 1213 at the age of .•i. i.lt-two, il(f a lumpy of tru, .angter• .1 thr1e sm" 11re 114.1148•four '1'11l., wclr,• b•114ona• 1 fur%thr birthday oecasio44.• and. w'1111 the twenty -tour 'gra: 4,•4,i.l.lrrtl .8 Nil • eight gnat-grIIn4k'hlkl,".•a. ,1- well ay.; mans friend.. and aMuair 11. ,•:, join - 441 111 wishing Mr. -tad,,. •,n IInt I,) more happy least. W. J. MACKAY LIBERAL CHOICE IN SOUTH BRUCE FUSIMr N'ar•den of Itru., 1„ 14.1114..1 . Seat fey Legislature Williapl J. Maolia ,•4' \\'Arden, .•f itruer county and cul u,.,I0 year, n pr Ilona figure in the 41..411. ipal fairof I1urou tuwn.hi;, :u,d Itru. c aolnty. 1• the ruudldat:•,.f '4c I.II,•r,, of South litmus, for 'i,.. 41.•44 1'1114. 1114-1111 elrethin. Thr 11•.24,.1:,21..44 11144•I- I14K 1114.k place at Hilr1.• I'lulrsd.. Ili.t. Several other,. were ; n,;•,.., I for 1 he 11441111111 11111. bit all w i•i, ., • .,', 14,.,.1,1 Al r. Mlo•Kay. Thus a..•. .-,.,I w,.iy.; 1)r. 11. it. Fi14laywu14" I;;,. • i : .1. .5.• .Iohla•I1141. M1Idtuil It I: 'r ;,4• 55':,I- k4'rrou: D•nid Mue1►, Frank Iteullle. \\'44lkert .•. 1'•:'1.13 114m- ry. IUlroa tuwu.hil,: AI . s, N, Ir .43'11,11.-w'aikertun ; 11 , 11• Kh:/e•u. lull''x1111 Mr. Mai•K ,' . i \\'. F.:. N. $I)Irl:iir, 1. I'r.o h, • - '•iul Liberal leader. •...•n? and gave a 1'Igoron. addre as It. • riticize4 sererelc, the Fergus.'', 1114111111111 re 1411. Slav!. L'.7 , .. 1.11.41 41„. Fergis.nt Goyer11lue11? .. ,aiice. the debt of the Prot-In.r'1 I • reasel 1.y t Y,!x4.IMMI.1MN4. while - d11- - 1114' -•11111' period. Alr. Sinclair • •..,241 the. Lll•rl,I G.overnntent , ' . a'a haul reduced the public d. t_,IMLIMMI, ono. Mr. 1Sind:sir'aka. • •,r .•.41,1l-' 411114..he lm] (.erod 11 .. - i- 4114 441 .lour of Norther) 1111411:• ' f .• , .tlNir\', lie 4ti1,1. waw full of .•f.. 4 .J the Fergn144gi Goverhwrmt. 011'. ,.•n• work - lug -to keep tilt t:oven,:N. ' .11 office rather than .f•;r the welfa r.- .,f the e,t- tler.. ()114.r speakers mer,• A. P. Alew'•hhn- Iwy': 74 speakers for North Ren..•: lir. NI..- Iplih4rem. M.P.P. for."\„rtbe;i•t• Well- ington. and I./r. W. A, 11411. 51.1'., South Brute. 4.4 'WESTFIELD R'ESTFIRT.D. Aug. 12 '11-. June ituchanan. of lVinghnm. .pi•nt last week with her grandp,n•I,,-. Mr. and Mrs. Rola. 131rchanni,. :1114 e4her friends. 3.11.44. Marjorie aryl 14:111 e41MO*" ere Klwndluo tido o...k wttb theft 44004.. Mr-. 1R. erer�I�1t, 1%r. Rnht. F'itzgerahl 111411 Mr- Ifni. 'Crozier, of A.1184.1d. CnM.olEileen 4'ar'. If '.tnhnrl. 1s visiting her gr..n, ,n .444.4, Aar.. John. k.ls Mr. and M.•-•. 55' .: Tnmhh'n. of To - and Mr. .1 'r , mhlrn, of Lon:len• 14,ru', vI-IN.I 'ons , . last week with the latter'. -I.n;. 41st. J. N. Cpm('' Ip11. AIr. and Mrs \4' 5. Campbell spent Snn,t,ll with , • .,..er'e Meter, Mr.. Itl,har,l 4:411,11 , r A.hAeld. ST. II EI.ENS ST. III 1.IJNs 4 _. 1:. ---Mr. and Air.. 4;.•orge ''1111•. 4'1.) daughter - lean. 'f H44minon. w1. • •„-re holidaying 114 4;,aleri,•h. were 4i•ilnry 441111 their ther hist wee:, The symptll, „f 'Ile Aemnnlnity 14'. 4.811.11111.1 to lir. nn.' Mr.. 4)'4',, IIS ghn11 in the tragi- .1...404...f their daughter-. Mr. and Mr. s•a..rt MI•(:i1re and Marie t,,..k n 4..1,1 Iv trip by motor down to Erin. 1'.:en Mills and other tailttt' 44441 w,4'•{ • Mr. and Air, stiorl AL4:nire and 'Infighter. SI1rb.). of '1'Hmr• Albert, Snpk.. were the I a.e.s of Mr. and Mr.. Ed. Thous• 44y1T the week -end. M4-. AI. F. s:,,kel.) and MI..- i:. Nwtltejlt. of (F.1*•]ch. 'ter' 11.1411,-. with Air...,;ordo, 2Tli. week. .• 3.11ss Beatri 4 \1..;11111811 .1. a '51s1- t4.r 441114 friend- t,• Hamilton. Dr. \t'nlla•,i• 1'"lnningham and HOW TO VISIT THE EXPERIMENTAL FARM (Experimental. Farm. Notes A visit to an E tlerimental Farm .should 14' 1,lc11-'1rnble. it 'honk] also be highly profitable. The degree. mf p1411-14'. find profit will depend largely atm how it !e undertaken. To 1111 1141e caunnlly bunt the premises 1,4,441112 ''hiits. t41rh- out learning their *'(P4* n purples. nor the sig1111'b.'.-• of ac.nnm- lated data, is to make the fist of the opport11441t3- 1;1,•ate.2 lenr- fat van be derlyel only mule the guidance 4.f •om1^•r,r 'ompet,•ut to explain the work. Tins writer has never forgo Ontario Agriculturist 1'ullege. ul excursions. .after luncheon. folk: by'President MIIIs, Professor (n ..11144441s through the 11.41 HON. nn( inspiring an 'rater Were.? In ostler lt'Itllani Rennie .11w•f,.wl "June '.tilt and .0 on. Thecae nen had the fervor undying Impreeslo0 of 'knowledge, enthlw.lw. any exllerlm.,)tel Term ehmlld yield somMh To this 10111 group attendance 1,, nt1•e.sar, of tl .411(1N 4If 1141111.' 41,14 ,'n4•1, of there 1 Ihe,dron. a' are the NMR. of meeting and Err• k. w phyaleal lmpo.sNdllty to give adequate atter dual vl'Itors, 1)n the other hand, large crowd. ars unwieldy scatter too much and get ort of hemring. The ileal way I• to organise a neighborhood von) a nnmler of s•hsd., a elnh or any.twaly with enmmon interest - :1. V1.lt the Itwlltntion at a time .p pointed. taking along a pi., In neon to leeeaten on the Rroilnds. 1 -. t whole day shnnld Ito spent, and If there are pheallt , the work In which the visiting party are ..plr•lafly Intens*Q tit. taf ehotild he advised of chi. in advance. Arrangement. can usually 1e made to give .plrlal attention to mirh groups and the pleasure will be monist. There 1. sl.mething to be learned at P111`;'141111'11.1/1414171: nch ,.f tb.•s.• 11114114. lustlrn. Don.. ite.olve 1a learn It. 'Follow 17 . j.t tinthm'. Ask "7111111,1‘11 Bon.. 1.I.ten and' obeerve. The zest of learning :11111 compering notes will mild keen Intermit to the occa.l,n. When a man (ease. to Main he .-ommenee. to ,.1144.1. Let m keiep *1111'. ten hi. Ars 4'1.41. . • boy, to the n one of the :n I fn niters' eel b5 no 3445:,, . ng nddre.r r lir. %archta 1 - the excnr- teing a 111•:,1',, f data and N• 411 to -, • The lute .is In t4,. ,ser Ntahb•.. z/'11 1111• . ••reeet nn m and b'- • .5 4i -it t., g like • . .1. In ; -2 ea.M trawl tltlrri'•,.N annnalh-. ng 'be inibdle. it '0 all hollvl- The people w11,1.4r. Acle. 1'(1110.1,4411.1111, •,l .a. I;1t111u'lu1•,•. Urs., 11Rw'?horne, nt Dtlkm- 411. Mrs. t•riugle. of Toronto. and Mrs. .1 no. 4 nuuhnxh+4141 and Miss Clarke 4' Ingham. of \\':Ilker:on. were 41si• Mr- at Mr. M4144'4 . o4.. Situr- 41.1y. Ali.. ,414111e 1'111rk and 311..- 1'In 4'k 41,1,,11.441 rhe 11044,4•1AleKe43:1e• wed.1ing ou Saturday tit Ktutnil. 1'ongrlt11181 oy. no. Mr. and Mrs. :::w•nnd 141riour on the birth of a daughter. Mr.Mrs. Ahll•. ur 1 01111411. were t Litore 1;121 atok with thelt nephews.' Mr. 1':lirn.1 .titch,' -1411 111141 Mr. .1r.•hie l .4 414 be -..i. '1' heIle lien 1. wighIJet 1 1111 11 1 he 'woe.! It.•.. 11. 1:. N'11i?111•I, will '.••,'Illy hl+' 4,114 it .4,w•+ ju4t .n. n,:u,t fool/o111 1441144 111111 1.1111411 114.42 Sunday. Mr. 11141 AII41 ••. F'. 1.1.1..41 111141 won. . : K11e111'Alr. el1U.1. 11Atu4'l'I'or.raym'•.o. were 111441141:11114 One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars 1,11 lost 11..44. :Idol ,4 1141.4 %%eche 114.'1 4443 with her awn, Mrs, }:.1. $owrrb). 4:i4.1eri.'1 tuw'u•h1ll Me..r,.. 14141,1 1114.1 Bert Mo\t'hlu11e) wade a bmsluew trig. to \\'iugluuu In -t w eek. The 1,113 erup wldel. wa• n IKurlit 1fn1 one, 14 slow • stored ntal the' nr4estinc Of fall wheat and barley 1. now in full .441144. 'Threshing ,..f fall wheat �s4111 take 141(''' till• week on the farm. of Messy. .I. A. and Donald McKeu- zie. corlces•io44 -4. who have over thlrty- five aero of, ex. V114 111 =iv hen t. 0. F. CAREY & SON Limited INVESTMENTS AN D INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICN -- ONTARIO Thr Bible N.w•14.ty meeting 5'o. 44'1.1 u. the Anglican church and was, well tend'!. 11,4. •F'. t 1. 1:m11m:her presldel. I \ ver y threw..? 4,,g nddr,'-• wl` tri Veil I,y !'raw. 11,:\.. agent of the 1111,1e SA •let). onkel-. were .•4'. -tel It. (..1- I,n. - : Pre -114...t. Mr. .loo. 5144,111.11111. • i e pre -idem•. I(e4. 11. t;. W101l6el.! :11u1 Itet". F:. 11. t;Allagher: •..•recur). NU- LIF:! Ilnulplu•ry : treasurer. Alr•. IL I. \1111.'1. • 54 r. :i,,d Al r.. .1111111,1 111rlw,ir nod .d Fergus: :111.1 .AIr•. Itar- b.al•'s uu,ther. lir-. It..1, Wood-. k•.ft ,,,„t•'% for a Iw,r alvei•' 11o(ida} n,•:.4' AlnskJka. . Ur. lied 'Mrs. W. 1,.•ngh.•rl). of t:nelpit, are taking their bdid:,)• at 111eii odd flume h. the• of their mother. �i.. AI., 51 IA•1111. ••t 71u,i,,i11.4: was the guest "of miss 55'. 11."-Itntherfor.1 la -t week. . Male) and Irene \t',»w1..' 111.1 Albs 5'era '1'•dd 111.• the guest. of I4•`:k• Ma rdie. 1.1ack11..w. -at her coy tage. at Claris'. ham. Sir. and Alis. T J. 51.11041.1 attend Irl the \\'ark:Al:ris *eldhIg' hu (:,,l,'girh tui week, $150,000,000.00 . will be paid to Royalty Owners in 1929. :1tr 4(441 going to be in on this:' Buy Standard Royalties NOW and buy! buy! Priced now in units of 100 preferred and 100 common at 5125.00, paying 9;: . t l\ AI-1;t'ST 24; WE RADE THIS PRICE \)'e alae° ..ff.•r • Several gill-,.Ige.l \lnrtgages ranging front 11100.1111 t0 $4,01k1.1k Also ---.\ it... Fir,•. Life, tick and Accident .\"urance Phone 292.- ASH1h IELU (Intended for last week). .5$I1FIE1.D. August 0. '- Slr. and Mr.. 11.'M.Wlihnws and Mr. Bert Me - Whinney were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, .Earc make. 4'liiit''11. ..n Nntl.lay - Alr.. 4\'..11. Maize 1. visiting In St. o'a11u411t104. the Joliet .I.( hi'r niece Mrs. 11401 Comfort. Mr.. hurry Bennett and friend. Miss Midair, of-('ldcago. are visiting at Ther h14lt).• of Mr. and Mr.. John Bennett uud with oilier relatives 141 the district. Mr Wilfred McCarthy, of Detroit, spent the 'leek -end with ltia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will MI4'arthy. MI.. Kathleen MacKenzie has sa-I W. J. Powell P. 0. Box 438 NATIONAL "HOSIERY MILLS LIMITED Our previous Ailing on this issue has leen withdrnw'rt front the Market for the .Past two weeks owing to the rapid developments within the rompauy. • We have leeiriurcei to complete new arrangements and we ex- pect to wake a- further limited offering of stock at a new price next week. i We recommend every investor t9 purchase Route of this stock now and would suggest telephoning us or calling and making a reser- vation. Huron Investments Ltd. Royal Bank Building - - Goderich, Ont. Phones - - - 430 and 445. ►14:41 al Capital, $34,548.760 H. R. DRUMMOND, ESQ. 1). FORBES ANGUS, ESQ. ' HAROLD KENNEDY, ESQ. E. W. BEATTY, ESQ., K.C. F. E. MEREDITH, Esq., K'C. W. A. BLACK, ESQ. Rest and Undivided Profits, $37.o' 6,829 Total Assets, $915,7o5,653 • PRESIDENT Sol CNARLn GORDON. O.a.!. VICE•PRESiDENTS MAJ.•Glo. THE HON. S. C. MEWI /RN. o, GENERAL MANAGER / SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMI-TAYLOR DIRECTORS Wst. MCMAaTER, ESQ, G. B. FRASER, ESQ. Gro. SIR ARTHUR CUaatt, 0.C.M.C., R.C.I. THE HON. THOMAS AHEARN A. O. DAWSON, ESQ. / LT.'COL. HERataT Motion, c.w.o.,iw.c, THE Hos. HENRY CocaxtlTT JAMES STEWART. E&Q. J. W. McCoi iia, W. N.'TILLEY, ESQ., EA. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD Sia CHARM GORDON, 0.1.1, MAJ.'OIN. THE Hon. S. C. MtwauAN. c.M.o. E. W. BEATTY, ESC., I.C. H. R. DRUMMOND, E.Q. LONDON COMMITTEE HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE., K r,, (Chairman) P. R. S. BALPOUR, Es(1. SIR HARDMAN i -EVER, BART., K.C.S. THE RT. HON. LORD STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL PARIS COMiTE CONSULTATIF M. GASTON MENIER MEXICO COMMITTEE FREDERICK ADAsS, Etta, C. GORDON PATERSON, Esq. The Bank has over 600 Offices in Canada, Newfoundland, United States, Mexico; at London, England, and at t'aris. France. with Correspondents in all Countries, offering exceptional facilities in all departments of General and Foreign Banking. - The Bank(If Montreal holds an interest in Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), and by reason of this association • is able to offer its clients close competitive rates and complete Nanking service for busi- ness with the West Indies, among the im- portant advantages offered being f 1. ilitics'•-. for obtaining accurate local information. BANK OF °st.MONTREAL .bli::hLd 1817 .1 .44 r,