HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-02, Page 2532. Coming. events OAIL,WE SAKIE:SALE Gigantic, garage and bake sale at 'Nile algal; Nile, Ontario; July 5th at 10 a.ni, -26,27 - PERCY REUNION 26TH ANNUAL. PERCY re- union, July 13, 1980, Lans-, downe Park, Kincardine 3 p.m. -26,27 - ATTEND the Old Time .Fid, die and Step-dance Contest, • Jul .11 and 12 at the Fergus and DiStrict Community Cen- tre, Fergus, •Ontario. For information call 5 t9-843-2735 or 519-843-1630. -26nx Turn cans of paint ppside doWn for at least 24 hours before using. The paint will mix in half. the time when you're ready to start the job. Make sure the lids are on tight'before turning them upside down. - ++ + Attuntion `Ftruers 45 ACRES OF TREFOIL, Timothy. and , Alfalfa Rhone .395-2202. -26,27X 25 ACRES of standing, hay : Jet- idle,' PhOne 52876495, -26,27x ALFALFA and brome - hay. phone 395-2778. ,-26,27x ALLIS CHALMERS D17 trac- thr--- with front end loader. Phone 528-2900 after . 5.00 p.m. -26 1000 BALES of straw. Phone 528-5653.'726,27 1.1•1 rm.* B. Custom work CUSTOM BALING Round BaleS - • John Johnston • Phone 529-7938 or 529-7129 CUSTOIVI SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing 529-7488 31'. Cards of '.thanks REID Thanks to friends, femilies and kind neighbonrs for cards, • treats and _kind wishes, •Thanks to: Archie . • and Birdie NichPlson who'cnt the grass and took care Of our. :garden; to •our. good Doctors and nurses here and in London, Bob Reic1,27x PAPER DRIVE Lucknow Girl Guides paper drive Saturday, August 9. No Magazines; newspapers only, tied or boxed. Proceeds for oaraPing.-27-29:3Ix ' • COMMUNITY SHOWER' Relatives and friends are invited to attend a miscellaneous : shower for• Margaret Montgomery in the basement of the Lucknow United . Church, on Tuesday, July 15 at 8 p.m-27,28 KING GRAIN, PRIDE SEED CORN, soyabean seed Farmers get your alterna- tors, disc blades, cultivator points, PlOugh points,. dog food. Agent for 0.P.M.A. KINGSBRIDGE FARM SUPPLY VhieeArtithi R. R. 0 3, Goderich Phone 529-7240 -16tfar . TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE SILOS Oxygen limiting silos with bottom unloader. Liquid manure tankS. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088. -3tfer HOW DOES YOUR SUB- sourrioN LABEL READ? FARms-FoRsALE •Ixon4eritt_Chaptra Realty Ltd: 10 The Square Goderich When Iniying or selling, call R. A. "Gus" Chisholm; Home (510) 524-8554 iluSiness (519) 524-2177 Mobile Phone, - Clinton YJ6-4361 FEEDER Near 'Myth. 150 acres, ail work ble. Good buildings. Priced to sell. ASHFIELD TWP. 200 acres, all workable. Good feedlot. HOGS MORRIS TINP. Finishing. All automatit, modern buildings. Reduced for quick sale. NEAR BLYTH` 147 acres 14Q workable. Farrow to finish. Also beef set- up. CASH CROP GODERICH TWP. 165 acres. 100 acres good cash crop. NEAR BAYFIELD - 7 0 acrei workable. WESTFIELD 100 acre farm, fully modern home. WEST WAWANOSH TINP. Near St. Helens. Just listed- 100 acres, 65 workable. 38 acres bush. No buildings. .HURON TWP. 150 acres all workable, no buildings, level, systematically tiled, all in flax crop. ALSO EXCLUSWE LISTING ON Way LARGE ACREAGE, Call "Gus" for details. 23., Miscellaneous SECOND come Withogt leaving your home.,. Send .addresSO4 stainped envelope to EcliPse Dole 713, Waterloo,Opt- Ado* --;.26,27x • 28., Engagements 415. SIECKER-O'HAGAN Mr. a nd Mrs. :Pjari.elt_ OT-1a7jin 'of Walkerton are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Patricia. Joanne .to: John . Daniel Sleeker, son of-Mr, and Mrs. John A. Sleeker of St. Helens. The wedding: will take plice Saturday, July 19, 1980 at 4 p.m. et St. Paul's United Church, Walke r ton,, 27E - 44.4.144: 1;110,...1411. • ....444411.41.0.1114.4141144 4.01444.14114, A. For sale FORAN „I wish to sincerely. thank "all the neighbours, friends and relatives who so kindly gave such lovely gifts at My shoWer. A special thanks to Delores Van Osch who hasted the shower at St. Joseph's XIngSbridge' and the C.W.L. Ladies of St. Augustine for organizing the ' community , shower at St. Augustine. Also, thanks to • Mfrs. Jean Black who hosted the relative ghbWer at her home, Our kindness will never be forgotten. Cathy Foran.,-2t The''32nd„ Hackett Reunion will be held at'. Ashfield Townshi Park at 12::30 noon on `Sunday, July 13th, .1550; for a barbecue dinner, All --deseetdanti. plaii-TO-atteria.; The family tree and historical materiel will be available of standing 'hay, located at CRAFT BRED GILTS - • York x FESTIVAL. Landrace with. closed herd RR 5,, Lucknow,. lot •,27; Concession 3... Interested IIIC , : 46 baler in ./operating condition, $400.00. Phone 357-303E-27 APPROXIMATELY 80 acres biltnenization for Everyone Infott Chadian Adults Bruce County Health Ur& 2nd Wednesday each month, NOT CLINIC JULY 9.11.1 Bruce CountY Health Unit Office '434:30 p4/i4 ck "Coming Events" for noticet of monthly clinks. , AOHNSTON I would likato .thank all who sent cards, flowers ' other. as n osp n• ROSS Sincere appreciation for, all, the-kindnesses shown-during. Edna!S stay in hospital and since returning borne. 'Thanks for all', the 'cardi, letters, enquiries and treats received both, in:hospitel and at home. Bill and Edna RosS.--27x PENTLAND,T Thanks to eVeryone for cards, flowers, gifts and visits during our stay in hospital. dur sincere thanks to Drs. jolly, IVIcKim and Corrin, Medical staff and all nurses on maternity wing in: Wingham Hospital for the special care received. Also thanks to Doctors, and nurses in the nursery at War Memorial Hospital, London. Joanne and Jacqueline Pentland.-27x 414 PANS of thanks We would like tQ thank one friends and relatives for all the cardS, gifts. .visits. flewers,.and, good wishes, we received when Ainanda was born, Special' thanks, to 'everSrerie who was Invelved in hosting the ''two showers for me. Your thOughtfulriess will alvyays remembered. . ,Amanda Dekker- 27x OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION Anthony. and Priscilla States (nee Zipfel) daughter of Frank and Rita Zipfel July 5? 1980 Ripley 'Complex. Music by Bittersweet Everyone welcome. ~Dancing 9 to 10:00 a.m. to. 5--06 p.m. Free draws ' every hour. Adniis sion 50c. Children under 12 free . ac• - companied 'by an adult). Free parking. Meals for sale. Crafts, home_made .baking and fresh produce. ler sale. Many . demonstrations. Sponsored by LucknoW Agricultural Society. Sepoy Sidewalk Sale both days.-27,30,314 HELM PICNIC Join with' your relatives on Sunday, July 6, '1:15 pan, at Ashfield Park for basket dinner and special events. -26,27 SUMMER FLING The Lucknow Agricultural Sqciety will hold their annual summer dance on Saturday, July 12 in the Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing from 9:30 to 1:30 to Walter Ostanelt. $10.00 per couple, lunch included. All proceeds for new fence at ball park.' Tickets available from any director, Bill's Place or phone 528-2184. -26.28ar custom work. CLISTOM COMBINING with' N5 Rotary (leaner, 4 wheel drive. Wheat, mixed grain, beans and• corn. Reasonable rateS. Contact Rohert Ernes son, R. # • 3, .11ipley, 3954115. -22;25 ----.- CUSTOM BALING Large Round Bales Hay and Sfraw Phone 529-7348 or 395.3431 24-27 C.. Wanted p.m.. -26,27 WANTED TO BUY baled hay, any quantity, delivered to the farm. Phone 395-5276. 26,27 ROUND .HAy BALES, this years crop. Phone 529; 78891-27' D. Livestock W001'1 *Owl/ ufrwo E Farmiervices /44.4 4111.11 414. Int., Balk Feed Tanks.' ) ACME -: FJ an- et ,Ventilation Systems: ASTON .4 Ventilation Sys- temS1 , Manure Spreaders'. .• AERO-FLUSH - Liquid Matt-.. SLURRY-SLING:ER - Liquid CLAY - PartS and Service for Clay EqUipment.• •' - • •Confinement Systems:. urePrimps,Aerators; Separ- Batolcs...L - Complete Hoge WE HANDLE .. EVERYTHING -ALMOST • HAMILTON , _ like ..to .thank eVeryone who sent car is and treats and •visited me while in hospital.' ::: • Sadie • Hamilton.-27 DUNGANNON. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Dungannon Agricultural Society would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who worked so hard in so many different ways to' make our bell Witt/lament the • great sue- 4 cess it was.-27ar gifts; phpne calls and: thoie 1-7-274r wile helped at home while I w Jea HACKETT,RtVNION Johnston:727ii RED V ANGUS BULLS farm tested or. Guelph tested, Large selection. Free :day- • ery, 'sensible. prices. Gra- NOW AVAILABLE entn- ham' Red Angus, R. R. 3, inercial bred gilts' from St. Marys., NOM 2V0 (519- extra clean . herd. Phone 284-1233 or 1467). -26:30 Four Seasons Poultry Farnis dvs'529-7704, after 6 a.m, 5294982'0.r 5.29-7697:-'727,28 HAMPSHIRE. YORKSHIRE Ramp x York -and Hany 'at Duroc boars: .Also 'gilts due in 3 -.5 weeks. Bob Robinson,,, R. • R. 4'• Walton, .345-2317.. -25-17 • Lucknaw!s - tenth annual par one Ba yfteld 565- . conditions, ., Original herd craft' festival. at ,,Lucknow 2666 a! ter 4 p. iyi 27 - -... ' „constantly being ROP tested IRWIN : Arena on Friday, AUgust I, ,,......,.., „..,„.,, .. by Quality. SWine. 13reeder J. *mid- like to t h an k 1980: 12:00 noon to 10:(,)0 p,m. oil' r• uR SALE. Phone 395 5212.-27,28 ' :: boars. also .available. Lau- for cards,.: gift§, Satnrday, -August. 2 1980 - everyOne visits, while I was: a 'patent in Winghain Hospital. Leonardirwin,27k ... ,„ rence Van den HenVel, 524- 4350. -46-Oar w••••• ••••= axon In.. immo• ^ / LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEFT. 'TORONTO • Ship your livestock . with BILL TAYLOR . R. R. LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more Thursdayi Fromlucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home, or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK DILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE ----39tfar Chris Holloway . 395-3448 or 529-7268. M-20 FAIVNIVAITO. ill0AntheNE 395.528611 BUTLER - Ring Drive, SRO Unloaders, Big Jim Silo-LTn, loaders: Volume Belt Peed- ers, Convey n,-Feed' Cattle. Feeders% Single Chain 'Con,' veyors,, Barn Cleaners, Os, -v-ialrEnsilmixers, FAiRMATIC Blender Ha.m- ther• Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender. Mills for. Ground .,HI-Moisture, Corn, • Augers, Leg Elevators.. ACORN -,.Cable-Barn Clean- KIDS GETTING CRAMP-. BETWEEN 10 - 12,000 litres ers; Hydraulic Manure , ED? This home in Lucknow of MSQ, Phone. 392-6421 Pumps.' ha's .4 bedrooms, sunporch between 12 - 1.30, or 6 - 7 WESTE'EL-ROSCO • • •and large attached garage. • ,Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 Lot size 66' • 'x 165'.• Call WIltrECIMICH Lightly, treed lot available. Only . $7,000, Lot size 66' x 132'. Call.Chris'Holloway 395-5952 eVenings 395-3448. W-4 MBILE 'HOME just outside LnektioV;; for sale...1. bed.; , room Glendale. Asking $11,500.. Must be moved from property. Call Chris '. flolloWaY 395;5952 Or even-' ings 395-3448 H.:152 7 'HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS' tn Luanow. All equipinene and stock itieluded., Great. ; business opportunity. Call Chris Holloway 395-5952 or ,. '395-3448. When hanging suits or .dresses outdoors to air out, 'place 'them on two', hangerS, Hook them opposite directions they Won't blow off tbe MB line. " -23tf SKELTON AllEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO A large stock of monuments at fair prices Available for evening,opOintmente