HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-02, Page 9X:ucknniv„ Sentinel, .":VVecdnesdny, July 2 ii9.130--,Page McGibbon opens es ival 7r),1 331 ra ft 395-5 1) ‘Pt4i94::T.two.b.t4 ARE YOB LIVING WITH A DRINKING PROBLEM? AI.Aiton 'con help! PHONE 881-3113. WttlIcertop Or Write P.O. Box 467, Lucknow EVERYONE WELCOME! Ontario Limousin Association FIELD DAY SUNDAY; 'JULY 6 at 2:00 P.M. H1LRAY FARMS, HOLYROOD • (North of Lucknow) • ' . . , • CATTLE JUDGING EXHIBITS • FUN & GAMES ' SUPPER at 4-4:30 p.m. (Please Bring Lawn Chairs) 40 HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION 80. 4 PHONE 524•9981 4 • #5711416- 11111111111.11 111. —NuOlear Power will.get a public hearing starting July' 8,,but• one of a dif- , ferent ' sort., Ted Johns' latest play ST,' SA1V1 OF • THE NUKE, PILE, opens Blyth Strnmer Festival• on that date:The play is an examination of .. nuclear power in general and the Bruce Nuclear Power 'Development in particular.. It centres, 'however, not On the facts and figures of fuel rods. and millirems;•but on the nature's Cleansers, is • plentiful now -- in 'many home gardens and 'fruit Markets. Unfortunately many dieters who enjoy a bowl of cooked rhubarb or rhubarb pie Shy away from eating it because of .: the amount of sugar needed to overcome its tartness. A good, 'way to cut down by at least half --the amount - of is add half a teaspoon of baking soda toAlle_rhubarkm.hile it is boiling in the pct. The pre.toonogersondlor481494 WRY be 6ffenlit, down on the acidity, II NEXT A 111111:111.0110P NON Elma !TRACTION inn"'", + and hooky tonk 11111 STARTS FRIDAY ,..../st.00, Flying and crawling' • m." JULY 1 Nov insects will add nothing to vim mai [23 u, a new paint job, inside or out. To keep, them from landing on newly painted -surfaces while it is still wet, add a bit of liquid pine, cedar of citronella oil to each coat of paint. A teaspoonful or two is' generally enough to treat a gallon 'of paint. It-must be stirred in well. The oil will not harm the con-, sistency of the paint. Believe it pr not, but if' you have a Piece of meat that appears to be t90 tough to use as a roast, it is easy to make it fairly tender. Just stick it full of metal ,skewers and it will cook in about half the The Honcour'abie • 'With the opening per- Will pipe the head table project undertaken by the Pauline McGibbon fermance of JOHN AND ' into the' traditional board of directors of the officiate at a double THE MISSUS by Gordon opening supper in the Blyth Centre for the Arts. opening at., the '.Blyth, Finpent„• , • . basetnent, of the hall and; . ' At 8 :3Qp.m. the curtain':: SuMinerFeStiVal On July " The tie uten ant- vireather permitting; Rev.' •Will ,goIip on JOHN AND 4th.. On that .•.date, , the Governor will be Innis will entertain THE MISSUS by 'Gorden sixth season of . the, welcomed at the Blyth. theatre-goers on the lawn Pinsent. The production FeStival 'gets' Underway. ' Memorial Hall .by a .vice- of the „ theatre following is' sponsored by Charn- with Opening ceremonies regal fanfare played by the supper. ' . pion Road Machinery of for the newly renovated. Ernest and Elizabeth At eight p.m. the Goderich and stars David ' Blyth Memorial Hall and "McMillan of Goderich. ' H9 ri our a ble, Mr S . Fox and Anne Anglin. The honour guard for the 'McGibbon, , will officiate The play tells•the story of Lieutenant-Governor will at the ribbon-cutting a Newfoundland . miner be formed by. members of ceremony to , mark the . caught between . the the ..First Blyth Brownie opening of the addition to demandS of progress and Pack. . Blyth Memorial p-IL his conviction that the old Rev. Kenneth Innis of 1980 marks the corn- ways are the mainStayS Rhubarb one of the Brussels Pipe Band • pletion, of a $318,000.00 of his province . baking soda helps to cut' • More, ,human aspect of nuclear powei.: .as an awesome forde that • shapes the lives 9f all of us. • .. , Ted Johns .is well • - . knownin-the area as-both a writer and- performer., He single liandedly created and performed • THE SCHOOL , SHOW, originally written for the Blyth Summer ;Festival 1978. The School • Show had *an . immensely sue- cessful tour in the spring of this year and played to a • n N O n Ra ao n as a a a a a • n a. n • n as as n ar a a a s latest play opens at Blyth . • • WINCrINIAVONTARIO FINK 352,4630 NW 24 HR. 18049211i0W1482101411. [:-.11. OOP. IOW litistouP, IOmar 11.;1•1....1 TIOMPAT- ..,00 PPIE7111 "From the MADmpi, FRIDAY. TO THURSDAY who tit4itte4 JULY 4 to radar ,itA SRN*, 7:00 PO00 P.m. Ali &Nor IWO t:00 p.n. y MAX) I1. , LAST NIGHTTHURS...JULY 3' MAGAZINE PRESENTS Hu" Tioc . ACADEMY El Sutitiiiii Festival in 1979. Although Mr. Johns, is not • performing in ST:' SAM. OF THE NUKE PILE,: •--his—latest -play—bears the-. unmistakeable treatment of a controversial, 'subject but most important, couched . in • a hinnorous and • entertaining form. Both and "Aritin.ukes — will have 'lots to talk about after viewing this PlaY. Jul! and" ••appreciative hettaes at the.. Blyth. — WARNING — AotfoiNtblo for onicAuDotO • Although the.-- opening . • 1—tr=zid supper has-been sold out for several weeks, a few tickets to the opening • perforniance. of JOHN 11110 0 AND THE MISSUS are a a a as as a n n a Ila n n a a a Ra n a as • n IN a a IIII still available. For tickets 0 or' more information call 0 519-.5231309- . • The play f4 directed by .Miles Potter, .wild first appeared as an actor in this areawith,the Original production of THE FARM SHOW, and with -subse.q.u.ent VI ems, tr e Passe Muraille productions of '1837 THE FARMERS REVOLT and THEM DONNE LLYS Mr. Potter's directing ,credits include the• production of LE.S CANADIENS which toured to Blyth Memorial Starts FRIDAY! JULY 4th Please note shomititnesil FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 b 9:15 P.M. SUN. THURS. ONE SHOWING ONLY 8 P.M. They'll never get caught. They're on a mission from God. 41 JACK NICHOLSON , Bails in the winter of 1979 William Putilop and, THE WORDS OF My Jarvis.'• Tickets 'for- ST. ROARING at Theatre , SAM OF THE -. NUKE Calgary thiS spring, are available. The cast includes Tom calling 510-523-9300. or at 'Arnett, Seann McXemia, any ticket outlet. • \ • '• • ' • ;;;,. 1715AT PROW( ?IONS "THE FIRST EPIC HORROR FILM LEEPING BEAU.1g : k. 1 t FINOA11.1.' I It /1.1« 41)14 WALT DISNEY'S INOR$E .WITH, FLYING TAIL" STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 4th •C‘Alif •• .tot 4G1 A. ow. time. If you have a piece of lace or embroidery that has become yellowed with age it can usually be bleached so it will look like new again by boiling, it in Water to which some lemon juice has been added. + • To • end the itch of prickly heat, daub the area liberally with a bit-of cider vinegar. Yon May temPorafily smell like a pickle barrel, but 1,010 cares - the relief is worth it. hte«•••ondi'd at' /OW INTIMIWMIltit SUN 6 MON 7 TUES 8. THE IT'S HEARSE ALIVE • Iticommiaihitat It AD4LT ENTERTAINMENT . ' PR DAM MARC! T • CHAN • E WITH • UTTEOTIC . JOHN BELUSHI DAN AYKROVO INN N.,1,. .1.t /. 1.1'11.0 • 4 RAMIS • 1. MUM. INII.11 %. Kt I HA IRANKI IN . HENRY 111140N 1111 on .1•• osoi 1111. I1.1]I) Vqiitett bv FAN VYKINA If and JININ 11. why 1 ,‘”Jutrr MANN. 111411.1.N12 IN 1.n*lo. fit RONI IN N. V. I'' • I )in.1.11.0 LASOIS N GOOR.RICH 3 „ PHONE 5244811 AIR CONOITIONEb As a singer, he's a killer. As a lover, he's a killer. As,a killer, he'S a lovely singer. HOBBY BENSON .7110 1111,5