HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-15, Page 1et A Business is Judged by the Stationery it uses. The kind that means Dignity-Succesa-Good Taste is turned out by The Signal's Job Department. EIGHTY-S}:(0Np SEAR No. 33. =:r`a: �'�-•.rte»-=-•r• 4 GOLDEN WEDDING OF REV ACCIDENT AT HARBOR J. E. AND MRS. FORD A NOTABLE EVENT -- -- Occasion Marked by General! Presentation of Congratulations and Good Wishes (ln August 14th, 1.79. nu the resW.. epee of the bridt'a uncle, James Lam -1 isle. Window. Res. Jame. R. Ford, of l'ulnt Felward. Ont., and' .Attie E. Dougla-s were milted In marriage by 'Rey, WillInnsla Ford. the bridegroom's brother. The fiftieth aanii-ereary of the event was celebrated on Wednesday of this, week at the home of Rev. J. E. and 1 Mr- Fot.l. 1t'eill:.gt..n -trees. Goder- lch. mow w9• :. :Intal.ie and happy oc- I adore. 'The "odder, ' OdtIIng wag ob• - '•rvr.I by ;a family reVld•n, the• ra.n. da11(btPr. :11..1 gratin-In1dren gathering together to QQ1ari, the anniversary and lay their tf!!„ite and expense their lore. ' At the same tine a large number of frletr.l. t.ok .nasion 10 expres+ their warm regard for Mr. and Mrs. Ford and tender many tangible evidences .f the high .rn.etu in which they are held. Among 'the mane letter. and tele- gram. of .rrogr:1 11181 loll reelvel seas one from the Prime %Bolster of On- tario, .taw Honorable Howard Foram- • The eongregatlou of North street SUNDAY MORNING Two Men from Kitchener strut* iy (.P.R. Engine An accident occurred at the harbor Mira Sunday morning about 1O,80 o'clock, -, when four men narrowly ;wailed )eine ....dowdy Injured .be a C.P.R. freight engine. 'Mr. J. W. Cook, superintendent of the elevator conetrtwtlon work. Mr. J. C. Klaehn and wnfl, Rub Klaehn, of Kitchener, and Mr. 1''. T. Julian, fore- man on the eon.tni.11on work at the Western ('oii.r,Ta Flour Mill. 14ntrt. were Stapling on the C.P.R. trestle vlemtIng the new elevator now under 1.111atruction, wheel "e ('.P.R. engine suddenly appeared nn the scene. The men dl.t tint bear the engine Approach- ing on account of the nolle of the con- .Irnetion machinery In operation. Memo. Cook and Julian waived the enzirre Nat 1/ the nick of, time and jumped to safety. The two Klaehits were not An fortunate•and were stnwk iy the tender. Mr. Klaehn. er.. was Injured oboist floe • body, arms and head end Mr. Klaehn. jr.. whered a' fractured wrier. They were taken to Alexandra hospital for trentntent and are reported to be re overing i1Mly from their injuries. The engineer of the train .!alms that the hell of the .engine waft ring- ing nt the time. The engine tea• Iwo kbng .ben grail. from the exit at !Ire time of the mishap. The News o Publicity for !aloe Water Highway The :New ?ork Time. of Sunday last had a column article on automo- bile routes In Ontario, giving special prominence to the Itlne !Water High- way. Accompanying the arth!le was a map. Stowing the principal motor roads of the Province. This T. good publicity for the Blue Water Highway, a«The New Turk Time. le one of the moat Important papers of the United States, W. H. ('Ration Has Accredited Herd )Ir W. 1I. ('button. .f coucrvinn 3. Colborne township. bap jn.t reelvell au aecredlted herd certificate, tine herd of irurebbred Holsteins -having' prised all the required tests for n Canadian tuberc e... -free nccre.lited jetrl. The hent are ons.. making good r.orrlr. In the Record .t Performance trot for yearly productional iltt and butterfat and are above t evolve; for tyle. This 1.. the find ae,•n•diteed -herd in this district and Ilii, only hent . fn the, c.nnty on yearly it.(l.P. test. Connell and Imperial Ili Co. A 4g4''1al nweting f the town 4-01111- en rooneel1 was tell on Friday evening to re - (*toe. (etv. a committee repos regarding the r.rpte•t of the Imp•rLl 011 Comieuy DR. LORNE McTAVISH AT for p•rmie«lon to erect n gas.dlue star- 1 • NORTH STREET CHURCH age plant at the harbor. A joint retort. tinted .\ngua 9th. from the water. light acd harbor coin- I•tiIt..l church.' with which Mr, and Two Sermon..by Prr.idenl of the S115'' mime! end the fire committee, recon -I Lalrliewan ('orifercnre Mr•. Ford harele.n moat vol. -ell that the r•elue.thof the Com- :.Ieutifid .Ire the farmer's retire -1 The pulpit of North street Putted, pony he granle.l qp.n the Company's! went from the a,'tlre minlatry. °lease- chgrrh was tilled or Sunday last by , executing un agreement me prepares) by eel the tw•eaednn by an official slat Iter. t..rne McTart•h. D.T1., of Smoke- 1 the town solk•Iter and taking nut the anti 11.. prea'ntat ton of an a4141 mai tion. !task- president of the f4a%kat- 1 mood building permit. wa3 aril. and On acer,mpanyfntf a heautlfnl Tasker ••hewan Conferenree. Dr. Meravl.h was motion of Reece -Turner. se ..tided bv, which contained fifty golden rose. and visiting friends In the vie:oily and Councillor ('raft.,was adopted. ('oun- a'-iwirw' of gold. rowel:tea to supply the pt?pit at both e•lllor McLean voted nay. T..tter. (.f• felicitation were rer•Iv morning and evening aervl('ec. in the Councillor Munnings was appointed ed from the Collegiate ln•tihite board, morning he preacher! nn"The Ml.sing to attend the meeting of the Great of which Mr. ford 1- chairman, and G,re.t." hl. text being. "in the morn- Takes Harbors Aseociation to he held ttie eotleglate Iraaltufe staff. 1 lag. tieing up a great while before day, at Duluth Awgnst 15th and 18th. (may t_1w Immediate relatives were he went out. -and dleparted into a Kern? at the welding breakfaer wllltary place, and there pny.d." The'' Iw.'Inded )FIs. Helen W. Rowlby, 4 Mark 1 :3.51. of Windsor, a cohsln of Mr.. Ford,The preacher toht of the withdrawal warn throughout 11.e year4 has been a., of Je.tYt at time . s. from the crowd .a easter to them: Mr. Arthur R. Fod. that pressed upon Him. and even from• managing snow of The London Free the company of '1115 ek,.eet friends. Organist Appointed Mr. (:erhin B. Davi.... A R.C.O.. A. 1-1• )1 . iia. rerelvcd the poeitlon of oreanl•t-choirmaster of St. George's ehtrn•h, matte vacant by the uisgne- Pre. with two children. Robert and not becase uHe was weary .f men. nor. ! tion .f Mr. ('. A. R. Wllklnwn. F.T.C. s. may : Mrs. W .T. ftr•.tt and Ret. W..1 teeauwe He wanted. for Hie own pleas N. Mr. 'Davies is a young 1WPIah- of IMe.berrnn, with three anus; Orr alone. ole prhllege of payer. man and a graduate of the i'ntverelty Scott. 11r addttton to rr. and three deughtere eomrnnn• n wt % 'Father h ter Or visors! and DPP ■on: Mn, Mann! Robertson •inn•• of strength for the service of and Mr Robertson. of G.slerlt-h, with mankind. twin son. and one daughter. His evening sermon was maaterly One daughter, Katrina r. wife of ,Iis'rnur+. on • (•Aslan Worldm(nded- the late Dr .\rthnr Ben, died a. the neon," whl.h he defined as the atti- re.nit of an preadmit ten years alto an] lode of Jean• toward the world. TH is lovingly rr•metnis•rednee!.. it. Sneering and Its problems. Mr. and Mrs Toni were at home The world Of the twentieth eentnry fine !come a nelgldorhswl, he .olds Ilnno and organ and one of file recent during the afternoon ,n.ti walk .lt and Mr• pride nnr•elce• n our tngrlern mital. on the new .Ix-mannap organ many frlrnds from cress walk nf.alfe P a of the Royal York hotel. Toronto. was (•aped to tansies their congratulation. world. bi which the ordinary man en- I.rrrrlen.t over (`Fill). He takes over and gond wishes. Jay. ••onrenfelwes and luxuries. greater h1. dntlt.. nn September 1St. Roth Mr and Mn.. Ford are well than kings had In the past. He quote known throughout We.t,ne Ontario. tinned. however. whether we were' a A. a Metholi•t minister for forty- happier people. The time was when •r ange-Glahn three year. Mr. Ford had charge. at the great ennquers's of the world were .\ galet and pretty wedding took Point F.Iw•,rd. Thorndale. Siloam, won by military forest. Then came plies. on Tnewlay. August 4141, At 11 i.nmbeth. We.tmin.ter. Wyoming. lm- the greater :•orfgne'•t. of .clence--taw o'•Iok, qt the home of Mr. and Mrs. can. Parkhill. Fnre.t. F.wa. Liwknow, nm'tstery of land and sea and air. Bat Frank ilnwklu.. Shepgwrdten, .\.hneld ('IAton and Gswl.rb•h. When he re•- ' Je%ne came not a• .nicker or 'Henn/it: townn•hip. waren Mary •Dthel. Plde,t daughter of the late Peter Mahn and Mn. Clain, of Iter,).. watt married to Mr. Lorne Aldemaige, of Pre.ton. the ceremony being conducted by the Rey. R..1. Lundy, of NI1P.-v The bride Irw,ked charming in her wedding gown of yellow georgette wish rhino- Ford ha• been a tune helpmeet and tss.ple and all ]g• followers hare a. none trimming. and white kid .lips ha. abated fully In the hearer. which part In 111. program. Three call. eon* per« and hems to match. She wore a have come to her husband. i to ns. Flr.t. the call to.plrituallse the As a resident of G..ler{ch Mr. Ford' friendshipm of life. for we 'till fall has taken an active Interest in the! far short of Je•nee attitude of frlene111- aRatne of the eommunitt and ha.''lP' : arrnnd, to enrich• tae content of proved himself a willing and cabled the word wealth. nntil only he is eon - helper in chic enterprise.. A. .hair-'l«Neral rich whn has wealth of mind man of the !oars! of .tlexnndra ho. -and apish: and. third. to heighten OUT* pitskfor n number of year. h. render- hoe-land until a great .plritnal sti- ed great a%sktanre to that Instltu• venture calls forth more enthusiasm tion. 'He has twerp chairman of the! than a hall game. Jetmo offered men. Collegiate in.titnt. board for several not ease, but eerily*: not moiety, but years. 1. president of the Huron Conn- ! . ucrtflee. There la danger that our ty Children'. Aid Society• and was for live. may deny Him while our lips mot. time chairman of the pn)lle proclaim Him. He clotted with a Mir -.1..1 e at Preston. out. literary Hemi. ring plea to the young to heed the ------ Mr. Fent was horn In Peterborough \'.i.e that calls them from money-grnh ' Maltiam's Defeat IJatowel and is the last .nrvlvor of a well- hing to high advdnture In the %emirs A match game between the Malt•1 known family of that place. Mrs. Ford .f (1od. - knit Golf ('lob end the hbtowel Club elven 1. the ,urvivor of her family and The choir wn. Resisted In the morn- 1{a the Perth=Huron=larne Golf l.eai.le ha. wide •onnection. in Norfolk conn-, iig by Miw Wool., of Exeter. whn was played on the Maitland coiree tt the was born at Vienna, In Elgin '.ang "When 1 'Survey the Wondrous On F day, and the return game was played at T,i.tnwel We•dneSday of til.' week. Maitland% were eleven print• up on the round. the..eore being 214 to! 17:•The !cote% for the two games were as follows; At Goderleh J. A. Sehlnlw'In...3 .ht•. Donaldson .0 M. A. iHay 0 A. C. Cnmpi,i ..n W. A. Kibler ,,.,0 H.•r. Young ...2 3. 41:Burt 0 II. C. Williams 3 W. 7.Illtax 0 1)r. Reid 2 R. G. Savage .,.0 ('. A. It.I,I . 5 TiTactor 2 OPO, Jenner ,..0 G. 1t .lnek'on 01*r,nad ...3 Dr. Wiliam 0 C. F. ('hnpmaa,.2 W., McIntyre .,0 C. Winker i - ganlratlnn. and orchestra. In Wale. he has toured England. ('ana.ln and the Stares as organi..t and neeistnit direc- tor of Der. Itr.wen's Royal Welsh Glee - men. Ile- ha• al.o travelled ronnl the world n+ ..r-Re.tra leader of one of rhe ('nnard liners on a world cruise. 11 r. !cutis•. Is a re'Itante on both tired. In 1917. he wap minister of Tle- 'He was cnneerwel not with things feria .trees church. Golerlrh, and he' F,nt with life. Chrt.t camp to enngner and Mr.. Ford have minor, continued the world by saving the moils of men. to reside In till. town. in 1013 Sir. , The mnr.hing orders of Je•n• are Ford was president of the London thn•r of A1m followers today: the re- Methodua 'Conf.renee. Throughout femme* from which .Teen. drew i11. their long and happy wedded life Mrm, lower are still the reeonreee of 111'. veil and orange blossoms and carried n bouquet of pink ewe. aid ton ldei- hair fern. The wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Mr.. Frank lIawkin'.. sister of the bride. Tlw groom's gift to the bride 511. a hand• I Rome fox scarf. Later Mr. and Mr.. Allemangc left on a welding trip Si; trail to the ('oast. the bride wearing a dues. of navy blue georgette with rhinestone trimming• and hat to match• with grey- how• and grey kid ' "flippers. On their men) they -will re- iona the Town PERSONAL MENTION Again on 0.('.P. Council a P. Mr. IF. A. Elliott, aI To}ot.to, rgleut last week holidaying hl town. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Patterson were In Toronto last week eh. a hricf %lett. Mr. C. A. R• WUltt1..,•1 :r, spending. several days with friends ar F an•oe. MIs.. May Stoddart, of Wlntfsgr, 1a visiting ler sister, Mt.. R. J' Baker. Ilia.+ Margaret An u, of Wel- land, ha visiting Mist, rgaret Iter!- dltt. Der. Ali. D. and Mrs. Moyer, of Pres- ton. are spending a few days In town. . Mr. and Mr.. L. ill, Johustoo. of Brantford, are spendl5s their vacation in toren. The 51e, -re. Klaehn erre visitor., lit teen at the week -end, Gelb; guests of Mr. Julian. Mks Grace Strattlg? :s,d Mi.. Eliza- beth Hewrs.n are spaseSi: . few dais at fort Elgin, Rev. James Antbo,i•..,f T'.borne tow' whip, was a visitor 1. tow u: the past week. Me.1:rs. T. It. Wath, . n 1 Wilbur Johnston have returns h.:•, :, trip to Northern Ontario. Dr. and Mr.. Albeit Re'l.'rtaon and two .ane. of Ayr. ?1. 11d '••latlees In Town the pant week. Mr: (Never itreeu moo +Y• sitar, Miss Ow,•ndoline of Toroutlrare elating his father, Nr. John Bolan. • MI.. Margaret Ault b•' '11i•. Ruth- 1 erforl. of Toronto. er .. tc• •'s at the ' home of Mr. •inn lilt, k•ar. Mix Carrie Al', hi I..radon thi•n weekafMn ib .he n family 1 ' 0s m it re- g[ � . • E..ft. 11 tele, of uo►erloh. has again been ele,'it,l,t. the council of the On. Mete College of Pharmacy. to repre- sent Iistriet No. ,)2. The results of .1he'electien were annouwe,l last week. • New Westminster lashes Cs The editor Is It. sr,elit ..f an Incl seas holding up the Company's opera- ration from the Mayer nod ubtermeo. the tion.. it is slated: the real ohwtaele ne hoard -nf Trnde, the Harbor Com •ulisa.n and other ufrbJnls of New wa. t1e fart that the I'on .pcont, whkh We•tminster. It C.. to attend .at sere- 1lesire.l a hing•term lease from the C. motiles In C.nneetion with the oR1- Aggressive Advertising is the key to success in merchan- dising. As a medium for reaching the people of Goderich and district THE SIGNAL is unsurpassed. PIII' SIGNAI. PRINTING Co, 1.1MIT1•:I , Publishers. LACK OF TOWN'S PERMIT NOT CAUSE OF DELAY lagwrial Oil Co. Wailing f'MII Sods, faetary Lease la S.eured AY uukr/ elsewhere, the town council held a ryw•lal meetingou Friday night and pease., a lwrtul1. pr..i.lonallyl.for the establishing 4.•• the Imperial 011 Co. of a gasoline storage' plant' at the harbor. Arconllig to the lat.sl information that hail re -aphis! The Sigel.!, however, the, action of the. town ...mewl/ does not change the situation. -It was not the Zack of a perlyilt from the town that P.11. of the property on which 1f wills .•i•.1 opening of new iw.len. harlot Irrol.N-al to crest 4IM• 1:1!,11,:l..4 euutd get terminal fail111le.. at that pert nn Sep- loth a ten-year 1e say. t('onnt51ns remlw•r cud next. The courtesy fs ask- "fflrial« way 1.. qte to h.n.k'quAte. i.wIwlge,l. last New Wehtmhuter I. a Mister Ma.•Ewai was at Hamilton! 11111,••n Gwl far away for the e.11tor •to • Monday and .nn. Mr. 11. M. Powell' . u.ake the trip at th15 time. at the imperial Company's office there. _ - t It %lie Mr. Powell who was here'Aome I Ila' tf he ('unywllly'.r -plant.Mayor MaeEwan !said N'eck's Pigeon Flight t ago n.wtul ng for the Ate fur •The idgeoit flight of y u'tig blrela last vt;• vi•wirwl shot the debit. here %vat wreak-et1d woo fr.•in We -t Toronto. a 1.1 dile I,. lite town ,•ennoil. bat MIN (lishnne. of 13., mile, from r:oderlr b. , 11weloom ho ohtR.!n a twenty - The bird. ,%et.,• rnl.a.esl et e;. rt m.. nu'1 . 1.1”eart1by 1eaeb.. from the C.P.R. Mr. the tire: bard. .wired la Mr.. S. G. M••• Powell found n. fault with the town No. ea- reported home Sit 10.1.2, The in ony- way. ' fit-. - c Id..I. feporte.! hone were n•'. 1t 1. niderst•wct that the Company foe!, ' - • • 1% 1x:1- not (Orem iii. Ito plan to establish tier Band Vii,. Time , riels,t' net (:oder!, h: the project is S G. N11, -Kay 12'1 i .1 '' ' 1•. .lohi•ton W. Raker • G. M.iKay W. Pltldndo 1.'load or.1, until .1101 time iiia aat- 1,r'- a's2 1o.: I {actor 1.•:,..• is .es -tired. 111' '-13 1 F.(Wl 11:::1s:11 11.1(1 Earl qusak, Felt. Here 1,54 ak.t 11.11 An o.,rth.p,ake sh.s•k wan felt at 1'ithladn 1rN71. U. 4 11.11 ninny I..itis. In burps.• at n274 ('eloii The flight this w,-ek-ec.1 5111 1.e )!scour Morning It w:!...1i.tinetly.•Ixn- front Port Hope. deed by many Go.lerich people. Th. -i tremors lnelel for kieva•ral f .conic, Water and Light ('orwniaslen het were not - . severe p• Its the earth. •lnukr' of 1925. A meeting of the water and right unlnn at Springtrrtk lkrk. 311...5.. A. !lathe . .M. of Wheat- -Ivy, 1* spending the r•let:twter of the holiday.* at her home rite Mrs. lila Welsh D44.!dn.. of Raman. ton. spent a• few days it. 1;oderich, calling on many old (tirade. Mnt 11'arn(wk haj tep:rned from I Winnipeg. where .he ••,sr ' i•Ittug her daughter. Mn. Spen(•cr Mr. and Mr.. Mauro 1\-.•bter. of 1 town. and Mr. and 31'i. John Wyld., of Ripley. -spent 8unda3 la Zurich. Mrs. John Wylds, 0' 1114, -.,haw re - 1 turned home after aper:ding a pleasant two weeks visiting MT* Webber. Mr. and Mrs. A. `or.. _•'lrtoria Onset, are spendiai,a 'vw Mrs. of Stratton!, rice•• her mother. Mrs. W \li•..Uinie Fn,•n.. I. holidaying :I: 11e enc.. lir. and Mr 5trert. )Jr ('ha.. Garr. 0sg.xwle 11a11. few week.' hal;.: • thine here.- , 111 -see Mary and Helen MI. event two w.r..• gtdn Park. 11 Mrs.. T. F. Lyn. moved into twit, t :ship. snot bate • South street. Liwy .pending her t:.• • .. r her parent.. Mr. i ford. Sant.rd.'. Mr. and )ire. )1 1 Mr'. Frank 51.1•',:e :•t. ! to Detroit o1-%• • • .\In.lk' retnrtar._ Mr. and )Inc. • heroine. nits )It .,u.' Mrs. Wm. liar• rest. of D..'rolt.• 'letting at the home of Mrs. )L 1' swan:eon. Mr. roti )Ire Fn ns•rson Elliott and tile. e. .Andre% I' lug. of 1letrolt. •pelt two we.... r :lie home of 51r. and 11r-. G,,.rg,• s'nda, Ss11!urd. Mr. and )Ir. " McCauley rind daughter. Masg'.r' ';sent from Thur...- .Ito. hnrs.h,y until Maeda, ,arh MIs. Mnrtlin Taylor on their a:.' home from 0t - wen to their �nn et Moose Jaw. Sisk. Rev. Dr. LorO 11 '1'ovt.h, Mrs. ale- Tav1.11 mild .1:n.'_•'••''1. of Saukatoon. Sn.k., '.]lent it I.. •lays here. the guests of 311'...\:i. 1'ndrews. Mr.. Me- Tacl'h. who ww shady Mks Era Hutton. 1• a emu+:, .' Mina Andrews. Mk. Clara al. end Mr. Dorlpnd (llnzt.•r, Toned., • •'.nt a few day. !Het week with 11 Imola Nnlraldoctou. Mr. and Mrs .1 Ilabklrk and twat e•hildn•i. of Wf• are visiting at the home or 1I'r. Mr.. 3. Klcen«. Mr. Th„.. (:an ,' ft Sunday after- noon for I'ies,l:,nr spend n week's remit Ion with- 1.'- •fher-in-law and Mater Mr. and 11 - (1.o. R. Itr.nk- man. He n..»mpa• his nephew. Mr. Sym. Gentry. Jr . '• hod .fent the post two week- " him parental!. Mr. and Mer. 11'n,. e, arc. ('amhrldge street. Ont-of•town zn.• t+ ,t the Blue Bfrd Tea Shop: Mr. nn1 %I .. C. S. Whttfek- Pr. 41. WAlters. yl :Ind Sire. R. N. rree'ch and fni. Ur. and Mr.. W. Martin. Exeter: 11 1;. WIIIInm-. ('nr- dlff Eng.; MI- 11 "'ry'K.ay., !grip enunty of Frilt.d Empire I.ot1,,Ii-t Crrw.," and by MIs. Edna 'Hunt, whn lineage. rind the laughter of the late played a violin obllgato ate the ehntr i1,I.rt 1ongla.a. sing "Prayer is the Soul'. Sincere Ih'dre• " in rrhk•h wio. were taken by fount% Clerk Holman was In To- � Mr. George Rbwhanan and MIs. Alma runt. ever the week ,end to meet h1. Howell. At the evening sterilise MI■. Meter. Mrs. John ()ween.. of Chicago,' Ruth Wark sang. "More Leve to Thee. who Iva( making n crit there. '0 Chrl't." . SONNET To a Father and Mother out of the quarries of deep quiet }'ears. Hewn with a heart -ache. shaped by grateful tears, White .marbled blocks of Memory I build itlto a templed Sanctuary filled With odnrrins„reverent incense twined and wreathed Round thy beloved PresenR-a and breathed 1'pon a muted yet reverberant air Out of i► heart. as Eucharistic prayer, Aylmer] at each a love, such unexpressed Fond aaerifieial pain, sneh orbed unprnegq.d Envisioned wisdom seeing though afar From nut the murk of rebel youth some star of final Manhood one day to arise Whose glow lay ever in your patient eyes. Khe¢.1on.' Ont. -.C. A. Seeger. Angled. 1029. • M .r' 5 181 At LMtowel .1 A. Sehinhetn 2 JR.. )flt,naldenn.o sr. runup A..e'. ('anq.lon..0 M . R. Imes 1 H. C. Williams .0 W. A. Kibler 2 H. ('. Young ...0 H. B. Murphy 0 C. A. Reid a 3. G. Rprt 2 Rev McD.rm14.0 W. 13111ax 3 T. iI. Pntter•rtn 0 A'. A. Johnatone,0 3. McDertnl,l ..3I D. Taylor 0 C. Walker 2 F. 11', flay 0 W. F. Sannd.rs.2 12 10 Total 17 Total 211 p St13?nnd. ai11 next ploy +en forth. prohnblt n'rt work. 1)r. Nary Tom an.l Mr. Ttrnc, hey. reached the finnie to the Maitland confe■t for the row howl and ore to piny nR this week. '{ and children .-t w-e•ek with F.'Yonrtg, 1...ya1. of. Welker%tile. !tome of her par - Freeman. Rnoe K.A.'.Master of •. is spending :n at hie summer Martins Ili s u -t of Port heron. atlon in Alston - .1 daughter have Colborne• t.w11- 11p re+Id.n.e of I. of Detroit. 1. at tie home of Mrs Albert Mug - Ainslie. Mr. nod d 11111. •on went 'week -err.!. Mr. \1oMla r. RaesleIl. of Wel- Park; MI.. K. r, 1' n, C. 1t. Nairn. Mrs. F. W. Niek,. 1i sa Jest. Stowe, Mimi Deft; Fetter- tl •m Margnn•t 111• lop. MINI Madeline ?I• Ka', 11. N. 1101.- 11n. Detroit; III*. ! Farrow, !hurl Bayard. Toronto NI. Jeannette Hew dry. Ottawa: )Ir- r '. Herd. Mrs. 1.. HonkHttg. Bran, ' •1: Mem. 1t,•vell.. Mks .1 novelle. t.lr T. C. Cowan. Mr., O"rdon Inaram. 1 Ile : Nth,. Verna Panus., Rryan. 1'' Ree. and S1r. %alter garnet. Nit- ' 'hn Oliver. We -t torn•: MI.' Gr•n.• .. jeer. St. Mary-: Mr. and Mr.. E. 1. It,sv'hmnn. It G. Hnn.Mrg,r. )Ifs. 1`nnx Spen'e toren., nor: Mss Mar, 1 TMnto,, 111=+ Edith 11. inn!•. TintTnln: )bks itirdt, 11 Thomp,cm. ''nth5rin.• 11r' Ido 1W,Ish 111gg ,, iiimilton : Mr.. Wm Mnnwh. 31i•- atortha Msrsh. To- ledo: Mr. Wm 1191,,•ny, mime. les.Iei and Mary Ram -n1. Nell' Tdekenrd. eommlwlon was held nn 'i,IIr«tin0 e vening last. The n.pnest of the town council that another street lirtllt placed on Brute street. near the can- ning factory. was referred t.. the ,i1 sheer for a repnrt. It tea. decided t.. have an advertltrem.it placed In the !mei papers to the effect that npon hatruetlons from the Prnvinrlal Iliyttro t'ontlab ion tin 'Hydro ode. ore to he e trletly enforced, and all servke. in arrears will ire cut off forthwith, if the arrear. are not paid. The corner. for was Inrtrieted to notify the Cad- weU Sand and Gravel Cnm1Ku,v that 1f Hydro arrears are not paid wt once tba Hccourft s111 be handed to the •olf- than. A _u r of ape bag rt pr11rR•, 1, w�.l, fin apiriv tlrlf, T1i!!" M. Raker for electric range ,s .e to the dwelling on Montreal .tr.et owned by Mrs. J. R. ('rsuigle. \ report we. • received from rh,' Provincial Ilydro� C.mn1tied.n moor a test of thethree' :.tel KW..\. trnn.fertuer.• being 1;1.4.111 • reel at the town .nub-.tatj,ui, awl the T. port being favorable ern or.',r w:is Isrsw•d for pit.me•it to tis.• en u.11'11e 11'ealnt:h.nse Co. n1 the -am of al.- 9.ii :,O. Wanly*owing on the trans-' fernier-. •Irr'd 5ear.. Owing toe taw v.811weather il!ltrk• OD Dredging ('ontraet Awarded .1 eentret f,n dodging at Goerledl hnHor. Involving HO eXp011lture of 1497,(1(10, ha* been awalydel by 11e'Fed- ernl llepartmcnt of Ihildl, Worka to the ('. S. hone llredgtng Company. Toronto. The work I. to be- started at once hat will not be completed until next year. Comeierw e Money The Department of National Iter. - nue, Ottawa. ba. rerelved anonymous - Ir the sum ..f $1.44. en.loseel in an envelope po.tma-ked Goderich. An- =a. Iwo. and addre e,? 'inland I111aen ue Depot Worm, n ,•kens edr; ng . IpF MOMPotrlit CONCRETE WORK ON NEW ELEVATOR UNIT GOING UP RAPIDLY Notes of Steamer Arrivals and Other Doings at Busy Waterfront •The John 8. Metcalfe C.mpuu,,r. evla- Ira.•tore for the nes• elevator annex to the plant of the Gnderlch Elevator Company. exiwet to complete the erw•- tbtn of the hngP CO1MRte,bin,. hr Z.- of of this week. In last woelen edition -of The Signal It a -as re';r•,rtcd that the bins were about flay -live feet 111g1. and sin.e then. up to Wednesday night. there have riset) to a height of about ninety -Ace Leet. The bins are to 1'e built to a total height of 110 feet OW there 1s Only about fifteen f.rt of concrete yet to M poured. Carpenters are buoy preparing woolen formfor the (•nisch, to 1* built above the bias. W. Furrewt's dredge has been as•t.t- Intf the eontractors on the tn.-wring 0•11. work at the west side of the har- bor the past week, The lake bottom le (wing leven,•d in preparation for the laying of the new cribs. The «Tonics Brentwood of the ('an - ad;.. Sfe•:uushlp Line• arrtve.l from Fort William on 'Stinday afternoon' with n ,'ergo of 148,000 bushels of wheat and 77.000 bu'hNg of nate for the Golerlch elevator. AU of the eergo iia• not been dlrs•luurged, as the eleva- ror Is null to eapclty. It is under- -.food that the crew will be laki off and the steamer will remain bete for a time. The export shipments of grain from the elevator have not been brisk. Another arrival here thin week was the steamer Sault Ste. liarle of t R AJgoma Steamship 1 TDL r;lkllm t 71s Meeting of the Ehlers For the first time sine. the 11ct,.gpn- 11rtnn Pini ionrmenwrl It. aniirul gatherings at St. 1'ntrirk's i'prk. I 114 5.41t11ermtui flak afternoon failed tp fatnr the aunt with kindly weather. awl if .,.nw.pien.r• rte ntl,'rldnne 4411. cenr+l.cruLlt. .miller than a+11111. Set,ntleen "old' Iois" wen• on hand. their ages ranging nf; to the even !urns the proe edingty were held ind,or., )dr Lake Still Higher in .duly • :nod :Mrs. r,. W. •I'•l 1 ielndlc opening 'July nr•or.'w show.•d than the water their howl. for ri.,' perp... An In- Ievel of Lake llnr..n c.ir'nned to In- tenoring afternoon n•is enjoyed 1.,t. the .'10:1', In height. A"•Doling 4.. the. '.1,1 gentlemen and oha• friends who nntomnNc tante •,, the harbor the _athered for the ....•a•i..n, and a fuller 'eve! In Jnly' na.:12 feet 'nigher than repert will 1,' g3.-, in oat Week's hr Jnn...f tai r ye r. Thro r...r,s for' sigrill. the month ..f .7111i renal the f.lb,n'ltlg other Interesting data! The water 1• Getting .lfler Reckless Drivers .Litt feet higher than In Jura. l92c • N.. fewer than incl,. c,nt•leti•.n f.n 1.3.; flet lower than at the high -talee reckless driving. with n floe of Slit of .lily. 15711: 3.90 feet higher thnn,and east. III ach ,:,-1•, were recorded at the low ..nog. of July. 19241: 2.30 in )L,g!strat. 1 .1 i'- %.11rf the p•nst feet higher than the sterns, -wee of week. In all but two of thew the .inly f..r. the 1,1.1 ten year.: *4.1 font' •barges were lab) by Counts Trat1I. higher than tie. overage Mace .f July./,RI..r Lever. wino also has to hl - for -taw last sixty-nine yenr'. hiring cr..lit two conviction. for .pe..IItu,- the lar' ten tear• the July level .ins Ts. ot11ore On+.+ of speeding Goole averaged .10 foot higher than the Jnnc from ltelgrave. tie 1111. in .neh carte 1m -el. aid .07. hot higher than the being t•; aid redia. .\ugi.t level. Tlnring the lost sixty Andrew I'Irieh. .f Mit1•h,ll, driver nine years the .1111; level ha. avernged ..f llw-,,,i whk•t, .era+hal into another .12 foot higher tin, • the June level. car n.nr 8r,e,fi.ld on'July 1.1. m+rnit ' and .04 foot higher than the Angled iig 11! the death .f Mr.. )1eFAllo of 14.1-.1. The menu ,r„ level of Lake Exeter. tea- ....11%1 •1481 of driving wftlu Hnron 1e given n. 342.31 feet. alt n•nnnnhl. preenntlone to avoid .1atlger t.. lif,. 11. wa..fined *2200 and Tournament of frith Triples ,.•t«. nod hl. driving tare Friday e'venln41 the Generi.b',eliel. for n yen r. Bowling Club held a tournament of other .'•uii.t1.,,' dnYing the week !rich triplex nt the Thelon reef were: I,,iuz 1Ithead proper lights. green■'Eleven rink. from nut-ot- town !Al 1111d...••-: iit.rlentbin (two,n-', i. folnfo and nine local rink. partictpf-' Ito see! o'. -r• :r. 4'1.'11; brewing beer .d in the ennMst. The weather was, for other time family .1 111.1.11 .011. $.141 pial for bowling and the event prove,! nud.. Inland Hereon(' 0f1k',r Por very snrersfnl. The vI,.INng rinks 1n- ter Ming Ili.: preeecutor to this ease: elude,! 'four from Lneknow, Two Melt using nunrb,r'plates not fanned by the from Clinton. Wingham and Brn..nl.' Ih•plr'met r. Alit and ..rt.. and one from Blyth. There were fly. sets of han(kaeme print.. and n11 war. Cont% Tralfle Ofl)irerw Op.raliam. . won by loon! rink.. The prtze•wln- 11r. '..., own Lec,r, ronntr highly•,? nets were: let. 1)r. J .4 ..1. Grnhnm..- oraai• .0';cei, bar been working eller Brophev. H. M.•Ne'e f'klpl-3 w•ip('gal:mile sick dniger.ns driving with n 1.111e of 19; 21.1. lir. ty. .t 11.11) on e.,inry T.471T.471.1.1,111.48'11r1.41 - 81 a 11111, t..+. Ttowman. .a. Taylor (skip' 3 lisp. for nrkhs• drisblg wine with a pin. of 19: 3rd. lice Tyea- in n1 loosen .'pI-a ..r more in the magi. con. J. R. Swnffl,l.I .T. (',tit.0on 1.k Ito tratr',onrt the last week. H. hos heel. --3 wins with n pin% of 12: 401. S. working chiefly In the 'ontlwrr, port Pnlmwr, R. Johnston. 1' IT %Torun of the comity. Matt. 1e liable to Appear (.k1p1 . 21,, wine with a phi- of 13: F. .n any county road. In e(1,111b it t.. (ralais. e. )i*mann., A. J. Goltithorpe'.d.•,q.'ng ti..lnrfon. ?if taw frnfie !nets. (.k1p1- 2 wind 'with n pin. of 1R. At officer l.•c,•r gives hi. ■Ptolrn. 1n ras.- fie .ompletlon Of the enntr,t M.Ner'' of ars-!dent nn the road., and he n.k' and Taylor'. rink* were tied for 4)1..? ',NIT enc person hearing of an a.r•Ident pine. rind to th4 piny -off M,•Ne,''. rInk notify Ido, at ..111. home at Clinton. won. t ra.ph.n. No. ill'. A't. the last week• 1n the tournament of donlde• en tool three a.rl•l•nts of a more or 1..-e. Monday evening Mr. Allen find 0., • •.ri• 11. nature re'trlverl hI. Attention NIne5iear Stere awnrderl O(•r prlr.s To.. .f thee.. In 1o111 of *10.•h •h„ an.1 .1. Taylor end H. Bi. -.f •.r and driver+ wee. Ihetrult ttwn, Orcnrriel .n p,r1zM. •t1'.' Bllw. Water Inch ...till. .f Fnnr rink. of G(wl.rleh iowl.•rs truck fayfiel t N1loodv ten. !setter)! hart. part In Meaforth'e sonnei tonrnnment too the ear- here dametted. 0n . nodi; .n 1Wr•Incwlny S.v(nly-tw-,,'rink. par-' r eori•us e•, id.•nt took ranee nn the tl •Ipa'e,l in the rarlon' event. rum) n Ttrn•,Oeld ron11. three mIM. cow of ..wt-rl(•h rink comp...etl of Mr. .111.n. lbn144•1.1 A tne•k leaded with !Ono- , .1. R. Pwaflsld. Robs. JohnMnn ,end t.r.I ,n,! Wafor:1. people and driven by Fred 1Tnnt (rkipi won firer orbs.. II:.{r% r.n.f'ky. of Stratford, took to *Mob were table.. other rink• from the ditch and ftroke off a ITydro p'l- ; town whh•h t.ok port 1n the ...moot. ?Carlen pop!,• were Injnreil : lits of wort E. Prltinam. 3. D. F.astmhn. T. them. the const s•ri.m eaves. were ink•• RM.et, W..1. Pow.n (•k11.0 : 11. Mc- en to the S,af.reh hoopital. when. th.•i. Nee. F. Tonle,. J. Ma,Year and J. It. were afterward. reported to to doing Wheeler (+klpl: 1'. Centric'. R. G. web'. Iain- Shapiro. of Stratford. and RevneI4u 4'. Griffith and T. Mot/yr.:membe•r. of. th.,Shinan family of Sen• Inott (skip) ' ewers IP/ er we. iu port on cargo of 700 bag. oa' sugar mill at Walla 1w for local dot ri placed in the town Sault tote. Marie t. 13(0 east, of ono? here AMR the omit fortiori la? for ♦fiat 'WIlllam. nr-Yrdbe _ A+ �'tabt 41-•.4 BR JI -,s.' -`•I,atesf hit- !6 Vl torare-4;4eCamp- 1 hell's HDrca_More. • y -hoick• politer will be off on i notyltry aaor'alog. Amtuat hv AA, hc,•en Lha pones off 8 a d 10 o' k. 'I.e."; it.." -el.. niwWtep ,.r-Atm..•rk 'k (apfer, 1.4) TT. L, will he new it !elite library /lr-]fnrrdac. Angnst lath, at 4 p.m. • 1Ir. Chant. Norman %%lido. it made ki'111 that .luring his temporary ah - "•u,•.• from Coen, ordernlor hl+ made - to men••ore lice of own'• clothing will • • uan.expert tnllor. E'.•1-ofons1, who w111 I,'r•oiollr take Me.-ur... CHURCH NOTE -- I1.v. W. W. •Stawld:ort. 11 D...f fiom,'r botch, Toronto. will coitin•t the ,"cr- one. hi K1113 chnmh next Smlday Iter. 1I. C. Parr. of London, will prem.!' next S lay to hl. former ..,n- Lgregntlon In Vletorbr .t reel rutted i ehrmh. .1t the evening, ceryls in Knot chor,•h of Sunday lasI Nils,. Pearl Wood, of Exeter. favored the cnnere- goti.n with a solo. ••When 1 Surrey t b. 11'oidro,i• (ernes " grown, of ThorndaT.. formerly of the Athtleld .lrenit. eon - .11 h:d taw "wry i.',1. In 311•t,rin •tart Putted chtir.h last "n.dny and WAS hen1.iyt•ith war•pl:n e*. by Imrs•(1 enligr1- :,111.41.. , The regnlnr monthly meriting of the .\rth11r Circle wI11 1e h,•ld hr the 1.' - 1n1. room .f K,1.x rinlr.I nn Mondir, .\ngi•t 11th, At 5 .m Maw. 1t•wl. ,Iohi•?.i, and Airs. R itlswt will have charge .1 the meeting. The r.gnln1 meeting of the 1S' M S. 'of Kn."( church will he held at the hontey.f Mrs Archie ll.rt,n. Letdown. - t. Tin••day afternoon. Angled 20tH. at 3.111 o'clock. The program will be in cbiurae',of Mrs. With... afro. Herold end )Ins. Gundry. Sni.h,y user. .\itrt1-1 It.th. will ts*the-. -4.:ieth annlv.r.nn .r the we.lnng of 1Ir. and Mrs. C. Seeger. .1+ n fitting r. •..giition .f the ..session. their mon. the Right Rev. C. A.' Seager. Ill.hop of onrnrio. will pnarh to St. George's lnur.•h. nt 11 L.nl. And 7 I•m. The ,.'rt•b•.- nt the Itapr•r churr'h to -At Sunday will 1e as follows: 10 15,, ), 4,fi.nw.rrblp et f1 a- m111' n1od 7 p.tn.a:.P'nhblb•.ln.t.d by th. pun«tor. net. 1W. T. Runt. Sermon still - 14", t. M.rning. "The' Fnrlwrhoil of God": menhir. "The ilr.,th.rhuwl of Man." t Principal Mackenzie' at Knoll ('hureh Koos church had a if•It on Supdnc n•1 from 1'rin.fp,l F. S. 31:,k.ntle. .f the Presbyterian College, M.mtT.nl. Dr Mnekenzlc I. n former .\.hfleld ley. .1111 a yawing mall. anti has won Id< ),lar' by wadye rlhillry and diligent ipf.l1., n hl• tr.rk.• 1)e .:tko with(011cl,nrncw.fand allah.rity. aneSr? h. ell- boon) with e•p•.'i;il' plesotro' ).t those who knew hint in his '.noses •::1t.. In .hhtle•1.1 ib' ,wrntpiel the Ted- ' it at Leah -.'r bow of the day and ,h•)lrer'ed two tl,nightfnl, Inep.irInq .'r- ne.n. .1Per his evening ..rm.!, he •nd,lre.+el n few tamlllnr ward. to the enngregation. eeprr'eeing hl. pleasere In having the °Newton ty of speakI,5 to the I...ple of Knoc clutrcL and nom- tnetelitr3 their f:rdtbfnpne•. Tl. .nlh'el alp -tithe, to the work .f the Fresh', tenon ..Urges at Toronto and Mont- real. and masti the moll of young men of . bar:cues and Ahllity am recruit! to ins miil.tn of the ehnreh. ttr. M.ckenrie we. 'aee.mpanIM t0 tern by his ?ntheee. Mr. John N. Mae. kenzl.'. of Ripley, formerly of the l?th forth were the moot aerlonsl; hurt. '. nn('eie.%in e►f A415.14 ftJiitla' a'1>♦l,14 ' • „t abe��E .wt*•