HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-07-02, Page 1• Barb Helm.of Lucknow has becomeanada's second lady tractor puller. She took up driving her husband's V-12 packatd in the7,000 pound modified class thiS year takingp place:. along side Mary :Verheyen of KetWood,.canada'S only other lady driver, :Both ladies: will be driving in Luoknow Traetor Pull Slily 1940 when tractors from:all Over sOuthWeStern Ontario and.NOrthern-MiChigartare:expeCted• to competeinthetwit day event.,(PhOte by Rod Finlay). : . • • " Hire arictest ettst 7777-7 ,,,, • she had actually done it, But sheplans to keep one competing and will be pulling in the 7,000 modified class at Lucknow's tractor pull this year, July 19 and 20, ' • Over_,LOSILpeeRie are expected to attend the two day event held at—the Lucknow Tractor Pulling Park, Havelock Street north This year's pull is sanctioned by the ,Great Lakes Tractor Pullers Association, a local organization formed this past year including pullers from southwestern Tian to page 2* Canada has two lady tractor pullers and• one is from Lucktiew, Barb Helm is driving, her husband's V-12 packard in the 7,000 pound modified class this year, after watching front the sidelines _for thepast three„,y,eprs, „, - • `'She admits she was scared of the idea at first. She Was raised on a farm and never learned to drive tractors there, because she was afraid of. them. But she has a good friend who driVes .and she has beep coaxing•Barb to give it a try for some time, That friend is Mary Verheyen from Kerwoocl, Canada's other lady tractor pullerwho has been driving for two years. Last year Mary's huShand handed. over, the controls of their Gold Digger to her exclusively. Frank retired as driver because Mary was doing such 'a .good job and beCame their ace mechanic, Barb has also received more than a little encouragement from her husband Art. It;was his extra little push that got her aboard. He had arranged for the owner and operator of the huge sled the tractors, pull in competition to meet him at a Pull early, so Barb could take a practice run. But Barb and Art didn't make it to the pull in time for the practice run and Barb's first time down the track was in competition. She placed eighth in a class of 15 her 'first time out and was a bit that Sentinek dosed The office of the Luc_ know Sentinel will be closed this', Friday, July 4 in observance of the Canada Day holiday. The Sentinel office remained open Monday and Tuesday of this week to meet press deadlines for this week's paper and the staff will' , takethe holiday, on Friday. up for .grabs when both the incur bent of the hospital auXiliary and returned Ctitifffriab i Bora Miloieqc-,-- ara vice thi-S year .:asthe. Huron dOtitity--apz chaArman, Harold Elliott, werenot pointee, declined the nomination on the returned to the boarLat the hospital basis of a lack.of experience.. association annual meeting. -A third -riomiriee,--Dr. Al Williams,. a William Newton of. HoiYick Town- Wingharrf opionietrist who last year ship, also a second-year member, was chaired the board's finance and audit the first nominated, but bowed out on committee, also declined, pleading a the grounds -that he lives on the fringe lack of tinsW,, "It's a very time-consuming job, if you do it right," he explained. Mr, Newton inquired about one of the, medical staff representatives serving BY HENRY HESS • :Jack lionas, a Second-year 'board member nd former chairman of its public relations committee, is the new chairman of the board of governors at Wingkarn and District Hospital. The 'position Was bounced around like a:. >hot potato: at ,.last Wednesday's inaugural board Meeting before eventuilY settling into the lap of:Mr. Kopas, Several other members were nominated, but all declined for a variety of reasons. The chairman's position was thrown Dr. Marie Gear was named as the newly-appointed second general practioner-anesthetist to the Wingham and District -Hospital by Administrator Norman Hayes, during the hospital board meeting last week. ' Mr. Hayes explaineci that although he announced the appointment at the last meeting, he couldn't divulge the physician's name beeause at that time she was negotiating for the purchase of a practice. Presently Dr.. Gear is completing her training in Toronto and. should be starting at the hospital during the first week in July. Mr. Hayes also reported that a social worker, Sandy Shantz of Kitchener, assumed responsibility for the stroke Unit on June 2. She took over the program from Nadine, Foulds. The board is still seeking an oc- cupational ,therapist for the unit. As reported in the last meeting, ad- vertiSments were pla.eectiti the Toronto newspapers. Since then inquiries have been sent to -I:Patio-US traibirir centreii, but so far no one has been hired for the position:. • Similar advertising still is being ., placed for a general surgeon. During the meeting Dr. S.C. iVieKirn, the hospital anesthetist and a member of the board, inquired about the financial statement ' .of the hospital foundation,Dr.-IVIcKim-suggested that since the board has donated funds to • the foundation in the past, its statement should be made available for the board's perusal. • Mr. Hayes explained that the foundation was set up as a separate entity_ from ,the hospital to promote health care by accumulating funds for speCial projects, He said that since it is a separate organization, the foundation doesn't have to present its financial statement to the beard. Nevertheless, Dr. McKim's motion that the board, not give the foundation any 'more' grants unless it presents its financial statement to, the hospital board was passed. The foundation, formed in July, 1978, was granted $3,500 by the board to assist in the . development of the -Wingharn and Area Day Centre for the. 'Homebound._ In other buSiness, Mr. IlayeS reported that repair of a leaking roof alt the hosPitillias been coMpleted. The contract, awarded to. Exeter Roofing and Sheet Metal, was completed for an estimated cost of $5,400. as board chairman, but Secretary Norman Hayes noted that those positions can change in December, which would leave a gap. He also suggested there might be a conflict of interest in a doctor's serving as chairman. Dr. Jack McKim, president* of the medieal staff, agreed there definitely would be a conflict and said he wouldn't liketo-seea-doctor eletted chairman of the. oard. This left only' Mr. KoPas standing for the post, and he Was elected' by ac- clamation. Mrs. Vair was acclaimed as vice chairman and chairman of the tnanagement committee after Dr. Williams and Frank MacKenzie of. R.R. 5, Lucknow, declined the nomination.. Other members named to the management committee are Dr. Williams, 1VIr. Newton,- Isabel Arbuckle, Isobel Garniss and Dr. McKim, Other board standing committees, as named by the management committee, ,are: Finance and audit: Dr. Williams, (chairman), Mr. Newton, Lorna Stuart, Lloyd Mayer and Dr. R.B. Treleaven ; Property: Mr. MacKenzie (chairman), Hans Kuyvenhoven, Allan Harrison, Archie Hill, Mervin McIntyre and Dr. Donald Jolley; ?public . relations: Raye Elinslie (chairman), Mr. Hill, Dr, Jolley, Mrs, Arbuckle and Mrs. Garniss. Mrs. Arbuckle was named as board ap- pointee to the joint conference com- Turn to page 20, The Lucknow Noisy Ladies Softball Team is holding their first annual - softball tournament: in Lucknow this Friday, Saturday! and Sunday Twelve teams will be competing in the tournament which gets underway at 7 p.m. on Friday night. A dance will be held at the Lucknow District Com- munity Centre on Saturday night in conjunction with the tour- nament. Championship games will be Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. anci 5 p.m. Ree program Lucknow's summer recreation program this year includes T-i ball, softball, swimming and roller skating. Linda Jerome and David Emberlin are in charge of roller skating held atthe arena on, Wednesday and Sunday nights, from 7 -10 p.m. Playground.activities under the supervision of Rosemary de Beer and Lynne Nicholson are ,`scheduled in conjunction with the swimming lessons at the Lucknow pool and will run from 9 - '12 am. each weekday. All children not registered in swimming are also welcome to attend. Doug Stevenson is coaching softball for boys on Wednesday nights and Ken Reed and Jeff Taylor are coaching softball for the younger boys Saturday /mornings. Joan Hamilton and Susan Brooks are supervising T-ball for . girls . Barb Helm, 'Susan Stevenson and Susan Brooks are managing the older girls' softball;, house league team. of the hospital's referral area. "I don't feel .I can do' the job under those conditions.." he stated. Mary Vair of l3elgraire, who served on the board for two yearsas president