HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-25, Page 28ening. a number of the stud- ents -went swimming again while a few went to the disco.' At nine o'clock Friday morning we left Ottawa and stopped at Upper Canada Village in MOrrisburg where Imre- studentao-a-npeb-, needed rest on the grass, while waiting for the teach- ers to arrive so they .could enter the. store. On the final pai:t of the journey home, -we made a number of steps including one at Brockville for lunch, one at the Oshawa shopping mall for supper and shop- ping, and, foi washroom breaks, A fired but happy Crew arrived if Lucknow about 10.30 p.m, It Was an' hour after schedule but: no one really minded. A gift was, presented—to...-...,......„ Mr. Ralph Cameron for taking us where we wanted to go' when*vve wanted to, go, A thanks , from all of the grade eight- students goes out to our 'chaperones; par- ents, teacherS,*and all, of our friends and.;neighbOUrs, who helped to make this wonder- ful trip possible. Lucknovir E. D SMITH 28 OZ Garden Cocktail 85' Page 28-4uckoOW Sentinel, Wednesdays JUP') 25, 19" uckoiow gudents:, take triplo.:00010t rooms but these were quickly The graduating grade Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. , settled.'' An -hod!. at the eight class at Lucknow Cen- and Mrs. Davies, Mrs, Mc- 'University Centre which-con- trai Public school has just Keon, and our bus driver, tamed poel tables and pinball' returned from a bus trip to Mr. Ralph carnerern, machi nes was enjoyed. by all , We were awakened at 7,00 a.m. and had a filling break- fast in the University's cafet, eria. • Once more everyone load- ed onto the bus and drove into, downtown Ottawa where a tour guide boarded our bus. For the next hour and a half we had a very inform- ative tour and drove through the city where we saw the many r impresSive houses of the Ambassadors of various countries. We, also visited the Experimental farm and' took a short drive through the city of. Hull in Quebec, We wandered through the National Gallery and then walked to the Metropolitan Cafeteria where we, stopped for lunch. • Murray Cardiff,' M.P. met us at, the Parliament Build- ings, gave us each a flag pin and following the speaker's Procession, we sat in parlia- ment for the Question Per- iod. Everyone was disap- pointed that Prime Minister Trudeau was unable to meet Editor'a note: Ottawa. The students under- took several fund rasing lito- jects throUgh the year to raise-the Money to take the trip, They have prepared a diary of their trip written by Rosalie Cameron which is printed below for the interest of our readers, BY ROSALIE CAMERON Our trip started off right on schedule with the bus leaving Lucknow at 7.00 a.m. Tuesday, June 10. It was hard to believe that the trip to Ottawa for which we had worked and earned, over $1,000.00 was finally here. The new yellow school bus held a total of 32 people including the 26 grade Two Lucknow figure ,skat-. ers will receive bursaries, from the Western Ontario Section. Bursary Fund. Melissa Becker and. Janine Helm., members of the Luck- now Figure Skating Club, will receive $50 each to be -Words of wisdom • It might be a good idea if the various countries, of the world would oc- casionally ,swap history books, just, to see what other people are doing --withthe same set of facts, -Bill Vaughan.:; A lifetime of hap piness! NO- man alive could bear it: It would be hell on earth. -G.B. Shaw, 1856-1950 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Leddy, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrews and Todd, Auburn and, Paul and Brian Fear of Brussels visited on Sunday last with' John O'Connor. Births TARNOWSK1 - To Jillian and Ron Tarnowski of Rose- ville, Michigan, a daughtdr, Mary Katherine. First grand- child for Harvey and Sheila Hall of Port Sanilac, Michi- gan. YOUNG - Ronald and Jo Anne are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their son, Kevin Lloyd, 5 lb. 14 oz., on June 14, 1980, at County of Bruce General Hospital., Walkerton. A brother for Laura May. grandparents are Dor- is and Lloyd Young, Niagara Falls, Lorna and Maurice Slichter, Whitby. eights, their 5 chaperones, • We made a stop during the morning .orf-7—a7Avaslarooin break and then ate our lunches from home at a truck stop along highway 401. We arrived at Old Fort Henry in Kingston at 1.45 p.m. and toured there until about 3.30, Helen MacIntyre and Tracey McDonagh al- most met their death when they were charged by 'a regiment of soldiers who were running their laps. From there; we went. on to Brockville where we stopped at McDonald's for supper and arrived at the Carleton University at approximately 8.00 p.m. A few problems were encountered with 'our Miss Hazel Petts of Lon- don was a recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. J. Radcliff Murray of Havelock Street quietly celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary with a family dinner in Teeswater, Sunday, June 22nd. The actual anniversary date is June 27th. Present with them at the dinner were their family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Raynard and •their families. Also present was Mrs. Nelson Raynard. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice attended the Webb-Bryan reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Bryan near Orangeville on the weekend. u's as had been planned, but we did see him in his parliament seat, We had a guided tour of the Governer General's res- idence which is a beautiful house. Aktteesupper we visited err Aeronautical Museum which . consisted of timo hangers filled with Planes from many wars. This was. especially enjoyable for the boys in the group. We then had a. quick"swim in the Carleton's Olympic size swiniming pool'. where some' brave people attempt- ed the high platform and had great fun in . doing so. • First thing the next morn- ing we toured the, Parlianient Buildings'and went on to the Canadian War Museum wbere we saw many 'objects and displays of historical importance. We went onto the Museum of Man and the Museum of Natural Sciences and after a walk 'around it later, arrived at . the Museum of Science and 'Technology. We shopped for a while at the. Spark's Street Mall, and lost a few girls but they were quickly recovered, That ev- Wayne Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don. Bell, R. R. 5 Lucknow, graduated June 20, 1980 from Fanshawe Col- lege with his Electrical En- gineering Technician Dip- loma. Wayne will be working at home until fall. Dan Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Irwin,' formerly of the Lucknow area, has graduated from Conestoga College as a Welding Tech- nician, Dan received awards from the Babcock-Wilcox Co. and the American Society of Metals for outstanding schol- astic achievement. Lucknow skaters receive bursaries applied towards. their skating costs: Melissa is the daugh- ter of Chuck and Nancy Beck- er, Lucknow, and Janine is the daughter of Tom and „- Joan Helm Ashfield. Lucknow skaters attended the spring session of the Vanastra Skating School held at the VVingham arena dur- ing April and May and they were'successful in passing their tests. Results were as follows: Preliminary Dance: Canasta Tango, Leisa Rau; Swing Dance, Cindy Struthers; Jun- ior Bronze Dance: Ten Fox, Sheila Campbell; Fiesta Tan- go, Sheila Campbell and - Melissa Becker; Junior Silver Dance:.Rocker Foxtrot, _—"Cathy Chisholm:- Preliminary Figure: Leisa Rau and CindY Struthers; First Figures: Me- lissa Becker and Tracey Mc- Donagh and Second Figure, Cathy Chisholm. This week in LlielinOW Mrs. Walter Alton has returned home after spend- ing some time in Wingham Hospital and University Hos- ' pital, London. She is recov- ering from a serious opera- tion. Roller Skating Wednesdays and Sundays 7 - 10 p.m. Lackner', Arena Close friends and relatives surprised Mr. arid Mrs. Dave Gibb, Whitechurch, on the occasion of their 35th wed- ding anniversary when they, gathered at the Triple K Restaurant 'in Blyth for a smorgasbord dinner, on Sat- urday, June 14. Following 'the dinner, the guests returned to the home of the anniversary couple for' a social time. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb were 'the recipients of gifts and best wishes from their friends and relatives. Following their expression Of thanks for Making this a very spetial anniversary, the couple cut a lovely 'anniver- sary cake. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gibb were married on June 16, '1945 in, the Wingham PresbYterian Church' 'manse. They have lived in. Lucknow and•Wing- ham and moved to White- church in 1963. The.., ,couple have three sons, Carl of Nesbitt, Mani- tuba; John of Kitchener and Murray of Burnaby, 13.C..' Margarine 75' SCHNEIDER'S 1# TUB Chicken $2.89 SCHNEIDER'S BREADED 1 1/2 # BAGS Bologna :1.4916. 2# BAGS Carrots SCHNEIDER'S RING. 2# BAGS COOKING 0111011S McCORMICK'S 700 GR. Cookies CHOCOLATE CHIP GINGER SNAP OATMEAL SNAP Peanut Butter $1.32 $1.19 KRAFT 500 GR. Open Six Days - Friday till 9.00 We Sell Beatrice Milk - We Deliver 26 OZ. [PLUS DEPOSIT] Pepsi- Cola 3/99' 5