HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-8, Page 84
•R.—Thursday, August 8, 1929.
Von art invited to Tide in
and see our new line of
Pottery •
Vases all sizes. Fern•Dishes•,
'•,rtliniere$. Hanging Vase
.•'wer Bawls and Incense
The prices on this Pottery
:ort very reasonable. i)oll't
miss this ol►portunity' of get-
• alt a purr at
Cole's Book and
Gift Simone
and Refreshment Booth
located on tilt •-*'uth 1'ier
Bathing Suits for Rent
—I'l•:'1 Bathing Beach --
Mr. Russell F
iting his moths
Mr. J. N. Kernl,,han, of Turouto, An Editorial in The Owen and Sun -Times
over the week -end. uawPd 14 V Court , of Big St GRP nut appear t" Ie. getting anywhere.
Ile the satisfaction of
'ox, of Turogfo, to r, alts 1'. B.
sEooND victims of
Town of Goderich :011: bull clerk, David Marw4(t.
Deputy -returning offer, H. L. Wet:
I'olliug subdivision No. 7, at George
Ilaggltee resident*, curter of William
and t'ayley sl reels--l►vputy-returntug
officer, F. E. Bingham; poll clerk,
herbs. MacKay.
Ila \1'edurealay. the 4111 day of S p
pY-LAW NU. :41 (41•' 111'9, of THE limber. liry(. tow Mayor of the sold
I l'(►Itl'(►IIIATI(4N 44F TIFF: T4 a5. sTown will ahead at the ('oune4l Cherie
G(11►FiltRIII. I ix'rs of the mild Toe ti at ten oc-»•k
In the forenoon, (4' appoint persouv to
' • •l) attend at the utile,. polling 02,2.
Persistency Wins Ou
• • • i ti T'
vistted friends 1n town and vicinity Fur several years past a geutlewaul promoting tic. :olrist trade. but did;
• O t one ,
can novy ,,ace
Mr. Frank Edward, of Detroit, hos ! Virginia. but a Canadian and a native .'baby!t/� back 141 .1 retying "1 told you so...
been s N'udleg the week with his of Golerkh, has 1N•eu wilting Mourner-, forebta effort- days tome to fruition,
(other. Mr. J. !i. Edward. tilde (risers to the heads of wutlecipwl• arid the Rlw' Water Highwuc A►sue
• • • • sties, prtwldente of guards of Trude, !'Iatlou lute tic• sed to oto• lly Ilia► it•
Rev. B. H. Robinst\u and Mrs. Rob• self tllo with i rear lut..rultiuual
i►ew'spaper editors, stud others, expos- 'cif uty' runs. • '_ ibises from Purr
inion, of Chatham, nr 11 tl I 1
11Nmltil of August i1, u
• •'•
Mrs. S. Jemir.on Dies in N ingltaN
• Hospital
W lugham.' -Aug. 7.—Mrs. Sam
Jamieson, of Tur.utu. 111141 111:the
pita) here tills morning from fol
suffered 111 an aitrldeut neer Tees
un Maud
.4ntilly Mlkd. -A do1N.h• fuurrppl for the
two • Tera will be held frou✓the hope
of II it parents. Mr. and Ni,' D. t)'tlil-
h,g an, Whitechurch. 1,11 ' Thursday'
in ming at 9 .iclo•k. Ilurial of the
vietiano of the ave 4 eel N"
u,:,.le in Sr. Augustine cemetery .
y night. 1st which her .Xater,
!Tarte O'Callaghan. wast he
1t ANTI\ ' \ FI
A BY-1..A4V (: . e.
•'F'D nforrsalJ, and at the W,al NUMMI III.
.t Issues'(` ON 'DIIF: )'14(►1'(,� . ,1 of the v„tut by the Clerk on !»•half
.AI►DITII4N '!'O THE P41OI'Fat'1'Y (►F f Thr pr•rsolW luter•stNl 11, and P'° -
TIF+ (:(HrRItH'H F)LF:1'.A'IVllt .\11, ,uotint 1,r opp.0siug Thr la,s44ing u! Thr
-- The Clerk of the Council of the acid
Ir.' mit the Golerich Elevator 'sown 4of Golerlelr will upend at hi t
e spool ug Ir rot ANKFT IM)MI'.ANY. (.IMI' r• said proposed By-law, respectively.
414n• 141,11441,,,, 1,u the desirability of the 14)11. 4toren tp Mi., .1. anti )n4 appointed 1 I1 t 111 Ix• .
Mr and Mrs. Virtue
peat) and nun. self up with 'X,, n44sotintiuu organized -lard of dies a• share
a of D it dr-,
-seeing 1,t the u..la.' shat. of till' creel, Nod Transit Cowpony, limited. has fur t ulfl'r in the '1'uwu 11111 I, at t.1, uckr•k
the Town of Geolerich, for the purlxr» day of Seq•teuds•r, lttt.'11, to sow no
Attiring trnlrlJ rit� the number ..f 'votes for and atn4nsl.
Nater Highway' A„4(o•h4tio1 (inking it- its president . - :1 weu4er of the
sly, of Buffalo, have been spending for the purpose of building a pule'( it for the Ae is:.m which was -reached
:1 few' days with relatitew In town this highway direct from 1'urt Huron. alt the meson: IN'id on. Friday after.
week• I Mich.. to Miami, Florida. Mr. Counts' noon In this city. and the (1 I at s
BORN n ••
NEEF:RT.- 1st G•slrr114►, mtli►Mot►dtiy•
July _'44th, 4o Mr. and, Mee., L. F.
Neuert. a Isrt' 'Ward Merrkk i.
I'4'Iti'I X.—Itt'G4NIerirh. all \101141:1%•
.\n4ust 3th..luhn A. Porion. in his
•rs •,•arrlr I 1,u busbies. at 11, the forenoon, on Friday, the &h
many yea
erg e
• • • letters were always full of enthusiasm weir not loll, i1, giving it to him. in
cot. J. I•'Maclat'e,,. airs. Marl-ar•ll', r,,,,l he was thoroughly sold o1, the idea. fact he was otti,lally recognized as the
1•i1, Kenneth. of Hamilton, were of l,,elu,ling the Itllw Water Ili/O •ay ' one man who bad Nlayed will' the yob.
:1111 M
isltnr% i1, tow',, th. lues? 4erk, 04413 Mg l4 the s h»uw hereby the 441%,4)11 of i qho had Brut. forth the prop:rgi11
• little) $unset the Southern State. could )11114 proeld- 1 who had bruucitt the Ass•.',abbot' 111' t•.
I,r. l.. at• Mader was at Slutc,e for could during the slimmer months mo -114.1. ween then, for •evrrall year-. tool
• o u[ Canada. al. Ls sorbs •o ••r ulAtwl. Ili- s•rd`rru-
, Iveilln of the uN•worial eAlrn 1 way.. stressingthe Georgian Bay as a cy at times war looked upon uta }eking •e R tleast
)ration• •hinds as the 111141) objrt•tlee. 1 s, • 4.f them. erre jreatel l.' a like
• • • Thr letters usually found their say mariner, but here 14410 ulanye 1I:,a
\Ir. :11, 1 Airs. l4.,aald''I'. 4lurrat• of into the 41-a.4rpeps.r basket although note of '11Nwrlty -abot them ahkh
yt'.•Id nod Ur. and airs. ttoc .ytuit t. '' i- 1 fs hh. air•
I 1 n m, toted upaud vasitel Mr
• • • ed for theta 11 1lighnav by whici•they the' point where they sir thio..' ae` he'
,be• 44('44-e4d turd w:4s preent at the ter up ht, thi e1. tl 11 I he , u. at t 1't
•41,414 w•It11 Slmcoe'+ centennial -iiwooer 1.111ygr0uul. with the :91,(aa7. sort of manlier :,I,,1 hie letters, a
14.- , 1 there were Imus ellen s re, g1, rang true. am, the rester,
"n'” creme) to -e general that air. ('putt•. lived In Virg'. 44 -a great u1,111y year..
\h1rtV's Iwreut.' and ":Fret herr 41-11 > t '
In spite of the..'tyle• lie ,•wph,y'w1. mins is voce the Ice a Canadian ler that.
tion wit.'givl•n them. told the opinion 1'mitts, in spirt- of the fart that he ha-
i1, the Goder1(h races. p,, the right tuck. :1411 that 1.•rhnls stud those A•le. i,,ow' hint arc Prepared
• • • ,,� time his efforts* might be reward- to daft their :tat. and vv'sh him fur -
hr. and Mrs. J. 11., ('at,'e:on. of(, 1.-41'' urged open the unud.ipailitdrs Iter taN,P44s. Ill tcpayritrr worked
• \L .i..rd. with their tau cons. Billy ..--41
itluug the Blue Writer Highway' to %I•t haul and oft. but results have been
1tru.w, are spending two weeks* to^,,ether .m this Matter. to get .onus achleiel sed he .'honk! 10•-ail:tied
11 1,t the hump of the lAdv's leadership. to 4111erelrt !h.•t' who were Persistency ,••• 1111441.
'.1'h. 1. Mr. l'h)rles 'Hartle(-, Fast _ -
.•'�. • • • ,•f \I r- F. lis 4te.ens. tomtit
'1'I..• misses alar. and F'loreu,e'Srt•v- \ yens of (,o1,rif,11
est .f Darllugfurd. 4lanhtnba, Balled
'm' their nude. air- W. 11. Itinde, tut
Sunday. They are taking at tris.
through Ontario. They are 'daughters
• •,t11 year.
4l'i,TT.-- 11, 1•'v i''0 Mentor.. ,.t F'a'nny
trot t. of -Au-,,r1,, who died six year,.
ago—August (till. 192.1.
When a mother Irrythe, her hod
The stroke ut(•an' Inure than tongue
The world "eons quite another place
Without Thr swlle of a u,ethrr's fa,w
—ltrwenrberrl 1.v 1'harli..
call tell:
41T.ALKE14 — I1, -.yin,, turuory of
tiotlwr. Mrs. Itelert Statlkr.
diel right year- 1g'.—Augu•t 1
11 early nioru elle'. all wait -till,
God ,,x44' IUs' ;;rear •-i•ninlanil;
III Nllrut peat, she 1.4+14,•1 away
of el(vaatul4, and 9 l
grain, 141141 has during that time morethe 'Meld proposed liy'•la1.
than 1100'10.1 Its capacity for storage L. I.. KN(1X.
4.y additions, which brings a y01140111 1- Town
ly lurnt•..sing number 1,1 Meats and
tonnage to the port ..f Golerieh :
,AND %%11E141'.4$ tic. sarid 1'••tig,tly
now propose.. to erect an addition 10
its prest'nt taunt, whft•h said 11dditi4h.
alien erected. will IacretN• 'IN' ralsl-
city of Its (,resent fatcllltie. 4.4 4,1.'• ual-
1io11 1111441114114. it'd wi11 rust Npe,rexi-
nuiiely $31111,111110.110:
-AND WIIF:RF:.AS the til reasrl
capacity 44111 llielw a greatly in, rea -
eGl uuwler of boat. calling at the said
lost of Grelerleh. and wintering here.
L0N1' I \RI PULLEY 4411'11
hook. I.•twve,, Mr. Ilaacke's farm
Oh the Huron r.w,si anti Dunlop. FYu.1-
e• please rentor to :WARR'S G its r• •-
F:ItY 1,r .LAMES'* IIISlitil,m. R 11.
No, :t. Sloth/deb.
rrpuirlug-*-larger amount of u.rp i �j(rrtl'F: ,IF
ties. and work 1.. le Jolh•, thus tame' BA'1•.44'.'.
titin_ the said !town; '
our -AND 11'HFItEAS the esid-4'„tu4uuy
who \a.1 w is hereby given that a hy•inv•
low requested TIN• 1'ouiicil of rice• 1'..r. g1 1
nil, 4..rati•v1 of the 'Powell .'.f Go.Leri• 11 t,, ants Isisw•1 by tow Mani, Ipti1 Council
aid it in its prep.s,•d 'i.rojts t I:1 Ihr• 4.f the Town of Gudrrl.4* 011 tree 10th
err or of sold addition lo- granr:u: ro di. ••f July. 11r`r, provk111,R fpr -the
the sa141 4'01,4,1 y.a fixe) .1, r,1 Is•ne ..f deten1ur1 NI the amontit of
o1, ir,.1 ad'dill•,n for a period of feH' •e;ei,IMx11Rr t.. provkk• (loads for 11ddi-
14EI1.IST11A'l'I4 \ • •1'
1 into the beret loud. tears- eoiu 1,•u,•ing with 1h.• M--,.� 'sou- mud exteaJo11 to tow Hydro
• • • nutp ro 1»• nl:ulr In 1111 y.•: r Ire.' FI.'.•141• 1.11411? •lad. 1',•wrr plant, 144,44
Che enunty awn Juice 1..r Il 'giving n hJixe,l ns•twslnr•ut nest to iuJnd,. shut sn, h 4 4 444. was reg41rns1 to 1411
alis. Ire Elliott, of l:..nelou. was ;, S;rJrtor4 rand iwe talY tier whin . 1,•'••d n frleml,
\ leu'rL, stn.•' sad the 1 s hood h.xrs nr L.wl llaproveu.•r, N: y
k-4.1..1 eislt„r 11, town este fame 1,u h.•r wr ulwucs ronld Irrwl. ng!stry etfiw of .lir Comity of lineal
-et', :r roar 1,t taryj, this wr.•k. —.a.
up from Lenyitraith h••r banshee, al r. Parties w•i-:.iug their •wnletery lets She chwre.l els fu `bko•wa,,,l ►eoth'''1 AND 1\'IIF:ItF..\s by re:rsou •'f
taken care or or tlxed up. will pleaw• n lw
riser. 44h.. mins •n' his way' to Kinear all at the 1: •.!erleh \lar).lr Works
test grant some I::,y we 11 meet
Car Lot of Young Cl de 'doe w1,••r•• hi. flail!. are summering \I Orville 4't k *t v.h v f r • 'Wahl* •
Auction Sale of Ca g y
1 l from
1 -r. -t that suit prep osyd u•I.Nn•n, le
r. n' . o • ,—:,1•Ilc mi, s.•,1 Ly s„u.a .Ind den
• • •
sense time hie •• n tri' • nets nt \In•
• Colts 11 in- ,beats ltr.ai.• i t. returned F,wn E T"4., 'r se -•ire.+ 1,••v —_
and Belgian Mares, Geldings and :tlt)nl. wlwr,.141N..Iertt ti year per,k t,,k• 1'p%•.itien vyith
g s• -hangs traelrrr. 'ria• setN14J in p•rlal (111
I. she taught 14-1414 at 1)1411[ernilint•.
Fdh41,nrgh At tic.• beginning of
ler Micas le.gie will resume her
great ly benefit the T..a4, of
1.y 1114• exp•uditur.• of large
of nu.1w) ha wage- in til•
:nid the inere,reed .:opal sty a
'o•,,..r'fu,•illties for Is,:us t.. .7111 :.O I
:rid ••:.grater, It h de•narl
al incl l l
Aid tow
11 ,.tt„
I..• at G..lerieh un -the fides day of /turn.t.
j:1 IlC91 .Anv motion to ,pul`h or 44r• asi•kr
- • 1hi• •amt• or any part thereof muse
r: 11114114' within three months after the
glrters n. lir-? ...11 of this totes end
r•I ' an11.•t 1r 11114.1.• tla•n•nf er.
Ire Doted the lino day of 'August. 1(r.4-
•' 1:. I h \ 4 X.
FI'14 ISIIF:D A1'.AIrrNrl:N'I' ryi smut tow +illi rrrllN•`t 'non r
' ■s-a-si•a, 1 \\. term•+. 41411 • tnndl?iul1,. ber=,:liter
Sueeeeafd in Mesio ...._1__4l.nt+ rent Inaba•, i lie p
i were at Timmins, Ont.. where eh,- Following - A list .•f )midis ..f ,t RAi r1E.
ult. tee-bi1' Is•f„re Iter year abroad, l'rof. A. 1V. Anderton. of 4'11llt•a1. who
• • • were Rtu•,•w►fal 111 the Toronto Cort- TO RENT.—.-FT('RF: SUITABLEF'tR
The Kinsv elle Itrl.0rtrr of bee ..'rvatory' exicidegtl.tlo tbic yeay 1 grocery or ofite. Immediate par
SINGING 1 sess('
luu given. Apply to HAS. K.
week notes that Dr. 1,1'ut 144 4 Godwin. of ,A.T.C.M.: Eleanor snider• ' SAUNDEIRS, Goderltrb. •
Port Colts'rne• had smut the previous igtermeeUate•: Florence Ilea ttle'
Sundae with hie mother and the (ami• (tint elms lemons. .12111W. Stewart's
( honors 1. Anita Sblek • honor..,
tf fort)':
We are instructed by Mr. G. W. Church to sell by Pub- re% of ht. -m?hers, Douglas and
Lloyd. et Cedar r lira. h and that there
at 2 o'clock i t rep r s. nt14t,v4.' of the 1 1 WESLEY \V. FISHER.
brother. harlo,r !at the mid Town of Go1•4 are i� Auctioneer•
the f tut mi n A{q'ly Ind aieieh Bald extendun is t.. e'st np-
p”. 31' , lurk,
s. as- —_ -ems
NU11'. THF:REF'UItI:. the \hn'i• 14••11
.',.entail of the I'orl..retlen of 11e TI
rowo of oederh•h o leets us Gdloaw :
1 l , 1'1.011 T4,. 01011'rieh E11w'ator and
Trat,.4? Company. 4.I mlted. ereeti1,R
and completing during 4110 year J!rgl
:1,a rxte•tslo1, and addition to It+ per- $1114.4 .1111.1••1•••1 t.' anywhere and p:•-ry
WANTED set plant. which said exteneiun and
eff,at ma de to gore srtlsfa••t.•.1,.
addition w11) be placard to "the east- Farmers' sibs notes diwv.unted.
.core s x ,en • e Juni". Viola Fro`er , Innorg .' (11'SF:KF:I:1'I:It A1'\\ D. — s war. of its present promrtiee at the
family of the late Rev. Wili ami Gol- I pIAIac11. ixI,l 4honorw.. 1.u(gy mbldleagtrl widower trod
1 fr m town.
lephooe tin. 119
a R a -
lic Auction at Dungannon on Friday,Aug.16,TF I t
21 Mares and Geldings, mostly Clydes
and Belgians from 4 to 6 years old.
All good colors with several matched
teams. '
2 Black Percheron Brood Mares.
2 Colts.
All these horses are thoroughly halter -broken. Most of them
have been driven and worked some. TERMS,: Sixtydays' credit
will be given on furnishing approved joint notes bearing 6 -
interest, or a discount of 5. straight allowed for cash.
the re/iAbi/ity Car
of the year.
"Reliability" is dominantly associated with all that
Essex the Challenger stands for. The experience of
more than 200,000 owners, with the lowest record of
service cost and requirements, has established it
outstandingly as "the Reliability Car of the Year."
Thew Inning of the Tour de France
tenability, (lassie,. in which two
Essex Challengers were the only
cars to make perfect scores, in a
field of high-priced American and
European entries, is hut dramatic
evidence of the kind of reliability
even' Essex owner know's.
Essex records are 1 rtuntry-wide. No
marter where you live, you will
probably find the eutatanding,teli-
ability event of your locality is held
by Essex the Challenger.
Wide choice of color
at no extra cost
4 Hydraulic shock absorbers—
Starter and electric gauge for
furl and oil on dash —. adiator
shutters for heat control—All
bright parts chromium -plated—
windshield wiper — phare -proof
rear view mirror— New type
doubleaction14-wheel brakes'.
uniformly rfleetive small weather
Prices( f. o. b. Windsor,
rano,, extra
DOVER, tice (;ommercial Super -Six, Now Available
Grderich inn Garage
- Telephone 106
win at tow ...nonunion wrv11•e at t Roods (honors', 1'.•lula Lennox. Ken -
on arm o e+ a will conduct rales anywhere. My
t-rrilwl • hureh, Kingsville. on Sundae kex SH:NAp, 4 }'1')('I pn,xitu14trly Et(sr.lfsi(sr. and t.. hay's
meth MA.'INn,:,'.1, Margaret .A. Pent- x .,Ipsr"•Ity of alrpa.exlmatrly nor mil- terms are reasonable sad 1 will ea-
morning- Iter. William Godwin was
land. Sora 1'••'• atearor to give wttafaetlon. Phots
God -
tester of Victoria street Metholh4 ATHF:R� — Y4rI' CAN IDA\'E lion bmhrle( tow said a•ktltion, build (.aglow 1314. or, address 1t. R. 4, God-
1'LANi1 ' Ing nut. hlnert plant end equipment
choreic. Golrrleh, for a term and is T /' AI 1'I - 1. r Wddrr (eonq,let- your feather bed made into •esus- 1
Highs' prier paid or es p! tote ere•lwl shall he. and the satceerei,
., 'Fisher. Nora, t' I
Inter. ANii al-1'rrltF:rert (Vl., Goderlch, and' axed m se...ment of (one 1N,Ilar 451.41))
Intermediate. BiNM'hP Mnstnrl• for a p•rlol of tel yeeM t.PRlnolog IIIli01'RAC'roR AND I]RUOLESS
fury Mems*, , -
Junior • Margaret A. Pentland. Ser-
ioho are at present visiting Dr. and 1ah ilei' .Anne ('..•bran.•. mons 7[nr-
still well remembered here. and also
at Dungannon. where he served • A T C M Rinker
'A' ' " '''' tare roll mattress or down comforter
mil examinati••ui. ► t feathers. Drop!
Slid the .M.1 lands ulo•u which they are sided
I1Prm in the pastorate. P4 a card to DOa[hi0., FEATHER
• • . tnPalsy
Mn. and Mrs tleorge Tweedie and \ 1,a alice•nt 14111 Intl tf
sons. 4:eorge and Reginald, of Toronto, .
hereby declared to Ie, subyeet to a
Mrs, Lee Stringer at their cottage at I e
Sarnia. motored up to Goderkh for a
day. bringing Dr. and Mrs. Stringer
and daughter. Clifford Case, K.C., and
31rs. ('ase. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. ('reign- -
ton and Mr- Mud Mrs. 1k•rt Jamieson, S
ouut.:;s•int Fleaunr Snider .fire
t- C1.4 ,VER MONEY PIM ' SAIh:.—
lass 4- ,"). Emily Nattel Ihe1,oty ' Best quality. Ten cent% per pound
Kate F .' _ 4bonnrs', 1kAtrlcP Gordo?, In your ow'1 contlinere at the Nur-
Iistot Eleanor Snider (first -char.' w,rie.. STEWAR'r 1148)5., Benmll-
ouor- Irate KI4 (fir't-elass hon- ler. 2f
.r%1, I
1:n ily
Hobo King Again in Ontario . (lir-:
rutin sirs
..f Iloh(es. • : •
J. Le•On Liizarc 117. ti g
441.0 was i1, 1:'otlerI.h last winter. ha- .•laps
again been visiting Ontario points. S1- obi -.
on this occaNion he -.11.1 net ('0111i"
,lime h. Golvrkh. 11e w•as heading for Sara I
N0t fork. having been all the way to ly, 11•
Alaska and as far smith as Mexi.•e Sara I
edne4' be vyas II Golerkh. In NocemTer Engler
1.exr be well abdicate the throne of t:I.dcl
Holsalom and will give somebody et-•• •
hate r= tl ogaret A. Pentland :first -
in the 1►ntarin Gazette of
Prin., • : Edna Elliett, Lner Har-' eKED lyttEAT "tit SALE.— 404.
Harm. a.3 Free from weeds. \1'M. ('111S•
THFIORY 11441,31. it. It. No. 3. ,:oderieh- Tele
1nt.•:?(.Assts: Mannerly. — Eleanor p,bone Dnnpraunm central 20,1).
nkler mora 1. R.'atrlee Gordon
returning to Sarnia in the (.vetting. (
The entire party are leaving for the ,
Statex on n motor trip. 1111, will re-
turn to Toronto by w•:Iy of the Fulls( 1
Mr and Mn.sTweedie leave Atagn-t 1
2(nh for Winnipeg. where they will re- ,
side for the next two yenta, Drand
)ors. Stringer also realde in inni e { 6
1 :Nattel (honors). Form--
orm—a 'Older (first -elm,. honors,;•
Harmony — Helen Itngh•r
- honors). / lousy Fisher
honors), Pars ('ole 4fir.t-
• 41, Avelyn ilolt 'first-
': .se Ella Ryan thrown..
••• •a-1FIt1Pn Bugler 'honors.,
• 4 honors 1. Elia Ryan. Eve.
• ['canoe Fisher. History-
.— 4Arst-rla%s hntaor+a_ Helen
W, ). 1411a Ryan (bonne...
it 1 'honors', Eleanor FI.h-
11 lane: alao high-grade
a:w•acs in stock. 'Prompt 4lelleery
souks when require.). 11. R. BAER.
RM. No. 5, (;nderlch, Ont. Telephone
Carlow 24.21. tf
L.tN1's FI it S.t1.1: FUIt TAXES.
Notre 4s henry given that the Il%t
of I:tad+ for male for taxes has been
prepared end that entries thereof can
he•nfn•w o
ho,f the ('omit}'
he had at t
('rim le ma i Pnnox 4 flrot 49xsw Tr•a%neer. and that the I4%t I, being
a chance. Anotlwr lntereeting ann"un
cement which be made to the reporters
uta•• shut he has given bonds" to lose.
Miss ,Judith A. Ka llffma,,, of Chicago.
being the Indy who is to rule over hl.
heart. With matrimony in clew he pro-
per. to settle down and go to work
—a new experience for him. as IN•luI-
1Nen travelling font -free for trine year-
end is not yet twenty-four y4'14r• Of
age. Ile claimer to here travelled 370.-
(1(10 miles. having leen 111 almost every •
country in the world. Before joinlna 1
h1e father in the cloak and suit hos-
(mess. Kong 1.147•Xrow117, prop, -4v' to
write a book ort his travel%.
W1'STWIEI,1►, Aug, 6,— Mr. J. N,'
:Imp`hell left on Snndny to visit hos
•i:1 melt er. mr'. 4 i.rdol ,li mile. of
Monroe. Mich.. Ien.I -its brother. Dr.
Campbell. of St. tnmdis. 311th.
Mrs. Griffin. of Winghnm. spew
Sunday %Ph her mister. Mrs..1. E. EI -I
11s- 1
Mrs. John 194.11, of Calgary. is cisi1-
int her mother, Mrs. John Redmond.
ND ail, Mrs. Ruler? Th'mpebn atm,
-p,. Torn. sere cj-bars at Ilntu111nn
and Toronto n (Put- day% 111.4 week.
Nike. Slargnret ('sok 11s vl%ItIng ler
emit, \its. Nethery. nt Hamilton.
with the aes•sslt*It to he made In the C THERAPIST
year 19_'9, hot such fixed awssln,nt Golerkh. Phone 341
shall not affect assewament for whim' Equipped with electro -magnetic
pmrplseta pr local Improvements, and baths. Electronic eleetrle treatment,
the amid Company shall hate n fixed
1,1ta1Mt4e assessment of One (oiler
4$14147) during the sante period. but
snch fixed business. a4ae»anent tax
shall not inchnle assessment for
plrlwsets or local Impr,vement".
42, Daring the 'add period of ten
year's covered by this fry' -Ina' ihr mid
The 1olerb•h }Aerator Rud Transit
4',ano:my, idmited. shall If retitle -deli
ale its consent in writing to the
grentitag. by the' said Corporation of
.. ,• , bonus o
of(, Irr) h d any r
the T
aid ,N. any like industry' 114 the %x111
Town of Golerich.
(31 A,1 a condition of,the enbnels-
Rion of nit. By-law t0 the ratepayers
the said The Gederfeh F:Ieyeto*, And
shall pay
Tr I (' 1(mit I w p ,
an t onllsiuy• • w ,
alt the emits ineurred In the pr•plrn•
Bion 11411) %mhmiwlnn of this 1114.11114 to
tic.• ratepayers.
Thi. By -lbw .hall lake effect on the'
day of the final priming thereof.
READ a first• and second time In
open Connell and pmvi'ionally- puts%11
r loth.' this lith day of intrust. A.D. 1929.
•1,1-- 1 -I. Mrd•. E. Wendorf (find -
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
nervous disease•. Lady In attendance.
Ofib•e bourn 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p m.,
excepting Monday and ThUrs11ae and
by appointment
Residence and omee—Cor#••: of
South street and Britannia roe, !.
.Indy '(nils 27th, ,Ang- 3rd and 1 X ,, t i
• and that in default In the payment of'1 1i. J. A. 41x,EWAN,
1 I ark Thornton (hnnots7 said taxes and mets. the land will iNr-
''I.1 s) Iva Nott (nrrt.•1•al
um,, •r-
-snits weld nil M iac, (Mt. 21st, 1929. at
\n,;a "ape. i two ,;ebek' in the afternoon at the
OBITUARY•"ort home in the town of Go(1Pr14•h• TAKE: X(rrl('41 that the above Is a
GORI►gN YOUNG, tole copy of A pmxw•d By-law which
('nnnty Treasurer' tans been taken Into ennsldention And '
1.. L. KNOX,
.ti IRR.
.A•'''.�outn'.r, tor_ Ontario street,
Sr ratferd Phone 17.E+0. Rel 1' J -
(:o0,n 4,, Ont., Ang. 7. 1929.
Old Age
Pension Board
Applications for pensions
are coming in rapidly enol are
Icing eonsi,lpred as promptly
as possible by the Roar.) At-
tention ie called) to the fact
that in shout eighty per cent.
of the; caws applicants do not
furnish proof of age. This is
absolutely necessary to the
gaming of applicatiolis.
The attention of applicants
i. e•npeeially direeted to quell -
tion No. 6 on the application
T041'4 FORDEa\
lie -h.. • of Gooderfeh were .athten-
W I b. " leen ort the death of .iol n
,Al44.414 i. r p'orden, which occurred
31on,:n :horning. -Althnnah 11. had
Min in it health for %everel months,
lope .•..- ',eld for his re•uvcry 1114(11
R '1,.1•,. ..ern for the worse Pante on
Fridal•. He was the eon of Mr
end \I - ,Alexander Fogden. Brant-
ford- :, •1 yes horn here twentyueven
years• :,
With OW exception of 11
few .•: - spent at Kitchener 1n the
erupt ,' , the Canadian Natdm,aI1
1taiRc.. \it. Fordcn hod vent 111P
creak, of hi% life here and ens
.c(•II i,i and '47 re.prfed by al
large : ,'r of demi.. He is star
•4 ,., wi,1014: former'. Ili-,
Is'1's v -ewes. of l4idrrlr•h. ht%'lar-
ea? s. ‘1' .14/1 Mrs, A. .Ford.•,,, one bro.
Ther. 41 • M. and three -44114x•., Mr...
F'. Ale's • MIM te,reine Fnrden find ,
311 I:• :149 'Porten. all of Rnnt
ford. 'I' • fon r*1 mss held on �A'el-
n4g110% ,n the home of Mr. .1. .1.
Itogg:. •, Maitland ,•,•meters Rnd
1,) a ixraP nmtTtter (rt
(item.:- '11,e ana'ermu floral tokens ;
44'-1its, the' esteem in which Mr.!
Ford. • hold. Rec. it. 1'. M.ik'P•ml.l
nd�•,ire servkes.In,l the p1R11-
441e.••._ '• •e William FoM14n and
Fred \I • e. of Brantford. 'an. R. J.
`,a,•rl, 'Inmld Howarth, ,Earl Tor -
ter :,: 1.,hn Porter. pt (kwiPr4rh.
The-.• ding the funeral from a
distal, • ...re; Mr. nod airs. A. For-
-kn. \i ,,,4 'Mr». F. Moore, Mr. W.
Fnrde,. Mita 1. 4' Forlcn. Mlae '8.
Fotdel,. lir, and A(r. R. 44)Ililw, of
itrantfer•I alis Rnd Mrs. Rlmpwm.
Rc•cm"nr, Mr. ('rnlek-
shank. yt Mllhen4Pn. air. Rpnrlln:.
\tr T It .•r. of Kitchener: Mr. and
Nr 1 ,n, of Atratfnrd: Mr. Reid
Ain , Fnrden. Hamilton - Mr.
and \Ir- 'i'rtnn. and Mrs Knietriek.
of Sana.:, Nr. and Mr.. w'm McK1e.
ill Pnrt 41,Imn Mr" .' Miller, Orf
Fal114,14441, 1' mnn0-i• rclt-4114hmnnd. end 1111M Angus MOP -
which will be finally passed by the
4 onnctl of the Municipality (In the I
event of the Resent nt the electors be-
ieIng obtained thereto) otter one month
from the first publication of A copy
thereof in The Goderleh Star newt.•
pater. the date of which publication
w -em the Rth day of :1 ngi st, 1929.
Diet ell leaseholders qualified ender
SEA1.En TENDERS addresse,l to the! the provisions of the Municipal Act.
undersigned. and endorsed "Ten -I R.S.O. 1927. ('hapten 2'13. SPctlnn 274 rr R. DARROW, RARRISTFIt, PST(`
.'er for Pub'', Bufldirrg, Exeter. Ont," (3,, end amendments thereto. Are re- IuceI of to J. i.. Rlllnnn.
will be received until 12 d'elsek man) gnir•,1 ten days before the date of Pko)1. 97.
(.k)IIRItt aa,Ingl. Wednesday. Angv*t 1 Tiding 4o •floc with ole a s tilittnry sibs- Ofl1cP—ThP square. (iorlPrlrh.
21. 1929. for the eonstruetlon of a claratlnq of gnaliflentlnn". otherwl0e
l'nhlf,• Rnlldtnc lit Exeter. Ont- their mimes will not appear on the
Plans and specification can be voter.' list for snub voting.
seen and farms of tender obtained et AND Fi'RTHER TAKE NOTICE
the once of the Thief Architect, 1M• that the notes of the elector" of the
partment of Thiels" Works. (lt*uta, geld Murrl'tptlity of the Town of
the Snpeni4lna Architect. 5i) Victoria Goler-•h will tike place In the serer/II
St.. Toronto, Ont.. the Dlstriet Engin-' polling soh -divisions of the, 31hnk1-
.Pr, Custom Honer, 4.nnlnn. (ht.. And pnl4y between the )lours' of nine
the •Postmaster, Exeter, Ont. oi•leek in the forenoon and flTe let Ile k
nit. le .1. R. F'ORSTEIt,
Late (louse Surgeon New York 4,01-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistant
at Moorefield Eye linspital and Golden
Square Throat Hospital, London, itttg.
53 Waterloo St- S., Stratford. Tel-
ephone 267.
At Hotel Bedford, Goderlch, on the
evening of third Monday of each
month till the following day, Tunwlay,
at 1 p.m. Next visit In Sepeemher
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun Life handing, Adelaide and
Victoria street., Toronto 2
- Telephone Elgin 5301.
RArrleter, Etc,
Once --Hamilton street. Ooderioh.
Phone 27.
Blue prints can 114 obtained It the In the afternoon on Thursday. the t
Mike of the Chief Architect. 1Mpart• slay of September. A.D. 11424, end at
int•n) of ihtblie Works. by depositing
an accepted bunk chest.* for the slim
of !"211 00. tslyt.ld14 to the Order of the
Minister of Public Works. which will
IN' returned. 1f the intending badder
snhmlt to reenter 1.11.
Tender. will not be considered un-
dew made on the forms ..upplied by the
Department and in eeeorclenee with
the oonditlone set forth therein.
F•n*h tender m^IlMt be arcnmpentel by Deputy -returning ofiie•r, D. D. Monn-
an ACPPptedrable chto 41igoe order on a chertPrwl ,•y : poll clerk. F. (4. inept?.
tank, pa* of file 3fln- Polling. soil-,llviglnn No. 3. at the
Inter of Public Works. equal to 10 ler Town 11.111 OMparty•r1Snrning 44ibrr,
Pentof the 141NWnt.-nf the tender. }; C. Belcher: poll sleek. Geo. fk'lel4'?
Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or polling eiledlv144on No 4. at Stnth-
Mond, of the Canadian National Rah- elm' wagon shop, Vktnrl* •eMrwt—
way ('ompant will ale' le A,•reped 1514 Dht,tty-reterdns (Ater. 1laron A.
security, or bonds and n •in•• If re- Ttifford : poll clerk, William etnthers.
wheal to make tip an 0441 amount.
Mal'o111ng •rtisdlvls+lnn No. 5. aT P. 1..
Ry order. Walto,'s store: Wert street—Dl•paty-
S. E (1'itntFit t
1•ep artment of Fnblic Works,
Ottawa. 3lrly 30. 19244.
the following Marva by the following
Deputy-retirning officers and Poll
Clerks :
rotting mlih-dtvlstnn No. 1. at 3111-
ler's garage. at (',rimer of Vlr•t,rla
,ern') and Elgin Ave, -Deputy-retltrn-
•ing one?. Thos. R. Wallis: poll clerk,
James Mai*Vicar.
rms./,intediv'Islon No. 2. at• 33'.
etapletotee toiler shop. Fast street—
retnrninR attar. Ht.rold R1RckstOM:
poll ck•rk, Charles Shepherd.
Pnlling snholi,l44nn No 6. at Mae.
Arthur's eksctrk'al ,tore. Wewr,treet—
Flape R Flaps
RARRrrraRi1, FAN.
'it.C.HAYS—RC.HAYS tn.. R.A
Hamilton Rt., Gcdericn
SURANCE CO,—•Form and Iso-
lated tot'{ property irinured.
Officers—,its. Connolly, Pres.. clod -
Pilot P. 0.: Jae. Atails, Viee-Pres.,
Beechwood P. 0.; 11. F. M46rcgor,
$4'c.-Tr14n'., Seeforth P. O.
ilire•tora—A. hrnndfont, R. R.
No. 3, Seaforth ; John (: Grieve, No.
4. Walton; William Rlnn. 14. R. No,
2. Senforth; John ik•i,newiere Rrod-
hagcn : (:en. 3fr4sartney, 1t. R. No. 5,
Scnforth: Robert Ferris. Harinck:
Murrey (:ihwln, Rrneefleld ; James
Evans, B1Pchwnod; ,lames Connolly.
Agents --.1. W. TPn, Gnderlch :
Alex. 1,.lU•h, R. R. No. 1. Clinton;
John Merrily, Seeforth; E. Hlnchlsy,
Aeafnrth. Polley -holders, can mak. all
payment. end et their cards recellit-
M at R. J. Morrlah'a Clothing Alton,
Clinton; Calvin Cntt'a Grocery, King-
ston street, God.rleh, or J' H. R.i4'1
General Store, Rayfield.