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237 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont,
Telephone 357-2022
Offices in Bramptoti•Chatham 6 HamiltonsMarkham
Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
..• o• •
'oussoott. too.
Welcoming at the door was Mrs.•John de Boer gave the, dress by weal in it, Many and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin
the bride,to7be, assisted by reading, Nearness. Mrs, Em--, gifts -were - receivek In •the of Wingham were at Glenda;
her .mother :.and the groom's • erson gaVe a, reading, The evening a smorgasbord lun. ijamieson'S wedding celebra-
mother, Mrs. Angus FalCon- Bill of Rights, and referred to cheon was held.. • tion at HepWorth. Mr. and
er. the Jone,.keeord where the ' Last week Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bill Snowden Oct: Bill
Kendra Purdon, sister, of picture of Rev, Lloyd Mix-- Charles Henderson of Scar- Jr, of , Goderich were aiSci
the bride, Valerie Errington, dock, present preacher of borough visited with Mr. and present: •
Sherry Elliott and the bride's Presbyterian Church, PictOn,. Mrs. Bill Purdon and Mr. Misi Janet Sleighthelm of
sister; Kathy Purdoo showed Nova Scotia, is Shown lbok. and:Mrs, Wesley Tiffin.. Toronte spent the weekend
the bride's troussau and the in; at 'papers in the historic On Friday evening the With her parentS, Mr. and
gifts to the guests. ' chnrch. Y.P.S. held a meeting at the Mrs. ,Elmer, Sleightholm.
Serving .tea • in the , after- The preSident, Mrs. Roely lake,.cottage of Rev. and Mrs. To celebrate Mr. and Mrs.
noon were Lori Ann •Jamie- de•Boer then t ek over. The John Bell at. Tiverton. Cardiff's birthday and Mrs.
BX yapTtApmgPsot; by 'Mrs. John pep,' A read. gathered to do them. honour. Miss Joyce Tiffin of Tot-
.What is Christ to you, Among those from a distance Onto spent the Weekend with
An OPen house was held at was: given by Mrs., Bill were Mr. and Mrs,. Russel her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
the, home of Mr, and Mrs, RintouL,.. . Murray of Acton. Mrs. 'Cir. Dan Tiffin of Wingham.
Archie. .Purdon - for their ' The .topie,..Retigion was ey, during the evening,' dis- On- Saturday evening Mr.
daughter, T orie on Saturday, --;played410-triothees-vveddIng--Land4.4m-400-Tiffirvand-Joey
WM. Rinteurs birthdaY,• all
were at. Mr, and Mrs. Dave
• Oberholtzer's home, Water-
loo, where all went out to
dinner at St. Jacobs. Steven
—Rintoul,also_accompanied tiis
• grandparents, Mr:. and Mrs,
Wm. Rinteul.
A family picnic was held at
the hOme of Mr. and. Mrs.
Carl McClenaghan and Mrs.
Mary McClenaghan on Sun-
day, Present for the occasion
were Mr. ,and Mrs. Harry
Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Jim'
McCarty,. all of Plattsville;
Miss Snide Moss, Newmark-
et; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
McClenaghan, Waterloin .
Mr. and Mrs. 'MiChnel MC* '--
Clenaghan, Hamilton; Mr.
and Mrs. Irwin IVICCIenag-
han, % Mr. and Mrs. -Ran,
Klinharrt, all of St.; Thomas:;
Mr. 'and Mrs. Mark Duffy,
Woodstock; Mrs. Eileen Par-
ker, Exeter; Mrs, Beverley
Glanville, Mr. and Mrs, Jim
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Parker, all, of Exeter; .Mr,
and. Mrs; Jeff: Graham Bur-
lington; Mr. and. Mrs. Jim
McIntyre and Mr, and Mrs.
Al McIntyre', .Sudhury; 'Sher-
ry and Kim Chatul. , ghat-
• Tom to. PAW zi.•
son' and Pam Kaufsnan and minutes s were read bY • Mrs.
Sheila Shobbrook and Mary Bill Purdon, secretary. The
Elston served in the evening. roll call Was answered by 19
Mrs. Nornia Falconer, with a verse with the word,
Mrs. Nora Kaialman, Mrs, Father,. The offering was re
Marjory Bett, MrS, Muriel ceived and dedicated by Mrs.
Moffat and Maxine J.acklin Wesley Tiffin.
assisted ,in the kitchen. The Ladies. Aid then met.
Mrs.John Bell was guest The financial statement was
speaker at Bettnore W.M.S. given by Mrs. John de Boer.
meeting Monday evening. The ,collection was received.
John de. Boer on Saturday The`closing prayer was given
hadhis fine herd of Holstein by Mrs. Dem RosS. The
cows picked up to•be auction-
ed off the first of the week,
On Tuesday,Chalmers
Church was give a prime
coat:of paint on the outside
and on Saturday, Paul Fal-
.coner with their; large crane
and buckets helped the men
spray the rand the
eave troughs': •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis
and Dana, of La Salle visited
with' her mother, Mrs. Agnes
Farrier. '
We are sorry to report that
Earl Wilkens had to enter,.
Wingham. Hospital• on Thufs---
day evening and'that Mrs:- .
Wallace Conn, a former '
resident, now of VVingha,m,
is in the hospital there Mrs.
-Ilue-SW -Ross also of this
locality, now of Wingham, is
also a patient at St.• Joseph's
-r----HospitatT-London. All-- u
wished speedy'recoveries:
Mr, and. Mts. Eldon Emer-
son, Darlene, Sharon and
Brenda of St...Catharines
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Chalmers W.M,.S. held
their June meeting Wednes-
day the it3th at the home :of of
Mrs. Donald Ross.
Mrs. Victor Emerson op-
ened the meeting with a
poem, Troubles, and the
meditation, Prayer was given
birthday tea was then serv-
To help make your Ontario holiday more fun, you
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bestplaces to • fish and-hunt:and this-gtiidatells
.you where.
Summer Events. Ontario is bursting at the seams
with things` o do and see. This booklet highlights
the events and dates in June, July and-August:
For your copy of any of these publications, write:
Ontario Travel, Queen's Park, Toronto, M7A 2E5.
Or call collect:
Larry Grossman,
Minister of
industry and Touriam
William Davis, Premier
Courtesy remarks were
given by'Mrs. Bill. Rinteul,
Mr. and Mrs.' Al Jervis of
Mitchell were Sunday after-
neon callers on Mr. and Mrs:
Victor Emerson: Mrs. Jervis
Was Isobel SigneutrandStart-
ed to school when Mrs.
Emerson taught at S. S. NO.
5 Maryborough. They had a
wonderful time recalling old
school days.
Mr. and'Mrs. Tony Straker
and. Mrs. Alice Rollings have
gene fort four days on, a tour
from Toiato.
Lynn• Falconer of Sarnia 'is
visiting With her grandmoth-
er, Mrs. Robert Mowbray
annrother, Brian, is staying
with her while working at
Douglas Point.
-On-- Sunday -at-bialmers----
Church the C.O.C. held their
meeting in • the Sunday
School room during church
A family celebration was
held by the family of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Purdon on Saturday
to celebrate. their 40th wed-
ding anniversary. The fam-
ily, Dr. and Mrs. Ed Carey of
Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Gaunt and family of
Chatham took them to Kin-
cardine for dinner and in the
evening around 25 relatives