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For al your building needs contact:
Bore Bros. Construction
rage 10,-1,4c1MOw Sentinel, Wednesdny, ;nue 25) 1980
ungannort slop
Ole with her daughter, Deb- ent to, grade 2, Dungannon ,after the Yesteryear film
shawings, A donation, was
asked for to send garden
seeds to Africa for their next
planting season. More dis-
cussion Was held on ,the
boycott of .Nestle's_and
by's praducts because of the
adverse effects of their ad-
vertising of , babY' food.- And
formula in. Third , World
Countries and even to nativ-
, es in northern parts of our
,own country.
Mrs, Dorothyr Pentland
read a feature, A Man Lived
by 'the Side of the Road, and
conducted a Contest. Mrs.
Marjorie Pentland and Mrs.
Olive Blake served lunch.
By Lisa Brown
and Annette Cumin
On. Wednesday, June 18,
Brookside held the Regional
Softball Tournament. The
results were as follows:
'• senior boys, Brookside; sen-
ior girls, RobertSon; junior
boys and, girls, Robertson,
The same day, the Lucknow
Pool Staff give the Brooks*
students all interesting and.
enjoyable , presentation on
how to act at, the pool,. It
ignogniaus ati de_dagd :knaitse,,modelled on
Ti's Match the Stars and
Thursday,. June 19, the
grade eight students went
roller Skating at the Lneknow
arena.: 'Everyone enjoyed
bie, htisband, Steve Wailer Christian Pellowship Chnrch
yeryene is getting in high and new daughter, grade 3 to the -end of grade 6.:
RPM' far the 125th birthday Ken McNee was in Grand For information please con-
celebrations., and this week- Bend on Saturday viliere he tact Mrs. Florence Frey.
end is ho exception as the won two. first .prizes in, a The Dungannon Board of
annual slow-pitch roma- chain sawing con1P-Okti•en. Stewards extends very
m nt—begins. T wentr-twb----Ngss-Rath-Schtnidt7OfTav,---sincere-thank you, to all who
teams are entered, there will w istock visited Mrs. Mary supported them in the recent
be an extra `game played: Fri Bere on Sunday. canvass. The carpet will be
day night:so as to start the As part of the, 125th completelY paid for and some
final game between the "A" birthday celebrations, the left Over:
and "B" champs at 7.30 annual decoration day Berk Next Sunday, June 29
p.m. Sunday night. Both the vices, usually held in June at marks the end of a wonderful
Dungannon and Lucknow the cemetery; will be held on year for your minister and,
diaMonds will be used. Ag- Sunday, August 3rd at 3.30. we hope, for the congrega-
ain this year a trophy for Ross and Mary Anne tion. Let's finish it with
Most Valuable Player will be Brindley entertained. on Sat- . everyone who' possibly can
presented, as well as the urday evening with 'a pork, being in attendance on Sun-
championship trophies and roast held at their home. day. Then, after four weeks
cash• awards. ' The Memories of Lin And- rest, we come back for the
SOCCER SCENE ' erson have not been printed Dungannon Old Tyme Com-
No soccer was played for the last two weeks, munity Churchservice on
because of a lack of space. August 3. Rev. Karl. Sievert
We will continue' the series is expecting to see as many
Goderich, an atom aged team as space permits. as possible in old tyme
comprised of 8 to 10 year old. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Sher- clothes.
players from Colborne and wood recently attended the DUNGANNON U.C.W.
Dungannon defeated an at- 40.9 Squadron Picnic. Lunch. The June meeting of the
om team from Zurich by a 2 -
1 score.
In the first half, only one
goal was scored by Joey . held every year since the war Mrs. Doris Culbert opened
Carmichael of the D & C ended, a total of 34 years. the meeting with a theme on
squad. Zurich tied it up. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood have Faith and read a scriptiire
reading from Hebrews. Mrs.
thernselves except those who
received a few bruises.
On"FridaY, June 20, the
. school held a Fun Day: The
winning team will receive
their award on June 25th. All
students. were divided among
28 groupS with some junior
and some Senior students in •
each group. The teams then
competed in 14 activities ,
spaced out over the school
Thursday evening due to the
wet weather. On Saturday in
was held at the Old Mill U.C.W. was held at the home
Elora with a good attend- • of Mrs. Emily Drennan with
ance. This occasion has been 14 ladies present.
midway through the second attended all of them.
half on a penalty shot. The. DUNGANNON Gloria Pearson gave a read--
winning goal for the D & C UNITED CHURCH. ing from Inspiring Devotion-
team was scored by Tom Rev. Cecil Wittich of Blyth als. Mrs. Doris Culbert read
Bean. Kirk Livingston played was guest minister on Sun- Thoughts for Loyalty and
a superb game despite the day for the communion sere- Mrs. Gloria- Pearson led in
goal he allowed., ice. His sermon was entitled, prayer.
It was: an exhibition game How to Forgive Yourself. The roll call was answered
played for fun, and both The choir sang the anthem, with ideas for Dungannon's
teams showed great sports-
manship. John Bisset( of
Goderich refereed and once
again the parents made a
good showing.
Congratulations to Allan
and Sandra (nee Finnigan)
MeNee of London, 'on the
birth of their 6 'lb. 2 oz.
daughter, Allana on Friday,
Let Us Break Bread Togeth- Birthday Party. Mrs. Helen
er. Dawson gave the financial
The Sunday Scheols of report. Volunteers were ask=
both churches will be pres- ed to provide the Bible Study
entirig `awards to the children, at the Fall Rally in October.
during the church service Discussion was held on
next Sunday, June 29. . meal to be served by U.C.W.
Vacation Bible School is on. August 1 and, the girls
being held , from July 7 - .11 participating in' the Beauty
each day from 9 a.m. to 11.30 Queen contest. There was
a.m.: as follows: Dungannon also discussion on serving
United Church; ICindergart- tea and coffee and cookies -
Mrs. Mel Bell, Goderich
and Mrs. Jim McFadzen of
—telph —visited-with -Mei--
Ames on Friday.
Mrs. Jessie Kirkland visit-
ed Mrs. Olive Blake for a
couple of days and both at-
tended the Benrniller straw-
berry festival.
Mrs. Louise Anderson of
Toronto is visiting friends in
this area for a few days.
Playing Slo-pitch is caus-
ing some broken bones and
stitches for some of our local
inhabitants. Dave Dawson
received a cut on his face
following a collision with a
fence during the tournament
in Lucknow on Saturday and
Eric MeNee is sporting a cast
on his left arm after an
accident, playing slo-pitch.
Sylke Becker, daughter of
George and Edna Becker,
received a whiplash in a
single car accident on Wed-
nesday. She was hospitalized
for a couple of days in
Goderich. Sylke will be
known to many as the young
lady who works at Eedy's
grocery store.
Mrs. Bill Park, Wanda,
Pat, Todd and Brad, Cindy
Brindley and Tim Hodges
attended the Ashton reunion
held at Clinton Conservation
Park on Sunday.
Mrs. Doris Hodges is
spudding a month in Belle-
Can-1144's Birthday
e.owsen usft,
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