HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 8225 ACRES of standing allied bay. Lloyd. Bonnett, phone 395-5446. —25 * 28 ACRES of mixed hay for sale. Phone Wilf Hackett, 529-7546. —25x 30 40 ACRES of Standing alfalfa and trefoil hay for sale. Phone 528-2321 —25,26x ‘' B. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING with N5 Rotary Gleaner, 4 wheel drive. Wheat, mixed grain, beans and corn. Reasonable rates. Contact Robert Emer- son, R. R. # 3, Ripley, 395-5115. -.-22-25 , CUSTOM SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing 529.7488 after 5 p.m. —23tf CUSTOM BALING Large ROund Bates Hay and Straw Phone 529.7348 or 395-3431 —24-27 D. Livestock HAMPSHIRE, YORKSHIRE Hamp x York and Hamp x Duroc boars. Also gilts due in 3 - 5 weeks.'Boll Robinson, R. 4,.Walton,._, 345-2317. —25-27 TWENTY SUFFOLK ewe lambs. Phone 529-7861. —25 BRED GILTS - York x Landrace with . closed herd conditions. Original herd constantly being' ROP tested by Quality Swine. Breeder boars also available. Lau- rence Van. den 'lewd, 524- 4350. —16tfar E. Farm services LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestdck with BILL TAYLOR . R. R. #5', LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groiips of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow. Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home, / or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30,a.tn. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF • REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39tfar -BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls' and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —40ffar SHOES LORNE 04 OD :IMMO* SHOE REPAIR ; rucons28-204 Lucknow Kinsmen Suntmprfest Arl• .441t+, JOAO 201 21,'22 Give Your Feet. „ A Treat 'This summer; Pat. New Pak Of Sandals On OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held for Glenda Jamieson and Greg Jackson, .Wiarton, following their marriage on June 21, 1980, at the Hep- worth Legion Hall. Everyone welcome. -25 AGRICULTURAL MEETING The Lucknow Agricultural. Society will hold their' regular meeting on Tuesday, June 24 at 9 p.m. in the Town Hall. —25ar SUMMER-FLING The Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their annual summer dance ;on- Saturday, July 12 in the Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing from 9:30 to 1:30 to Walter °Stanek. $10.00 per couple, lunch included. Tickets avail- able from any director, Bill's Place or phone 528-2184. —25-28ar TEESWATER EX-TOGGERY Closes June 21st. Money and unsold articles may be picked up Tuesday, June 24 from 2 - 5 and 7 - 9; Wednesday, June 25, 2 4 only please. Rummage sale Thursday, June 26, 10 - 12 and 2 - 5. —24,25 EXHIBITORS: Antique and Craft Sale, August 23, 24, 1980. King Edward Park Arena, Brighton, Ontario. Sponsored by Brighton Hort- icultural Society. For infor mation: 613-475-2143, —25nx • WOODSIDE NATIONAL Historic Park, 528-Welling- ton Street North, Kitchener. Offers an 1890's Garden Party - Music, refreshments, Sunday afternoon, June 29th, Everyone welcome. Admission Free! —25nx CHECK THE EMIRS Arsi \\ vamp 111111111/ ct 9.t.r-011#000",* FARMS FOR SALE Alexander & Chapman Realty Ltd. 10 The Square Goderich When buying or selling, rail R. A. "Gus" Chisholm. Home (519) 524-8554 Business (519) 524-2177 Mobile Phone - Clinton 482-4367 NEAR LONDESBORO, ATTENTION FARMERS - 290 acres. 245 acres in crop now included in the new reduced price. Good buildings in- clude nearly new house. This farm is realistically priced. FEEDER Near Blyth. 150 acres, all workable. Good buildings. Priced to sell, ASHFIELD TWP. 200 acres, all workable. Good feedlot. HOGS MORRIS TWP. Finishing. All automatic, modern buildings. Reduced for quick sale. NEAR BLYTH 147 acres 140 workable. Farrow to finish. Also beef set- up. CASH CROP GODERICH TWP. 165 acres. 100 acres good cash crop. NEAR DAYFIELD 70 acres workable. WESTFIELD 100 acre farm, fully modern home. WEST WAWANOSH TWP. Near St. Helens. Just listed- 100 acres, 65 workable. 30 acres bush. No buildings. HURON TWP. 150 acres all workable, no buildings, level, systematically tiled, all in flax crop. ALSO EXCLUSIVE LISTING ON VERY LARGE ACREAGE. Call "OW for details. NOWI ,Bilorilt'sTooliferPrgtice • FARM MIEN THE MAN TO SEE 1S .. NTEE HOMES 0 AMBERLEY one acre lot on 'which is :.a family home, new addition about 5 years old; 4 a and 2 piece bath, A 'electric furnace about 2% miles from Lake Huron on Y paved road. • WHITECKURCH 5 bedroom frame home, all newly renovated, carpeted with 2„ 3 piece baths and oil A furnace plus small barn. $ GODERICH r 3 bedroom frail*. home on lot 50 k 132, built in 1952, Iodated on CaMbridge Street, excellent value at the list priCe, $29,500, immediate possession. APARTMENT BUILDING, Bruce County, 6 units of brick construction with coin washer and dryer. Excellent financing available, attractive investment opportunity, Inquire for further information, LOCHALSH - an excellent Highway location with good solid building' to accommedate a business, plus a *ell maintained separate 3 bedroom home. Priced to Sell. _ __, . _ _ DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom home with 4' lots. This older home hasApc-bath, simporckatidelectrio-heat, asking $29,500. . LUCKNOW - comfortable 2 bedroom bungalow, full -length sun porch, all electric heat, on an exceptionally nice lot, asking $21,000. ' RIPLEY AREA, brick home on 2 acres, good solid 4 bedroom, oil' heat, priced at $25,000. Owner will coosider holding a first mortgage. FARMS 504 ACRES, approx. 400 choice cash crop workable. Homes and buildings are, well maintained, barns are well set up for beef and hogs,,„crop is in the ground and may be sold with the farm or fall possession is available. ASHFIELD TWP: - 118 acres, approximately 23 workable acres, recently constructed residence, balance bush, river valley;. potential camp site, Port . Albert area. 300 ACRES - Ashfield Township, 3 bedroom home, every convenience; barn has capacity for 45 sows, finishing 1000 yearly; liquid manure storage. 150 ACRES - Ashfield Twp., approximately 95 acres of tile drained, level cash crop land; 4 bedroom home with new family room; barns could handle 50 to 60 sows. 100 ACRES - West Wawanosh, no buildings, approx- imately 15 acres of hardwood bush. We have inquiries for farms, both large and Small acreages, if you are thinking of Selling, give 'us a call, we would be pleased to talk to you. Warren & Terry Zinn 2r-LUCKNOW; PHONE 52927350 Air nit, sis iso, ioso 395-5212'. :t7-25,26 HAY, STANDING and by the "food., Agent• for 0.F.M.A. bale. Call after 6 p.m, only, KINGSBRIDGE . ORM SUFPLY, Vince Austin R;R.#3,GoderIch Phone 529-7240 —16tfar ;7.--7.-";••-7777:71:7;17.:: Par 26--Tmeintew Sentinel, 32; ComIng events HORTICULTURAL MUTING The LUcknOw and. Distriet Horticultural Society will ' hold their June meeting on Wednesday, June 25th at 2 p.m, in the Legion room. Tkere will, he a. plant auction at this meeting. —25ar. ON CEMETERY' MEMORIAL SERVICE The . Dungannon Cemetery Memorial Service will be held Sunday, 'August 3, at 3:30 P,m as part of the Dungannon 125th birthday celebrations. —25x SUMMERFEST Sponsored by Lticknow and District Kinsmen. June 20, 21, 22, Ball Tourney, bed race, Monte Carlo Night, Beer Garden, Arm Wrest- ling, Card Party, Dance, Kinette Food Booth - Pork on a Bun. Ball game admission free except Sunday, - $1 per person. —25ar • CARD PARTY • A card party of progressive euchre. will be held at Pine- crest Manor Nursing Home, .Lacknow on Wednesday, June 18.. All proceeds for Ontario Heart Fund. —25ar CLASSIFIEDS For All Your Needs LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395=5286 • BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big. Jim Silo Un- loaders, Volume Belt Peed- ers, Convey-n-Feed Cattle Feeders, Single, Chain Con- Veyorg*, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers. FARIVIATIC - Blender Ham- mer Mills,. Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi-Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators, ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps, VVESTEEL-ROSCO Grain Bins - 1350 to 250,000 bu, Bulk Feed Tanks. .ACME ,- Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON - Ventilation Sys- tems. B- & L - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER -' Liquid Manure Spreaders. CLAY -'Parts and Service for Clay Equipment, AERO-FLUSH - Liquid Man- ure Pumps, Aerators, Separ- ators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING - ALMOST -2ltfar TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE. SILOS Oxygen limiting silos with bottom- unloader. Liquid - manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088. -3tfar twieemosow isix REALTY WORLD® Hughes • Realty Ltd. LUCKNOW Kids getting cramped?. It you need more heckopins how about this, 4 bedrOOM home With 'a sunpOtch and largp attached • garage. tall Chris 'Holloway 395,3'448 res. or 524=9131. M-20 ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP 75 acre farm, .72, Workable, ' bank114 storey- barn, driving home s h e d a n included. d Call Chris Holloway 395-3448 or Goderich 524.8100, 2-RE WHITECHURCH j 66' x 132' lot. available:, • 57,000.00. Cali Chris Hollo- way 395-3448 or 529-7268. W-4'-- We have a variety of cottages and lots available in the point Clark area. Point Clark Office 395-5952 Goderich Office 52481.00, or 524-9131. is.===vc==xi= there's gold in the WANT ADS Wednesday, June '18,,11980 1.01001111111111.110iiii Affenti011 Illnilert A. For sale 25 ACRES OF HAY. Phone Jack Button, 528-5405., —230 CLEAN BALED STRAW and 12 acres of standing hay, Phone 529-7517: —25 h • Farm services KING GRAIN, PRIDE SEED CORN, soyabean seed Farmers get your alt4erna- tors; disc blades, cultniator, points, plough Imints,.-dog ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY. YEARS VV-A-MERTON ,PHOLNE1311140234,_:_ -MARI A large stock of monuments at fair prices, •Avaibible for evening appointillents OftTok.filffilORIALSH.