HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 81PRIEBE N.J. & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONS AND LIQUIDATIONS CALL COLLECT (519) 364-4590 Res, (519) 396-7680 Kincardine R. R. # 1 Hanover, Ontario —19eovilar 19. Notice to creditors LEONARD STANLEY Free positive confidential TRUCKING support. Birthright. Call 357- Sand and Gravel 1066 collect or 392-6541 1, Ilolyrood, 432.7197. --40tf Phone 395-5191 aim* or • aeadO• $11•001 imAim •11. 45. To give away FARNITaPMENT AUCTION OfNow and Used .Equipment. . Including large • selection of .tractors; : ploughs,- • • • • • . cultivate,* land, tractors, seed .drills,• weed sprayers. • fertilizer spreaders. corn planters, •menure spreads:rt.. . balers,: stoohers; hey binds, twatheis, mowers, raises, OlinfaIawr. Wagons, .harvesters. fiorage boxes., blowers. ecmibln‘ip, grinder miXeri_retary•inewers,•stona Pickers, • •SnovrblOvairs, 'groin • augers. 41004, gravity boxes, :lawn giiii4en eqUipment,boat motor and trailer,: plus -.460490acorl,:indocianai3.1110dell* AltaqUinnient to owned iiy Wayne Ward Farm ''!qtripment with no •: tentignmentir..Selling'by number only. cunekirooth on green*. Terms .• cash or cheque drai of solo. truckIng reliable anywhere., Owner ci'uctIoniaair not raven. .sible for liCOldOrnlS.en:pricipOrty day, of sale.' Auctionicii:. Jim McCartney, VliOterdeWn; Ont.. • •Goar.t Miss lt• See You Therel- • • WAYNE:WARP EQUIP. . • , :FARM. .• *IVO. wo,,a **aro* ONT. PHONE 334,- 2980' or • -• : • Luelenow Sentinel, )Vednesdisy, Noe X8, 1998-4!see 2$ 20. Public notices NOTICE The annual meeting of Loch- alsh Cemetery will be held on Monday, June 23, 1980 at 2 o'clock p.m. at Lochalsh Cemetery grounds. All' interested shareholders please attend this meeting. Ewan MacLean, Chairman Edna McDonald, Sec. Treas. —24,25 RAINBOW TROUT Catch your own at Vince Austin's trout pond. Open Saturdays and Sundays. Ev- enings by appointment. Call 529-7240. $2.00 per person' plus '20c per inch. •Special prices for families. —22tfar PINELODGE REST HOME A supervised retirement home caring for your person- al needs 24 hours a day. Lucknow 528-2703. —50tfar 21. Personal PREGNANT and need help? See our selection of Good Used Furniture, Antiques and CoNeetables 'Consign Any Of Your Unwanted Or Unloved Items • "Olcl Or New We Will Sell It For Yon" COME AND BROWSE 357.2628 Winghern 32. Coming Events ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Thee 132nd anniversary ser- vices of Ashfield Presbyter- tian church will be held on Sunday, June 22nd at, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Hymn sing . at 7:45 p.m. with former minister Rev. J. R. MacDon- ald of Roseville, Michigan as guest speaker. —24,25 • PAPER DRIVE Lucknovv Girl Guides paper drive, Saturday, August 9. No magazines; newspapers on- ly, tied or boxed. Proceeds for camping. —24 ATTEND the :old-Time Fid- dle and Step-dance Contest, July 11 and 12 at the „Fergus and District Community Cen- tre, Fergus, Ont. For infor- mation:_ 519-843-2735, 519- 843-1630. -2'4nc STRAWBERRY SUPPER' Will be held at Knox Pres- byterian Church, Teeswater on Wednesday, June 25th from 5 - 7:30 p.m. Adults $4.00, children 12 and under, $2.00. Preschoolers free. Sponsored by the Ladies Aid. —25x ANTIQUE CAR SHOW & FLEA MARKET On June 21 and 22, Brussels, Ontario. Camping available. Phone 887-6585. —24 SUPPER MEETING All members of Lucknow Le- gion are requested to attend a supper meeting Tuesday, June 24 at 7 p.m. --2.5ar TEEN DANCE In Kinloss Community Cen- tre, highway # 9, Thursday, June 19th, 9 - 12. Music by Dave Owens. Admission $2.00. Sponsored by, Kin- loss Recreation Committee. —25 AUXILIARY MEETING The Auxiliary to Wingham ' and District Hospital meet- ing will be held on June 23 at 2 p.m., in the Clinic Build- ing. Guest ,Boris MiloseVic. —25 BUTTONS 10.0 MARKET', IAlcluiew DESPERATEIN: need =denten', to return ;neat baskets In order for them to provide this service for other enstornem. PLEASE DT;g fp" 17. Auction Sales 17, Auction Sales *moos & DEALERS ESERVE THIS DATE ITS Auction Sale Of Household Effects and Antiques for MISS ISABEL MATHESON Sale to be held at J. P. Schutz Garage at 414 Huron Street, Goderich MONDAY, JUNE 23 at 6:30 p.m. Buffet; , hall rack with UM- brella stand; 5 pc, matching settee; loveseat and chair set; Boston rocker; 5 chairs with cane seats; Gingerbread clock; partial tea set of good quality dishes; 8 pc. setting of Community Plate silver- ware; quantity of dishes; beds; dressers; chests of drawers. Other articles too norterous to mention. Terms Cash Night of Sale Acting for the Public Trustee AUCTIONEERS Grant I41cDonald, Ripley 395:5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater '392.6170 —25ar V.* 11•PN Me. .1.14tAPPP IHF14 tractor, Fordson tractor 1934, 3 Gas engines, 3. clear vision gas punips, garage tools, floor lack, etc., 3 boxes of license plates, 1946 Choy ton, 49 1 tan, 19411 - Monarch Secian;•1964 Ford Custom 51:10,, large quantity of Model A parts example; motors, new pistons, etc.,. model T parts, calls, wheels. Florse drown eqUipment;. buggies, buggy whbels: sleighi, binder, walking;plought, etc. Older household items. Auctioneer: Gordon Brindley 519-529.7970 Terms: Cash RONWIN CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BIALDOZING, Additionn exterior and inter. Reasonable Rates tor renovations, cedar decks,. COLBERT Fee.' rooms,: etc, For free , L.B. #.1, Dungannon estimate .. • PH•Np 395.5450 —13tiar . SMALL ENGINERRPMRS • — All makes and Models, gard- 28, Engagements • cebnai:sqauvv ips and :.sharpening.: shoaurptbeonalcdg, s,, FALCONER • PORDON NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate CLARA BELLE NIXON LATE OF Willoughby Street, Lucknow, Ontario, Widow, deceased, who 'died on or about March 3rd, 1980, must be filed with the under. signed personal representa- tive on or ' before July 9th, 1980; thereafter the under- signed will distribute the assets of the said estate ha.Ving' regard only to the claims of which the under. signed then 'has, notice: Date June 13th, 1980; :Evelyn Hussey, and Dorothy Brown, . Executrices, T. c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister 8t Solicitor Box 610, Lucknow, Ontario. NOG 2110 —25,26,27ar TO A GOOD HOME 2 grey kittens, 11 weeks old, litter trained. Phone 528-2629. —24 l'hotre 5294449 25-28 BOYLE I wish to, thOikeveryonewho expressed doii c'ern and best wishes during my recent Sur- gery. Visits, cards and no*. ers were all deeply ap.pree- gated, . Mrs. 'Karl (Mary). Boyle —25 GARAGE AND BAKE SALE Friday, June 27, 2 p.m, to 9 p.m., Saturday; June 28,' 10 a.m. to 3 pan, at Harry Sjaarda's, west of Wingham on Highway 86. Proceeds to "Voice for Life". Donations gratefully accepted, call 528. 2544. No clothing please, —25,26 ' (Whitechurch), phone 357 .'1963. —21eowtf 18.. Services available „,,,;____Cecil-Cranstorr- -- R. R. 2 Auburn - Phone 529,7691 AIRHAMMER. BACKHOEING --'•Stfar GEOliGE •LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations,. additions; cot- ,tages. Phone 357-3457,, Whitechurch. ---3tf • BILL THOMSON CARPENTRY Renovations, • repairs, • odd jobs,' cement patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Free:estimate call 528-3508 after six. P'OLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY ,Heintzman and Sherlock- Maiming PianoS, patia.sonic Sound.• Equipment. Recondi- tiOned 'pianos for* sale; used pianos wanted. For •piarm tuning:and repairs call, 395- 2982. JIM MOSS' White Washing and Disinfecting To Barns and 13uildings Of All Types 5294650 PAPER AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd park 395-5079 ' or Joe Allison 396-7173 ;L464 v DONICHOMPSON T.V. ••• &APPLIANCES sea and Serviee Tower and Antenna Installation '395.3466 RIPLEY --:15tfar AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant 'McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales. of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392.6170 —40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING Sand'- Gravel Topsoil - Paving Robert Syrnes Contracting Lucknow 528.3047 • --10tfar BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING Bill Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 —'17tf PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 —2tfar ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement sealing. Jam- es Symes, 528-3233. —18tfar 4..0 OP*. la. 'wpm •••• •61 maws Mr. and Mrs. Arctire Yurctoon, R. R. 3 Wingham wish to announce - the forthcoming, marriage of their daughter Lorie Jacqueline, to KPvin Alexander , Falconer, son ot Mr. and Mrs. •Angus Falcon- er of R. R. 3 'Wingham. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 28, 1980 at 5 p.m. in Chalmers Presby- terian Church, 'Whitechurch, 31. Carcis of thanks HOY I wish' to express my thanks for cards gifts and visits during my recent stay in hospital. Special thanks- to Drs. Corrin, McKim and Jolly and staff 'on 1st floor Winghain Hospital. All was deeply appreciated. Victor Hoy —25x AINSLIE I would like to express my -thanks and gratitude to the staff of Wingham Hospital during my mother's (Mrs. Annie MacLennan) illness. Also the attention and, care shown by Drs. McKim, Cor- rin and Jdlly make me realize how fortunate indeed are the menibers of your community to have such personal and professional medical care. To the friends and neighbours from Lochalsb and Lucknow I shalt always be grateful for the support and love you have shown when my mother passed away. Thank you all for Making our loss easier. Sincerely, , • Barbara (MacLennan) Ainslie. and family —25 ELLIOTT We wish to thank all our friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness at the time of our loss of Curtis John, a dear son, grandson and nephew. Special thanks to Dr. Mowbray, Rev. John Bell and the Currie-Walker Funeral Home and also to the women who served lunch. David and Sherry Elliott, Walter and Kathleen Elliott, Paul and Kathy Elliott, Paul and Ruth Laidlaw, Barry Elliott, Karen Elliott -.25 MacKENZIE We would like to thank everyone who made our wedding a day we'll always remember. Special, thanks to our parents and families for all the help and support they gave us. Thanks to Mrs. Jean MacKenzie for hosting a get acquainted tea and to Mrs. Kathleen Forster for hosting a relative, shower. Last, but not least, thank you to every- one who made our Stag and Doe a success. Your thought- fulness will always be rem- embered. Sincerely, Bill and Barb (Deakins) MacKenzie —25 CMS1IOLM Grant and Wilma Chisholm would like to express sincere thanks to all those who took part and attended their anni- versary party. —25ar For The Estate of Robert Irvin at BRINDLEY'S SALES YARD; DUN6ANNON, ONT. 10 miles N.E. of Goderlch on Sat. June 21. at'4:30 sharp. 18. Services. available .18., Services aVallable R•IA":4,1,•0! "rigq*".1.. re% .W./1-04044‘Ae&o.-Aw.,,,,,/, SMITH. Our sincere thanks to OW Dungannon' neighbours 'and friends for the lovely•pferting : gift, Your thettginftihress. was deeply, appreciated; Evelyn and Marvin Smith 25 Turn to MO 20