The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 80PRge 24-4414dow S'Athleit Welbet4thi.Y0 June 18 1080 15 If, SELL TRADE OR RENT THROUG 'Tilt. CLASSIPME, ADS 1. Articles for sale ELECTRIC FENCERS We make and sell any strength you desire. We also repair all makes. Alvin Beur. eman, 3452306. --'-23eow CABINET STYLE Singer Sewing machine. Phone 529- 7218. -25,26 MEN'S 10 SPEED BIKE,- good shape; 1979 Honda XR 185, low miles, new Super Digger Tire; men's roller skates, size - 9%, excellent shape; young man's 3 pc. beige suit, size 42 tall. Phone 395-5230 --25,2.6 RABBITS FOR SALE, I bucic, 3 bred does, 2 mothers witlitiabies, 8 market Size, 8.. cages with feeders and wat- erers. Paul Gamble, phone 395-2808. -25 26" FRANKLIN STOVE, 2 years old. Phone Bill Camp- bell, 528-2576. -25x MULTI-COLOR raspberry shag run, nearly new; 2 tires on G.M. rims, G78-15; swim- ming pool, 3' x 12' with liner; Paymaster cheque writing machine. Phone 528-3714. -25 WEDGEWOOD. Egg cod- dlers reg. $15.95, our price $8.95. 1st issue Heart Shap- ed China Box, reg. $42.00, our price $19.95. Johnson Bros. Wedgewood-, Child- ren's 3 pc. Charlie Brown China Set, reg. $25.00,. our .price' $12.95. Add $1.00 per item postage-insurance, AU itemsmint.,Viking Shop, 76 'Queen-,-Niagara---on---Ae-lak-e, - Ontario, LOS IJO. 1-416-468- 2264. -25nx EMPTY 45 GAL DRUM; paint barrels. Contact Stan- ley Doors Systems, Wing ham 357-3310. -25,26 10 speed bor; bicycle, good 'condition, $75.00. Phone 528-3305. -25x SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent prod- ucts, etc. See meek I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -8tfar RENT A POOL Swimming pool manufactur- er will' lease and install new 1980 family-size pool com- plete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try before you buyl Call Imperial Polls toll free' 1-800-268-5970. -23-30arx ALUMINUM WINDOW with screen, 66"( x 43%". Phone 528.2183. -25x SOLAR POOL HEATERS Economical, efficient heating systems increase swimming season by two months, non corrosive, 5 year warranty. Langside Supply 392-8118. ---22,23ar TOP SOIL. Lloyd Whytock. Phone 528-2006. -17tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. 8tfar 2, Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 0.• Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room. and board U. Help wanted 13.. Wanted [general] 14. 'Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17rAlliti10 rSWir 18. Service!‘ available 19. Notice to creditors ' 20. Public notices. 21. Personal ' 22. Lost and found 23. 'IVIlecellsneoua 24, Business. oppoirtunitlei 25,, To give away 26. Births - 27. Deaths 28. •Engagements 29. Marriages. 30. In Memoriam 31, Cards of thanks 32. Coming events -1. Articles forvaler DEADLINE Classified Ads 5 P.M. MONDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 5 p.m. Monday for that week's paver. CLASSIFIED - lic per word, minimum $2.25 Help ,wanted 1. Articles for sale 5. Cars, trucks for sale PRIVATE SALE' East of Lucknew's Town A master's house. Icic.b ea uty..--Cl earl, bright, cheerful. Easily duplexed for added in- come. Best bargain for young innovative people on their way up. A-1 insulation. Oil heated, Double windows through- out. Tax below $400.00. Reason for selling: Disag- reement in the family. Asking $42,500. Phone 528-3545 after six. View- ing after six. -25tf 0 ,CLASSIFIcAr.OtO. iACCOmmodation rent,,, . . TWO-'•REDRoOM 4p.art. • Ment„' Main , Street,.. eleetrie heat, A.P1.00 bath,.' available :Phone -, 39-5593. -4-20)tf ONE AND. TWO'BEORD014 apartMents in , ..LueknOw Teeswater and Ripley.. 'Call: Gienn 'Haven Apartments, Phone '528-3234. :H,15tfar, THEBANFF CRAG & CAN TENDER The Xinlough Pentecostal Church offers for sale by tender until June '30, 1980, • the building and lot known as the former Pentecostal Church, situated in the ham- let' of Xinlough on Bruce County road No. 1. For further information please call 395.2492 or 395- 2424. Highest or any , tender not necessarily accented. -24,25,26 WINDOW QUILT Insulating window shades that can dramatically reduce heating and cooling bills; can be hand washed or dry cleaned; easy to install your- self. Langside Supply 392- 8118. -22,23ar 2 1/2 YEAR OLD HORSE with red and white markings. Phone 482-7192. -25,26 3 POINT HITCH BUZZ SAW and I high chair. Phone 395-5396. -25x SWIMMINGTOOLS Factoryoverstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come, COM - lete with walkaround deck, patia,-..fencing...pumpmetor- and filter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Call• Im- .!! perial. Pools tell free 1-800- 268-5970. -23-30arx BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING . On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 -40t-far • LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL trailers, hardtop tent trailers, park models, truck campers and caps. Trillium, Boler, Rover, Lionel, Prowler, Gold- en Falcon. Camp-Out Rental & Sales, Hwy. 8 West, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. -18-2'r 4. Articles wanted THE "BACK TO SCHOOL" committee for Dungannon's 125th Birthday Party would like 'to display old class photos from Dungannon School over the past years. If you have photos you would be willing to lend, please email to Jack Caesar, Dungan- non or leave them at Dun- gannon Post Office. 24,25ar 1966 BISCAYNE CHEV, 4 door, license on, in good running condition, as is. Phone Bill Campbell, 528- 2576. -25x 69 ONE TON CHEV truck with cattle box and. complete cattle rope. The body and motor are 'in excellent condi- tion; new tires. No rust. Leo Selent, R. # 1, Lucknow, Ontario. -23-26 7. Real estate for sale IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 700 acres excellent corn land; yields 180 bushels per 'acre; large fields 1 mile in length; no stones; well drained; Private and Brockerage in- quiries welcome. Phone 1-613-678-2968 after 6:00 p.m. -25rix 9. Accommodation to rent FOUR BEDROOM home in Lucknow situated on 1% lots; available July 1. Phone 528- 3004 after 6.30 p.m. --25tf THREE BEDROOM mobile home in country; kitchen, living room and family room, included are fridge, • gas stove, washer and dryer and curtains. $250.00 a month tent, plus heat. Phone 529- 7469. -25tf SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment, electric heat, car- pet throughout, fridge and stove. Phone 528-3932. Av- ailable July 1. -24ff THREE BEDROOM house.in Amberley. For fOrther infor- mation call 395-5305. • 43.tfar „ • SMALL . FURNISHED apart- ment; Phone 528-2174; if 'no answer 528-3134. -17tf TWO BEDROOM apartment available inimecliitely, Phone 528-2625. -221-f ONE BEDROOM apartment; heated, fridge and stove, good parking. Phone 528- 2113. --22tf 12. Help wanted elmes DRIVER REQUIRED start- ing September, several stud- ents will need an experienc- ed driver to take them to the London District Christian High School. New. Van and proper insurance are Supp- lied., Terms negotiable. Phone 524-2632 after 6 p.m; -25 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. REQUIRES P. Gryseells, Personnel Relations Administrator, Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 Applicants should indicate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this infor- mation lists of available teachers will be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants When their services are. required. Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our schools need not re-ap- ply. Names will automatical- ly be included for the coming year unless notification to the contrary is received from either the teacher or a principal, D. J. Cochrane, Director of Education. D. McDonald, Chairman of the Board -24,25ar DUE TQ MILL EXPANSION full time person' required for responsible. position in feed mill. Apply to Andy Sande at, Stanley Feed Supply, Ripley, 395-5955. -24, 25ar YON has the following posi. tion open: Press person to: operate KORD press. Excel- lent Salary. Hours 8,00 to 5,00 p.m., Monday ,through Friday. Give Exper- ience and marital status. Reply to Box 129; 'Banff, Alberta, TOL OCO. Phone 403-762.2453 days, 403.762- 2881 'nights .' -25nx HEAVY DUTY MECHAN- ICS needed at John Deere Dealership. Competitive Sal. ary, Benefits,' Contact Jaek Dixon'; Benning Porter Equipment Ltd., Box 1890, Wainwright, Alberta. TOB 4P0 403-842.6131. --25nx PRESS OPERATORS WAN- TED. Expanding weekly newspaper', in the' beart 'of Alberta's OHS-antis, 'requires experienced'offset pressmen and Web offset pressman. Write to: Bonnyville Nouv, elle Ltd., Box 1200, Bonny- vine, Alberta. TQA OLO. Phone 403-826-3876 collect. --25nx FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN June 27, 1980 using applica- tion form which can be obtained at the school or by writing or telephoning the employer below. The Bruce County Board of Education Box 190, Chesley, Ont. Telephone: 363-2014 Attn: Mel. F. Wedow -25ar KITCHEN SUPERVISOR ApplicatiOns will be received by the undersigned for the 136ition of Kitchen Supervis- or in a 158 bed honie for the aged located in Walkerton. Send written resume,, giving experience and education to: D. J. Moore, Adminisixator, Brucelea Haven, Box 1600, WalltNertooGn2, vOontario. Deadline for applications is June 30, 1980, -25 A11•16.* STUDENT FOR SUMMER work age 15 - 25 years, interested in obtaining ex- perience in plumbing and heating. Apply in writing to Box 309, Lucknow. -25ar HOW DOES YOUR SUB. SCIOPIION LABEL READ? loading and hauling approx- imately 30,000 cubic yards pit run gravel to, concession road 10 - 11, lots 25 - 27, Township of West Wawa- nosh. • 'enders must be submitted, on township tender forms available at the Municipal Office and be accompanied by certified cheque for $1,000.00. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to' ap- proval' by Ministry of Tran- sportation and Communica- tions. • GEORGE HUMPHREY, Road Superintendent. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. -25,26ar WANT ADS •••the start of a a ending • Luxury ;two. aeOroMP Gulf Iroat.,cOndeMieinm . ..noor'Cloarenstee,,ele„poliair, 066;e14.10r.roSt:beginning, SSprembor. Villa. and on, furnished with: all luxury onlierdenc6i, 00661 and ecirneS:r66.0. 423.o. suc00Ord or call ($110) .273;2851 or 273.2029 evenings; . . be able to provide medical ' Written applications, in certificate and proof of satis- eluding qualifications, social factory chest x-ray or tuber:. insurance number and tele- culin test. phone number must be mail- ed before July 6th, 1980 to: Apply on or before Friday, TENDERS - BOILER Tenders will be received until june 20, 1980 for the : supply and installation of a school boiler; Location - Kincardine'. Bid bond requir- • ed. Detailed -Specifications available on request. . The Bruce County Board Of Edueation Bei 190, Chesley Telephone: 363.2014 Attn.: Mel Wedow TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH PITIRUN GRAVEL OCCAS ONA HE L TEACHERS . 'School, Port Elgin - 40 hours ed. until 5 p.m „ Wednesday, seatoenTdEeNr sD v vE RS -SaUgeen -District Secondary b e receiv- per week. 'July 2, 1980, 'by either the to do supply work in the rea n d_su.periotoodet-or--the- - elementary-ant secenaary Applicants must be willing to clerk at the municipal office, schools during 1980-8i. do shift work if required and R. R. #'2„ Lucknow•• for