HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-8, Page 5t w-• .. . -fir 'w'.•...� Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead WE KEEP THE BEST AT ROCK - BOTTOM PRICES Paris Green 45c lb. Arsenate of Lead, in packages 45c Ib. Arsenate of Lead, bulk 40c lb. Bordeaux Mixture CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 90 GODERICH Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Work.harel COLBORNE T(IWNSH1P returugd-.tu tlwir hate at Schreiber, Out.. after visiting at 11w home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Work. De Soto Six Sales and Service W. J. Clark Hamilton Street "SPARK'S" FOR CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS. VEGETABLES, BUT- TER, EGGS. MEATS, FLOUR 11'I Ill f1IIVt. THF. 111.1.-T Silrerwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED airt.tr v r prntc.tI' I Call in, look around and h. !i\'Itl,'INI Where Cleanliness is Paramount Sparr's Grocery • TLe •-t-re,d " e t ati"I:•n' Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 WE bE:.IvI.I: IN T,t\t'\ 1911 11r.. 1E41. Ambit -mut., of lhansannon, e.petit a few day. with her father, Mr. THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. en by Rev. J. N. H. MtU'• of noderich, and Mrs. K. Crawford and Miss Het- bouquet of sweetheart roses and baby's N O, A. Roberuon. wt eo, Mr. aud lieu. R. I:. 1VIIlb and breath. catered the •, room o the arm Npotto.n, M P. The P .d were. daughter are at their summer cottage, of ber father to the strain. of the' :143.unset Villa." port Albert. LobenZrlu wedding march played by Rer. a. Cumme. ,rf Rothsay. and her *iter. Mrs. Keith M1,4:u,•hern, of 1►r. find M.N. Ruht. M'4',. h. of \'Ir- Landon. who was dreea:rd Ut pelta giula, I':N., called on friend.- here r'repe. The bridesmaid. Alas 1.1 11 '1unkett, cousin of the bride was r le end The Bruce Si. ars 1A•.'. �t,•- of Rt. C4itharines, are visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. William Corry and Mr. and Mrs. Roy thrvin, of Nile, motored to Rettforth recently and visit- ed at the hotne of Mr. and Mra. An- drew 11. Kirk. They report crops in Tito tke Lord's flupper will he ..1.siervist in Knot United church next Siinday. at the usual to ship 11I11 11 horse. to W14.stern Can - Western Inor,es are 1.eing ...Id in On- ; tarn.. din T1,11t441111y 111.1 /1 car lot of horses brought from Om We.. by Mr, C. Church. of Medicine Hat. was sold in Auburn by auction and brought fairly good prices. Th.- Gundry. of 111111.1. WM Illitin‘ilay afternoon. at 3.0'..lock. at the Called church manse. Rev. W. It. Att. perfornaIng the cere- Molly Which united Mr Robert LPWIS Dean. of Carlow. Mid May Brown. daughter of Mrs. Chas. Brown, DUNGANNON totilstuAmsoi.x, Aug. 7 - S. J. Rev. J. A. Walker and son. Donald. res.ed In yellow chiffon Tue-olay oceanic. Young, of Goderlch, 1,4 4 1•11i111 iler Torimto, are vhsiting friend. here wore ai cortage Of yellow *tint, Mrs. Robt. Trifles cii 1114.. week. • flooer girl. little Mies Eliehera. Over. 1) and carried The best toot her nook Mr. and Mr... WIlfre. 1*. holt tind Ur, and mr.. poli. Slum aml Mb-. of Calgary. ar.• %I -drink the %I. Melloaitt. of ltItievale. ,11441 Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elli. Ste:- • .4 lot OWL Mr.. Elias. .11rvii.‘ and Mr. Wai. aver the week -end. , day. Master Alaleolm and 11 Ti Kenzie and Mks Eleittn, .. :ohlot .W11 111.ey NMI Mr. Percy 31c- operation for the ream.% . Mb/Cannon. The attendants were 11 aa 1Ir.. 4 4. S..141ey ilia1 .latigliter, 1Ire. E. Bride. Mr. and Mr., Beat. wril reside tell. In Kincardine hospi 1111111114 1.1' 11r. John TrVloli. OH Monday. I i. iloing micely. 11r. 11M1 1Ir.. %Vill Snyder motored Bible Swriety.-The annual ineetinit I Mr.. Eintield Ander- to Iiiiciwner on $41114lay to .reinl a I/f tlw Bible Soclely w11.1 held in the sen. ..f Detroit. are vi - couple of ILO.. • • • . Ing and Wa. well attended. Rev. A. MIsa Lucille Eedy. o MN. It. 111.....lerson. of 4 baleri,-It. Shore presided 14111I an eve en a t f ie 10 at St 11 1.s I mils Ilill. of Toronio, motored 1 local lal, 1101 's'llecfoll 1"1 year $1 la! spent the w. Wild W . up for ..ver 1 he 11111111,1 to vialt her Officers were elected a. f..11.iero.: l're:1 Mr. tend . A. •11. Pete o I . at While Plain.. N.Y. Death of Milri,..Mana.rianin 1.114%-rldel 11r. N. lie retigliati. of T..routo, ‘.1„... Ideals. the local elergymen: secretary- erkii lopltal last week ' , ...,-, .,.. .4 1(..iati,,,,,,,,,,,i parent-. Mr. and Mr.. Hugh 1 1 111. Adept. Mr.. Edgar LaW*014; vlee.pre.- 1 1114; a large lumber. inelualing many L Onmin iiiiii n and t'r, ,.. I! v..dorN ?non outside points, gather...I churehes, Ls enjoying. ps , ,,• .,..' bob 'Sties Itos•litiel, who warl in her 1w4•1,1 4 %Ir. and Ars. Leslie,inkster and two. rather cool. the .erviee was held In '1 troit. are . VI.Iting tile 1..1. - • 'ail.. r 11 v 14 t .. r I I i a r y pra..14,0 in Ilmiginalloi, Mr. and Mr• 4 h.tuaii Soniey, of God- nr141 mach appreciated. Aniang those; week -e11.1: Mr. 1111111 Mk's. Artr-t .1 I )ott,... tho 4.fflee of I 64.` mornni Lir,. A...Hr. Ink-ier. of 41...1erkh. swill Tueaday the serviee. and Itev. Arthur Shore' The following were vt.:• ,, , with 11r and Mrs. Ernest Mitchell. 1.reached mt. appropriate serm..n which h.nue 11f Mr. 81111 Mrs. I' 1,, . • r the. eea444 "y•toltig lady' 1111.1 a is.ition in , each. visited with 11r. and 1Irs. Winn; fri.in a ,Itt:tm,,,. who were potieed In t 1.411. Mid family. 1Ir. oh. it.. Ed. am, Company .4:Watt-rim, and oork- .thin ..ti Sunday... '-the congregation were Mr. and 1Irs. 1.418111 'and faltIllY• "t 111. '' ' ' Mr. e.1 tihal the,•Nlon.lity afternoon before Win. 1N.wti. and Mr. Norman Kernig -I awl 11r.. "tAlli Nickel at ,i ' , ...k. of tier death. %%hid. 44a.' .11.q.to Imart Miss 1.....1.1 Stipler. of Toronto, wag .% 11 ro.,.1.- 'led to 4;,olerieh for 'the' rho thaw. awl Mal. 1 :en. • Wennel. ..f and faintil. a il.iiiiikri,i I Mr,. ha ving2 been 'a frequent visity." to 1)1144- _ ..f the and 4. -to interred in 1 ittirzattinin cente•• Mr. Jame- Fettgati. or...had. the mis- fin and not;•14-44.1.1..y*sl event Wa, the 54'e.1 WilWilio.II .Fire I, . , .• Eli. ;levy- on Sattirday. Rev'. 11. .A. 1.undy: for - • lo to-.- a fine Holstein cOW on 1,4((.11 ..41rIal held 19.4 Triday evening woe, held at 11r. Ce. -11 'I. '11. . .t - of- of Nile. cosullict.s1 th:-.fitneral- ser1-1...• irnin coining. into 1.%./derkh eller 111 dittrell. 'There was a' large Attendance Ti,,. 1,,,,,,, ,,r min.. K. .5 %i• Kenzie .1...rue .114 -Kenzie. 4 41.,/1. 1 14.3-rt`,...‘rililir thole. Sumter on. ....twist in cafeteria event ..t. Fridays afterno.o, - " even; nib .%1111/11 4... floe.. pre.ent a 1 1 lo• (14 II- • home after viAtIng his friend. • Mr.. that. followed • the rector.. .Rev. A. .Nails.r MeKetiiie. II told. - .,r 4 1,1. .1,11Ii. a•,1 of Eltaiira. ntid her anat., NI -.• .......rge Poulter. it HidgeloW11. I Shore, was chairnial... Instrumental week. Fri. -11.1- of the 1.r.•'• . No.. .111,, I.• 111i 4, a rd. of ‘Vilite plain.. 'N 1 I: .. 4.1els"."4 3101 fanillY. "Ir T"r"1"" 111tuabett,t v,ere ht Nits-, Florence Pater- ele.•t, who ha. Retell In t ,.• -1..91 the week -end 'with friend, here. ..0.1. violinist.. of Tor........ 11r.,R.rhert .ten..gratolwr in 1.0tulon i Or. G. 11.. DerkeleY. loominlon plant 11..nry......rnetist.of lioderkii. and Mr. roy. W114 the recipient 1.' '. Nirs. Iterkeley and their..ots. Kenneth. Hatt' interesting ,a.1.1e0.4... were 21v- 11r. and Mrs. It. .1. 4 •ii• and 111111114 Or Mr. a...1 Rohl. 41avidea.t. Thursday,/►4� R. 19J^A.-S GEO. STEWART FLORIST bride. wore yel- witli orchid asket of .weet pea.. vas NIT. Lorne McKenzie. Win plawes limier at. arch of ..reens alai yellow and while new, was performed by Rev. J. A Walker. .%11.. paetor of the l'nited church hort4 until Oaring the :sign - 1114 of _the register the bride's ,-1...ter %Ir. ‘I-Eachent. -mug "At Dawning '141a tiv few of the ' voung holne of Air, Ileorge Ilartie gold ring. to the flower girl. a st ring re. were forty prowitt. liefit4.11- the pianist a %%Idle Itar 1,1n lute. a motor trip 10 New York and other AUBURN If You Want To Save Money Buy your New or Used Furniture at Furniture Exchange "On the St sicwat or Goderch Clearing Sale of Summer Footwear 50 Pair Women's White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, with low and high heels. Clearing at 45c Pr, 20 Pr. Women's White Canvas Strap Pumps with cov- Any Pair of *omen's White Kid Straps and Pumps Pr Wt -in. -i..- N% hit.- Canvas, Strap -Pumps, clearing a' W. HERN'S SHOE STORE ROBINS' ANNIVERSARY SALE 1929 For 18 years we have been able to serve thousands of satisfied customers, and we hope to serve you again We have appreciated very much the generous patronage we have received during the past eighteen years. Our business has been larger than we anticipated; and now here we go with the biggest sale we have ever attempted to open another year of profitable business relations with the good people of Goderich and vicinity Extra Special for this Anniversary Sale-- $2,500.00 balance uf thr bankrupt atocic of B. Sussman. Harriston, Ontario, be sold regardless of cost.,This stoc,k consists of Ladies' Dresses, Coats, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Ladies' Hose. Lingerie, Sweaters, Slickers. Blazers and Yard Gocds. Remernl-,--r, Sale starts Saturctay: Aug. 10th and 'continues tee Saturday, Aug. 24th• Get Your share of these bargains. 1 lot of ladies' fur- trimmedCoats. Now is the time to buy for winter. Regular Anniversary Sale prices $6.95 to $14.95 1 lot of ladies' Dresses, Georgette, Crepe and Canton Silk Dresses. Regular $10.50 to $32.50. Anniversary Sa!e prices $2.45 to $9.95 25 dozen ladies' Hose. All colors and sizes in the 29c to 79c Anniversary Sale prices 1 lot of ladies' Knitted Suits in two-piece and tbiee-pie( (- styles. Regular S12.00. Anniversary Sale prices $5.95 to $7.45 1 lot of children's Dresses, sizes 2 to 8 years. Regular $2.50 to $4.75. Anniversary Sale price $1.39 to $1.95 Ginghams, Checks or Stripes. An iversary Sale price 1 lot of children's Shoes and Slippers. All sizes in lot. 'Anniversary Sale prices $1.39 to $1.95 Men's work Socks. Anniversary Sale price 18c a pair' Alen's balbriggan Combinations. short Sleeve!, and knee lengili 11' -sizes in lot. Anniverrary Sale priee.__ _ 89c Men's balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Annivefsary Sale prie,. 43c Men's Ilatillkerebiefs, red,blue, white and khaki. Anniver.ary Sal.. 4 for 25c Men's fancy Hose in fancy Anniversary Sale price Men's fancy pullover Swrater. choose from. Anniversary Salc p 1 lot cf ladies' Shoes. All sizes in lot. Anniversary Sale prices lot of ihildren's Hose in tiack: blown and sand colors. All sizes in lot. Anniversary Sale prices 9C to 35c READ, LOOK, SAVE, COME 29c 25 dozen pairs men'. cotton Anek, blaek aml •r- ,ary Sale price 2 pairs for 25c 1 lot of boy. Bloomer- in dark brown and griiy tN% in lot. Anniver.ary Sale priee $1.29 AnnivOrtary Sale price 79c and 89C Men's tweed Pant- made will. fly,. pocket.. h."t 1, qt. a..1 ..t'i' - bottoms. AU ..ii..., Aiiiii:er,ary Sale price . $1.39 59c $2.69 price Boys' Jerseys. All sizes. Annivr.rsary Sale price_ 33c 69c Again we would poiht out that everything is now on sale. This is the biggest sale event you and equally sure to offer it at a price that will save you money. Come to this sale. Agent for Tip Top Tailors11 ROBINS South Side of Square Phone 384 of the season. If you cannot find just what • - I lot of men's fine Broadcloth Shirts with separate collar or collar attached in a large variety Of latest shades and -pat- terns. Sizes 14 to 17. Anniversary Sale l'aitts. All - want in the above list visit ou; store. We are sure to have it $1.19