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junior ,girls, 9 - 10, 100
metre, Josie den Boer, Karey
Coughlin;, and. Barb• Stein;
200 metre; Josie den Boer,
Karey Coughlin and Vicki.
Owen; 400 metre, Vicki
Owen,' Karey Couglin, Barb
Stein; 800 metre, Vicki Ow;
en, Josie den Boer and. Karey
Coughlin and Julie ,Collins . . • • 7
tied ;high jump, Julie. Nichol-
son, Tracy Steer r and .Leisa
Ran;- triple jump,, Kim
Coughlin Karey Coughlin
and Vicki Owen and Lisa
Ililverda tied; long jump,
Josie den Boer, Tracy Steer
and KareY Coughlin; ball
Kareythrmy, arey Coughlin, Kim
Coughlin and Tracy Steer.
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The Sacrament of Confirm-
, ation was held at St.. jos-
eph's Church, Kingsbridge
,on Monday evening, June 9
with-Bishop Mee-artily-of-
Who were the champs in last
weekend's tournament,
Congratulations to Ben
Miltenburg, 'son of John and
Toni Miltenburg, on his
graduation :the .LOntati.n.._
Veterinary College, Guelph,
Also, congratulations go to
Ben on receiving three aw-
ards as,-well. '
On Thiirsday afternoon of
last week Dave,ZyIuk, school
ainginaLentertained parent
volunteers, FatherDentinger
and Brother Carl to a "straw-
berry social" at Sullivan's
Restaurant, .
Winners from Kingsbridge
at.the zone 1 Track and Field-
, beld-m-Goderich-lastweek
are Colleen Van Osch, plac-
ing second in jimior gids
high jump; Paul VinRooy,
second in the junior boys
long jump; Christine Staple-
ton, second in the interme&
placed second "in the 100 in.
and• 200 m. dash, With Maria
In the senior girls Linda
Sinnett placed first in the 60
m, 100 m, 200 m dash and
Betty Jane Foran was first in
the 800 in dash. In the senior
first in the 200 m dash and
seppnd in the $00 m with
Perry Van Osch placing
second in the 400 m dash;
Shawn Doherty placed sec-
ond in the long jump.
Linda Sinnett was the
senior girls ,champion and
Shawn Doherty was the
champ for the senior boys.
HaMilfon officiating, The
Candidates Were from Kings-
bridge ands St, Peter's Par-
-. ishi Goderich, as well.:
Confirmed ' froM Kings-
bridge were: Michael Austin,
- Shawn Doherty, Betty Jane •froin page 16
Foran, Casey Hendricks, , Bhody and - . Rod Crich
Steven Hickey?, John La- tied; triple juMp, Matt
• londe, Perry Van Osch, Betty Rhody; Brad Murray and.
Card,- -Ronnie Delburgue, Ricky Johnson; long jump,
Mary Lynn Doherty, Vicki Rod. Crich, Kenny Neable.
`Doherty; -Freddie . Durnin, and Brad Murray; ball throw,
Shannen Durnin, Michael Daie Elliott, Brad Murray
Durnin, Rosemary Gilmere, and Matt Rhody and Brad
Tommy QilmOre, Gerda Hen= Hayes tied.
(kicks, Mary Anne Junior girls, 6 - 8, 100
Christine Stapleton, Kenny metre, Sharon Askes, Heath-
Van Osch, • er Steer and Jill Campbell;
F011owing Confirmation, a 200• metre, Sharon Askes, Jill
reception was held in the 'Campbell and Heather Steert-
Parish Hall, when, pictures 400 metre, Sharon Askes, Jill
were taken and everyone hid Campbell and Darlene Kik
a.chance to nieet the Bishop. lcert; .800 Metre, Sharon
Congratulations to Gary Askes, Darlene Kikkert and •
CoUrtney, son of Joe and Megan Clarke and Tammy
Teresa Courtney and Chris 'Husk tied; high jump, Jackie
Battye of Blyth, Who were Wilson and -Celleen Conley
married at St. Michael's tied; .Sharon Askes and .Hea.
ChUrch, Blyth on Saturday. • ther Steer; triple jump, Meg- - A very large crowd; several an Clarke and Colleen Con-
frem Ashfield and area, at- • ley tied; TAnIMY Husk, and
tended' the reception in the Tracy Ward; long jump,
evening. " Sharon Askes, Jackie Wilson
A visitor on the weekend . and Jill Campbell; ball
with John arid , Grace Austin throw, Jackie Wilson,' Susan
was Grace's sister, Miller and Debbie. Morrison .
Marie ludge, of Jackson-, and Jill'. Campbell tied.
Michigan who, also .attendCd, junior boys 9 - 10, 100
her nePhew, Gari . Court= metre: Richard Askes, StOe
ney'S wedding. ' Jong and Steve. Huffman
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. tied; 200 metre, Richard
Con Hogan ' was Vivian's Askes, Steve 'Huffnian and
niece and her daughters, Murray; 40.0. metre,
Mrs. George Bentley, Velda Richard Askes, Brad De
and'. Jody, all of Jackson, Groote and. Steve Huffman;
Michigan. . 800' metre, Steve 'Huffinan,
Mr. and Mit. Fred Cond. Brad De Groote and Richard
ney Toronto, their daugh- Askes; high jump; Richard
ter, Teresa Cornish and Askes, Brad De. Groote, and
.---A-ndrea-of--Preseott--also--at- Jeff Murray; triple Junin,
-tended-the--weddingof-their—J-eff Munay-,-Robbie
nephew and cousin, Gary and Jeff Ackert; long jump,
Courtney, and spent the Brad De Groote, Robbie
weekend with Mrs. Marcella Johnston and Tony Falconer
CoUrtney, Goderich. and Robbie Bushell tied; ball
Congratulations to the throw, Jeff Murray, Brad De
Kingsbridge Softball team Groote and _Brian Reavie.
balton ,placing second in the
-400 m, dash.
Vicky Doherty was first in
the intermediate girls long
jump and Sally Van Osch
placed second in the softball
throw; Tom Gilmore plaped
second in the intermediate
boyi long 'jump
The Lucknow *and District Lions di)
gratefully ackhoWledges, the generous done+.
thin of $250.0Q 'made by : .the Langside
Community Hall BOard.:Speolal thanks' to the
people of Longside for their comenunity.
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JUNE- 28
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