HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-8-8, Page 44.-Thundwy. August 8, 1929• For Summer Wear Net++++++++#++•t :-++++': + Forsyth's Shirts and Pyjamas No one ever regrets buy- ing quality W. C. Pridham & Son Plums 57 - Geilerich ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE with a full line of Quality Groceries and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables IN SEASON CALVIN CUTT Kingston St. Phone 116 Goderich Fresh Bread Baked Daily l hAt's wla,it yoti get when ordering your bread from us. It contains the rarest ingredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf to -day and taste the difference LEEBURN i.1,)1)NI'1tN, Aug. 11. -Mr. Roy 11ts- uu, ut Toronto. 1s .41..11 4111g his holiday* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. hoot. Rowe. and two and NIT..., J D. .vldnon. daughters. Muriel and Isabel. trom Comber. eluent the week -end with r4- . • LVCKNOW lobe*. here. %1r. T. t:u11dry, three ..,is awl Otte daughter. from neat' Ailsa Craig. were the gueots of Mr. aunt Mrs. Geo. y I'reew:w over Sunday. The ,it•t threshing of the ,easo11 ..a4 at Mr. .1. 11Farrlsh's farm Hear the lake on JI lay and for n *bort itme on 'rtealay. The ladle., and young girl. of the !Mee United .•hur.he• .•f this circuit .,re r-larlally invited to attend a 14e- .1. at Ihe 'Tertian" rr.H,age a1 fort Albert out Thursday afternoon. Cotawtuthoat tervlee will he held 111 L,s•buru church on singes: 25tla. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. DRAKE'S FAMOUS DRUM. vl•ih.rs with 11 r. and Mrs. Jas. Dur- orlgiaal le at Use Old Devunshlra Roane of Sir Francis Drake. On the quarterdeck of H. M. 8. Devon, recently, Lord Mildm&Y of Flete, presented the ship with a re- plica of Drake's Drum. Atter the band of the Royal Marines bad play- ed the Admiral's salute, Lord Mild - way said the original Drake's drum wan at Bueklaud Abbey, the old Dee- r :dn. Jr. BARRO COLORADO Irl Itev. J. Wndties of ,Mrlgrave, will o•- ,•ulry the pulpit here nest Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Itrettell. Mrs. Gil- SI'IT ASIDE AS A. KAP:SSERV'E FOR I more. son and daughter„ of Orange- WILD LIFE. . %Idle. were holiday s isltors a lth Mr. Strange Concentration of AMMO! ape- ' cies 1n the Jungle* Covering the Top of This Partly sitdwnerbwl Mouataln--$ek•ntr.ts' Paradise. 1.1'4 K OW. Aug. 11 -- Miss Myra Mae! hmaId luta r•nu•ued It • atter .Ir•uAht44 it mull* ut wtrk• Nith Iter. 11aeD.mald at \%'aa:aga Itea.h. lir. Ed. Cousins with hire elft• 11114 tit wily left out '1'uewlay for Listowel. where )jr. Coud11s hits a Joh a- tin- •uiith. Alis Arithe11e Cameron has renirn- e.I.hour• after ,sle•mdlrrg it Welt. iu .luelph. inhere ',h,• will .start 111 train - !dug In .1 couple of weeks. Mr.. -Urs. Hamiltons,, with her daughter*. Helen Alla 1..91ai. 1s -lewd- , ing :. few w'e41'.' at her home in Bock - ST. HELENS 'Mr. Hamilton. who 1. or, 14 tI.II- • i -'.f IIF:JINN, .Aug. M,'Ihuualt k Unt•niu started their 'atria.'' Hire -h- ire: on Ilea farm. .1 the Messrs. Mr- l'hetwu Alr•and lir-. Jas. 11ifl•IwIl and Ily, of Toned... and MIs- Myra Butes, of Sr Catharines. were holiday vist- tors with lir... Miteliell's parents. \Ir. and Airs. .lobe Webster .l:a.klutosh and Mrs. Mae kinto-h, of Mllverton, erre visitors with Mrs. P. Clark last week. Mr, and lir-..t.ihn Clark. of Toronto. are a e0diug their holiday'. With their nu,t h1•r. ',Ir. John Miller. of Whitlow, wail up over the week -end to visit his neuter. who Is seriously 111. Mr. W. Edn l•ou and .Hs: llelen ' Layton. of iCl,.nrditie were holiday E U. CLEVELAND 11 Ph•, i \\ THE 1044 trip up north. will Jen. thew latter. .t quiet het pretty wedding t.a.k Noce Tuesday at 11 ucloa•k, when Alt - 1.1... *.'.stud daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .IH.,tr Jolu,stou, '4I nultwl In mar- riage to Marry aauuett, of %%Ingham. The haply couple will make their now • home 111.1iuelph. They take with t1rem the hest Mahe. of the community. %Ir. and Mrs. Win. Monuhun. of Port ' Huron. Mr. Wm. Monk. of lVlugh.na. • and Mrs. McNevin. aha of \Vinghatn. 'veiled out relatives here Met w'tek. • )1i -cwt ,Man and Iris Armstrong, of ' Toronto. called on friends here the fire of the week. Mrs. Marler. with her daughters, Lorna and Dorothy. from t'ranhrotk, 11.t'.. Is visiting with her wether. Moe I N. I.. /'ampltell. . Charlie Welster. who is working In Toronto. -lent Sunday and Monday .cfr11 hi- iaareutw here. 11r. Donald 1laekeurie, of Windsor. is ecuslulu;; with hit. slaters. Mrs. Ken- neth and Mrs. -\Ilaii 11cleo.1. of town. GODERICH p WHITECHURCII when gangs tr •,• have fallen. after Our tf the moat ••,•uderfuf haunts tic home of'Slr Francis Drake. of birds, re Ilea .,n1 pistils In the 11' (Lord Mlldmfth was among the p original donors of the replica In 1904, world has been set -We by the Canal and it was handed over to the then Zone Government .+ a preserve for Devoushlre to- be used to record all wrthywild life and ti great outdoor lobos ltrtwaa audeza ttacopy oiconectedl theedrushim tory tor sootoglats 1t is Baro Col- with which the crew. ut the Pelican orado island, tortir'.1 of a mountain sailed round the world. The drum Vali at Gatuq Lek. Tlt••re, amid the was rer•'Iv,•d by a party consisting of harsh cries of etrat.;•• bright -colored a bluejacket, a %lariat. and the small- blyde and clow to .he lairs of a"r- eat drutuiuer buy. phots and jaguars, the student 01 Lady Mildmay of }'lots, then pre- htulogY may pur.•ue his quest for settled the ship with a silk White En - knowledge ons W,nastlde sclentlats sign on behalf of women, in roans -, Y may land thefts. - &lion of the deep dept of gratitude arro Colorado is not a large is they owed to the British navy. land, l'thall Vint.. nt Wlleoz says'Itt the New York Times magazine, yet , #ionsething Omitted. its acr •a con ain an ortranrdlnay Niodelliug In clay, uow taught to wealth of tropical tit... The birds and children in many elementary schools, the other animal* 'hat formerly el- is taken very seriously by some of the listed in the river lowlands were fort- 'young sculptors, judging from r story ed by the rising water to see;* higher told by Mrs. Laura Knight, A.R.A.. levels, and as a r.. dt there Is to -dal' 'recently created a Dame Commander a strange concentration of animal of the lirittah Empire: A friend tt species in the jure les covering the hers was one of a party who were 111 - top of the partly •nbmereed uwtln- 'peeling the works of various pupils, fain. and they had gathered round to look Dr. Alfred O. groes, of flowdoln at 11 statuette of a little old lady - College, returned recently after which a child of five had juet finish- ; spending many w••.ks in a s.11dy- of ed. "1 wonder what the old lady le the Island's bird lite. He says ••al- thinking about.?" somebody said. Most the whole ara is covered with a "Oh, she can't think." replied the vegetation ra treeenting primeval con- tiny sculptor, "1 didn't make her any dltlons. Renning down between the • brains." bilis 01 the Island end hidden from view by the luxuriant vegetation are Ntnallpaa. rocky brooks. which during the rainy Smallpox is responsible dor more waaba' pour turbulent streams Into deaths in Franty than in England. the numerous cove, tnrmlag the JK ye role per mutton. Ayer Ii period of Red coast 1lne.1i ane Years b.•idg 2.f for Ponos and The tropical climate has done its ash: for England. rt In producing ..anther odd sight. ----- .ALADA quality never changes while cheap brands constantly vary with market prices TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' 1s* READY FOR. A *HOME RUN' \\'l1lPItt11t'1t411. Aug.. '� The .,men's In -titrate Twirl a cert ate - i -ruff lawn •o* int vu •Friday 44in- big lti-t at the le.nte of lar: and airs. \\'eslev i,,.uatr. .\t Ow el..a• of tin• program. Mr. John Purvis. who %vas o h:lrmrn, l..r the ecrnln44a% rue 14,0041 off the autograph quilt. wtil.-li 'tent ,0 %Ir. Ala, 1lo.-. 11r-. I: 1.. •t'relghuuy nn.l Pearl :11.1 Thelma. alio. have been s'lsitII44 her sir•11ts'. %Ir. an.l'Mrs 1 11 Kirk. o! .rat•" ,70 It her sister, Mrs. J. It its•. •raft: rv•runusl on Moodily t their h..tne in Detroit Little \11-w Thelma head her right area broken at rine wrht in .?lith and site broke it :i:afn out 1altirihn. a-hi•ii a -he fell t fr.,m n •••Itig 1t..reeit 1'nrdtor.1. •ta•a•fing 1111- w‘ -els •.ill, her :noir. Airs. bear Henry. of t -t.• ••' There were tunny inn;hty unci wick- entitle ipparatus. and a place -fur Wlth every Marshall Mat seal ♦Macre in tide eonuntnity. With sleeping and ealit.K. James Ze,o•k; en-' Alr. and Alr•.'\\'. It. Farrier erre air.I t0mologist of tl•• 1>•parUuenl .f having dot ed t rough at the Water line, they have L• eti driven by the' winds Into the protected coves nd there anchored b% snags and under- growth. Such Ices have been tied to- gether by the rapid tropical growth to form floating islands. As wind' and daily torrential rains covered then with debris•eventually there grew up a new land, of •teat . rassee and various odd plants. These gent- ly undulating tslan i' soon !meanie the inviting homes crocodile and giant Ilazrds and the f••••din_ and nesting places of a host ni tropical. bird.. • Dr. Gross sacs' "In tithe his whole area, lncludln th,• doatln:• iaands. will provide a r,•hness of life the' equal of which w II M. found in but, few piaee.of the world." The National 11 so arch Poon. 11 has' provided a Jungle; laboratory egVdp- ped with photog...ph dararooni. set - H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator F:.timaten ter painting. wall-Iial. r - Ing. etc., cheerfully ili%en on r•- yn, K. Residence. No. 4, Bayfield Road Telephone 259J FREE tress sold during the month of fi I and Mr-. Wricht and Ate Mayes, of I Agriculture, station at Ancon, Canal ImenvIlle, bitssi•s Grace and Rotem'I Zone. Is in get/oral.charge, and %ar Au net we give a slip cover • NherrlR. of Winghant. Mr. :dud Mr. anus scientific anlzations have con- g \\ nen you are figuring up baseball. Atilt.... Sherrifr +ail eight children. of tt1bu:ed to t the venture free of charge. Now is the pp��rGtat=iCea. Iaut tot.. i'U1 - tt..tw, t•a...hlJ n i ..e Pew. T� 'And'eomparung one heavy hitter with n"t'tltota. �1;rh Al r. and Alert. fohn. The roll ant boat trip lu this sci time to buy your n.attress. another, Falconer were• Mr. Elgin 11,llw.o'l. enttat's para., s.' 1. like a heap Into a AIr vol Mire. Hooper and Donal,. nod new and etra',ge world. "Soon af:er Don't forget that the Heat Folks hold Nr ,tlrred Ballston! and Ali-- North ; leaving Cris' .',31," Dr. Gross" relates, the record in this league for the F'alcou.•r. of 4trntigetille. :11..1 Mr. , "the train •d through a marsh number of home runs they make in. Win. I•'.,V•.•mer. or L:nag'iIi" bit-- that was to • Ith herons. of which a reason.•, Edythe I'tvldl.•. of Ednront.m. 1- .lei!' I nOted LI - :peches. Here were With •their loads of D. L.& W. Coal bog her sister. • Mr.. .1. 4;. tai 11.0;..:.., I beautiful, 1:..... elate white egrets, \\'ith Alr. OM Mrs. .1a- 4'orneliu- i standing out •triking con:rast with they knock told weather over the Per,; Joolu, Alden Kelly. ..1 Torr '0t.1- the dark C01 • of the surroundings. fence, and beat it home by a big borne, Willis!. i.e. and Alai'\ Kell.. ••1 From a d.t. • mass of vegetation • margin. And they are never "put st. .Urgnstitte. hlr. rnn,k 1.eddi of growing int cater a flock of little lilts. and grey plum - and further along 1 tck-crowned herons p of a palm tree, in fiches of a dead r •e et. Am:iotine. Mr Johnstop ai••• bin.• herons Ca them n an exhibition t tlaughter :.f Toronto kir and \11.- age darted , It 1 Th onor '.,noel Vail , saw s.v no game. iii--. Nam Ite1l and Mr. Win, Corned perched .in r' For Good Clean Coal 0i., • 1 4trrtlgevlll,• the topmost out" by winter. ll t 98 forhibiton ' 'C•%Li. THE t;.t'XY ftl'{; CARLOW that was p - suhmereed was a small greet. ':razalian cormorants. -Anon after sing the station of l Monte Lido I - iw for the first tune t'.tltl.tt\t-. Aug 7.-11r. nod ?jr-. several Meek .canas striding over R Ala, trod mel 11r. and Mr=. Fisher. .f the illy pad= a small lagoon." J. Ys (MUSTARD COAL 1'Iinlon. repent ilnturt,t the rues'.' of tt one w.t up the 200 . itpa to COMPANY ' hr and 11ry...john 1"Doug nod flintily. the dahnruton the top of ahs. Island Godericb 1te . t'olin Young. frit.. Mr. nut there Is alwa\- a changing vfew of phorm Q8 - Alts /tender -on Tonne and little the Jungle. "The place seems Inneh Outing, Golf, Bowling and Tennis Shoes Stunk* practical Shoe- tor tarn, boy- mei youth* T.lte favorite- for ladie-. nti and children are lite . colored and fancy ,fabric, They are here in the ,-west de-ign, and. patterns. Play Shoe- for children include a very large variety of style- in `vandal- and Outing Shoes. Vie bobby -ea-on has started. Buy 1pow anti runts -a• from the h• -t assortment et the lowest possible lirice quality eoniidered GEO. MacVICAR THE PIieACTICAI, SHOP. MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARE GODERICH Just A Reminder --- To our old and new patrons that Brophey Bros., the old reliable Furniture Dealers. have always in stock for your inspection the Finest assort- ment of • Bed Springs and ventilated Spring Mattresses Marshall, Fishman, Simmons and Brantford Mattresses They ac ties. An cthe fittest that may be inspection will cony nce you. n in athe larger Furniture sold -either from catalogue or a personal visit to any factory showroom, at rockbottom prices, BROPHEY BROS. Funeral Directors and Furniture DealG(�erit h West Street .Innghtcr .lilt'..' itis" Mho .lean 1:. like a great znnlogleal garden." says Vellum. ;III of 'roreeto. -lent the' Dr. Gross. "There are the toucans NM•k-,•mi w NI dire. former's brother. with their enormous and highly calor- ' %Ir. Sa,,lp Young.. ed bills, got a,•'itte trogons, the long- M'iss Julia Soong awl Mrs. Jean tailed mntmn.s. dozens of screaming l''nitcni. of Torn:.to. daughter.. of- hlr, • parrots and paraquets and countless :slid Mrs. 1t. 11. Voting. spent t -re w'in'k- smaller birds. Including brilliantly • end with their parents here. • tridescent hrtntmine birdie and highly Hers. Jarvis and <on. 1tf Ilohnes- enlored manakins. vlllc. visited with 1fes. Ted 11orris nt theselaetrpr, mie nglee• and d led wllhetDe es of .11r Herb. Morris' on Wtud,it• g ler 'dr. Frank 'Avery. of .tiletin. Monti- of monkeys and the erten of 110.14041 9nhfi. andhr,rlo•r. of Weston.•hie•, rro•atnres In the Jungles. make the ..IMiul the we•k4•to at the humc of Mr. place weirdly fascinating. The Brat and Mr.. 'Herb. Merri-. • time I walked down the trails alone Threshi11s. has commenced on the and heard 'tie queer sounds., the soh eoneestion. Mr F'or,ly:•e Clark, nn source of whirl I mold not giltas, 1 Monday. a,. the fir -t to begin stook telt uncomfortable and 111 at ease, but riu•,•shing around lo•rp. The grain 1- after living there a few week*. 1 soon iwruhlg oat sph•ndietty learned that the animals of the jttn- ite. Colin 1'ounuz. taste, er Toronto. ale. even the larger ones lite the pee - t,...14 Rev. It. •it. t•mmml,,i,t work at eartes, the monkeys, the ocelot and Carlow oti iltenlay nfteru.s.0 find gm,, the Jaguar were 'much more afraid of •.sal talk on Mew. ...:'elan work in me than I of them." e odd ere.,' T.•ront..:rnd'111 the Northwest lures of thes:.lr Ind Mime re o the rto- 11r. and Air-. tl.-orae Pater...el and .,c.. d+night.r.. Martha and Flor'nee. Mendota, a 1:.• r• and beautiful bird of returned ti• 'It.ir l...tne in Toronto on brown, Mark and yellow, which Monday ',iter n very' i.t,'n•ant .i-tt hnllds a Inter pendent *est to • tall aMI their relative. ho.r.•. tree. The ht:trk-tailed myleblu Militia Mrs .1. •john -tone is .gs•ndh,g a -a nest wl ' 1 saeret passageway• work or 10.' with her dan44luer, Mrs hanging It he water and ft»ta a 4'. A. ljolertson. slender lamb chore monkeys and nth - Nit. and Mr...\rtlntr 11ne.1e1...f \•,r ser raiders ea... eat venture to seeking Nieh, stent the N,•ek••rel With Alt the egg's \I •.del'• grandlstreerus and auto at The ant' l t. which, as their name • o.' ventral. suggests. li. Rely on ante, make a \Ir. W. .'r..% 11.1,lro..e,1 the. ;• nest near"! .;round. Dr. Grose In •.f t'arloytaint yi• init%. meter the':i.t" etndvina 1' • .1 was about to place I4,r• of t es Bible S,• fiery 111%.ad.Ir,,.s hta h,d • mofhpr hard slttIna ,.as Aery 10!er••.t10g Ilii em•ortraghtZ nn hoaer ,•. hp flusln•t from the ii It 1. to le regretted that more were nps4 and r:.., .T flattering her wings • nee 1,411 to hear this %'ilio¢ 111111 • as If 1411. 1 Nei; she 41,0.14 tit the III Mies .lean \tarns and bit.'. NnRnt, hrenclhes , f a.•. a aur• began uttering norsee-i t-Iralting at the G.wlerh h 11".- a loud p',• : •1111 A mate appear- 1 „psi.stem Snmlay w'Itb OW fermer'snn a s and they prodtu ed I'te'ms. Mfr. nr.4, Mrs. llerb blorrls., such a co:_,; ,.. ,:1 that it attrac;nA all ft They wereaonudmniwl by Alis Alr- the nth.'. +, aids In 111,. nelehborhond. a Mrs. Will A..ttne end itie v. of feat, teacher. ..f t. whey• They *44'.I thNr notes one by one . -'" "'" monkey', were arogaed, J. R. WHEELER FURNITURE DEALER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phones: Store 33 lie* 1 Hamilton Street Goderich, Ont.' 1 1 GODERICH INN. GARAGE OF'F'll'LU. •1 I:\ It'd •l \TI"N Duract, Noises sail Estes, Geseral Motors Automobiles and Tracks Expert ea Electric Tremble We Specialize on Brake Service You can invite 1'olicc Iasi-, a a...! en they are repaired by us Automobile Supply Electrical Parts for.A11 Makes of Auto* in Steck -To any^ate 01, , c.,. r, :.1 e 1 a. ,•at1'1 r.i•air-#"i HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 RO13E12'l' NVILt4ON FOR= the famous Fleury Plows. De Laval Cream Separators; Frost Fencing and Gates Lunden's HayingTools. Gould, Shapley and Muir s Winmills and Cement Mixers. Tudhope Anderson's- Wagons.and 'Machines. t;,r1.-rjch, Ontario Hamilton Street ■XII■ • • II • • • • 1 It • I with Air Sandyand 9000 Ihe whole jungle was a Pao - a r'•ihr,' . . • " demnnlum, all started by one little 1 Mrs. Ilrn.lers..n out Tilewlnv • ma end sot laird. We are plea osl to hear that 11re ■ Phos. Wllsmt is slightly improved Mrs. Joh., Wyht. Jr.. of Ripley, I: IM Mr. null Mos. \\'m. t'lltlllltltlinnl. Mr.ri1lting her a1neher. Mr.. John.\. Nm I.Harold t'mtninahnna, 'i1 Wettest' end'j&maid. fork street. she has Jest re blr. Harold Elder and 141•ti. 1'hy1114 E1. 1 Memel from T. ,man, where sm. nn i♦ dei. of Tillsonlntrg. rlsl•ed Mr. and : deesecat ail ota•l .Iron nt the riencnal alMrs. Veret'nnninghnm mt Thnreley I hospital, and Is unit•h 'marmett in (MODEL THEATRE (Week of August 12 to 17 Monday and Tuesday Belle Bennett, Victor McLaglan, Ethel Clayton and Neil Hamilton head capable and ;.q,,,_1: and "f mother love an atplenw --(Darkling .4 it tole•* •',alf+nng.:t --ry .tit r ,I le 7•••i r.•it i.,ttL• ill '044. w 11, a • t r..\ •:,ast."r- "Mother Machree t♦ Meru. "III ,1'1'Ii: set. .I.TFit- \I a r;,, i ,. -1... at t • Ad.,,i**ion /►*sing* - Adult. 3Sc Children 25cns audio** • Adults 25c Chilnren ISc 1SSrrk .I Wednesday and Thwrnday- Jeanne Eagels le!WA:. -'t star 01 stage end •en er, •r.. -t• •1 ,1. :...•-••n•a+, nverl•.w1•1.411: human en,4 g iensst . The brilliant ar 1. why y.•o lewd see 11,1- 1, . 1.,,1,.-1, . "The Letter •, Lupin. I.an,• I .1% - • ,:•--1 \ :',1 Nair.. Friday and Saturday Ken Maynard glees you a grated tatst s , .• 11'.•rGi•• tire:en.1 L I... l'nu 11 per other famnn+r•.b-o st,r• 1 1 1:tre.t in .ut.1 ••r e.l.,'i tore aromaahem you see "Cheyenne"' Mer•••, _ 7.1.s.as•I Mafiioees Tuesday nd Saturday at 3p m. w••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• • Featuring an Immense Assortment of • • • ladies' Sommer Dresses for every occasion and purpose, $2.49 and up Dresses for vacation, sports, business and afternoon wear Sleeveless and with sleeves. Developed in fine, plain georgette. figured georgette. printed crepes, Celanese, canton crepe, washable crepes, tricoshene, rayon, taffeta, etc. Sizes 16 to 46. All at specially reduced prices. Our stock of Dresses is new and up-to-date in every detail Of Interest to American Citizens Visiting Canada • •• • • • • • • • i • •• • 111I The Government of the United States allows its citizens who are visiting Canada to ■ take back with them Canadian merchandise forr personal and household use to the 111 value of $100 free of duty. • ■ We carry a complete line of Woollen Goods, which are offered at attractive prices. 1 Woollen Blankets and Bed Covers in Brant Forde, Ottawa Valley and Mossfield ■ • ■ 111 ■ ■ 111 111111111• • • brands at $6.50 and up. Children's Knitted Suits in Ottawa Valley brand. Men's and Children's Monarch -Knit Sweaters and Pullovers. Ladies' and Children's Avon -Knit Knitted Suits. A. CORNFIELD ",WIrN'WIIF.ifP )'OI .11111 INVITEDTo ..11t,P" Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont• i Incl. 1 health. ■sae.. MRIIRI$U1R1III� NNW IAIIX•RM•1111111111111• 55 5