HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 66KELLY - WARDELL
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aitlan resoyterta meets
ow stitute
A pretty wedding took •
place in Zion United Church,
New Hamburg on. Saturday,
May 3', 1980 when Lois May
Rebecca, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, LeslieWardell,mas
united in marriage with
Michael Douglas -Kelly, son
of Mrs: Robert Baker and the
late Clarence Kelly. Rever-
end Charles Rennie officiat-
ed, at the double ring cere-
mony. •
'The bride was given in
marriage by her father. She
looked lovely in a floor length
gown with train of white
satin, with embossed design
on the collar and sleeves. She
wore a circlet of white daisy
design in .here hair and she
carried a bouquet of red
rWe, white—carnations and
white daisies to which were
attached white satin ribbon
• She wore a topaz heirloom
pin which had, originally be-
longed to her great grand- -
mother. •
The bride's maid of hon-
our, Faith Howie of Kitch-
ener wore a floor length
-gown of peach coloured poly-,
ester with matching flowered'
sheer cape and flower hair
comb. Her three brides-
maids, Helen Keller, Barb-
ara Anne Ashton and Karen.
Boutillier, wore similar dres-
ses to the maid' of honour in
yellow. The maids carried
bouquets of peach crysanthe-
mums, White daisies and'
yellow daisies trimmed with
peach satin streamers.
Lisa Polzin was flower girl
and wore a floor length peach
coloured gown and flowered
headpiece. She carried a
white basket of peach dysan-
themums, white daisies and
yellow daisies,
The ring bearer, Christ-
opher Wardell, carried the
rings on a heart-shaped
white satin cushion'. He wore
a black tuxedo and peach
ruffled shirt with a black bow
The groom was attended
by his best man Ray Heimple
Ind Dave Williams, James
O'Brien and Henry Wardell
ushered the guests. They
wore black tuxedos and black
bow ties. The .groorn wore a
peach ruffled shirt and peach
boutonniere, The groom's at-
tendants wore 'yellow shirts
and white boutonnieres.
The Maitland Presbyterial.
-4 the W.M.S. of the PresbY-
terian Chnreh met on.
June 9
in Kiinx• Presbyterian
Church, Bluevale.
The theme of the afternoon
Session 1,was Awafehessvr
• ' 'Involvement".
The president, Mrs, ROS
Cumming, Ripley, presided
at both. sessions. The after-
, noon devotions were taken
by Molesworth afternoon,
auxiliary, the sctipture • by
Mrs, Biernes; meditation by
_Mrs. felker'and prayer by.
Mrs. Gray:
Mrs. Golley, president of
Bluevale W.M.S. extended a
Welcome to all.
A duet, by Mrs. Murray
Gaunt and Mrs. James Eng-
lish was, enjoyed by. all. •
Two honorary, life -mem-
berships in the W.M.S.. were
presented: to Mrs. Victor
EmerSon of Whitechureh by
Mrs. William Evans, and to
Mrs. James Little, If ucknowy
• by Mrs. Morgan Henderson.
The' guest speaker at both
afternOon and evening ses-
sions, was Mrs. Beth McIn-
tosh, who, with her husband,
Rev, Jack McIntosh, works
with the. Koreans in Japan
under the Presbyterian
Church in Canada. They' are
stationed at Osaka; Japan,
and have worked for eight-
een year among the Kore-
An "In Memoriam" ser-
vice was taken by Mrs. Roy
MacKay, Wingharn after-
noon auxiliary.
The evening session began
with a hymn sing, led by
Mrs. Robert Bregrnan, Tees-
water. The evening devo-
tions were taken by Ashfield
auxiliary, the scripture by
'Mrs. Stuart. McLennan,
meditation by Mrs. Ewan
MacLean arid prayer by Mrs.
Gordon 'Finlaysoit.'
A report of a Christian
Conference held recently
Ottawa was given by Mrs.
Robert Arbuckle,: Wingham,
Mrs. McIntosh showed
to 11,C
The Lucicnow. Women's
Institute met hi the ToWn
Hall for their',-.June meeting
with '28, present.
I Family. and Consumer Af-,
fairs committee, Miss Eliza-
beth Robinson, Mrs. Edna
McDonald, Mrs, A. Herbert,
and Mrs. Barkwell, had
charge of the meeting and
served a delicious dessert.
Mrs. S. MacGillivray
corned the members and
read a poem On, Spring.
Invitations were received
from Ripley Women's Insti-
tute to their tea in June and
from Tiverton to their. Craft
Show in August. The roll call
was answered with, An old
remedy for home sickness.
Mrs. Edna •McDonald took
charge of the program and
called on Mrs. Wilbur Brown • and Mrs. Alex MacNay to
give their reports on the
Bruce South District .annua
which was held at Bervie it
May. --
Rev. Doug Kaufman
slides. of Japan, aeConiparded
by a most interesting com-
mentary. Rev. Jack and Beth
McIntosh have been on fur-
lough in Canada. for a year
and will return to Japan in
Mrs.' Beatrice Adams was
the Winner of a lovely -quilt,
when her ticket was drawn at
the District Annual in Bervie.
The motto, There is nothing
wrong with failing; It is what
you do afterwards that shap-
es• the character", Va$ very
able taken by 'Mrs.. Ross
A sing song was then
enjoyed with Mrs. Wes Rit-
chie at the piano, and. Mrs.
George Whitby read -a paper
.On Family and.Consumer
Miss Ruth Thompson,
shoWed slides of some of the
beautiful Jlowers from the
different -countries' in which
she had travelled, including
Canada, Ireland, England,
Holland and parts of Africa.
ofufgol:chTil 11 dere nh aavned 4thrtwilYe
oldest will remain Ili:Canada
to further their education,
Courtesies were given by
Mrs ,''Undervveocl, Whighatn,
:Mrs, Enda McDonald
thanked Ruth. fOr her lovely
slides and presented her with
a gift.,
Rev. Win;Munshaw
B.A, DIV,.
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
a.rn. Morning Worship'
c,9nun tinf on Service
Everyone Welcome
• • I
The bride's mother receiv-
ed wearing a smoke-blue
dress of figured ',polyester
and a mauve and white
orchid' corsage...The groom's
mother assisted Wearing a
dress of beige and brown
Polyester and a mauve and
white orchid corsage.
Pleasant organ music was
prOvided by Florence Riddle
and 'the soloist was Grace
Following ,:the ceremony;
the bridal party left the
church in. a horse-drawn
buggy. -
The groom's gifts .to his
best man and ushers were.
Matching sets of initialed
silver cufflinks and tie pins.
He gave the ring bearer a
lapel pin. The bride's gifts to
her bridesmaids were silver
lockets and she gave a gold
locket to the flower girl.
The guests attended a
dinner at the Golf Steak
- House in Bridgeport follOw-
ing the wedding. The tables
were adorned with candles
and the head table ,was
centered by a beautifully
decorated wedding cake.
Guests were present from
New Hamburg, Kitchener,
Bright, Woodstock, Ripley
and the surrounding area,
Prior to her marriage, the
bride was honoured at sever-
al showers.
The happy couple will
reside in New Hamburg.
For Summer Months
June, July, August
10:00 a.m. and 800 p.m.
Saturday Bible School
9:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
10 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Morning Worship
Nursery Provided
For Pre-School Children
Jr. Congregation for
5 - 8 Year Old Children
s ettkir
The`Staff. & Students Of
LticknowCen :tral .
Cordially invite '
All Parents, Friends
And Former Students
t0 a
Retirernent Tea
for ,
} - Mrs: Grace Taylor -
LucknoviiCei f -trld
Public Aikido!
Friday, June 20,1980
1 ir5 p.m.