HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 65HE • P1-10NE, 524.7811 AIR CONDITI'ONEb PARK Starts FRIDAY! JUNE 20th . ,. For three hundred year's, a temf yitig.ecret. has been kept frorrythe ootSjdO world. . . M I•• 1, , FROM THE AUTHOR OF "JAWS" AND"THE DEER" LAST NIGHT THURS., JUNE .19th The story of a boy equipment. Some scenes not spitable for pie.teenoners Some le.,a unge ma 6e offensive . THEATRE BR., ONT, Starts FRIDAY! FRI, S. SAT, TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. SUN. THURS. ONE SHOWING ONLY 8 P.M. JUNE 20th 26th The story of Herschel. He wanted to be Moses... Out he (WO have the' right connections., LAST NIGHT THURS., JUNE 19th BOX. OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. SHOWTIME Dim sitY-4 ;5" CPI I '4 Mt.)( 141 +%P1INI NI.\%MAN • 1.1MI ',CT)Cf.) PAL S4ht .1 • JArK rill GODERICH PR • G • AM SIM/ T T • CHAN ENITH • UT NOTICE .. NWT. 8 GODERICH AT 1441 CONCESSION RD. 4 • , PRONE 524-9981 #57:4410. CtObERICR • • ,'-• • • - Luckiow/ Sentinel, Wednesday,.June let 1980,-^Pilge 9 r a n c ass t • *Otront page 8. AltOn, in Ooderich lune 5fh, comntunion arid everyone, is ' with 24. Members and: six welcome,. Otir Fenununien is • visitors present, open to any who 'professes 2 _ The roll call, What I am belief in God and in his. son doing or would like to do to , Jesus •Christ. ' Improve my edneation, was _ BROOKSIDE BROADCAST _answered, By Lisa Brown • A report of'. the D passed away the, year. Pennies for Friendship: was 'taken by the Auburn ladies, ' A donation to help the Foster Child of 75c a meinber Was taltenl_this .had to be paid by. June 3Q. • • Medical expenses 4S well as home. Annabel Stewart read educating the children. ' the ininutes of the last The ladies will be at the meeting and they were rip- Mall in Ooderich with the ,proved. • tickets on the (rib? Jane 26 n Roll call was ;answered by 27. 11 Members, which Was an The motto was given- by emergeney which could hap- 9nveee?d, setco ,rjr:yay w9,Bulladinir cod,lpeointneli led the Discipline. discussion:on things to look Mrs. Gibson stated that'if. for on an interpretive walk. children had more Love The members discussed shown tothem at, home they ' wouldn't be looking other places to find some one who istrict and.Annette Cancan Annual meeting, was given Monday, June 9th was a by Mrs, Pardon and Mrs. .Frofessional Development Errington. The ,Hand Book of Day. the W.I. was to be revised in On Wednesday,, June 11th'1980. $47.45 was made from grade 7 and 8 exams were the sale Of crafts. Four completed. The same day, . members of the W.I: had The , Foster Child is a Korean. The father is dead; the mother sells fish for a living, „and there are several. brothers and sisters. The donation• 'helps the family 'with feeding the 'children and Gibs. A on 11 that our pen on an outing and how what they were going to make from their driid flow- ers. Mrs. SteWart helped the girls who• were decorating book marks, notepaper and placetnats, while Mrs., O'Donnell helped the girls , who were decorating can. dyes, . c4I-oBsemdottthoe.. Thmeeentienxtg wiTtlititehye meeting will be on June 12 at Mrs. Stewarts. • E. Robinson read the scrip- with Mrs. R. Bienian and ed their are three basic areas • • Mrs. Alton• thanked Mrs. Wood for her very informa- tive talk. Mrs. McWhinney then thanked Mrs, Alton for hav- ing the -grotip to• her lovely home. A delicious lunch was served by Mts. Gibson, Mrs. Grace Black and Mrs. Olive Blake. - • DUNGAINNON NATURE NUTS The 4th meeting was held on June.13 at Mrs. Stewart's als,.they ate at the park. The L' • • them and then they know the students saw many interest. The June meeting of Don- prayer. Mrs, Stuart Charn-- parents care for them and of tug animals. nybrook U.C.W. was held at ney: gave' the secietiry'S their whereabouts. This mot. The for the - the home of Mrs, -EFnest. report. • Mrs. R. Jefferson 'to was well given. • _ grade eight' graduation are Snowden in ••• Lucknow ..on• took over for the busineSs. The guest speaker was well • underway. ' Tuesday- evening, June 10 • The cook book,• 'that' the Mrs. Rev, Wood of Victoria The teams have been ,With a ,good attendance: LLC.W..are making, was dis; Street Church, Goderich. cussed "Mrs. :Alton introduced the • chosen for the regional soft---, MrS,'Robinson', opened •• ball tournauient, jiith the meeting with the theme, A Life `Membership. was . guest" speaker. 'Education • To ;Everything Their Is a presented to 'Mrs. SnoW- being the topic, Mrs. 'Wood The Lucknow Atom hockey team met for a picnic last Sunday afternoon at •AslifleId Township Park.' The beys 'and parents enjoyed it game of ball after Which gifts were presented to their :coach, Harvey Livingston and their. manager., Archie De, GrOote, hi appreciation for their work with the boys during the 1979-80 season. Marty Rivett, Dungatinon• won the Allan MacIntyre trophy awarded to the best second year Atom defence-, pasttioii vvith the-Koyal• Rank 11.---H-Hea-ApRActiM in Ingersoll and he and his: p, DUNGANNON WI. The W.L.meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Russel AtOM8 hold Before they visited the ,anim- manager for the team next III *Du” iN"0°'""NT season as he 'has accepted a C:31•Enlii01111C1" MAID NI E1.111I:311. 101 ; ates family, are moving this Sum.; • <>Ai nalczlimmazial on jaa . Mr. be Groote will not :In ., re • rs r y assts g , , • ' • • ' M • Ha d tin the for education the hoine' the Mrs. Robinson,„ gave ••• a• hostess. - • school, the community. • ONTARIO now Bruit) MR 24 Rit..148TIE ORRIMATIONt n M t d a - •• • .2.-sigrrnita, and I's Going Too Fast. Mrs.. A tat, Time. Luba Vireb.er gave a den rs, S. Chain ey. stated tha we are al e tic t prayer followed with a. read. Joy of COoking on the ed as children;' we• continue ing, Time ,our. most 'Vain- farm, was read by Mrs. to , educate our minds by able possession, Mrs, Robin- Weber. A hymn was sung , reading, listening •to T,V. son read, Ged"s • Minutet.: followed „bY a reading; My and radio and doing crafts. • Mrs: 'Weber read two' More Light Green Thuinb. Mrs: The ehtPceh 'is the first Place readings The 'Great Clock Robinson closed with prayer. for education in the foreign 'social . e was enjoyed ceUntries. The speaker s LYCEUM rj 11E3 WEDNESDAY,.te THURSDAY JUNE 18 to 26 gi EINEMA Please note showtinies Filday and Seterda /i00 and'9:00 p.m. All other, days 8:00 p.m] , ee a anallitt! 0 MAXWELL SMART • as 111 In his 0 motion plctyre. DON ADAMS is MAXWELL SMART NUDE 0 to the. Grand • Bend Zoo. D b k.UCW cares about them. Disciplin- onny roo . ing children doesn't hurt k‘corrveroded ti, 614)11111111 II • ? .oateu 1-7—kilMilanfe— Lucknow District CoMmunity Centre FRI., SAT., SUN.,' ? JUNE 20, 21, 22 • Kin Summerfest FRIDAY, JUNE 27 c Leo Dance t, SATURDAY, JULY 5 • LUcknow Noisy Ladies l • SATURDAY, JULY 12 Lucknow Agricultural Society Walter Ostenak • 'OPEN DATES E, AVAILABLE 1 . • JULY 7. Friday 4 1: Friday:it • ? Friday 18 Saturday 28 AUGUST Friday 15 • Friday 29 SEPTEMBER j • Friday 5 Friday 26 „ Now Booking For 1981 • FOR FURTHER ].? I , INFORMATION AND I MID WEEK BOOKINGS CALL S28,3532 f • JUNE • 27;28,29. Ara* curt's. NAMUR PAM RESENTING DOUG McARTH UR • DAVID , BRADSTREET W.P. BENNETT *: &AV: PAWLEY & PLUM LOCO iv RICHARD 104ECHITEL • III1LICE,COUNTY:GRASS ANDMANY MORE!!! • : It's all, happenlng In the HARBOUR-PARK. Bottom of. WEST SWEET, GODERICH.overlooking .the lake. FREE, PARKING at Godorieh Beach with -FREE' SHUTTLE' BUS SERVICE to Festielties. All Otocaedis to CoMmanity;s0T.,. • ADVANCE WEEKEND PASS 90,40 AVAILABLE ATJANA NATURAL FOODS': HAMILTON ST. Unequivocally the most terrifying‘: movie I've ever seen:' ,„,, • n n n • mo as n n F.YERY;BAIIY5ItTER'SAIGHTMARE • BECOMES REAL.,. • ajo, EN A STRANGER im CALLS n I PROMISE 'I PLUS The comedy that' fools • arOund • . a lot! ,ion oat 49k!-571 ttivOtakenbit_L