HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 60town. Council decided at their June meeting to ask Jim Lyons, who is accumulating the scran, to have It removed in 10 days. Council will pioceed with a property standards by.4aw which will give them the authority to deal with situations regarding land Use in the village. [Sentinel Staff Photo] DEFLATED —FREE INSTALLATION —BALANCING $2.50 ON THESE TIRES —COMPUTERIZED WHEEL BALANCING LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER SIZES AND BRANDS IN STOCK • TIRE SERVICE... .Lucknow Phone 5284103 1- Block off Lucknoves main street Tire Specials • until the end of June or while supplies last G78-15 WW Deluxe Champion Polyester '8 Ply FR78-15 Blackwell Deluxe ChampFabric GR78-15 Fisk Steel WW HR-Z8-15 Fisk Steel WW H,R78-15 Vrikistein Blem Fabric L78-15 WW Brunswick Blom E78-14 WW Vredstein Blem Each $50.00 $55.00 $74.00 $75.00 $60.00 $S0.00' $32.00 .' • Lyons and tell him Council wants the scrap removed from the dump site within 10 days. He indicated council should move . ahead with a property standards by-law because this situation is not the only one in town and there will be others arising in the future: Council agreed to appoint "Reeve George Joynt and the town's, solicitor, George Brophy, to prepare a propertY standards by-law to be presented to council for approval. ith road program Lucknow Village Council will proceed with its entire road program this year as the town's engineer has decided' storm sewers will not be required at this time on Havelock Street. Councillors were concerned they would not be able to complete all of the construction slated for this year because the engineer's report prepared by Burns Ross and. Associates, Lucknow's engineering firm, had indicated storm sewers would be necessary along the Havelock Street section which is to be reconstructed,. Council considered storm sewers unnecessary be- cause there is considerable gravel content in that area of town and drainage is good. The engineer's final 'decision says a storm sewer is unnecessary at this time and a dry well can be installed instead. • Construction will bring Havelock , Street from Ludgard Street to the railway tracks up to MTC standards. Ludgaid Street from Haveclok Street to New Delhi Street will also be reconstructed and a new water main will be installed along Ludgard as well. Reconstruction will include hot mix paving and storm sewers where necessary and a fire hydrant will be installed on Ludgard at the New Delhi street. corner. The total cost of construction and road maintenance in the village this year will amount to a total of $114,000. Half of the amount will be MTC grants and the other hUlf will be funded by the village. Of the grant portion, $25,200 will be spent On road construction and $21,800 on maintenance. Construction is scheduled to begin soon and the work on Havelock Street is to be completed in time for this year's tractor pull in July. Page 4.-Liteicaew Sentinel, WedneedaYt June 189 1980 • Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) • Management training • information on government programs for business Can we help you? Be' our Representative •Don Hanciford andlor John MacKenzie. The Bedford Hotel Goderich Ontario Every Tuesday on: Next visit: JUNE 24th A dumping, area for scrap located 111 afield at the south end of • Bob Street is treating considerable headaehes • for Lucknow village council. George NeWbold,••adMinistrator of • 'Pineciest 'Manor,' has • requested council tohave the scrap. removed because it IS a non-conforming land use An a • residential area. l'iewbold said the natural view •was one of . the reasons he btillt • the nursing home in that section of from page 1 r would be obligated to prove the site was creating a health problem. Councillors Ab Murray and Eldon Mann" who had visited the, site earlier in the day commented no raw garbage was dumped there, and it did not appear to be a. breeding ground for rats and , vermin. All of the refrigerators had their locks removed so the site did not present a hazard to children . either. "It's net really a dump," said Murray. -- "It's hard to look at, but that's really all." Mr. Brophy suggested council has two avenues under the planning act. They could_ spot zone the -property residential. The dump site would be classified a non-con forming land use and would not be permitted to grow but council ^would not be allowed to, close down the site, because it was in existence prior to the zoning. Council indicated their hesitation to spot . zone the land use of the property.., "You can't, pick on one property when there are three or four others in town that are worse," commented councillor Eldon Mann. • Council's only real alternative' according to the town solicitor is to pass a property standards by-law. "One you pass the thing, however," observed Brophy, "you get right into it." "Property standards by-laws create, con- flict," he added. "Those who have it, there isn't a moment they don't wish they didn't have it." David Newbold told council a resident on Bob Street recently had his house appraised and there are four places in that appraisal where the dumpsite is mentioned, as devalu- ating his property. Councillor Murray said he and councillor Mann looked over the site and then walked across ;the backyards between Elgin and . Willoughby Streets. He commented he would rather look out on the dump site than the view of the Lyons' backyards on Willoughby Street. He said council has to try and work along with Jim Lyons. "We have to go to him and say, "Jim, you have to clean up your act." He told council he and Mr. Mann had attempted to speak with Mr. Lyons that afternoon but he was not at home and his wife did not know where he could lie located. Councillor Murray and councillor Mann agreed the problem is not only the duinpsite in the field beyond Bob Street, but the yards surrounding the two Lyons' homes on Willoughby Street and their barn and property across from their homes. Murray said he would attempt to find Mr. Property HOUSE OVERFLOININCI :010111:-..up .WITH' • CLASSIFIED ADS (Branch Office Addrgss). For`prior infoimadon . please call 271.5650 [collect] or write 1036 Ontaiio Street, Stratford FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK rrocee