The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 5426.4ackninit Sentinel, .e. Farm services. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners; Bunk Feeders,, Silo Unioaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, CoW Stalls and Hog Panelling, Contact Lloyd Johnston) R. R, 3 Holyrood, phone. 395-5390. 7-40tfar =Rs REALTY WORLD, W. J. Hughes Realty. ltd. ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP 75 acre farm, 72 workable. Bank barn, driving shed and 1% storey home included. Call Chris Holloway 395- 3448 or ' Goderich 524-8100. 2-RE , LUCKNOW Four bedroom, 2 storey home. Has sunporch and large attached garage. Situ- ated on nice lot. Asking $45,000.00. Call Chris Hollo- way, 395-3448 or 529-7268. 'M-20 POINT CLARK Reduced to sell! Year-round 3 bedroom bungalow.- Full basement and single garage attached. 10%% mortgage. 'Asking $47,000.00. Call Sharon Elliott 524-8100 or Chris Holloway 395-3448. G-19 POINT CLARK I.V2 storey chalet style wint- erized cottage. Situated on large treed lot. 80' x 150'. Large stone fireplace and 4 bedrooms. Asking $39,500.00. Call Chris Hollo- way, 395.3448, J-37 ENTONAGH REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 STOREY BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, 3/4 acre, paved road, 1 mile from Lucknow, $28,500. 2 BEDROOM:BUNGALOW, small lot, 1 block from post office, $26,500. HANDYMAN SPECIAL - '2 room , frame dwelling in Lucknovv, $10,500. PRICED REDUCED - 3 bedroom bungalow, with recreation room, paved drive. Asking $37,900. Vendor moved. 2 SERVICED LOTS - in ,Lucknow, measuring 66' x 165' in new subdivision. Asking $16,500. HOUSE ON 1 3/, acres. 4 bedroom, large kitchen. Lots of trees and creek crossing the property. Priced to sell. 1 BEDROOM frame dwelling, electric heat, well insulated, space for 2nd bedroom and another apartment. Low taxes. 2 ACRE country lot, new well with: frame building partially remodelled for' dwelling, $15,000. FARMS DAIRY FARM - 250 acres, 3 silos, 2 barns, implement shed, 2 stable cleaners, 4 bedroom brick home, swimming, pool. BEEF FARM - 508 acres, 3 barns, 3 pit and 1 upright silo, and two 3 bedroom homes. 100 ACRES - in Ashfield Twp., good buildings, 90 workable, highway location. 100 ACRES - large barn, five acres of bush, and 3 bedroom house, Kinloss Township, $99,500. FOR. RENT 1 STOREY,3 bedroom, fully carpeted, rec. carport, Lucknow. --We are in need of listings ROBERT,CAMPBELL -' BARRY MeDONAGH Res. 529-7417 Res. 528-3821 room, SKELTON MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE-881-0234 ONTARIO A large stock of monuments at fair prices Available for evening appointments 1 FORM SAFET9 FETTER SHOES ORNEREM: sopk,Romm. • pifon .08.40.1„ *lorgainiwoRminegam, TOWER KING.PRESSED STAVE SILOS Oxygen lithiting Silos with bottom, unloader, Liquid manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088. —3tfar LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO' Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR . R. R. # 54 LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays ' From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Home. or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS' OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39tfar CUSTOM CUTTING and skidding of timber, also tree removal and land clearing. Call 529-7606. —21-24ar CHECK THE CEASSIFIEDS for All Your Needs Wednesday, June 11, 1980' E. Farm services LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395.5286 BUTLER -. Ring. Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Sib Un loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey-n-Feed Cattle Feeders, Single• Chain Con- veyors; Barn- Cleaners, wait Ensilmixers, FARMATIC - Blender Ham mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi-Moisture Cern, Augers, Leg ElevatOrs. ACORN - Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. WESTEEL-ROSCO Grain,Bins-1- 1350 to' 250,000 bu., Bulk 'Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON - Ventilation Sys tems. B & L - Complete Hog. Confinement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERU-FLUSH - Liquid Man- ure Pumps, Aerators, Separ- ators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING - ALMOST —21tfar KING GRAIN, PRIDE SEED CORN, soyabean seed Farmers get your alterna- tors, disc blades, cultivator points, plough points, dog food.. Agent for 0.F.M.A. KINGSBRID GE FARM SUPPLY Vince AUstin R. R. # 3, ,Goderich Phone 529-7240 —16tfar Hutton LUCKNOW AREA - 4 acres, 3 bedroom house, oil furn- ace-implement shed 24 x 48; small. barn 18 x 22. Try your offer. COUNTRY LIVING. -- 1 1/2 storey 'home on a one acre lot, asking $13,900. Oil furn- ace, nearly new • roof, drilled well. This has to' be the buy of the year. 100 ACRES Belgrave area, 60 workable, balance bush and pasture, 3 bedroom brick home. Barn 40 x 60. Asking $69,000. ONE ACRE LOT on Hwy. #86 west of Lucknow. Asking $7,900. 200 ACRES West Wawa- nosh, over 100 acres level and workable, 35 acres maple bush. 42 ACRES on highway 4 near Wingham - good two storey brick house with • conven- iences; barn 60 x 60 for hogs. 150' • ACRES on Hwy. # 9, north of Lucknow, 130 acres workable, new steel barn 32 x 102, 3300 bu. steel granary, good cash crop farm. Asking $140,000. Due to health rea- sons owner must sell, all offers considered. NIEL MATH EFIS Wingham Phone, 357-3208 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine ftpieDiaomiolokftomyftwo4.0.43,01.011 Lucknow IKInaMen Sunsinerfeal Fr13,'Sat., Sun., June 20, 21 22 !Limn page 11 `'`From Cow to C to' grades 'T to 5- and - anSwered questions asked by the children. : , On Thursday, June 5; grade one children, with Mrs. Wilson and several' par- ents visited the African Lion Safari at Rockton where they saw many different animals, some of which they could pet.• They' were thrilled when the giraffesame tight up to- the windows of the bus as they have just, been reading about giraffes in their read- er. Also on Thursday, June 5, grade 2 went to the Saugeen Conservation Area accom- panied by their teachers and: several parents. They saw the animals, had 'a barbecue lunch, scavenger• hunt, bird DUNGANIVON NATURE NUTS 4-H By Annabel Stewart' Dungannon Nature Nuts opened the third Meeting with the 4-H pledge. Chris- . tine Stapleton then read the minutes: for the last meeting which' Were approved...{ 'Roll call, which as a favourite family recipe that I adapted to Outdoor cooking, was answered by 11 inem- sed what coloni their books they 'diseus- beFrso.r. busihes Mrs, Stewart gave each girl a survival kit and discus-. secl its contents. they decid- ed what purpose, each item fulfilled and why it is import- ant to have it in their survival kits. They discussed basic first aid and survival tech- NOW! Before its Too late! Practice AMBERLEY one acre lot on which is a family home, new addition about 5 years old, 4' and 2 piece bath, electric furnace about 2 1/2 -miles from' Lake -Huron on paved road. • WHITECHURCH 5 bedroom frame home, all newly' . renovated, carpeted with 2, 3 piece baths and oil fnrnace plus small barn. GODERICA ,3 bedroo0 frarne home on lOt 50 x 132,. biiilt in 1952,.located on. Cambridge 'Street, excellent value at the list price, $29,500. Immediate possession. APARTMENT BUILDING, Bruce County, 6 units of brick construction with coin 'Washer and dryer. Excellent financing available, attractive investment opportunity. Inquire 'for' further information. LOCHALSH - an excellent Highway location with good solid building to accommodate a business, plus a- well maintained separate 3 bedroom home. Priced to sell. -- DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom hoine with 4 lots. This older home hat 4 pc, bath; suriporch and electric heat, asktng - $29,500. LUCKNOW - 'comfortable 2 bedroord bungalow, full length sup porch, all electric heat, on an exceptionally nice lot, asking $21,000. RIPLEY AREA, brick home on 2 acres, good solid' 4 bedroom, oil, heat, priced at $25,000. Owner will consider holding a first mortgage. FARMS 504 ACRES, approx. 400 choice cash crop workable. Homes and buildings are well maintained, barns are well set up for beef and hogs, crop is in the ground and may be sold with the farm or fall possession is available. ASHFIELD TWP. - 118 acres, approximately 23 workatjle acres, recently constructed residence, balance bush, river valley; potential camp site, Port. Albert area. 300 ACRES - Ashfield Township, 3 bedroom home,- every convenience; barn has capacity for 45 sows, finishing 1000 yearly; liquid manure storage. 150 ACRES - Ashfield Twp., approximately 95 acres of tile drained, level cash crop land; 4 bedroom home with new family room; barns could handle 50 to 60 sows. 100 ACRES - West Wawanosh, no buildings, approx. imately 15 acres of hardwood bush. We have inquiries for farms, both large and small acreages. If you are thinking of selling, give us a call, we would, be pleased to talk to you. Warren -& Terry Zinn R. R. # 2, LUCKNOW, PHONE 529.7350 • pivo Your Peet A Treat This SuMMerl Put A New Pair Or Sildals On ungannon Nature Nuts discuss first aid study, measurement games should be and decided on' niques and answered clues- and races: They were back at green. Everyone is to bring., tions in their'menibers' pain -Rrooksule-nrtime-to-go-home on their regular bus. Grades 4 and 5 with teach- -ers Mi. Errington and Mrs GrahaM went to • Toronto Metropolitan Zoo on, Friday, lune 6. $2 for expenses-to-the-nekt -7Mets-on-4-he this-topic. meeting, ',They discussed • Achieve- ment Day, and all the mem- bers thought they would like - to present the skit called, Let's Get Fit. They also .discussed ideas for their club . outing and decided to go on a hike. _ . . u ..... •