HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 53• Lueltnow Sentinel', Wednesday, lupe 11, 1.9/10--Page .mr• PPANi mrOviri*4 "mw . .."0! tolf Psup .1";!, 1""P".!..".! +US. 0.•,4,01.1•0 meroonow topol. +.,-q away.'r7 Tili111:-KlIelTr9r2:14356:1.ev ct:ceni'vateliat Y wine d Iv: ••••• Pr". FROM "'VP #.41.• RONwel coNsntuericiri Additions, exterior and inter- ior renOvations, cedar decks, rec. rooms, etc. For -free estimate PHONE 39S-5450 -13tfir • Cecil.Cranston 11.711:2"Aliburn PAIR hone 52 M 9-7691 R . • HAME BACK11.0EING -5tfar GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION , ! Renovations, additions, cot- tages. Phone • 357-3457, W•hiteeburch. 3tf JIM MOSS White Washing and Disinfecting To Barns and Buildings Of All Types -5294650 Interior and Exterier Phone Todd Park 395,5079' or:Joe Allison 396-7173 -46tf & APPLIANCES . :.A,dmiraLSales and Seniice Tower and Antenna , Installation AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace•Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392.6170 --40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING San&- Gravel Topsoil - paving ' Robert Sytnes Contracting Lucknow 528;3047, -10tfar BULLDOZING AND LANDSCAPING Bill Robinson R. R. 2 Auburn 529-7857 -17ff PORTABLE Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 -2tfar • LEONARD STANLEY TRUCKING • Sand and Gravel R. R. 1, Holyrood, ?home 395-5191 -23-25 ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement' sealing. Jam- es Synies, 528.3233. 18tfar o'clock p.m. at . Lochalsh Cemetery grounds. All interested shareholders lease attend this meeting. EwanlVlaeLean, Chairman Edna McDonald, Sec. Treas. -24,25. RAINBOW TROUT Catch your own at ince Austin's trout pond. Open Saturdays and SundaYs. Ev- enings by appointment. Call 529-7240. $2.00 per person plus 20c per inch. Special prices for families. --r22tfar PINELODGE REST HOME A supervised retirement home caring for your person- al needs 24 hours a* day. Lucknow 528-2703. -50tfar LIKE HAVING PARTIES? How about having a "Shak- leer-party. 100% natural products in harmony with nature. Money back guaran- tee on all products if not satisfied. Please call anytime 327-8270 if you would like to have a party or to try the products. 23,24 Buffett, Buffett, son of Mr. and. Mrs: : Percy Buffett,. ,Toronto.., The ceremony Will' ialce.plaCe on Jiine 28; , 1980 at COnrad Grebel Chapel,' The :Univer- sity of Waterloo,, Waterroo at 4;001 p.m. ,Dinner and, recep- tion..-at Angles,- St: -Agatha- -24 daughter, Lorie Jacqueline to Kevin Alexander Falconer of R. # 3, Wingharn. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 28, 1980 at .5 p.m. in Chalmers Presbyter- ian Church, Whitechurch. -24 31. Cards of thanks LUCKNOW GIRL GUIDES Would like to thank everyone who saved paper for our paper drive. Thanks for tying or boxing the paper so well and to rural people who brought their paper to' town. Please save your paper for our Saturday, August 9 drive. -24 ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Thank you to the members of , West Huron Junior F'ariners for your thoughtfulness in -24ar BRUCE HISTORICAL. SOCIETY An open meeting will be held in' Anglican Parish Hall, Lucknow, Thursday, June 12 at 8 p,m. Mr. and Mrs.• William Collins will present slides on their African Tour this past winter. Everyone' welcorne. Light lunch provid- ed. -24x . CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron County Health Unit invites' you to attend the .Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Wing- ham Hospital on Wednes- day, June 18, 1980 froth 930 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance "1","",""••• !..!!! sp•..F• an Consign Any Of. Your Unwanted.Or:: Unloved Items. _ “Ohl Or New •We Will,Selftt For Yon" COME AND BROWSE '41iPt• • ' • , • 357.2628 Whighana the. SerVice Officer or Secret- ary' -of• the Local Bianch, whose name appears below, not later than June 13, to arrange an, interview. Irvhie Eedy, Service, Officer.- .• •-23,24ar WELDING • • TO 'A GOOD HOME 2 grey. kittens, 11 weeks old, litter , trained. Phone, 528-2629, -24 • • • FREE TO A GOOD HOME, 3 kittens, trained to kitty litter. Phone 528-2749. -24 4 HELP! BUTTONS MEAT MARKET, Lucknow DESPERATELY need customers to return meat baskets hi order for them to provide this service for other customers. PLEASE HELP • BILL. THOMSON CARPENTRY Renovations, repairs, odd • jobs, cement patios, cgrbs, sideWalks, etc. Free, el-tin-late :•• call 52S-3508 after six. -' -- .-. —, 20, Public notices PoilOck MUSIC CENTRE ""*- IN RiPLEY - ATTENTION VETERANS , daughter, Jo-Anne Reta Col . Dung. 125th Birth. Com . Heititzinan and Sherlock,' ESC,SERVICEIVIEN-8z ,Tins, to , William Gordon, -24ar . Manning Pianos, Panasonic WOMEN & DEPENDENTS Smyth, youngest son of. Mr. Sound Equipment. Recondi- • The Royal--CanadianLegion • Gordon Smyth, R. R. #2, -- , . tioned pianos for sale; used Service. Bureau Officer, Mr. Auburn and Mrs. Hazel 32. Coming Events pianos Wanted. , For-'piano C. Wall, Provincial Service Smyth; Goderich. The mar- - tuning and repairs call,: 395- Officer, London, Ontario, - raige will -.take place . on ANNUAL MEETING 2982. --8tfar - will be, visiting in the area. Saturday, July 12, 1980 'at The annual meeting of the'` • -Anyone wishing information, 7.00 p.m. at the Dungannon South Kinloss Cemetery Cor- lo * a advice or assistance,, regard;- United Church, Dungannon. poration will be held in big: ' An -open reception follows at baseitent of South Kinloss (a) War Disability Pensions 9.00 p.ni. at Saliford Valley • Church, JUne 17 at 8 pan. (b) Treatthent for entitled l'all- • ' • Secretary, • veterans , ._ Lloyd MacDougall (c) •Application for Benev6- BUFFETT - JOHNSTON-, .,.. 24 „T lent Funds , . Mr. and Mrs. Morley John- • '- (d) Appeals against adverse' ston of R. R. # 2, Anburn, are ANNIVERSARY SERVICES original. applications for War pleased to announce the The 132nd anniversary ser-' - Veterans and Widows Allow- fOrthcoming marriage of vices of Ashfield Presbyter- PAPER AND PAINTING ' ance, is, requeSted to contact their daughter, Gale to Dave -tian church will' be held on • , ,PREGNANT and need; help? DARG ER tiowicK LIONS.DINQO See our selection of prep ppsitive confide/0d Thanks to everyone for the' *ill be held on Friday, June. A". For sale Good used supp&t. Birthright, Call 357- cards flowers, gifts and '13th at 8;00 p-m. in Arroxeter Community Hall, Admission 40 ACRES of .standing grass egu ar games or 1 . ' 1066' collect or 392-6541 or visits• during our stay in rurnlirgre; Antiques 432-7197 ----40t1 ho$Pital• Out „. .sincere thanks $1 on 12 R 1 at 11, IL 2, Ripley, .Itudy. d.C9ReetableS- 2 T i S. o give awe ' TWO ROW team corn CAI and especially Dr. J011Y, one $25.00 Special. Jackpot • " — medical staff and all nurses $130.00 on 55 calls; Purple 7358, -24 23,24 • Rcsalene and CASH BINGO to Drs. .Corrin And: McKint $10;00. 2 Share the Wealth; 1-411Stra ' 395-5228" 4 -24. Matthew Barger At St. Josephs, Kingsbridge 29 ACRES of standing pure --24 on June 10, 1980 at 8 p.m . alfalfa hay. Contact Bob -24 Campbell, 395-5050. -24x ADAIVISON gttant-1141_1--$8(1.430r tiordoniAnderson,--R. Hospital, for the special care solatiOn Prizes, --=24ar IL 7 Lti'eldl°w' Pholie 529" • C1 ' Bill Ad . stille • HOLLAND BALER, Super.. 66, good working order; side delivery rake, pOvver take off driven. Phone 395.3239. -22-24 . poses. -24 Suntlay,, June 22nd at. 11 a.m. •and 8. p.m. .Hymn sing ) DONKEY BASEBALL drive. Wheat, mixed grain, at 7:45 pm. with former Sunday, June 15, 1980 at 7 beahs and corn.. 'Reasonable . minister Rev. J. R. MacDoh.. p.m. at Dungannon 'Ball rates. Contact 'Robert Emer- ald of Roseville,Michigan as Park. Dungannon 125th son, R. lt. # 3, Ripley. guest speaker. -24,25 Birthday Committee vs 395-5115. -22-25 ; CKNX Tryhards. Adults, • • TEES w &TER' --24ar CUSTOM. SWATHING EX-TOGGERY Hay and Grain • • Closes June 21st. Money and DRIVEWAY SALE Ploughing ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The Anniversary' Services of Kinlough Presbyterian Church will be held on Sun- day, June 15, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. with Rev. Ronald C. McCallum of Goderich as guest • minister. Luncheon following morning service. Everyone welcome. -24 RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE Sponsored by Ladies Auxil- iary •to Royal Canadian Leg- ion, Branch 440, Ripley Legion Hall; Saturday, June B. Custom work 14, 1 - 5., Donations received •-• at hall Friday evening. -724 CUSTOM COMBINING with — N5 Rotary Gleaner, 4 wheel ONE USED CLAY AUGER feeder for a manger up to 140 ft. long, complete with mot- or; one used 9 inch auger feeder, 70 ft. Jong. Contact Lynn Lowry Farm Systems, R. R. 1 Kincardine,' phone 395-5286, --:23,24ar • MASSEY FERGUSON model #82 combine, 10! • header, equipped with pickup; also reel and knife, good running order, $3,500.00. • Phone 3%- 5314 or 395-2785: -23,24 25 ACRES. OF HAY.' Phone Jack Button, 528-5405. --23tf IWO F. For rent ONE POUR ROW CORN scuffler with shields. Phone 395-5123. -24 18„ Services available 18. Services available 21. Personal 31. Cards' of thanks:32. Coming events , • ••Proceeds for recreation pur-28. Engagements I would like to thank every- ' MONSTER SALE • • 25 ACRES, of Standing hay. one for cards and gifts, while I Girage auction and hake sale John • • Hunter. Phone'529- was a patient in University at Ashfield Township shed 7324. -24y Hospital, London. • June 14 beginning 10 a.m. ---"-*L- "."'""'" "n" -24 777777'7'7 mummy commirTgE . • SMYTH COLLINS . The .Dungannon 125th Birth- , PA.0E4 DRIVE . • Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, R. day :Committee would 'like to Lticitnow . Girl. Guides paper # 3; Clinton, is pleased ,to thank all- those who support, driYe Saturday, August 9. No , announce • the forthcoming ed our dance Friday, May 30, magaiines; neWspapers on marriage of her youngest 1980. ' ly, tied or boxed. Proceeds for camping. -24. RIPLEY • The annual meeting Of Loch- Mr. and; Mrs: Archie Purdon ---15tfar. alsh Cemetery,Will be held on wish to announce the forth- t .ip lune 23rd from 2 - 5 and 7 church, Saturday,' June 14 __,-23tf 9; finesday, June 24, 2 - 4 and Sunday, June 15, from . • .395.3466 NOTICE FALCONER F PURDON Unsold articles may be picked At Village Store; White-- 529-7488 after 5 p.m. -• .. Monday, June 23, 1980 at 2 coming marriage of their only please. Rummage sale .12 noon; miscellaneous antic - D. Livestock 2. Anaemia Screening 3, Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5, Vision Screening painting the pavilion in the 6. Fluoride brushing for. ages ing up the beach area. Your 3 to 5 years. HOW DOES 'YOUR SUB. Township park and for clean- -24ar SCRIPTION LABEL READ? public spiritedness is apprec- iated. Sincerely, Ashfild.Township Council • and 2 - 5. -24,25 Thursday, June 26, 10 - 12 laensd, rinn cc lugk mdiintat uscin k a girl ss HEREFORD CO,W and 3 bike and I3.&W. T.V. --Mar week old bull calf for sale. • Phone 529-7932, John Gra- ATTEND the Old-Time. Fid ham. -24x dle and Step-dance Contest, July 11 and 12 at the Fergus 2 PUREBRED LIMOUSIN and District Community Con- bulls, 2 years and 1 year, tre, Fergus, Ont. For infor- tested and guaranteed mation: 519-843-2735, 519- breeders. Freunhauf Trailer 843-1630. -24nc 45' aluminum double deck. --- Call Ken Welden, Grenville, COME TO THE 7th Annual Quebec, 819-242-8887. Pork Congress June 17 - 19. -24tic Over 200 exhibits. Ladies -.1„ programs daily, education PUREBRED CHAROLAIS programs' daily. Admission bulls, serviceable age and $2.00. Stratford, Ontario. heifers. Phone Norm Schnurr -24nc R. R. 3 Walkerton, 881-1587. -23,24x ATTEND -7th Annual Pork Congress. June 17 - Breeder BRED GILTS - York' x Day, June 18. Feeder Feeder Day, Landrace with closed herd June - 19 - Market Day• conditions. Original herd StratiOrd, Ontario. Admis- constantly being ROP tested sion $2.00, Children under 16 by Quality' Swine. Breeder free. -24nc boars also available. Law - rence Van den Iieuveif 524- 4350. -16tfar Guitar and Vocal Recital Students From Ripley, Lucknow and Teeswater Plus Half Hour. Concert By Gold Dust Kuron Township Hall Ripley Wednesdayi June 11 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets Available at The Door