HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 52Articles for sale id Articles for sale I. Arficlee for sale 10, Wanted to rent 12. Help wanted MM. JIM. PION .1.111..1•PI• ORM /MO PIPPP iftep ply,* 11.111. UM; .1.110 MI. OEM .1.1. MM. WNW eporat remits 1'2' Help, Help, wanted: .10" JET: LATHE New quick change with all accessories 12 SPEED DRILL PRESS with or without motor 5229•60"81 5299.00 12 Drilitfree with each press FILING CABINETS $25." - 8 75." Over 70 Office Desks, Choirs, Stacking Chairs, Ar- mchairs, post office tables & bins, Office Tables, Socket Sets 3/4 1/2 3/8 x 1/4, Storage Cabinets, Steel Shelving. Many More Items No Cheaper Place To Hey NORM HAMILTON 101 South St. Goderich 524-8602 SHOP: 27 & 31 PICTON ST. E. ONE DUMP BOX. Phone 392-6587. -24 SUMMER CLEARANCE of wood burning' stove. Sale prices on Oldtimer, Carmor, Heritage, f Econowood and Klondike. Langside Supply, 392-8118. -24ar 9. Accommodation to rent SPACIOUS THREE bedroom apartment, eleetric heal; car- pet throughout, fridge and stove.. Phone 528-3932. Av- ailable July 1. -24tf ONE BEDROOM apartment downstairs. Apply to . Ezra Stanley, 528=2392. -24 THREE BEDROOM mobile home in country; kitchen, living room and family room, included are fridge, gas stove, washer and dryer and curtains. Phone 529-7469. -17,18 t • THREE BEDROOM house in Amberley. For further infor- mation call 395-5305. -43tfar ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Lucknow, Teeswater and Ripley. Call Glenn Haven Apartments, Phone' 528-3234. •--15tfar SMALL FURNISHED apart- ment. Phone 528-2174, if no answer 528-3134.. --17tf TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately. Phone 52,8-2625. -22tf • ONE BEDROOM apartment; heated, fridge and stove, . good parking. Phone 528- 2113. -22tf • TWO BEDROOM •apart- ment, Main. Street, electric heat, 4 piece bath, available now, Phone 528-3932 or 395-5593. -20tf Serious about selling real estate? These are some very important facts that you shouldinow. 1. What are the trends of the Real'Eitate industry and whete is it gOing? 2. What do you have to do to succeed? 3. How do you get listings? 4. How do you make soles? 5. How do you prospect and secure your future? 6. How many hour's do you work? N., /. How much motley con you make? Our Career Night isan opportunity far you to find aut. If you are In the bUsiness now and not even thinking of a move or lust thinkIng about,A.. real estate career you must know these answers for Aur own future. FOR RESERVATION Call Toll Free CAREER LINE 1.800-26S-5412 TIME - 7:30 P.M. Wed. June 11 LOCATION: cgrydwil VFW Candlelight Restaurant, Bayflolcl Rd., Goderich POSITIONS AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT CANADA FULL AND PART-TIME treatment' staff required to work with adoleseents at registered licensed mental health centre in rural setting. Send full resume to: Mr. B. Gavin Cooke, Program Dir- ector, Horizons' C.C.L.D., R. R. # 3, Wellandport, Ontario. LOR 2J0. --24nc A BOY FOR THE SUMMER months, to work on a farm. Phone 529-7258. -24 DUE TO MILL EXPANSION full time person required for responsible position in feed mill. Apply to Andy Sande at Stanley Feed Supply, Ripley, 395-5955. -24,25ar HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER FARM. HELP required.. Trac- tor experience helpful. Must - provide own transportation. Ian Clarke; phone 528-2475. -24 • WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE SATURDAY;• JUNE, 14 11 a.m. Household furniture and ef- fects, including dishes, some antique; stemware; linen; bedding; blankets, etc.; jew- ellery of merit: including Florentine Mosaic pin from , Italy, silver pin from Bang- kok, ladies' gold pocket and wrist watches; sterling silver teaspoon collection, other sterling pieces. JACK ALEXANDER AUCTIONEER Tel: 357-1011 -24ar CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects And Antiques Will be held for MISS ISABEL MATHESON Sale to be held at the J. P. Schutz Garage at 414 Huron Street, Goderich on MONDAY, JUNE 23 at 6:30 p.m. ACTING FOR THE. PUBLIC TRUSTEE AUCTIONEERS _Grant McDonald, Ripley 395.5353 Wallace Balogh, Teeswater • 392.6170 -24ar without advertising you -could lase - your Shirt! ets1 Guarantees removal. tgailOrs, hardtoktent trailers, ,.„,1Ing,:eat,human wine stainspark-inOdels,741100-camP,Prs• odors, from carpets! Free and caps. Trillium, Boler, brochure. Dept A Reidell .RoVer, Lionel.; Prowler, Gold- Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, en Falcon. Camp-Out Rental London, Ontario. -24.0.c. & Sales, 11Wy. $ West, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed • GARDEN ' TILLER, PhOne Sundays, -18..27 Lloyd McNall, 528-2528. -24 On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available or best offer. Phone 395- - BUTTON'S 5478. -23,24 18 FT. GLENDALE TRAVEL trailer, sleeps 6, frig, stove, toilet and shower, $2,500.00 URINE-ERASE saves- carp- LIGHTWEIGHT • TRAVEL SOLAR POOL WATERS YOUNG MAN Would like to WANTED R DISTRIBUTORS WE PAY 'CASH for hard WINDOW QUILT Insulating window shades that can dramatically reduce heating and cooling bills; can be hand washed or dry cleaned; easy to install your Langside Supply 392- 8118. -22,23ar MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop-528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 -40tfar.', SWIMMING POOLS FactorY Overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These.come corn- lete with walkaround deck, patio; fencing pump, motor and filter. Regular price $2400; now $1498. Call Im- perial Pools toll free 1-800- 268-5970. -23-30arx Pharmacy, 14:. Shoppers Square, Goderich,' 524-7241, -8tfar pliances. See Rieck 1980 family-size pool corn- Plete with walkway, sun deck and fencing, on a rental basis with 'option to buy. Your choice, of style. Try before you-buy! Call ImPerial Polls toll free1 800 268 5970 -23-30arx 4. Artkles wanted • , . :11-1E "BACK TO SCHOOL" committee for Dungannon's 125th Birthday PartY would like to display , old . class photos from Dungannon School over the Past years. If you have photos you would be, willing to lend, please mail. to Jack Caesar, Dungan- non or leave them at Dun- gannon Post Office, --24„25ar • 5. Cars, trucks for Sale 1974 DODGE CORONET; as is, asking $300. Phone .529; 7540., -22tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES' and ap- et will' lease and install new REQUIRES By the. Quartersan ci Halves CUSTOM KILLING Eccthomita1,2efficient heating --ystents-ikre-a-se swimming season by two months, non corrosive, .5: year Warranty. langside Supply 392-8118, 22,23ar RENT A POOL Swimming peol manufactur- . • -rent house in Langside area. WilrecitiSider-doing repairs: for rent. e Please call 392 8118. -29,24 OCCASIONALTEACHERS to 'do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during 1980-81. Written applications, in- cluding qualificatiens; social insurance number and tele- phone number must'e mail- ed before .Juiy 6th, 1980 to: P. Gryseells, PersonuelRelations Administrator, Huron County Board of EdUcation 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO Applicants should indicate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serVe. From thiS infor- mation lists of available teachers will' be prepared for each school. PrinCipals will then contact applicants when. their ,services are required. • Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our, schools need' not re-ap- ply. Names will autothatical- , ly lie included for the coming year unless notification;to the contrary is received, from either the teacher or a principal_ D. J. Cochrane, Director of Education. _12-McDonald, Chairman of the Board ---24,25ar THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF, gDucimoN for. 100% natural Shaklee Prodticts: Excellent', • self, work,- $6.00 to $$.00 per hour, depending on position, +lust h , e pay ear, allowance. Interviews only, Phone 524-6092. -24ar- 13 YEAR OLD GIRL would . like babysitting job, during summer holidays., Call 528- 3048. -2.3,24 wpm. ...101.• '15. Tenders Mrs. Audrey. MacDonald, c'/'o Kinloss Central School', R. R; # 3, Milyrood, NOG 2130. Phone 395-2643. -23,24 CHIEF CUSTODIAN Walkerton DiStrict Second- ary School 40 hours per week.Monday through Fri- day inelusive. Duties to commence Septem- ber .1, 180. Applicants • must have a • broad knowledge of school/- institutional cleaning proced ures and experiences in or- . ganzing and superVising caretaking staff and be. will- ing to. do .shiftwork., if required. Successful condi: date,must provide medical certificate and proof of ,satis- factory chest x-ray or tuber- clin test. - Apply on or before June 27, 1980. using applicatieri form which can be obtained at the school or by writing or tele- phoning the emploYer. below. ,-24,25,26 The Bruce County Board SICK ROOM SUPPLIES; 4, patient aids, supportgar- , ments, convalescent proo- nets, etc. See Rieck' I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241, -8tfar ; TOP SOIL.. Lloyd Whytock. Phone 528-2006. -17tf 69 ONE TON CHEV truck with cattle box and complete cattle rope. The body and motor are in excellent condi- tion; new tires. No rust. Leo • Selent, R. R. #, 1; Lucknow, Ontario, -23-26 12. Help wanted ' 14. Employment wanted • TENDERS TOWNSHIP tor ASHKELD • Tenders will be received by, the-undersigned until 6 p.m. June 17,1980 for the sale of a. -‘ 1963 GMC truck and chassis, to be sold as is. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Ashfleld, James Hunter, 529-7383. --24ar TENDER . The Kinlough Pentecostal Church offers for sale by tender until June 30, 1980, the building and lot known as , the, former. Pentecostal 'Church, situated in the ham- let of Kinlough on Bruce . County road No. 1. For further information please call' 395-2492 or 395 2424., Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Of Education • • 204. i 90;_thestei5.1)ntitrio Sedan_ NOG ILO Attentioni Mel F. Weciow, --Supevisor-oilltdIdings. and Maintenance big investment; ."Products .and People in Harmony with .Natute" that's our motto. :Please call anytime 327.-5270. BRUCE COUNTY BOARD 'OF EDUCATION Requires for September .1',: 1980 at Kinloss Central School, one teachers aid, to assist. in a special class, Apply by, Friday, Jttne 13 to AUCTION SALE Through-Fa-cilities-of-