HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 48Kingsbrdge
by Delores Van Osch
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Welcomes You Everyday
LUCENOW 528-2526
Open Friday Nights Until 9:00 p.m.
Field day was held at St, •
Joseph's school last Tues-
day: The winners'in each div-
as/1°n were; girls, Mau-
' Teen StaPletinn, Colleen Van •
Osch, Lisa Card; junior boys,.
Paul, VanRooy, Sean •Wilson
and Ronald - Plasschaert
Wed), Maurice Delbergue;
intermediate girls, Christine
Stapleton, Maria Dalton and
Vici Doherty (tied), Tanya
Westecott; intermediate
boys, Edward Plasschaert,
Scott Westecott, Dan Wil-
son; senior, girls, Linda Sin-
nett, Gerda Hendricks, Betty
Jane Foran; senior boys,
and field meet in Goderich
this coming week.
Congratulations to. Dean
Riegling, son of Max and
Helen Riegling, who---...was a home on vacation for a -few . The annual pilgrimage to
winner in the water safety weeks. Wayne has been - St. Mary!s ...Shrine Will be _
contest sponsored by away for 19 months touring held.Wednesday; August 13.
C.K.N.X T.Y. The draw was and, working in the, Pacific There will be apaper drive in
made at the, supper hour on Islands, Zealand and the near future. The C.W.L.
Australia. is presently looking after the
lunches for the Kingsbridge ST. JOSEPH'S C.W.L.
The annual joint meeting Area Seniors Bingo nights.
of the three C.W.L. councils Betty Frayrie presented
was held in St. Augustine on Father .Dentinger, with , pen
June 2 and pencil set as a reinem-
thy will be t anked Fa
Doherty, CaSey Hen- Mrs, Nora Sinnett and het . Clarice thanked Father for
dricks, Perry Van Osch. . cousin, Mary Agnes Keefe of : 4 the work done hi the wash
This included grade foutto Alpina, Michigan, visited month in the hall.. The ladies eight. The younger grades with relativeS in. Goderich , :are
e asked, to, hake foi the
will,. have play day at a later and Kingsbridge, recently: garage sale. on Tune 14.
date., These winners will Mrs. McIntosh, grandmother( ' Clarice 'Dalton is planning compete in the zone track of Mary Agnes, was born in to attend a seminar on,
Goderich and lived'in ings- Whatever Happened • to
bridge in the 1800s. - Human Rights, at Ryerson in
. Wayne Courtney, son of Toronto, on June. 7th,;
Teresa and Joe durtney, is
froth. the Waterloo Board of
Education, enjoyed the
weekend at the. Resurrection-
' ist Camp. Among them was.
John Van Osch who visited
briefly with his brothers and
-Witli-Tifs parentsir;;And
Mrs. Jack Van ()soh, Luck.,
.now, on Saturday
• John and. Grace Austin
were in Ottawa last week
where John, was , a voting
delegate to the Annual Ont-
ario Social Service Conven-
tion, While there, they were
visited by their niece and
nePhew, Teresa and Wayne
Cormaelt and Andrea.
Fran Riegling, 'Church Life
convener,. reported on the
First Communion and the"
Crowning of Mary. Tink Van-
Depen reported that clothes
had heen packed and taken
- Helen' Riegling reported
that the District Commis-
siOner for the Beavers and
Cubs would like to meet with
the sponsering group Helen
also reported that the wel-
corning .committee has been
established and Marie Milt-
enburg is the chairman,
Bernadine Kinney report-
ed on the Kingsbridge Area.
Seniors. The, roll call was
taken by Rita Howard.
The dinner for the July •
celebrations was 'discussed.
Menibers were " 'asked to.
bring small baking to the
reception to the hall follow:.
ing Confirmation on Mon-
day, June' 9th. Father an- ,
nouneed that Bishop McCar-
as.. a Pro'vincial' Separate It is important that the God .even more to the sell
School System, by a variety church, and the Betty Frayne thanked
of prohlems, including de* school know the wishes of the Davelor his very informative .
, dining enrollment, declining community and parents. Bet- talk,'
' grants and a small 'tax base ter communication would A, plant sale f011owed anil
leading to higher muncipal , lead to a meaningful ongoing -delicious lunch • was served
—taxes ..whichin turn lead to a dialogue which in turn would by the hestesses, the St.
Small school budget. There bring hope and the love of -AtigiBtliTe-Confreifr-
are more curriculuni areas
hut-a cut back 'in service
personnel. Dave* Went On to .
say that-although' the enroll-
, ment in the school has de-
dined immensely the - past
'ten years' as ....as" the
budget and staff, the school
is still growing in time Of
adversity with the help of the
Holy Spirit and the persever:. -
ance of the parish:
This summer the school is
bringing employment- to the
yeunger people of the parish.
Last year it provided three
jobs, this year eight; These
jobs will provide summer ,
recreation for the elementary
school children of the com-
munity; give the school a
better idea of what direction
the community wishes it to .
so; and bring the community
school concept to,the
He went on to mention the
tennis courts, the school lib-,
rary, 'the special eduCation
course to be offered at the
School this fall, the house-
' league prograin, the teachers
that are involved 'in design-
ing curriculum; and how
some parents ad-as
teens in the classrooms,
driving to tournaments etc.
Dave felt the, major problem
is still 'communication, let-
ters are sent home, notices
are placed on bulletidboards
in the churches but somehow
there :is something missing
T.V. on Friday. Dean won in
the ages four to six class.
Sharon McClenaghan
(Courtney) and children of
Clinton visited with other
members of her family in the
community , on Friday'. She
" also visited her uncle, John
O'Connor.' .
Mrs. Yvette Heffernan and
son, Jerry,, of Stratford,
attended the wedding of
their niece and cousin, Diane
Lehman, in Toronto on Satur-
Bother Carl Von returned'
this past week after a three
week vacation to the Holy
Land, Austria and Germany.
Reis and . Marie Milten-
burg returned home on Sun-
day after 'travelling east as
far as Nova Scotia and New
Brunswick, coming back
through part of the states
and Sudbury in Northern
' Several from the area "at-
tended the 30th wedding
anniversary celebrations at
the Lucknow Community
Centre on Friday evening for
Grant and Wilma Chisholm.
Separate School Principals
idiom page 16
Frank Maulden, Keith, Mary
and Leonard Maulden and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips
of Foothill had a farewell
dinner at, the Stone Crock in
St. Jacobs before Mary and
. Leonard return home to Eng-
land after a months vacation
Mrs. Mary Stewart of Mil-
larton visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs-Edburt Bush-
Mr. Jack Webster of Ed-
mitt, Alberta and Mr. Or-
land Richards of Lucknow
visited on Sunday evening at
the Maulden home.
Monday evening, .
Each council met separately. brance of the 1980 graduat
for a brief meeting. ing class.
Clafice Dalton presided for Following the meeting, a
the meeting and -led in the combined meeting of the _
opening prayer. A donation , three councils took place.
was received from the Emma Franken.introduced
Knights -of Columbus to- guest speake, Dave Zy
wards the grade eight grad- juk, principal of. St. Jos-
nation. A refund cheque was epn s .envoi..
" •
received from the Zehr's Dave talked about the
sales, slips that the members Catholic school system which
have collected. is at present being attacked
that vaoation trip you planned-
k in one orour----
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