HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 39Li ae'Y Imellinow Sentinel, Wedneaflay, Jane 11, 1980—fago ee ze woman s contriOution to the arts service with, a men's choir reacher. in keeping with the BROOKSIDE.BROADCAST is being planned in both 125th birthday celebration,- • ByAnnette Carmen churches.. Everyone is asked Rev, Sievert asks that those • and Dan BrOWIII to invite a friend or neigh, who can, come dressed in old On Monday, June 2, a milk bour to worship with them time attire. He himself ex- seminar was conducted by ofiftwo4., OntUnday, June 22, c QM- Circuit rider of long ago and County, Miss Susan Ziel "Muniqn will he celebrated in arrive at the church on horse- man.. She showed a film both ' churches with Rev., ,back. • ' Turn to page:26. Cecil Whittich in charge.. • VILLAGE Of LUCKNOW Ind INSTALLMENT •OF TAXES DUE JUNE 15, 1980 Payable at the Bank of Montreal or Royal Bank of Canada , Lucknow A. E. HERBERT, CLERK TREASURER. Timex Watches PRIMER$ . 3 oo- • FIAT S 00 GLOS'y'S 3 roo 6.11 SAYS VIVA' • • r, u. Ii*, (hin at rk, lit ,, in no \ I intimr Guard that It i oat., in primo, flat, ancig1()%s, Pvrf et I makv it tough vnilugh In pn,lvt tour hi it.iNo taint . I( ir Ss ond, nlvtaI. s ins I. niay.nrs and aluminum torlillg, poling, 1)11,toing and i rat long Nat ,halter ( hot )4t ,l'ri gn 11-2 (11'1 igalor « if( OS, all inn rough the %vvallter get, And n4) lilattil v. oh Iltv tamoi is ( -I-I ,hiding abilth, and simple ssItvrc s i Su 1.1:41' 111AS I 11 AIM' ('.card ..,( hip and stator I loan-up . CARPETING SOLARIAN AND CORLONS . DRAPERIES YOUR COMPLETE FIONSE DECORATIN6 CENTRE. MILKY DECORATORS • LUCKNOW ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND C-LL PAINTS PHONE' 5244434 SOCIAL NEWS Word has been received of an, honour bestowed on Mrs. Enid Williams 'of• George- ;town, the town of Halton Hills Arts. Council. Mrs. MI-, Rams was awarded a 'medal and certificate in recognition of her contribution m the fields of the arts Drama, Dungannon. n 18.44. Enid has dedicated a seat in the new ' theatre, which is being built' in Georgetown, in Memory of her Mother. Mrs. Lynn Wall is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London following Surgery on Thursday of last, week. Tickets are now being sold ;for or chiCken barbe- que during :the 1250 birth-. day ° -celebrations, Anyone wishing to purchase a ticket, please call Olive chisholm or Isabel tedy. Ti,ckets are also available :at the 'grocery stores. "." Mr. Athol Murray'of Kin- cardine ' visited with.' Mel Jones on Wednesday after- noon: -He- and. -Mel had, -rec. ently„; travelled' to Florida with :a. conducted 'huS tour. • Mr: Ben 'Mere.IS: 4- patient Kineardine hoSpital; eater being ,faken there at 2 o'clock Sunday morning: Mrs. F, Payne of Walton visited, . with her daughter, Opnard;Chisliolrii, Mr. Chisholin, and family on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles . • . r• won the PA" championship by defeating Dungannon 13-10 to leave them runners up. The Teachers were the "B" champs. These same teams will again be playing on the 27;'28 ancI•29 of hine at Dtingannon Slip-pitch tour- nament. • Todd"d-Park spent the;week- . end in' Goderich ,:with his brother, -Stephen, sister-in- law, Debbieand little niece, H011y. Congraltulations 'to Steph- en and Debbie' Waller (nee' Hodges): on the-birthof .their first child, an early arrival of a daughtei, weighing 5 lb, 2 oz. at Toronto General Hos- : pital.- Ail- other grandchild . for Lloyd and Doris .Hodges.. n SPORTS, On °Monday evening at DungantiOn. the 'As'-,,and “Beex" : with - the. Beez being defeated by a 33: scores: On Wednesday .night the Dungannon As b ,111 ie P Pat Frayne scored the lone Kingsbridge goal. Also on Thursday. night, Colborne bombed Lucknow by a 6 - 1 score in a -game played Lucknow. ThiS week Dun- gannon should travel to Kingshridge but because the goalpostS are still ,not repair- cd the game will he played at Brookside. [Intendedfor last 'week) On:Friday, May 30th Lfick- now and Kingshridge ,.played to a 'two -all tie in a..., glirie', played . DUNGANNON 1"---UNITED CHURCH, Mr. George Cowan spoke on the topic, "Echoing God's Love", The children's choir sang,'''Kum Pa Tali'''. ..The . children's story was in the form of a song,, "Three Kind boys" The children were asked io thinkun verses for a song f.91' Father's Day next Sunday. Next Sunday, June 15, i8 Father's Day and 'a special ,•••• ment held at. Port Albert over, 'Tanimy spent the weekend in Niagara Falls with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fancy. The family are in0V- ing to Niagara Falls the end of this month, , In, the Slo-pitch tourna- Fancy, Patti, Kevin arid the 'weekend Kingsbridge bridge tied their. soccer game 1 - 1 'in 'a game played at Brookside ow 'Thursday a 37 - , 9 • score in game played in Ifourigannon. • SOCCER SCENE Dungannon, and Kings- defeated West Wawanosti by night. Don Carmichael scor- ed the Dungannon goal .and The Nile Inner Circle gar age sale 'and bake table is on July 5, The money , is to be . used for new , washroom faailities at. theiChurch. The' Dungannn Church: is planning'a very, very special service :.'on.:. August 3 :With ReV. Karl 'Sievert as guest while the minister is on holidays. The stewards would appreciate it if envel- ope givers and others were able fa give. all `9r part of the, July offering by this last Sunday in June, will be' present for this com- idents of DungannOil years , - — - ' minion' service to be a • ago. She is a direct descend- • , . . witness once again of the in .. .. . • ant . of the DavidsOnS, the Holy Spirit at work ,in ,this second. family to settle M , . Music Music and Literature. Enid is • It is hoped that those who the daughter of Wm. T. were confirmed and -took , Maize and his late wife, Haz- First CoMmunion in April Th we k el Augustine. Both were res- , _ _ e tn • •community,• • . . , • Sunday, June 29 is the last Sunday before the summer holiday break. The churches will be closed during 'July • Guard your house. NEW HOUSE UARD FROM C1=L GUARDS YOUR HOUSE FROM RAIN, SNOWAND SUN. and with the purchase of every watch this Friday you receive a FREE Wintario Ticket Many Gift Ideas For Dad And When You Shop This Friday You Save, Save Choose From Brief Cases, Calculators, Fire Proof Vaults, Stationery, Key Chains, Lottery Tickets and many more WE WILL BE OPEN THIS FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 p.m. Many Surprise Specials on Friday Night So Conte On In And Look Around, You Won't Be Disappointed Sepoy Stationery & Printing Open SIx Days a Week Your One Slop Stationer, and'PrInting Centre I '11 I h it i fit dit 11A .1111111 11111I, I Phone 528-2011191.1 lucknow , •4