HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 26---22,23ar SAVE STEPS! Shop the Want Ads first! in the DAIRY. Kincardine area. 150 acres. All workable. FEEDER Near:'Blifth. 150 acres, Ail workable.' Good buildings. Priced to sell, • • Ashfield Township 200 acres, All workable. Good feed , lot. HOG Morris Township, Finishing. All automatic. Modern buildings. Reduced for quick sale. 'We-Or - TOO acrertwOki operation, Near Ellyth 147 acres. 140 workable. Farrow to finish. Also'beel setop- • — CASH CROP • • Gaderich Tovinship. 165 acres, 100 acres good cash crop. Near Bayfield. 70 acres workable, Westfield -100 acre farm - fully modern home. JUST LISTED Cash crop land,- 100 acres 65 workable. 30 acres bush., Wesi Wavirnlosh. Near St. Helens. NEW LISTING Huron Township. 150 acres. All workable, No buildings, Level. Systematically tiled. All in flax crop. • • ALSO - Exclusive listing on very large acreage. Call "Gus" for details. For these farms, or if you are buying or selling, contact R.A. (Gus) Chisholm. Phone 524-8554 or business 524-2177 (519) ALEXANDER lit CH APMAN REALTY LIMITED 10 The-Square GQderich AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Carpenter Tools Will be held for THE ESTATE OF MRS. HARRY NIXON ' Willoughby Street, Lucknow - SATURDAY, JUNE 14 at 11 a.m. Chesterfield and chair; coffee and step tables; table and pole lamps; Heintzman piano with bench; set of books of knowledge; 3 upholstered chairs; mirrors and pictures; foot stools; antique rocker; parlour tables and stands; radios; studio couches; Electrohome colour T.V. [as new] with rotor; antique dining room suite; chrome table and chairs; wood table and chairs; arm chair; treadle sewing machine; Clare Jewel 24 inch stove; Frigidaire fridge; Beatty clothes dryer; Simplic- ity super twin washer; wash tub; ironing 'board; vacuum cleaner; carpet • sweeper; hot plate; electric fry pan; electric appliances; dishes; seaters; blonde bedroom suite; dark bedroom suite; 2 odd dressers and beds; 2 wardrobes; 2 homemade cedar chests; round top trunk; bedding and linens; wheel barrow; step ladder; extension ladder; garden tools; lawn chairs; numerous carpenter tools and tool cheats. THIS IS A UNIQUE OFFERING OF ABOVE AVERAGE ITEMS .TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE - PROPERTYSOLD Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, AUCTIONEER - - GEORGE POWELL, CLERK NOTE TIME 11 A.M. rm. u o. 10 m • • or. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Antiques, Household. 'acts and House VV14behelflfer HARRY WATSON Lot 4, con. 13, Western Division; Aabtleld Tip y,. . 3 Miles east, of Awberley on Hwy, 86 to Kintallsideroad Turn Right and go ane block itad.tiun left then approx. 2 miles east on con. 12, Ashfield Twp. • • • SATURDAY., JUNE 7 • _ Comthencing at 11:00 a.m. Sideboard; buffet with mirror in back; pine back 7-reupheartt;70trfeThii-p-b-eard-;' pine table;2 hafatii• desk; - wood box; trunk; wooden Waehing machine; 17" Marconi B/W T.V„; 3' upholiterod arm Chairs; platform. rocker; liVing room chair; basket chairs; rocking chair; clover leaf table' with claw feet . beds; "2 dressers;: Wardrobe' French doors. butter boWl and 'ladles . ford stand, e0V,/, bell; arborite tables; .wooden table; frigidaire. fridge ' dehumidifier; icalei; fireplace:::- Screens •and utensils, diaPes; Aladdin lamp; .4 folding chairs; sinairqiiintity.of 'dishes and cooking utensils, oil heateri' GUrney. cook stoUp; bUggy top; Mune*, Black; and DeCker hedge frirnmer; 12G Mask's!' Ferguson laWn and gaiden lreCtorwIth mower; Mientity of small items• too numerous to fist.' HOUSE - SUltable to be .'moved fir summer, home or - .•Coilage. Arrangethents for moving to be made day of Sale.. Other articles too • numerous to mentiOn. • TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Lunch Booth on GroUnds: Owner and ,Auetioneers will not be responsible fot any accidents in aby way Connected With`s* ' CLERK LLOYD MCNALL OWNE14:1Altitt 'WATSON AUCTIONEERS.. OrnntMcDoneld, RiPleyiPhone 395.-5353 1 . Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, Phone 392-6170 -23ar 9-26-141101020w Sentinel Wedneaday) June 4, 1980, For all your building needs contact: Bere Bros.-Construction CUSTOM BUILDERS HOMES 8 COTTAGES - ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS - FARM BUILDINGS 529.7894 OR . 529-7177 SKELTON.' MEMORIALS WALKERTON PHONE 881.0234 ONTARIO A large stock of monuments at fair prices Available for evening appointments IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF 13RUQE In the matter of the Partition Act, Ft. S. 0.,1970! C. 330 . IWTWE.04 LLOYD. HUFFMAN Applicant, DONALD HUFFMAN, GORDON HUFFMAN • CLIFFORD HUFFMAN, ELMER HUFF1VIAN, • MARJORIE MORRISON, JACK HUFFMAN, RAYMOND HUFFMAN, HARVEY HUFFMAN, and VELMA ALICE NICHOLS' ' Respondents. JUDICIAL SALE of Lot 27, Concession 2;:' and. 27., Concession 3 in, the TownShip of Kinlois,:in lfhe County of Bruce Pursuant; .to 'the final Order' for Salo, and' to .the DireetiOn. of the undersigned Master Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR HUFFIVIAN" in accordanee With the conditions of sale hereunder will be receiVed...by the undersigned .up to June 13, 1980,) at the. Court Hooae fer the County of Bruce, Walkerton, Ontario, for, the purchase in . one . parcel ef the property hereinafter described, subject to a reserve bid fiXed •by the: said Master. The lands are,knOwn as Lot 27, Concession2, and' Lot' 27, Coneesaion in the Township 'of 19nloss,-* the COunty of Brace and consist of 200 acres, more or less. On the prOnerty is said to be a one and one half storey horse of briek and frame construction' and a frame harn approximately .40 feet, by 60 feet as well as a small detached, , single bay • garage. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1., The Vendors shall not be required to produce . any 1-abstract of title, deed or evidence of title, other than those in their pOssession. The purchaser shalt examine • the title 'at his own expense and any objection iheretn_ shall be made in writing within ten days from the acceptance of thO tender. Should no sufficient, objection in Writing be made within: that time, the Vendor's title • shall be held to have been, ,accepted. .ShOuld any sufficient Objection in writing be Made within that time which the vendors are unable or unwilling) to remove the vendors shall be at liberty to rescind . the; sale in which case the purchaser shall be entitled only to :a return of the deposit money, withOet interest. 2. The parties to,•the action with the, exception of the' 'vendors shall be at liberty to tender: 3. Each tender shall be accompanied by an accepted. cheque, payable to the accountant of the Supreme Court of OntaHo, for at feast ten percent, of the amount of such tender, as a deposit, and the Purchaser shall pay the remainder of the purchase price into Coart to the credit of ,this-cause on or before . June 27„ 1980, without interest, and upon payment the purchaser shall 66 entitled to. a vesting order, to be, obtained by the- -- purchaser at his own ,expense, If so deaired, as well as tt conveyance froM the administrator of the estate of Roy. Ruben Huffman,' and to be given posiession of , the, property.. . .4. The tender and acceptance and these conditions of sale; which shall be deemed to forth part of .suCh. tender, shall constitute the agreement fur ,sale. 5. Subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master, the. highest tenderer shall be the purchaser. The highest or any tender not necessarily accented. 6. All adjuStinenti will be made as of. June 27, 1980, - the date of closing. . • For further particulars apply to VVaeehter,-Magwood • and MacKenzie, Banisters and Solicitors, 215 Durhain Street. East, Wallmrton, Ontario. DATED this 22nd day. of May, 1980. 'Peter Stuart MacKenzie Local Master, S.CAL. at Walkerton, Ontario. 1111j0q..114.116 SALES kg1hIA . GUN SPORTING GOODS AUCTION SALE AT THE Wingham Sales Arena 680 JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM. ONTARIO • Thais, JuneStli 0.141. sharp. WE ARE INSTRUCTED TO SELL WITH RESERVE, OVER 50 NEW AND USED GUNS, sawn,. FISHING TACKLE, 'ROD AND REELS, HOCKEY STICKS, HUNTING KNIVES, AIR MATTRESSES,, • BASKET BALLS, AMMUNITION; WADERS, LAWN DARTS, SKATEBOARDS, GUN CLEANING KITS AND' HUNDREDS OF SMALL ITEMS OF INTEREST. • • 25 NEW GUNS, Ithaca model "37-12 G.A. pump shotgun; Remington- 742' 306 semi automatic;, Remington 870-12G.A. puMp shotgim; Savage 99E-308 lever action; Whitworth Interarms 22/250 bolt action; Marlin 3040 lever 'action [M , 336]; collectors guns, Beigiurri Browning• 30106 bolt .action rifle; Winchester model 92-38/40 lever action; Le Fever 12 G.A: double barrel shotgun; Russian Klagent 7.62 bolt action carbine with bayonet [Circa 19201; Commemoratives - Cheyenne 40 - 40' carbine; R.C.M.P. Winchester 30 - 30 rifle; •Caminillus Centenial knife set; hunting guns Bening action; 22 Cooey semi auto; several single barrel shotguns [various makes and models]; also several 22 • rifles, including [Cooey 600]; Ruger 243 Vermont rifle; Browning 300 [with scope], magnum bolt action; Ruger 45/70; Remington 12 G.A.; Ithaca 12 G.A., plain barrel trap gun; Savage double barrel 12 G.A.; Mossberg 22 plinker; CVA mountain rifle kit; fishing reels by South Berid, Daiwa, Quick, Open Road, Olympic, Zebco; good assortment of hockey sticks, basket balls, fishing poles, waders, tackle, hunting knives, ammunition, air mattresses; Evinnide 35 H.P. outboard motor; variety of small sporting goods items of great interest for the sports minded people. TERMS CASH, CHARGEX, MASTER CHARGE, OR KNOWN CHEQUES DAY OF SALE Sales Manager PHONE WINGHAM AUCTIONEER ED KIKKEler 357.1730 JAKE KnooRT —23at LIQUIDATION'S & AUCTIONS EstAnusHEDIATER spay YEARS