HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 25..#1,t 20., Public notices Cards of thanks DM* My sincere thanks for. the many letters, cards, gifts, flowers, pliene calls; visits, while I was a patient in. University, Hospital and after My return home.. Also thanks for the baking that has been sent to our home. These many kindnessesliave been appreciated. Lillian:Irvin —23x 'OPEN RECEPTION An Open Reception will be held June .'7.. in Ripley Corn, Alex at 9 p.m. following ;the marriage ' of Bill and Barb' MacKenzie. Everyone Wel come. '-'-;22,23 IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Bruce County Health Unit Infants, Presehoolers, Adults ; 2nd, Wednesday each month Next' clinic'June 11th Bruce County Health Unit Office, 3 -.5 p.m. MIMS MOM ,•••• 28: Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lin- fi - er;--R;--R 4'-Goderieh; are pleased to announce .the, forthcothing marriage of xhex claughter,'-'16Landa GaY.: to Murray Douglas Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs, Evan Keith, R. R., 5 LucknOw- The wedding will take place on June 21, 1980 at 4:00 p.m.- in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. COURTNEY - BATTYE Elizabeth Battye is happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of, her daughter, Christina Ann to Gary Michael Courtney, son of Mr. and Mrs. JOe Courtney. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June ,14, 1980, at 5 p.m. in St. Michael's Catholic Church, Blytii An - open reception: follows at 9 p.m. Everyone I . 31. Cards of thanks ASSOCIATION FOR MENTALLY RETARDED The Wingham and. District Association for. the Mentally Retarded wishes to thank everyone who Supported this year's Flowers of Hope Cam- tiding. Special thanks to the YACMR members who con- ducted the canvass in Luck- now. —23 ACKERT ' I would like 'to express my -appreciation for all the cards, visits and gifts I received while in hospital. It sure is wonderful to have friends _puilinglor you when you are sick. Raynard Ackert KEITH LINNER NOW- Befote.lts TO0'..taterPractite.. FARM SAFETY 111011111411111101111M Attestion 'Fanners A. FOr sale NEW HOLLAND BALER, Super , 66, good working order; side delivery rake, power take off driven. Phone 395-3239. —22-24 ONE USED • CLAY" AUGER feeder", for a manger up 10140 Crate R, silos` bottom:'unloader, Wom rr.• ..pm .4%1 .r.r. ft. long, complete with mot- or; . one used 9 inch auger feeder, 70 „ft.. knig, Contact Lynn Lowry; Farin Systems, R. R. 1 Kincardine, phone 395-5286.; —23,24ar 'or tonoclumw Sentine.lo We4nesday, MK TM! MM.. Om, 100.• .4"-ft 204 Public notices PRIEBE H.J. & ASSOCIATES AUCTIONS'AND LIQUIDATIONS CALL COLLECT (519) 364-4590 Res: IS17.1196:7680 Kincardine # 1 Hanover, Ontario -19eow/ar lapp. SerVicafsavailable' • ..".0.0".• ee our selection of Good Used Furniture, Antiques and Collectables LIKE RAVING. , PARTIES? . • How about having a "Shak- lee'! party, 100% natural products in harmony with nature. Money back gUaran- tee •on all products if not satisfied: Please call anytime. 327-8270 if you would like to have• a party_ or to try the products, 7--;23,24 PINELOD GE REST HONK A. supervised retirement honte caring:for Your person-' al needs 24 hours• a day, Lucknow 528-2703. --5(Iffar 32. Coming Events. 011413TRSARY SERVICES' The .124th anniversary ser- vices' of South Kinloss Pres. byterian Church, will be held on, Sunday, June 8, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, with Rev. Glenn Noble" of Swift Cur- rent, Saskatchewan, as guest minister, —22;23 • WEBSTER PICNIC . COMING UP Join with your relatives at Brookside School and renew friendships onlune 8.' Come early and join in special events; also ' smorgasbord supper.. —22,23 LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD:. • Amberley • PHONE 39$.$286 .,, BUTLER - .Drive Sil0 Unloaders; Big Jim Silo Un- loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Conveym.Feed cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con= veyors;• Barn Cleaners, Os- Walt 'EnSilmixers. FARMATIC - Blender Ham, ' finer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills . for. Ground Hi-Moisture Corn; Augers, Leg Elevators. • ACORN - Cable Barn Clean: Jack Button; 528-5,405. D17 ALLIS GAS TRACTOR, good condition, Phone 395- 3586. —23 Ripley 395-5622. —23 '25. To give away • -HEALTHY KITTENS to give away. Phone 395-2656. —23,24 432-7197. —40t-f " • German Shepherd. Phone LEONARD STANLEY -- TRUCKING Sand. and Gravel R. R. Holyrood, ThOliF345=5191 --23-25:.- ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement sealing. Jam- es SYrnes, 528-3233. —18tfar 20. Oublia netices ATTENTION VETERANS EX-SERVICE MEN & & WOMEN DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. C. Wall, Provincial Service Officer, London, Ontario, will' be: visiting in the area. Anyone wishing information, advice or, assistance, regard- ing: (a) War Disability Pensions (b) Treatment for entitled veterans (c) Application for Benevo- lent Funds • (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and'Widovvs Allow- ance, is reqUested to contact the Service Officer'or Secret- _ Ary ..ot.the Local. Branch, whose name appears; below, nor later than June • 13, to arrange an interview. Irvine Eedy, Service Officer. —,23,24ar RAINBOW TROUT Catch your own at Vince Austin's -trout pond. Open Saturdays and Sundays. Ev- enings by appointments-Fall 529-7240. $2.00 per Person - plus 20c per: inch. Special prices for families. —22tfar BATTYE • Thank you to all the ladies of the 'Kingsbridge area who friendS and "neighbours .for Pating in_our crop; for a job well done in our time of need 'during• 'our man's illness. ' Sincerely Benson; Florence and Gerald Shackleton ;7:223 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. St. Andrews United Church, Ripley anniversary services Sunday, June 8.' 'Morning service 11 amt., guest speak er - , Rev. Ronald Pierce:'Spec- ial music by choir. Evening *service 8 p.m, speaker, Rev. ° James Bushell. Special mus- ic by local group, Gold Dust. All welcome. —23 WHITECHURCH'UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Whitechtirch •United Church will hold anniversary servic- es on Sunday; 'June 8th at 11:00 a.m. 'and 8:00 p.m. with Rev. R. C. Putman of Pine; River, as guest minis- ter. Special music by the choir h .2 and by the Youth Group, 4Genera- tion", in the.evening. Every- one welcome. —23 BRAND .NEW TRUCK TARP 13' x50', could be, cut. Phone 395-3586..-23 MASSEY: 'HAY. .3439. —23 • . ustom wor . • CUSTOM 'COMBINING with N5 :Rotary Gleaner, 4 wheel driVe. Wheat, ,nixed grain, beans and .corn. Reasonable. :rates, ;Contact, Rebert Erner- sen, R. '.R.' # 3, Ripley, 39515115: —12-25 CUSTOM SWATHING Hay and Grain Ploughing 529-7488 after 5 p.m. —23tf C. Wanted APPROX. 400 BALES- of pure alfalfa hay, baled. Phone 395-3586. -F-23. • D. Livestock PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bulls, serviceable age, and heifers. Phone Norm Schnurr R. R. 3 Walkerton, 881-1587. —23,24x YORK LANDRACE GILTS and purebred. Landrace boars. Don: Sowerby, Phone " BRED GILTS York x • Landrace with closed herd conditions. Original ,herd constantly being ROP tested by Quality Swine. Breeder boars also available. Lau- renoce Van den Heuvel, 524- 4350. 16tfar CHAROLAIS - two excellent full French herd sires, 2 years old., Cadet Ronssell Breeding. Free fisted; guar- anteed. Also purebred cows. Harrison Char/Haven Farm, Roslin, Ontario. 613-477- 2004. —23nc 0, • • LUCKNOW SHIPPER • TO UNITED CO...OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Shipyour livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R..# 5y LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of '5 or more On Thursdays Froni Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528-3530 Horne, or 528-31I9 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR ' REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE ---39tfar ' CUSTOM CUTTING and skidding of timber, also tree removal and land clearing. Call 529-7606. --21.'24ar KING GRAIN, PRIDE SEED CORN, soyaboan seed Farmers get' your alterna- Jots, disc blades; ctiltivatatt points, 'plough points, dog food. Agent for 0.F.M.K.- ICINGSBRIDGE FARM SUPPLY Vince Austin R. R. #.3, Goderleh Phone 5294240 Personal Consign Any'Of Your Unwanted Or Unloved Items "Old Or New We Will Sell It For You" COME AND BROWSE 357-2628 Wingham 38:Sank Court, Off Seneca Street Paper.' backs, hard Covers, "Com ics '; SOLD -.EXCHANGED 7 Open Daily 9 a.m. - 7 pan.. —20-23 PREGNANT and treed help? held the MacDONALp We would ; like: fo say thank yoirto Drs. Corrin, McKim' and Jolly and all the nurses who looked after Ian.during his hospital__ITCPnt•stay33: A _ special thanks to Susan, Dianne and Dad for helping when a ride was needed a.nd. for• watching Stefani. Doug and ;Shirley MaeDonald, -23 • BUSHELL , I would like to express my sincere thanks for all the lovely gifts received at the Community Shower in Kin- . lough Anglican Church and the-two relative showers held; at Susan Gillespies and Mild- red Bushells. A special thank you to all involved in the planning of these showers and who helped in any way. Jan Bushell —23x CURRAN Our sincere thanks - to our amnies for the surprise 45th wedding anniversary party, phone calls, cards and gifts and to Johnny McDonald for taking pictures. All was greatly appreciated. Jack and Eileen Curran —23x 32. Coming events , USED BOOK SALE Huron County's largest used book 'sale, proceedS to*Blyth Centre' for the Arts, Satur- day; June 7, 10 -' 4. Blyth Memorial' Hall. Bake sale, tours of the ;new 'theatre addition all day long. —21,23 ' FON BALL NOTICE - - - Kiriloss Township Recreation Committee Fun Ball starts at HolyroOd on Wednesday, June 11th at 7:30 p.m. All interested players welcome. —23x 2 MONSTER'SALE Shed open for donations found SHACKLETON Systems r poses. —13,24 r . ANNUAL PORK CONGRESS • Atiendith AnntialPork Con- gress June.17 - Breeder Day, juroe',18 - Feeder .Day, "June 19 - Market Day, StratfOrd, Ontario. A.dinission $2.00; children under 16 free. —23ne ONTARIO PORK CONGRESS Ontario Pork Congress all -=breed-swine sale June 17th, • 1980. Sale - 8:00 a.m. Stratford, Ontario, For infor- mation Swine Breeders Assoc., Tay-- istock, Ontario: --23nc ANNUAL BAR-BEQUE W. Ingham District Snowmo- bile Club annual bar-beque Sunday, June 8 at Riverside Park by the swimming pool, 4 p.m. to 6 'p.m. Adults $4, children under 12, $2. Cured pork chops. —23 lovely shower. I support. Bitthrigbt. Cali 351- and your thoughtfidness. WESTEEL-ROSCO . 1066 collect Or . 392-6541: or. Garage auction and bake Sale 13:1;l1PLE K cultivator, can Grain Bini -1350 to 250 000 23tf Free posit ive confidential appreciate the lovely gifts,- . _, Pumps.' Christina Battye at Ashfield Township shed be set UP to scuffle corn or 22. Lost and We wish.to thank our good Proceeds for recreation. pu ASTON - Ventilation 'SYs-. • FOUND full; grown female • bit, 13 lk Feed Tanks. m '23 June 14 „beginning 10 a.. beans, $500,00. Phone 395- - ACME - Fan-Jet Ventilation ers, Hydraulic Manure —16tfar B L - CoMplete Coiifinemerit Systems,' SLURRY-SLING,ER -..Liquid;`'.: Manure Spreaders. -CLAY - PartS and Service 'for -I Clay Equipment. ••• AERO-FLUSH -: Man- tire Pum s; Aerators,Se ar" p - ators. ;. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING - ALMOST —21tfar • '