HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 15M.C. BRIAN ELIVISLIE OF C.K.N.X.
hockey player for Ripley
who was a brother.
Surviving Mrs. Jackson
are her daughter,
Dorothy,' Mrs. Charles
Stergios of Fort
Lauderdale, Florida and
her son Roy of Detroit. To
them and all family
relatives sympathy is
extended at, this, time of
bereavement. She was
pi.edeceased by her
husband T.A. "Chid”
Jackson a 'number of
years ago.
Last Sunday was the
first of June and, with it
summer for 1980 is, here.
With June, students look
forWard to the end of the
school year and simmer
holidays. For the year
1980-81 there will be
changes in the staff at the
Ripley Huron Central
School. Principal Floyd
Stanley will be on sab-
batical leave and will be
in Toronto taking his
Master Degree in
Education. Mr. Stanley
will be attending 0.I.S.E.
(the Ontario Institute for
Studies in Education). He
will be taking courses in
Learning Disabilities,
Administration, and
Computer Applications.•
When he completes this
corning year he will be.
awarded the degree M.
Ed. (Master of
Education). The 0,I.S.E.
Acting principal
At the Ripley., Huron
Central School George
Armstrong, now vice
principal, will be ' the
acting principal and
Terry Kummer will be
the ' vice principal for
1980-81. •
As, a .student, Floyd
attended S.S.• Number .2
'Kinloss 'Public School in
From 1966 to 1969 he
was on loan to the
Department of National
Defence and did his
teaching in Germany. In
1969, he returned here to
resume the position of
principal and teacher.
The folks of this area
wish Mr, and' Mrs.
Stanley, Deane and
Kerry, well' on their
corning year in Toronto;
Special services
On this coming Sunday,
June 7, St. Andrews
United Church in Ripley
will hold anniversary
services at. eleven in the
morning and eight in the
evening. At the morning
service Rev, Ronald
Pierce of Walkerton
United Church and
president of the Bruce
Presbytery. will be the
speaker and the choir will
have special music. Rev.
Jim Bushell minister of
St. Andrews will take the
evening service. Special
music will be a group of
local musicians called
"Gold Dust".
Library visitors
On Monday of last week
a couple, ',Mr. and Mis.
Berney from Michigan
possibly Detroit, called at
the Ripley Library and
talked with the librarian
Mrs. • Adeline Hackett.
They had a photostatic
copy, of a funeral card for
Jessie Maciver. They had
also been' to Kincardine
cemetery and taken notes
from a tombstone there
on Angus Maclver. He,
had liyed in Detroit as a
young man; died in
Kincardine in 1912 arid
came from lot 14 'con-
cession 7, Huron town-
ship, which would be just
east of Ripley on th.e 8th.
While at the library they
also talked " with 'Huron"
township Clerk .Mrs.
Marlene. Coiling and with
Mrs. Annie (Walter)
Culbert both of Ripley.
Graduation -
Gladys and Jim Cor-
nish of concession 6 West
Huron township received
the news that their son-in-
law Arthur Joseph Swan
graduated from, the
Royal Canadian Mounted
Police College in Regina
on Monday evening of
this week, From
November to April this
' .past winter his wife
Nancy lived here with her
parents. Then in April she
went to Regina where
they had obtained an
apartment. R.C,M.P.
Constable Swan has now
joined the 12 than detach-
ment with headquarters
in 'the town of Indian
Head about 50 miles east
of Regina. Prior to en-
-tering the college, Mr.
and Mrs. Swan lived in
Lytton British Columbia
where he worked for the
C.N. railway and
R.C.M.P. work for two
Wedding danie
A wedding reception
dance was held in the
Ripley Huron Community
Centre Auditorium iast
Saturday evening for Mr.-
and Mrs. Michael Kelly
(Lois Wardell). It was
well attended. Music was
provided for dina"ing y
Doug Fischer's Band of
Kitchener. Also Mrs.
Eileen Nesbitt, Mrs.
Irene Emmerton, and
Mrs. Dorothy Wardell
played some dancing
tunes on their violins.
Friends attended from
the Ripley „Huron area,
Kincardine, Kingsbridge,
Kitchener and New
Hamburg as well as other
places. Mike and Lois
Kelly are, residing in New
Hamburg, which is about
12 miles from Kitchener.
They were married in
New Hamburg . on
Saturday, May 3.
Visitors ,
Visitors with Dorothy
and Leslie Wardell for the
weekend were Mr: and
Mrs. Mike Kelly, Mrs.
Helen Keller, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Howie, Miss
Faith Howie, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Landes and
Paul Linder from Kit-
chener •and New Ham-
Another dance
Two dances were held
at the same time last
Saturday evening in the
Ripley Huron Complex,
While the above
reception dance was held
upstairs . in the
auditorium; the Ripley
Agricultural Society
dance with the Ian
Willibee Orchestra was
held downstairs on the
arena floor. ",
MacKinnon of Ripley is a
patient in Kincardine and
District Hospital, Also
there, is Mr. Lloyd Irwin
of Ripley.
Fire call
Ahout ten.lcist---Wed.
nesday evening, the.
Ripley Fire siren soun-
ded.-The fire engine and
tank truck headed south
on the fifteenth from
Ripley in just a few
minutes. •
Paid a'visit
'On' Monday afternoon
of last• week Elmer and,
Gladys Wykl.s,. and on
Tuesday afternoon Jack
McLaurin • of Kincardine
visited with Fran and Ab
The Ripley Women's
raised $701, in
the 1980 fund raising,
campaign for cancer
research. The Purple-
Grove WI raised $236,
The leaders, -of this
RIpley 4-14, Horse Club
Wayne and Nancy Fit-.
zgerald live on the former
nglish c
'from page 4
loading here and contract
problems, The only way it
can be done is by hiring a
half time teacher• at.
"I•realize, that there are
some doors closed to
some students based' on
past decisions," he
During the board
meeting recess, the
met and returned with
the recommendation—that
the course, should be
May 24. The 4H mem-
bers were collecting
sponsors to raise money,
to buy ribbons at the end
of the year, on.
AO hieve ment Day.
The ride, was to a
member's farm near
Teesvvater. The ride will •
start at 10:00 a,m. and
'end approx, 4 :00 p.in.
offered if a teacher .can
be • found to accept the
additional' course.
The same kind ofs ,
problern was encountered
at South Huron Secon-
dary School •, in. Exeter
when the Latin 350 course
was droppU from
scheduling, There was
barely enough students to
take the course, but no,
teacher available. The
problem was solVed,
however, when a member
of the staff, David
M Cl e ffered to teach
the class.
The oldest lady of the building is a new one on.
Ripley Huron area, Mrs., the. north side of Bloor
Elsie Jackson of Ripley Street and directly across
died in her sleep at the the road from the well-
Pinecrest Manor Nursing knoWn Varsity Stadium
Home in LUclthow during and nearby Reyal
-early 'Morning -hours•-on 9ntariolViuseurn, During_
TuesdaY of last week the year 1980,81 Floyd,
May 27, 1980, In a . his wife, Lynn, son. Deane
telephone ..call at, noon on and daughter Kerry will
that day her son Roy told reside in Toronto.• When
how his 'Mother had been the courses• are finished
her. usual happy self, they; plan to travel in the
• joking and talking on the Far East and NeW
Sunday • evening just Zealand during May and
before her passing. The June in 1981. • •
funeral service' was held
at one Monday afternoto
at the MacKenzie
McCreath Funeral Home
in Ripley with aev Hugh.
Nugent of Knox church in
charge: Interment Was in'
Ripley CemeterY.
• Mrs, JackSon ,.had
reached the age of 100
and about ; seven
months;. Mrs.. Jackson,
the fornier Elsie BoWers,
was born . •' on October Kinleugh and Katherine
8, 1879 at the family:farm Collins,. retired last year
•'on the Fifteenth road, two from the Ripley District
blocks South of. Ripley High School staftwas the
near the corner, of • the teacher: Then he at-
Fourth concession' in
tended Lueknow High
,Hpron Township. She was School under principal
the sole surviving P.W. Hoag. After
member of a family of graduating from
seven whose parents Lucknovv. he attended the
were John L. Bowers Stratford Teachers
from . D e t/onire-,- College. He commended
England and Annie his teaching career in the
Louise Ogg froth Teeswater area. In 1963
cleen, Scotland. Other he came to the new
• 'members of the familY ..Ripley-Huron. School just
were her sister Lola; who built where MrS. Maithel
died in Vancouver at 97 (Delbert) Wilson was the
,yeas of age a couple of principal. The following
Years ago and the late year he ; became Orin-
'::Shirt Bowers; veteran cipal.
Ardiel Mason farm on the .
4th concession east in.
Huron Township,
The 4th meeting of the
Ripley 4-H Horse Club
was held at their home,
'The .pre sident,---Kelly-
Fitzgerald, spoke about
Safety Rules and
Precautions of ,Riding a
Horse, and the Horse-a- •
thon which was held on
' Featuring Recording Artists
David Houston, 4eanne PrUett, with
Their Bands in a Two Hour Country. Music
Dance to FollOw:With Music
By Popular Canadian' Vocalist
Denise Simpson and Her Band Homegrown
Sponsored by Point Clark and District
Kinsmen Club
Proceeds for Community Projects
And the Cystie Fibrosis Fund
Tickets Available From
Sepoy Restaurant, Fairview Foods,
Lucknow Borne Bakery and MacNays Store, Amberley,
Pine River Store and Lighthouse Variety Store,
Point Clark