HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 14This week in
by Valftta Ernerson
Every day
is Father's Day
with a
Mrs. Isobel Tiffin of Luck-
now spent.the weekend with
her sister, Mrs: Cassie Mow-
Brian Rintoul spent Friday
and Saturday. at'. Marltham
where he diWosed ohtiree
Barry Elliott and Crystal
Konings visited Mr, and'
Mrs. Paul Laidlaw and faMily
in London on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs). Melvin Mc-
aenaghan of Waterloo visit-
ed -Tharsday evening With
'Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClen-
aghan and his mother, Mrs.
Mary MeClenaghan.
W hitechurch W.L. are
sponsoring a bus trip to
Niagara-on-the-Lake on June
11th, leaving at 8 o'clock.
On Saturday Mrs. Donald
Gaunt, Jennifer and Oraerne
of Chatham. came to spend
the. week with her parents.,
Mr. and Mrs., Bill Purdon
while her husband, Donald,
was aften Cbtirse.
Mfrs Florence Pardon of;head of cattle.
Wingham was a Saturday
visitor with:Mr. and Mrs.
,Bill Purdon, ,
Little Raymond Kikkert on
Saturdailield a party to cele-
brate his 9th birthday. Pres-
ent for the occasion were his
family, Stanley, barlerie,'
Pau), FlarveY and Julia and
friends, Stephen Tiffin `and
Tony. Falconer,
This community extends to
Mrs. Aldan. Purdon of Wing-.
ham and Bill PUrdon and
Mrs. Purdon and family of
St. Helens and to other
relatives, their sincere sym-
pathy ih the passing of Mr.
Aldon Purdon on Thursday
last, Aldon grew to young
manhood- on the family farm
on the river sideroad east of
the village, He farmed for
yedrs on his farm at the south
end of the first block on this
side road, The funeral'was
held on Saturday to Wing-
ham cemetery.
This community extends
their sincere sympathy to
George Currie and family
and other relatives in the
sudden passing of Mrs.
Sarah 'Currie on Saturday.
Funeral service was Tuesday
with burial 'in Winghattreem-
On Sunday evening Tony
Fa leo n er_cele h rate d Atis_lfith_
birthday with his family, Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Falconer,
Timmy. and Amy, Mr. and
Mrs. Angus Falconer, Mrs:
Cass"ie Mowbray, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs,
Brian Falconer, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Purdon.
Mrs. Olive Gillespie of
Sarnia arriveeon Sunday to
spend a few days with Mrs.
Agnes Farrier.
Rev, Bev Kay of Kitimat
on his way to:, General
Assembly meeting at Wind-
sor had dinner on Wednes-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Victor
Enierson, snpper with Mr.
and Mrs. John Gaunt and'
called on Mr. and" Mrs.
Wesley. Tiffin.,,,Mrs. Cassie
Mowbray, Mr, and Mrs. Jim
de Boer and family, Miss
Linda Moore and in between
he tried to phone 'as many of
his former congregation as
he ,coalci. Rev. B. Kay was
student preacher at White-
church and Langside during
1973-6. '
1,1r. and Mrs. George
likie of Wingham were
Thurtday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Mrs. Agnes Farrier spent
a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne' Far-
rier, Amy and Kimberley of
The Presbyterian manse
here has met with the mis-
fortune of having to install, a',
new septic tank as the old
one has deteriorated.. This
was done by Ronald Forster.
Mrs. 'Agnes Farrier has
treated, her circular driveway
to a tie* coat of top dressing,.
Rev. and Mrs, John Bell
spent this week at their
cottage at Inyerhuron.
The managers of the
VVhitechurch Water System
on Thursday flushed the
water system and.the water
is now much better.
Mr. and Mrs: Bill McBurn-
ey of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Emerson and Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin.
Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and
Mrs. Lorne Durnin on Wed-
nesday attended a trousseau
tea at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Bushell in honour
of their_ danght-Pr, Janet
Mrs. Ler , e Durnin spent
Monday afternoon with Mrs.
Gertrude Tiffin of,Wingham.
Rev. and : Mrs. John Bell
are visiting in Windsor with
their son. Mr. and Mrs.
NelsOn Bell and family and
• Rev. ,Bell is attending the
general assembly meeting.
On Sundara bridal shower
was held for Debbie Coultes
of Blyth at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Alex Craig. Mist-
ress of ceremonies for the
shower was Laurie -Sehwich
tenberg and a program of
contests was held by Joyce
Vincent and Laurie Schwich-
tenberg. Debbie was assisted
in opening her many lovely
gifts frOm the miscellaneous.
shower by Laurie Schwich-
tenber.. Debbie thanked all
for coming, for their gifts and
to those who sponsored, the
shower. Lunch was then
served by Mrs. Craig and
Mrs. Schwichtenberg.
Auburn. 'wig the gifts of the -kitchen -
Mrs, Bill. Evans visited in shnwer were kitchen acces,
London with her daughter, sories, consisting of a garb-
Mrs. Edith Brown on Friday. age can,.bread box, cannister
On Friday evening .,a family set, etc„ bathoom scales,
with Rev. R. C. Putman, Pine at the home of. Mrs, Alan made a hat Of the bows Which
evening special music will be ed to 'shower. Lgri.. Mrs. Lori thanked all, for their
the , Falconer, Around 2,4 gather- .' she prgsented to 1,04..'
for owning to :'the
River, guest speaker, In
supplied by Wingham United . Falconer had readings and gifts and .,,,. e .
Church youth group genera.con tests , '' . shower: She also thanked the :
gifts, will be'a fellowship hour were her sister, Kathy, •lovely shower. Lunch was
Assisting tLOri open the ladies who organized the tion. After the service there
following in the Sunday and Valerie Frringtori. Am-• then, enjoyed by all.
School room. - -/In
Lucknow . Christian Re- .2.11 ,1 " ' ''' # ., r ' r " . la.
formed Church and South ..:: r;II:
• • "I
Kinloss 1" Presbytetian are i',.. ----.
sponsoring a family Of Boat 1'4' :41.
. People. There,will be eight in i-4 -.4
the family who , will be ,;-0, .2
residing in the front apart- 1 ,,, '7,
ment of the Lubber home for tp. .3
the next couple of months. i. 41
They will bg- arriving any. F.,.. ,..1
At the 'United Church on 5'2 4
Sunday the Service's were ..:----: :4
conducted by Mrs. Milian iti•
Moore and Jack Whytock in
the absence of the preacher, E-.
Robert Perry. ' -^" ! E-2
Best wishes to Mr. ' and Plr' !I
Mrs. George Webster who t-1 „.i
on June 5 are celebrating a == ,, 2:
wedding anniversary': 's .;", - --i.
On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. F. = -:.•
Bill Evans visited Mr. and ..:7".. "..;
Mrs. Oliver Anderson of
The charge of $6.75 is to be
paid by June 6 to Mrs. Agnes.
Farrier, Mrs. Rena Fisher or
Mrs. Russel McGuire, One of
the places to be visited is
Weekend .visitOrs with Mr.
and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan
and Mrs. Mary McClenag-
han were. Mrs. Eileen Parker
and. Laura Parker, Exeter,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Moss, Plattsville. "
Mrs. Dave Obertholtzer
and Julie of, Waterloo spent
the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Rintoul, while her husband,
Dave, and Jeffery went on a
fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Richard-
son of Livonia and Mrs.
W. Beecroft visited on Kin-
daY with Mr. and Mrs.
._Stewart_Forsyth, Walkerton.
Richardsonsleft for home in
Livonia, Michigan on Thurs-
Mrs'. Agnes Farrier visited
first week with Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Farrier, Kimberley
md Amy 'of Guelph.
On'Saturday evening Mrs.
llive Gillespie, Mrs. Agnes
"'artier, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Ournin, and. Mr. and Mrs.
Elroy Laidlaw attended the
1. wedding of Janet Bushell
and Kurt Neilsen of Agin-
court .at Kirilough PresbYter.
ian Church.
The United Church are
holding their anniversary . shower was held for Lori ..selOthe$ hampet and other
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