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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 10
, Dates_ 1 Available Lucknow & District Community Centre Melicherik-Humphrey SAL, SUN., I JUNE 20,'21, 22 1 Kiti Summerfest FRIDAY, JUNE 27 Leo Dance OPEN DATES AVAILABLE JUNE Friday 13 JULY Friday 4 Friday 11 Friday 18 Saturday 26 AUGUST Friday 15 Friday 29 SEPTEMBER POWAY 5 Friday 28 rNow Booking For 1981 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND j • MID WEEK BOOKINGS k CALL 528-3532 f Grant &Wilma Chisholm 1. FRIDAY, JUNE 6 ? AY, JUNE 7 ANOTHER MOTOR HERE 329 095 MODEL 1279 Eureka Deluxe PovVer Team With 2 motor power • Powerful upright carpet cleaning action with canister versatility. • Roto-'Matic® powerhead with motorized Vibra- Groomer® beater bar brush roll thoroughly deep-cleans carpet like an upright. • Brilliant headlight and cleaning tools Included. • Floto-Matice Powerhead with all-metal Vibra-Groomer© Greer TM & Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 . . NI. Ivy,* ring ally of WMS hosted by Goderich theme, 'The Challenge of Will be attending the, would be the new who had taken part in the two-day, sessions with the H. L. Nugent Of Ripley 'Miss Lynn Longmuire expressed thanks to all with praYer by 1ViisS White. The .Reverend L. Royal.pronounced the benediction. Lunch was served' by --the- xnetn-hers---of---t Arthur Circle. the Eighties. Conference for Women at educational Consultant meeting. • Solos, "Down from His Carleton ,university on due to the • resignatiOn of The offering was Glory"- of received by Mrs, Dorothy Worthy" were sung by Mrs. T. I. Duke of Lucknow. ---1176-era-affr1VUT:Margaret.7-, Mrs. Robert McCallum,' Seaforth introduced the Mrs. Gordon Kaitting McKenzie and dedicated , accompanied by 'WS. guest speaker of the Clayton Edward. afternoon, Mrs. H. L. The minutes of the Nugent of Ripley. She • Luckn,ow UCW annual meeting held in gave an interesting and . January were accepted illustrative message of as read by the .Secretary, caring and sharing in the The 'general meeting of business and opened this .Lucknow0 in part with a poem and prayer.' .C,W. was held. Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock. -work of the Wornen's A letter from Taiwan was read regarding the persecution of Christians there, The treasurer, Mrs. G. G. MacEwan, gave the financial statement. Mrs...Jean Munshaw of LucknoW, educatiOnal consultant, spoke: a few words and Mrs'. Fred Salter had set up a very interesting book display. British Columbia. It wis announced that and missionaries spoke to Mrs.Hunter an rs. Wm. d M Miss Ida White, Mrs. them. Anna Dexter and dedicated Jean Munshaw and Mrs. It. was announced that by Mrs. Len Ritchie. Mrs, Symond de Boer favoured with a solo that added a great deal to the program, accom- panied by Mrs. Houston. A skit depicting Christian • Citizenship Was well present stud human n hts d b Mr V Hunter Mrs The • Spring Rally of Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Women's. Missionary Society .W,D. was held last 'Wednesday' in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich With members of the Arthur Circle being hostesses. The president; Mrs. Robert McAllister, was in charge and opened the meeting with the hymn, God Who Touchest Earth With Beauty. Mrs. Clayton Edward was the pianist. Miss Ida White, president of Arthur. Circle welcomed all. Members of the Hensall W.M.S . took the devotional period. Kt's. Earl Campbell read the scripture pagsages. Mrs. Harvey. Hyde followed the theme, "Have you done your spring cleaning in relation to the spiritual life?" Mrs. Rochus Faber led in prayer. Mrs.", G: L. Royal, delegate to Hamilton- London synodical at Brantford, . gave a complete .report at the the fellowship room with the Minutes and .correspondence Missionary society for citizenship committee in were read and roll call by the , Challenge of the charge. Mrs. Eldon Ritchie units was taken. Mrs. A. eighties. The. slides she opened the meeting with a Andrew gave a fine treasnr- sho wed were very poem entitled, Little Things. er' colorful and meaningful. - s report. Mrs: Cayley gave Mrs. Clayton Edward Mrs. H. Houston, accompan- k her report of the CGIT gave the report of the ied hymns at the piano. convention.: she attended, council meeting held Mrs, Stewart Collyer read Blanket month was changed recently atE wart College the scripture from Mark, to April. The conveners gave with the theme, Mrs. Eldon Ritchie took the their repOrts. The fall fowl "Growth". There were 84 devotiOns in the absence of supper was discussed and it delegates from Quebec to Mrs. Chas. McDonald. The was decided to have it again offering was received by-k this year-Mrs. Glen' Walden reported on the Presbyterial executive meeting. Prayer brought the meet= ing to a close. Ashfield "VVMS SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Services. For Suintner Months June, July, August 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 pm. Saturday Bible School 9:30 - 11:45 a.m.. Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX La Leche Crawford and point out many Ways we can live our citizen- ship in helping many less fortunate than we are. Mrs. Mildred Cameron gave three poems relating to the theme. The ballad of the 11.C,.W. was sung to bring the devo- Lowry.,. Topics discussed- were Human Rights and International Law by Mrs. Deb WilsOn; Why write let- ters by Mrs. Lynn Lowry; ....--------- LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN 1 CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, JUNE 8 The May trfecting -of.Ash- field W.M.S, was held in the church basement with Mrs. Neil MacKenzie in charge. ' The meeting opened with a poem, Best Memory System, by Mrs. MacKenzie. Mrs. Allan MacDonald gave the scripture followed by a devo- tional and prayer. A piano solo,.. Bless This House, by Mary Lillian Simp- son, was enjoyed by every- atttt udes read the offeratory prayer. • - one. Mrs; Gordon, Finlaysow Mrs. Neil MacKenzie in- -- -La -Leehe-L ea gu e -started a --tr adn eed -0 u-t Bible Study an Human Rights, and welcomed the guests, the Pine River. International Amnesty Group. These groups speak for voices of those who cannot speak and were started in 1961 as explained by Mrs. Wayne Id eague discuss nursing new series at the- home of Mrs. Stuart, Wingham on May 20th at 8 p.m.'The topic of discussion was'"The Ad- vantages of Breastfeeding to Mother and Baby -. Mrs. Stuart welcomed the -mothers to her home. The mothers introduced them- selves and described their Mother's Day. Gifts from husbands and breakfast in bed were much appreciated on this special day: Mrs. Kerr, Leader, talked about the beginnings of LLL with a group of seven mothers getting together ta- discuss breastfeeding. TheiFe are -now about 12,000, Leath ers in 44 countries, so the Nap- and encouragemencdf LLL to nursing mothers has really been a success"in the last 24 years. The mothers . discussed various topics of interest such as bonding, breastmilk, and attitudes towards nurs- ing. It was noted that a mother who wants to nurse her baby can, and the special relationship, during breast- feeding, is so beneficial to mother and baby. This weekend four League members will be attending an Area Conference in Dun- das to learn more about, aspects of birthing, nursing, and tblidTaiSiiiig-. The Moth- ers' were notified of o special program on T.V. about _La Leche League, which will be 'shown on Channel 8 at 2.30 p,m. The meeting closed with a social time. and re- fri:shments. How does A.I. work by Mrs. Ken Farrell and Does. A.I. get results, by Mrs. Duncan Thorb urn , _ The poem, Prisoner of Conscience, was read by 'Ars. Lynn Lowry and Mrs. Wayne Lowry. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson thanked the ladies for a most' informative ex- planation of their group work. Letters were. viewed' that had been written.and - helped innocent persons. Mrs. Neil. MacKenzie read a creed written by Robert Louis Stephenson. ,Mrs. Gordon Finlayson conducted the business por- tion of meeting. Mrs. George Moncrief would like to have supply money handed in as soon as possible. Lunch and a social time followed the close of the meeting. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:0 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery Provided„ For Pre-School Children Jr, Congregation for 5 - 8 Year Old Children 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome Johnston Bros. [Bothwell Limited] Phone Phone • WiiraiiVIlle-693-4383—Kintio14471--3059- Dungannon 529-7947 Washed Materials—Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Crushed Gravel—Road Contractors tional part of the meeting to a close ,with prayer by Mrs. Ritchie. EUREKA -POWER TEAM Ills! president, Mrs. Len Ritchie, took the chair for the