HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-06-04, Page 9• NOW PLAYING JUNE 3-5 TUESDAY - THURSDAY ONE SHOWING ONLY 0 P.M. "Honor thy wife, and everyone else's." L to Negotiate, both the board and teachers have agreed.not to make public initial and current positions on outstanding issues Depending upon when Griffiths arrives for a meeting, an agreement may be, reached this month. 'However, Cochrane says More ',KINSMEN CLUB OF HENSALL AND dej% DISTRICT C 1 /3 IfttnsalltammUnity Centre JUNE 20 8. 21, 1980 OVER '2,300. CASH PRIZES FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 20 7:00 P.M. . ELIMINATIONS- -Adt. mission: Adults '2.50: Children 75' SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 21 1:00 P.M. • STEP DANCING COM- PETITION AND JAMBOREE. Ad- missionl-Adults-L2t00:-ChIlvitoor75 SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 21 7:00 P.M. - PLAYDOWNS 11:00 P.M. - DANCE Wayne Weill, Lon Love and the Cs:entry Ver. sallies. Aderiisslan: Adults '1.50: Children 75'1 Reserved'50095 '4.00 MASTER OF CEREMONIES - JOHNNY BRENT (formerly Of CK NZ) This Ad Sponsored by: RICHMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHY TRAYLOR INDUSTRIES A.R. TAYLOR LEASING LTD, ing below 'which these bene- fits May be. Paid. ' Miss Begin stated that 'it is important for pensioners receive this increase as soon as possible. Tor this reason,,, the amending 'legislation was introduced. in the HOuse of Cominons very early' in the new session of Parliament. `is expected that the, amend- , ' nientt will receive ' "Royal As- sent in time for the increase to appear in the July 1980 cheques.' Guaranteed Income Sup- plement is, payable to Old- Age Security pensioners who have little or no income other than --Ahe--OAS —pension. Spouses Allovvance benefits are payable to the 60-64 year Old spouses of GIS recip- ients: I 1711111/47 diffil DRIVE -.1.1.-Enrennri. 7 7- , • LulmorrYt WedneSdaY, Juno 4, 1980,-,P iiruron ard appoints rintediator A combined' meeting of the 1,4ron-13rtlee: and Huron Middlesex NOP Riding As:: sedation was', held at the. home of. Donna and Herb' Klopp, ZuriCh, ;9n. Sunday, June '1. The meeting was scheduled as a pot luck, serve .on ..the NDP Executive were: president, Osborne Faneher, 13Ayfield; vice Pres- idents, Carl Hemingway, Brussels, ,and Olivia . Free- man, BaYfield; secretary, . Valerie Bolton, Blythv treas- . urer and CFO, John Wood, CLOderiCh; organizer and Can help gou hearlietreil' In announcing the added. family social for members of . . officer's, the tellowing corn- mittee chairpersons were el- ected: publicity, Paul Car- -' roll,: Seafotth; resolutions, Gwen Pemberton Bayfield• agricultpre, Vince Austin, Kingsbriclge; social, Donna Klopp, Zuricht-union John RaCho, Egmondyille; nominations, Phil Walker, grand Bend. The provincial convention for the Ontario Ne,w Dente- - cratic Party is scheduled for • June 20, 21 and 22 at the UniVersity of Guelph. Dele- gates elected to attend are Valerie Bolton, Paul Carroll. and Gwen Pemberton. Also BY:OATH, wOovgN.. ••• • • • In order to hasten the attainment of a 1981 collective agreement, the Huron, County Board of ,1~ d fibTft o n air elementary school teachers have had, a mediator appointed for them.. ; Eli •-Griffiths was named on May 30 as the independent third party - by 'the Education Relations CornmissiOn, • which is. paying his lee. According. to the 'Com- mission, Griffiths . has extensive background in labor relations and 'presently his own consulting firm. Pensioile Old Age SecUrity pension- ers in 'Ontario •who get the federal' government's Guar- anteed Income Supplement will get a $35 increase in benefits • if the House of. Commons approves,, amend- ments to the Old Age Secur- ity Act introduced by -Health and Welfare Minister Mon- ique Begin. Wider the terms of the bill, all single recipients of Guar- anteed Income Supplement will receive the increase. A married_ pensioner whose spouse is, not receiving Age Security will also .get the $35. TwO pensioners, who are married and both- are receiv ing Guaranteed Income Sup- plement, or where one is receiving Spouses Allow- ance, will get an increase of $17.50 each. According to the Health and Welfare Minister, the new law would make eligible, some 45,000 persons not currently in receipt of the GIS or the SPA: This is due to the increase in benefits payable and the subsequent increase in the income ceil- realistic time would be in the fall, Since the board and teachers often cannot be available for a vote during the ,summer .niontbs, • • rill. be at Legion ' Monday, ,jnne. 9' 10a.in:12'noon: Free Cleaning And Check-pOpf Any Hearing•Aid • Free gleetronic Hearing Test, be set up. • WINGNAM, ONTARIO PRONE 357.1630 FOR 24 It.11091FIRFORMATION• Wednesday to Saturday, June .4 - 7th snownmn 7:00 9:15 m . PIJA51 Wednesday', litursday at 8:00 p.m..only!rn • NOTF *Friday • Saturday 1111:1‘GCiv'Aeftl 11:c. ° OSnr- e,6:d:'19::\r:/:,ue:.:lo:P s loy d a :1A4:\0:1:wa5s. "A ss,".„„_,. ed,awdlnary 111m ." • r 'ALL THAI j'ihe in Roy sc,H6DER 'Boa FossEwayrue_ 4011[DOMOMDINDMICAI Ej IN Enill C:111I1 .GEORGE SEGAL 'NATALIE MOD II RICHARD BENJAMIN • VALERIE HARPER • 41111:111111:11111DEDIEDMIIMIIEIJNOIS Starts FRIDAY! JUNE 6-12 FRI. 8. SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 9:00 PA. SUN. • THURS. ONE: SHOWING ONLY 8 P.M. STARTS FRIDAY AT .A 200 NEAR YOU! . . .. .. r.-•' O' n. .-..',• ru,...e .R.:,. .. . . . ... . ._ .. • • • • • ••• • • • DirectOr 'of Education D.J. Cochrane. pointed out that independent third parties are a common. thing 'in bargaining for - a ollective agreement and .essUrred that the board and the public school teachers :dare definitely not .at a stalemate. We just want to speed the process up and hopefully have an "agreement before Xanuary. "Both parties feel _it benefiCial - .to have a different perspective, an independent third party. This is, a common .thing and it does:not Mean talks are not going well," he • . • •get increase • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • . rrr : • ,: • r • • executive • t new • • ,• " In other business, the NDP, members received a resolu Lion recommending a,' system of proportional representa- tion and.majOrity representa- tion by means of A single, transferable ballot. 'The reso- lution was referred for' furth- er consideration by the new' appointment of Grif,fiths,• Under the Procedures, the Riding Association.' membership, Tony Me Quail., executive and, a retonnen- Following the luncheon; Lueknow. DelegateS to the dation back to the next In addition to' he executive ent Riding Associations will the Provincial ,'Riding Assock. Provincial Council (the gov- general meeting. The matter ation met to 'elect ,the 1980 erning body of the. Party of needing to 'meet 'with, the slate of officers. Elected to between elections and . con- Federal Steering ComMittee ventions) are : to be Carl for the Riding .of Grey-Bruce • Herningway and, Tony was also discussed. A meet- . Quail; ing, involving the two. adjac- Baldwin v. cnuns 213 Eighth Street East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 1L2 376-9970 attending from the Riding II Sunday - Monday Tuesday Association are to be C'arl s Hemingway and Tony Mc- Thowil,"P•m• Quail. ..c-LAST MAJUITIED 1.1PLE Pm•Aktel&ce.•-, 1.konmely ihot1oal• around alai. 'NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A VVEEK BOX OFFICE OPENS. AT 7A5 SHOWING AT 9:00 P.M, STARTS THURS., JUNE 5.7 BeVerly Hills and the civilized world will never forget.them. r•om the. • MADmari who started - -it all... P• k • '1‘15,4, • •rrik' N,It4 BEVERLY1-111.1.9 CAMIA4. AL PACINO .0MirlAhlrE STARTS SUNDAY, JUNE 8.10 "HOT SKIN" N "WILDCAT WOMAN" "GIRLS IN THE STREET" MAD MAGAZINE PRXSOITS UP THE ACA DEMY "A comedy gone 10Iaily MAW TWO WARNINGS: 1) Some scenciS not suitable for pee-teenagers 2) Some language may be offensive THEATRE. ONT. Our unique country resort has something special for you! Join us for our... Noon-Day Buffet/12 Noon to 2:30 Daily/9.0.50 ' Sunday'Buffet/124 to 2:30 Every Sunday/9.0.50 Sandwich menu available weekdays 2 Fully Licenced Lounges/Open Daily till 1 a.m.. A Business meeting or family outing, 13enmiller is for you! Come as you are, relax and enjoy 7 days a week. STARTS WEDNESDAY JUNE 11th HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . • PHONE 524-9981 For Reservations please phone 524.2191 13.enmiller Inn ASTWIND olio WILY OUTRAGEOUS! Nestled in 13enthiller, Ont., just 7 kilometres east of Coderichon - Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 8 LICENCED UNDER THE L.L.B.O.