HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-28, Page 18*1 Hire students for gsbridge summer pro Askes Bros. Construction „111 1111 I WI Custom Homes Cottages - Additions Farm Buildings Renovations .Free Estimates BERT WINGHAM, 357-3053 — - RICHARD LUCKNOW, 528-2726 KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WINGHAM, ONTARIO TEL. 357-1087 ,NINI11111$111111111110.111111NIRS Come to • Telephone 529-7848 I . RR 7 Lucknow )ntarlo CAMERON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING' SALES SERVICE - INSTALLATION Commercial - industrial - Residentiai JACK CAMERON Guaranteed Service LUCKNOW APPLIANCE CENTRE" SALES AND SERVICE CALL KEN OR PETE 528-2946 Box 580 Lucknow, Ont. - PROPANE FILLING STATION Products For Farm, Home and Industry Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 BURNER SERVICE Montreal MocGillivray & Co. T Br orontoon ampt Hamilton CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS St. Catharines Port Colborne Listowel Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Goderich 380 Wallace Ave., N., Listowel, Ontario 291-1251 40 The Square Goderich, Ontario, 524-2677 Paw 116---Lucknow SeOW, iVednesdeg 28, of Gary Courtney. Chris was in opening her gifts by her sister, Frances and her mother, Mrs, Elizabeth . Battye and Gary's mother, Mrs..Joe Courtney. On Wed:. escla.y---evenint Mrs oe gin.. Conrtney attended a corn, munity shower in Blyth for. Chris. Floyd Courtney was to .Loudon on Wednesday to the 'University Hospital where he had one of the casts retnnved from his leg. He expects tohave the other east remoV- ed the beginning of June., Patrick Frayne returned home from St. Joseph's Hos-4 pitai, London on Wednesday, where he had been a patient following an eye injury the previous.week, He returns •to London this ,"week for a check Turn to page 190 DELORES.Van OSCH • Two • students have been hired for the summer at St. Jeseples School, Marianne is hired under the Experience '80 program -sponsored-by-the,.MinistrY of Education'. She is a project leader who will be surveying Ashfield Township looking at attitudes of the• citizens to- wards education, and cultur- al and recreational facilities in the township. Marianne, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyle, West Wawanosh, has corn-., pleted her second year at the University of Guelph study- ing human biology. She started her new duties on Monday, May 12 and will be attending a leadership on workshOp, May 20, 21 and 22, at Lake Couch- idling. Three more students are to be hired under this program. • The second Student hired isJoanne Agnew, who will ,be Playground Supervisor for- the Simmer Playground which-will...begin its ..second summer in July, Joanne, .a Sheridan College student, is the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Agnew, Lucknow. This is her second summer employ- ed in this position. At least one more student will' be hired as her assistant. The entertainment com- mittee of ;the Kingsbridge Area Seniors held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Bern- adine Kinney on Friday, May • 16 with chairman, Don Frayne, presiding. Commit- tee members are Fran Rieg- ling, Pat Howard and Lillian Simpson. They met to start planning their prograin. guidance'of. Mrs. Barb Eedy, Clarence Doherty will, be in religion teacher.. • charge of bingos to be, held in Sundkr dinner guests with the chureh hall, 'Kings- Mr.. and Mrs. Antone Van bridge, every second Tues. Qsch and family were Mrs, day evening. Yvette. Heffernan, Miss Congratulations to Mike Blanche Bilodeau, Waterlonz and-Joan-Courtne3L....c)n-the.—Terry.---Heffornan,--Stratforcl, arrival of their new son, born Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heffernan Sunday, May 18. Gregory and Mark, Luca_ut; Mr. and Thomas is a new brother for Mrs. Albert Heffernan; Edward. Doug, Wayne, , and Lisa, This Week. Essex; Mr, and Mrs. John First. Holy Communion Sheardown, Ricky and Kim- was held Sunday at St. Jos- berly, St. Thomas.' eph's Church. Those making Several from the area at- theirfirst communion were tended the wedding recep- Jennifer Dalton (Clete),• tion in Lucknow on Friday. Rfionda Hogan (Tom), Sara evening for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brophy (George), Brian Red- Collinson, Kintail, a. mond (Ambrose), Brenda Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dren- Van Osch (Joe), Sandra Van not attended the wedding in Osch (Antone), Jennifer Stratford on Saturday, May. Martin (Ted), Lisa Cote 17 when Arlene Walters was (Ned), Stephen Tiffin (Bev- ,married. Arlene is the in). This class was under the daughter of 'Gerald Walters 'and. Mrs, Dorothy Walters of Strathroy. The Walters :once lived en, the ninth concession on_the farm now owned by Mr, and Mrs. Steve AndreW, SundaY visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Melis- o-and-Jenny--were-Shirley;5-n .parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDonald; her aunt, • Mrs. Gert Watson; her ,sisthr and husband, Mr. and MrS. Al Leckie, Tainroy and Tina', allot` Sarnia, and Ted's moth- er, Mrs. Marietta Martin, Kingsbridge. Sunday dinner guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Van Osch and family were Thelma's. parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Moyer"and brother, Percy of Ayton, and Mr, and, Mrs. Jack Van Osch, Luciano*. A community shower was held in the church hall on. Tuesday evening for Chris Telephone 528-3.913 Business Director et/4A pea. cc ‘gieetteap • KITCHEN. REMODELLING BATHROOM REMODELLING REPAIRS - "WOODSTOVES SOLD AND INSTALLED •• QUALITY WORKMANSHIP - FURNACE INSTALLATIONS CRAIG DITTRICH Ciartified Genetal-Cepenief o Box 3.09 CLIFF MANN- - LUCKNOW-r•ONTARIQ- leminimmummimir immiminummummin WINGHAM INVESTMENT' MEMORIALS Immr-Ammer•inimms,), FIRST CITY TRUST CO. Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative Rep: ALEX MacNAY MacKenzie Funeral Home LUCKNOW REP. STRATFORD MEMORIALS anommommommom GUARANTEED.-. GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res.-Phone 357-1015 THE STERLING TRUST CORP. Renovations _- Custom Built Stairs Windows and boors R. R. #1, Luclaww, Ont, Tel. 528-6842 tiat tYe Of Blyth, bride-to:be The Workshop, Wib & Dan Hartin R. R. 1, Dungannon, Ont. New Furniture Built Old Furniture —Repaired And Refinished FREE ESTIMATES Phone 529-7205 11118111111111111118111111111111101111811111111118 08grope.ors HOME - AUTO _COMMERCIAL . INSURANCE' AGENT JEAN WHITBY ,LUCKNOW . HEATING OILS' SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW DON RITCHIE ELECTRIC r All types of Electrical Work Generac Alternators Sales & Service . R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 529-7568 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 —Isseatiliosisisiemaismai IVIURRAY MOFFAT Electrical Contractor • LUCKNOW Phone -5-2R.29T3-61:392-6061 VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. For. Information On TRUST CERTIFICATES. INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN STANDARD TRUST Call Their Representative LLOYD [HAPyHALL - 528-2045- MacKENZIE and McCREATH FUNERAL HOMES A MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ing to your wishes at your Home,, your Church, or at our Funeral Home at no •additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 or Ripley, Phooir 395.2969 Garry Carruthers 395.5268 Day or Night Rep: Witigham Memorials musliemmliummam INSURANCE AUTO -FARM - HOME COTTAGES COMMERCIAL , INVESTMENTS R.R.S.P. and, Trust Certificates - Victoria and. Grey City Standard Premier Trust Companies McDOnagh Insurance Agency Ltd. BARRY.- ROD Phone 528-3423 or 528.2031 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111/1 SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 529.7403 FOR ESTIMATES Stanley Feed & Supply RIPLEY, ONTARIO Phone 395-5955 WM. R. NELSON ' CARPENTRY Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VANITIES Free Estimates Na Obligation LUCKNOW PHONE 528.2949 1111•11.111Milimmum R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST -.• GOD,ERICH The Square [Phone 524-7661j 11111mullomianuasiamm