The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-28, Page 17that was reqUestect
feature ?, Glorious May. Mrs.
Helen Dawson, gave the •
treasurer's report and snid
the women's share of, expen-
ses for the carpeting in the
church has been deposited in .
the .church account' and can
be paid immediately.
Mrs. Amy Wiggins report-
ed the stock of tea towels is
-getting low so it was decided
that each lady might donate
tea towel at next meeting.
A tasty Junch was, served
by Mrs. Doris Cowan and
in. Auburn in early October
and Dungannon U.G.W. is to
provide the Bible study. The
theme is "You Are My Wit-
passed but left with the
committee to find more infor-
mation about the salad plate
ness, Go Tell''
It was decided to have a
cleaning bee at the church on.
May 27. - 28 and everyone
who possibly can is urged to
Mrs. Bessie McNee made
a motion that the U,C,VV.
supply chocolate milk for the
children at the church picnic
on Sunday,, May 25 at Camp
Menesetung and this motion
was passed.
Mrs. Olive Blake made a
motion that the u.c,w. cater
to a.Queen's dinner during
IVIrs,,Nora Saunders read a
the anniversary and this was tvlia. Gloria PearSon,
'specializing in 'all fyPes of .
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Wallow Sentinel, WedneofloY, lily 1980—Pne 17 '
DmIgannon dub begin Qutd.00r Living course....
to . •
+ +
Gout is no—joke.- -
hurts. But The , Arthritis
Society reports that gout
can- •now be--completely.
controlled with
medication. The Arthritis
Society is working to
Page The • members were re-
arm at home before Field minded to .bring their flowerS
Day. Leslie Livingston crack-.. to be pressed and their
ed a, bone in his .arm: in an motley for cooking supplies
accident at home during the, to the next meeting,
DUNGAMON 4-fl The May meeting of the
The first Meeting of the U,C,W. was held on May 20
Dungannon '4-H• club, Out- at the home.of Mrs: Mny
door Living, was held Friday, Wiggins with 18 .members
May 23 at the home of Marie and visitors present. ,
Stewart. The members are Mrs, Marjorie Pentland
out by Marie park, Wilma Donald by Wilma Blake.
Blake and secretary, Marg Linda Cranston bowled the
Montgoinery, : playoff high single presented
Anna ;Johnstone presented by Anna. Johnstone. Two.
Wilma Elliott with the most ladies won `300' pins for
improved bowler' trophy for their games over -300, :Marg
last season. Wilma improved Wilson, 336„and Marie Park
her bowling by 25 PiPs, 326' Maxie Park presented new Officers for the coming
bowler, Ruth McKenzie with * season are preSident; Mary
'the most improved trophy., Lou Raynard; vice president,
Roth improved by 27 pins. Barb Tyler; secretary, Karen
Playoff 'Champs were the Allan and treasurer, Debbie
Cherries, arid. Marie Park Searle:
and Marg Montgomery pres- Card game winners were
,ented the, team trophies to Marj Humphrey, Marie
captain Anna Johnstone, Park, Gerda de. Jong and
Marg Wilson, Marie Halden- ' Sandra Rivett.,
by, Wilma. Blake, Dayle , As your president for the
Taylor,, Isabel Tiffin, .Lynn past • season, Marie Park
Wall,: Joanne. Whitney and hopes-everyone enjoyed their
Nancy Parrish. season of bowling, and will
The high triple for playoffs return in the fall.
Lila Stewart.
They discussed physical BYM
fitness and the equipment
needed far hiking and. The Ladies 9 'o'clock bowl-
camping. Each Mentber did ing league held their banquet
several exercises, including on. Monday, May 5th in the
an obstacle:, course, to Anglican Church Rail.
crease stamina.; ,strength, AnPa" Johnstoneled
skill and speed. , singing the grade 'before the
' 47. ladies sat down to enjoy a
delicious turkey supper.
*C Barb Helni thanked the
Team trophies were. pres-
ented to the Apples, who
were season champs by vice
president, Anna Johnstone
and treasurer, Wilma •Blake.
The ApPles teatnmembers
were captain Marie Parlip
Merle Rhody, Dianne Carter,
Mary Lou Raynard, Karen
Allan, Marj Humphrey,
Elaine O'Donnell and Kathi
Merle Rhody had the high
average for this season.
Marg Wilson bowled the sea-
sons high single and Linda
Sticklend had the high triple.
control Other types of
arthritiS as well.
Martha Curran, president;
Betty Errington, Irene Log- ' • di.
ael, Margaret McWhinneY, t s 9 :oclock league 7 tenberg, Rhonda McMieh- '
Elaine 0Monne11,- assistant
leaderf viai Pentlatid, Cathy • Snyder vice
vice president; Shar-
on Sproul, Christine Staple- OW m et
. ton, Annabel Stewart and .
opened the meeting with the
,theme, "God Sends •and We
Bear Witness", Miss Beth
McConneli read •the scrip-
ture. ,
Mrs. Marjorie Pentland
gave an interesting topic on ;a
rural minister in, Japan and
described life in a small
country church. there. She
showed a picture of Rev.
' Robert Witmer who has
served as a missionary in
Mrs, Amy, Wiggins took
. charge Of the-business.: Min-
utes were read by 1V1,rs.
Gloria Pearson, and approved
as read, • A letter 'from the
.Resource Centre was ' read
giving further information
about Camp Bimini which is.
in June.
The Fall Rally'is to be held
ARM PARK These trophies were handed was awarded to Chris Mc-
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