HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-28, Page 16fiAcCAUPS4 AWFAgt, ::.Aff04-Laval "PIPELINES-AND -PARLOURS 'SANITATION PRODUCTS *CHALLENGER 'FEEDING SYSTEMS •BULK TANKS ' teFARM 'SUP.PLIES 'NEW LIFE FEEDS r- [across from Zolier's Plaza] Hanover 3643376 •,••••-le ..147 Page 16--Luck newSentinel, Wetineedny, Nay 28, 1980 ungOnnon memories n te 4.a.nra BY MARIE PARK Jacknian's and Win. 'McClure e's. Four general stores, Ben years. funeral service was held on Friday with inter-. ment in Dungannon Cemet- ery. Sharon Corrigan daught- ' er Tara and Brian Moffatt of Ottawa visited with „Mrs, Lil McDonald on the holiday weekend.. Mrs, Corrigan is a niece of Mrs', McDonald, • Mr. and Mrs, John-Harris spent the weekend at their summer home on• Berry Street. Mr.. and Mrs. Weldon Rudow (Bertha Jones) of This week in occasion to celebrate his birthday. The event was ar- .ranged by his two daughters, Lynda McNee and Pat Thom- son. Several families ' enjoyed the fireworks at Allister and Carol Nivins' on Saturday evening. They held them ene week later due to the damp • *****.1,04*V‘WiFitit.U1Thik her 86th year. She was the wife of the late Reg Ryan, and' lived at Nile for many , identi know, Dungannon had a newspaper of its own back • in the early 1900s. An -• original copy of a 1915 :paper sentto K. K. Dawson by Mr. Benson Case, has been re- printed and is for sale at Dawson's store if anyone wishes a copy. About 75 persons gathered at the agriculture hall on Sunday, to honour Bill Reed of Goderich on his, retirement after 13 years from Champco in Goderich. It was also an Elmira visited With Mel Jones on Saturday: Cindy Brintliey spent the weekend with her' friend, Patti-Park. The Park, family were' all, together'on Sunday to help rad celebrate his 6th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Del Cook and Joanne of Homesville visited on Sunday , with Mr. and Mrs., Elmer Cook and Kevin. Mr. and Mrs. John Durnin of London spent the weekend at .their trailer home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hod- ges spent a few days last Week at Biscotasing, north of Sudbury. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mole attended the birthday cele- brations in Lucknow on Sun- day for his brother, Harvey Mole. Congratulations Harv- ey! As many of our older- res- The following memories liwreWritten by Wm. Linfield E. Anderson in 1979 before his death.,s Was just my mind about conditions and events.of bygone days 60 to 70 years ago, in my boy-, hood days around the village of Dungannon `and vicinity, Where I was born and went to school.' -- Dungannon in those days ,was 'quite a little business centre, two`hotels, the Mal-. longh House run by Everett Mallough and Mountain House mn by Jess Mountain. Two blacksmith shops, one ' operated by Wrh. Thompson and son Chas., and one operated by George Bradford and later by John Ryan with Ernest Segus .as,_as.sistant. Two tailor shops George Crawford* Sam Young's, Jap Walcome's ;.and Chas. Elliott's*. The post office was Oh by. the „Ryan girls_and— later by Thos, Stothers fam- i y. Jack Johnston's harness shop, - later run by Frank Jones, We usually had two milliner ships. Then we 'had two hardware stores, Robt. McKenzie's and James ard's son Nat, a barber shop operated by Wm. Mole for many years and later by Jarvis Anderson. Wm. Sproul had an under- taker and furniture business.. Later when the automobile started to come' into being, Lorne McKenzie started a repair shop and sales. place. Dungannon 'had plenty of Jivery. stables. The first one ] recall was operated by Don- aid McNeyin and later by Elea Augustine. Wm. Mc-, Clure, Harry Fowler and. Lew Govier operated livery stab- les at one time or. another ,„ We had a' to weekl newspaper, The Dungannon News, edited by Harry Bel- lamy and one bank,. The Sterling Bank of Canada. TWo doctors, Dr. Case and Dr. Bice who had small drugstore, later made into a grocery by-Percy Sanderson. At one time there were no trucks Or cars in the vicinity, and all supplies for mer- chants, was hauled frOm GOderich by horse drawn wagons.. Tom Johnston oper- ated a dray for some time; and later George Adams took over' the business. . This series of memories of Mr. Anderson's will continue in next week's issue, SOCIAL NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbings of Clinton on the birth of a 7 lb. 9 • oz. daughter, born on Monday, May 26. Anoiher grandchild for Mr.,, and Mrs. Gordon Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moran have purchased the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Smith. MarVin and Evelyn are leav- ing for their new home in Chatham at the end of the month. Mr:and-Mrs.-Moran are now living with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran, until they can move into their home. Sympathy is_, extended to the relatiVes of the late Mrs. Viola (Young) Ryan, who passed away at Huronview on Wednesday, May 21st in PrieStly was not born in England,but was,from: Acton, Ontario. On Srinday the threesorne visited with Mr. and °Mrs.' Sheldon Martin at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Web- ster were at Bolton on Sun- day, at the home 'of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Thomas and family. The other mem- bers of the family were also there to help Tom celebrate htTbirthday. Dungannon and Nile Un- ited Churahes held '. their Picnic. on Sunday aid the following are the games win- ners: , --Races, under 3 yrs., 'Janet Eggleston, Tara IvIcVVhirt- ney, Christopher Curran; un- der 5 yrs., Dana , Park, Sunshine Cowan, Lisa Sillib; kindergarten Tanya• Hodg- es, Peggy Brindley, Tracey Chambers; grade '1., Dennis Park, Allison Curran., Dar- lene Kerr; grade 2 Paula Vanderburg, Shannon • Mc- Neil, -Melissa Logteriberg; grade 3, Joey Curran, Dway- ne Kerr, Laurie Hayden; grades 4 and 5,. Vicky Van- derburgh, Brad Black, Craig McNeil; grades 6 and 7, Calvin Kerr, Caroline Dowds, Ken Logtenberg. 3- legged race, 6 and, under,: Tany Hodges and Peggy Brindley; Matthew 12, Sandra Curran and- Ar- lene Curran, Penny Hodges and Joan Riley, Kathy Cur- , ranw,ahnedobjaurrdyow rKerarc.e, 6 and under, , Tanya Hodges and Peggy Brindley, Matthew.",, Sproul and Joel Wright, Andrew Glen and. Tim Mc- . Nee; 9 • and under, Sherry Hodges and Laurie, Hayden; Peter Kerr` nd.vaYIe Kerr, Paula •Vanderburgh 4ndShnnc 1 2and undi: Sherry 10 Hodges and Angela' Glenn, Ken Log- tenberg ,and • Brad Black, Peter Kerr and Dwayne. ‘ a yne Kerr; over12, Dann DrPn nanandvaimaH°ng13iaoe Park and Bernice Glenn, Sherry Hodges and rletta G l enn ,: Sack RaCe, preschool, Angela- Glenn, Shannon Kerr; grades'4 and 5, Sherry Hodges, Vicky Vanderburgh, Angela Glenn;•grades 6, 7, 8, Sherry Hodges, Calvin Kerr, Paula Vanderburgh;-over 12, Judy', Kerr, Penny Hodges, Diane Park and Joan Riley (tied)'. Shoe Kick, preschool, Lar- issa Sproul, • Danny Kerr, Dana park; kindergarten and graded ; Billy Curran, Alliion Curran,•Jnel Wright; -grades 2 and 3, Joey Curran, Laurie- Hayden, Paula Vander , inirgh; • gra4es.' 4 to 8, Ken Legtenberg, Lavonne Cur- ran Heather Curran; over a ,a0b004 il For * Weddings * Anniversaries * .Birthdays * Any Special Occasion See our large selection of Jewelry and China We have a ' gift that's sure to please OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK , OWNERS — W. JOS, AND DEAN E. AGNEW FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS PHONE 528-3332 OR 528.3940 weather conditions the boll- `day •weekend. ' A report in from the enter- taininent committee cone in lag the 125th birthday cele brations reminds us' of the.. dance to -be held at the community centre hi Luck- now, and of a donkey base- ball game on dune 15th. Mrs. Douglas Priestly of Bradford, England, spent several days last week with Jim and Margaret. Erringtott, The two ladies have cones- pended for 40 years. Mrs.' Olson 's Gravel Pit Low prices & quantity discount's FINE, MEDIUM OR COARSE PIT RUN SAND, STONE DUST, CEMENT AND ROAD GRAVEL 4" under, 5/8, 3/4, and Drainage Stone Backhoe, Septic Tanks, Area Beds Dozer, Scraper, Leveler Available For A Good Level Job Call or See freeman Olson Dungannon, 529.1942 ungannon Sillib; kindergarten and Danny Kerr; Jody Riley, Lisa b Marie Park grade 1, Dennis Park, Tanya v Hodges, Linda Hayden; gra- des 2 4114 37. Hodges 12, Diane'Park, JoanRiley, Donna Hayden. BROOKSIDE BROADCAST By Lisa Brown and Annette Cumin Room 8',spent, two days, May 20 - 21, camping at Camp Menesetung with sup- ervising teachers Mr.- Chas- , and Mrs. Shelley Worsell. • Brookside held Field Day on Thursday, May 22_ in beautiful weather: The win- • tiers and runners-up are as follows: senior boys,- Rick 1 , Livingston 28 points,,, Bill 'Weitna 26 points;, enior girls, Janice Cook 28 points, Wilma Vandervelde 26 points; intermediate boys, Wayne Bos 30 points, Rich- ard Ireland 20 points; inter- Sproul and Joel Wright; ,mediate girls, Nancy Car Sproul 28 points, Darlene Danny Kerr and Jeffrey Kuik 15 points; junior boys, Brindley; 12 '' and under, John Vandetielde 25 points, Caroline Dowds and Vicky Vanderburgh, Ken 'Logten- Kenny Logtenberg 22 points; berg and Brad Black, Craig Junior.igirls, Ltirelee Howes McNeil and Jim Wright; over 23 points, Christine Gibson 16 points; midget boys, Scott Hackett 28 points, tied for second • Jeff Burgsrna 12 points and Tracy Tyler 12 points; midget girls, Shelley Good 25 points, Kim Tyler 15 points; primary boya, Joey Curran 17 points, Philip Lue- demann 15 points; primary girls, Ainslie Martyn 22 points, Melissa Logtenberg 12 points: Since each student. could dilly enter in six events, Wayne Dos had a perfect score, coming in first with five points for each of his six events. On Friday, May 23, Mrs. Anderson invited Miss Den- ise Kennedy of Teeswater to the school to demonstrate good posture .for the grade 8 girls, specifically how to Walk• gracefhtty—fer "their gradda- - tion exercises in June. Miss Kennedy is a student in. Theatre Arts at Ryerson. College, Toronto. Wayne Burgsma broke his Tam to page 170