HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-28, Page 13." ; • t..1" .4., A11.14.4.411F •
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imanosy sentinoi,s Iviont4dail May 28,.190011/444.0.
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The 116th anniversary ser-
vice of Chalmers, Presby-
terian church was. held Sun-
day. The church was decor-
ated' with beautiful bouquets
of lilacs, tulips and other.
IprIngilowers. Tlie Elaiiist,
.• - Mrs:- Jean Rossi - clerk.- of
session,• Walter Elliott and.
minister Rev. J. W. Bell B.A.
• Rev. J. Bell gave the 'call to
„ 'worship and Invocation pray-
er. The responsive reading
was, He who dwells in the
shelter. A trio, Clara Milli-
gan, Lori Pardon and Kareti This week.,in Young.sang Jesus and •Me.
The, children's hymn was
the children's- story .. was ITEC
'Lead on.0 King Eternal and
given .by Rev. J. Bell.
The scripture lesson was by Valetta Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wil-
son and Miss Merle Wilson
were Sunday evening: callers
on Mrs, Cassie. Mowbray. '
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Laidlaw were. Sunday even-
ing callers on Mr. and Mrs.
Bill -Pardon,
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Purdon
were Saturday visitors •with
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Carey of
Mr. arid Mrs, Relison Fal-
cones,; of Sarnia brought her.
deoo.rrnesPondence :was read by
the secretary, Mrs, Bill. Pur,
The roll'Call was answered •
by eight members with a
y_srAsfroin the Bihle about _
.a . poem, 'Forgiveness and
Mrs.. Wes Tiffin led in
prayer. Mrs. JOhn Bell gave
the report of the Synodical.
' The ladies '•Aid discussed
flowers for the church aitni,
versary Sunday. The,pffering
Was received and dedicated.
'riee was sung ' and a
deliciOns lunch ,served.' Mrs:
Wesley Tiffs gave the'cour-
teay remarks,
read by Rev. Dr. Robert
r;ArmStrong...The choir sang
the anthem,: When:the roll is..
;called up Yonder. Rey: Dr.
R. Armstrong gave the Hom
ily, By Grace: Through
followed by prayer,
Atthe evening service the
call to Worship• was given by
Rev. J. Bell. The scripture
lesion was read by Rev. Dr.
R. ArinstrOng. A trio, I know
who *Ads': to-morrow, was
sung by Clara:Milligan, 'Lori
Pardon and Karen Young.
The Homily, Teacher and
Learners, was given by Rev.
_Dr.-Robert. Armstrong.. -
The 98th anniversary sere'
vices of WhiteChureh United
church will be held June 8th
at 11.00 a.m. and: 8. P:m.
Guest speaker-is 'Rev. R. C.
Putman, Pine River,
Attending the Bruce South
District ,Women's' Institute
annual at Bervie on Tuesday.
were Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs.
Russel McGuire, Mrs, Rena
Eikher, Miss Merle Wilson
and, Mrs. Elgin Johnston.
- The ladies' of the Presby-
/feria* church held a cleaning
bee at the church on Tues.
dai.' •
' Mrs. Tony Straker's Moth-
er, •Mrs. Alice Rollings of
Toronto is staying with Mr.
and Mrs. Tony Straker for a
couple of months this, sum-
' mer.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evaas
of Hyde Park were Sunday
afternoon visitors with his
parents? Mr. and Mrs. Bill
EVans. •
This community extends
their sincere sympathy to
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry,
student preacher at the Unit-
ed Church; whose daughter,
Lori was killed in a car
accident Friday evening.
The Hall Board held an
Old Time dance in White-
church Community Memorial
Hall on Friday evening with
music- supplied by. Tiffin's
Orchestra. A good sized •
crowd was in attendanee.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif-
fin and Mrs. Cassie Mow-
bray were in Luckno* on
Saturday assisting Mrs.
- George Tiffin move into her
Moore, a former storekeeper
here at 'Whitecharch.
and •Mrs. ',Carl Mc-
. Clenaghan on Friday evening
, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Des Roches and family of
London and attended the
- Charlie Pride show: -
Mts. Cora Yaill of South-
ampton; Sister. of Mrs. Stew-
art of Wingham, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.• Dan Tiffin, Mrs. Tiffin,
is a niece of Mrs.^ Yuill.
Rev. and• Mrs, Keith Hum-
phrey, James and Christoph,
er left •on Monday morning
for his new charge at York-
• Mrs. Fred Davis 'of La '
Salle• spent a• few days last
week with' her triother:, Mrs: -
Agnes Farrier.. •
• •
The W.M.S. May Meeting
was held on Wednesday, .
May '21 at the home of Mrs,
Bill Rintoal. As the program
leaders were absent, the pro- •.
gram Was planned by the
'eight members present and
each took a part in pres-
eating it. •
The meeting Was opened.
with the call, to worship by
Mrs. Roel°y
leeAdBotheet. SMejlis: Bill Rintoul
ture. The tneditatioAWhat_
is a Christian,• was read by
Mrs.--Don• -Ross-i -RoelY -
de mBrose, r n
R ntporuaiyer ."
read the:
poem, Don't Quit.
The minutes were read by
the secretary,. Mrs. Bill Par-
don and approved, The busi-
ness followed. lite PresbY-
terial atBluevale on :June 9th
was discussed• as ,was , ,the
June 6.
Women's Camp
at Kintail,
mOther,,MrS: Hazel Stacey of
Wingham; to her hoine in
Wingham 'on Saturday arid
also YiSited with his Mother,
Mit. Cassie :Mowbray,
Guests for anniversary ser-
vices ‘ With Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Elliott were . Mrs.
Agnes Elliott, VVinghain; and
Crystal*IConnings and Ryan
. of Delmore.
Mrs. Agnes Farrier recent-
ly accompanied Mrs. Olive
Gillespie on a, tour to, Penn-
inch:Kling Gettys-
burg; • Lancaster_and_ other
• On Satarday Mrs. Agnes
Farrier, Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw,
Mrs. Lorne Durnin attended
a, bridal shower for Janet
Bushell held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs..Ronald Gillei-
pie• of Kinlough:
Weekend guests with Miss
Mildred McClenaghan were
Mr. and ,Mrs. Percy Meaen-
aghan of Kitchener and Mrs,
- -Mr. and Mrs: Gordon
Rintoul and. Mr. and Mrs,
Bradley. Speiran of Brussels •
visited, Sunday. ith Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Rintoul Canil
Kimberley and. Debbie of
BradfOrd. :
Mr. arid Mrs. Ralph Cam-
eron,. and Mrs. Luella Me- .
Pherion of :L,ucknow, were
Sunday callers on Mr. and
,.. Mrs. Bill Rintoul.
Mr.• and Mrs. Rassell Mc-
Guire on Friday attended a
cousins funeral at Thorn,
Visitors daring -anniver-
sary weekend with Rev: and .
Mrs. 'John Belt were Rev. Dr,
and Mrs, Robert' Armstrong,
Rev. and Mrs. Keith Hum-
phrey, Christopher” and Jam-
, es, Michael Jolicoeur of
Montreal, Mr: and Mrs. Rus-
sel Humphrey and William of
TorontO, Mr. and. Mrs. Ar-
• thur Kirkalby, Angela and
Jason of Edmonton.'
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