HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-28, Page 5Editor% Note: The following is a letter received last Week by .the chairman...Of heritage committee for Dtingannon's 125th birth day celebration, K. K. Dawson of Dungannon. The writer, Ben. Cale, is the son of well known Dungannon doctor and he will be attending the August celebra- tion. Dear Mr. Dawson:. , I was tremendously impressed to hear ,of the progress` yOu and your committee are . making. towards the success of. the birthdaY celebration. next August. You. Must be accumulating quite an expense account before you receive any 0 x~ror~mer~t to sere 1890) and besides, 'You can't take it with " you." Besides it goes for a good cause. I :will be looking' forward to being among those present in, August. Sincerely,. After more than a year of grOwing public concern and POlitical rhetoric on all sides, Ontario Envirenment Minist- er Harry Parrott has .finally taken the first small step towards resolving, the acid rain piabIetTi:ly announcing his intention to serve a pollution control order on the massive INCO Smelter at Sudbury', Parrott has hope- fully broken through the psychological barrier that „seemed, to encourage endless research into acid rain, but littIe actual control. The .neiv control order will require INCO to cut, its, emissions of sulphur dioxide to 1,950 tons per day by the end Of 1982. Not surPriSing- ly, the company is complain- , ing that this 25% decrease ' from theii present emissions could interfere with their future pfeketproduction,, and that the cost will run into tens of Millions of dollars. But to save the lakes and forest • threatened by acid , rain, this first step is a con- servative one. An Ontario legislative committee last year suggested a target for INCO of 1500 tons per day. Federal Environment Min- ister John Roberts called for a reduction of SQ - 60%, with some of his officials talking about the possibility of 1000, tons Per day as a realiStic Even rthat figure aboie the 750 tons per day that was 'Proposed in an :earlier control order for INCO, lifted by the provincial government two, years ago. The Federation of Ontario Naturalists has labelled Par- rott's move "a good ,begin- fling", but called for, immedi. 'ate disCnssion.of other tech- niques`to force INCO's efrits- smelter sions to a lower level with a minimum of delay. As well, a coalition of groups fighting acid rain has called foi early action on thecoal-fired gen- erating stations owned by .conrariallydro_to..-reduce-the- sulphur dioxide sent up their stacks. Not all the impetus for Parrott's crackdown on RICO comes from within Ontario. Canada desperately needs an air pollution treaty with the Americairr government, and Mr. Roberts was obviously told when he Iiisited Wash- ington that Canada had bet- ter clean up its own back yard before it could expect action abroad. The INCO superstad, the largest`single source of sulphur dioxide in North America, has become a symbol of the acid rain battle. That symbol)sm-was not lost on Mr. Parrott when he suggested that his actions to control INCO should sig- nificantly strengthen Can-- ada's hand in international negotiations. Char7Man't- Wioew. : yCloth n Everyday . Luc irk ea es it Letter to t e editor income in two months time and, as I have been maintaining that the government __shouldn't-be paying the-old-age pensfon--: --- to those who could manage without it, I am enclosing a cheque equalling the'May. payment recently received. I am well, ahead of the pension game, as I am long passed the three Score years and ten and ten 'more (born December 7, I3en Case. VVork Wear CANADIAN MADE 51.zea to 60 • Jeans & Cor Sizes 4.54. SUMMER JACKE13 20°/ 0 5284526 LOSE TO SLUGGERS • . The Noisy. Ladies went to Clinton en May 22 to play the Clinton Sluggers in a gime where' Clinton's hex contin- ued o haunt—thern-; :The -ed-'for June 2 in Goderich. Noisy Ladies seem to save their worst baseball for the Clinton diamond and this game proved no different as they suffered an 18 - 17 Collect defeat. Lucknow fell behind early, Ai but they finally took the lead -45 70 with an eight run rally in Lucknow squad with every their last at bat and went out player getting Tar least one 'to the field with a 3 run lead hit. The Noisy Ladies scored to protect. Two of the first 3 for batters were retired but the roof fell in and with the help . of Lucknow's sloppy fielding and throwing errors, which plagued them through the game, Clinton scored' the necessary four runs to win the 'game. Judy Draper again was Ludnow's offensive punch as she hit 3 two run homers. Barb Helm also connected The Annual Canvass for funds for the Canadian Can- cer Society has been success- fully completed again in Ashfield Township with a total of $1,765.70 being collected. Thanks are ex- tended to all the donors, to the 'canvassers, Brian Drap er, Rita Tigert, Doris Daer, x:,`4 Ron Hodges, Helena Young, Isabel Eedy, Elsie Irvin, Kathy Olson, Olive Chishom, Hercii -Nicholson, Amy. Wig. gins, Judy Kerr, Mary Mole, Cyril AUstiti, Anita Hogan, Mary Luanne Clare, Wilfred Hackett, Isabel. Hunter, Thelma Van Osch; Dorothy Finlayson, Betty Monctief, and Elaine Collins, and to the team captains, Rita Tigert, Isabel Eedy, and. Rita How- ard. Thanks are also due to the--Pont-:Albert---atea-resid— ents who sponsored 'the Gtiderich bike-a-thon partic- ipants, whose donations are not included in the above amount. for a three run home, run and solid hitting was shown by Nancy_, Cameron : and__ Pat Beak who both hit 4 for 5 on the night. The next game is schedul- cancer Celebia(0 seventy years of Guiding deputy, and. Miss C. Joan Woodland, • executive director, will welcome visitors. Displays, pamphlets and knowledgeable people will answer questions and give information. A highly visible service project is the CNE Name Tag Service for toddlers and children, and. so popular with parents. Girls in Guides, Path- Torn to page 26• BY MAILTOR1B HACKETT The Lucknow Noisy•Ladies_ commenced 'their 1980 seas- on with: the Central Huron Ladies Softball League by praying- their-first game at Goderich on May 12 against the Goderich' Gold Diggers. This resulted in the ;Noisy Ladies thrashing their rivals by ,a score of 32 - 8. The 'game, shortened to five innings because of a '15 run mercy rule featured an abundance of walks to the 15 inns in the first inning and coasted : from there for the win. Judy Draper was the offen- sive star ,for the Noisy Lad- ies, hitting a bases loaded home Tun, bases loaded triple and 'a ,two run 'double giving her RBIs for the night. Arlene Turner and Debbie Price also connected for home runs. Seventy y Guiding halie achievement celebration in May 24, Open be held across the country in offiCes of every Provincial Council,' Girl Guides of Canada. In the Ontario Council's office at 50 Mertaipltreet, Toronto, Mrs. Lillian Gracey, provincial commissioner, Mrs. Mary O'Brien, her Exterior Paints X61 Exterior Latex Can be tinted to colour required 4 inch Drainage Tubing Perforated and nonlerforated 100 ft. and 250 ft. rolls ars 'of assed - an orthy of 1980. On ouse Will