HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-21, Page 18Lucknow'
Legion Mooting
TwisditY, May 27
Hockey Dance
Saturday, May 31st
Lucknow Community Centxe •
Page 18-7.11AttitnOW Sentinel, Wednesday, May 211 11,98:0
1011,4104,40.10 ,0*.ttio
.2BEDROOMBINGALOW, small lot, -:1 block from post
*office. $26,500
HANDYMAN SPECIAL 2 room, frame dwelling in
Lucknovv, $10,500. .
ESTATE HOME LUCKNOW, 1 storey bungalow, with
block from. Main Street. Must sell.
PRICED REDUCED - 3 bedroom bungalow, with
recreation room, paved drive. Asking $37,900. Vendor
2 SERVICED LOTS = in Lucknow, measuring 66' x '165'
in new subdivision. Asking $16,500.
HOUSE ON 1.3/4 acres. 4 bedroom,- large kitchen. Lots
of trees and creek crossing the property. Priced to sell.
1 BEDROOM frame dwelling, electric heat, well
.insulated, space for 2nd bedroom and another
apartment. Low taxes.
2 ACRE' country lot, new well with frame building
partially remodelled for dwelling, $15,000.
DAIRY FARM - 250 acres, 3 silos, 2 barns, implement
shed, 2 stable cleaners, 4 bedroom brick home,
swimming pool.
BEEF FARM - 508 acres, 3 barns, 3 pit and 1 upright
silo, and two 3 bedroom homes.
100 ACRES - Ashfield Twp., good buildings, 90
workable, highway location.
100 ACRES - large barn, five acres of bush, and 3
bedroom house, Kinloss Township, $99,500.
1 STOREY, 3 bedroom, fully carpeted, rec. room,
carport) Lucknow.
We are In need of listings
Res. 5297417 Res. 528.3821
Near Goderich, just listed, 100 acres with 90 workable,
10 acres biUh, every good-buildings.
750 ACRES.
Large beef set-up. Cash crop land. Morris Twp.. near
Blyth. -Corn drying set-up. Good buildings.
GODERICH TOWNSHIP 165 acres. 108, good cash .
crop. Partially systematically drained.
100 acres. 70 workable. 15 acres hardwood bush. Real
good buildings. '
land. 'Good buildings.
NEAR DUNGANNON - -Hog operation.- 100—acres.
Excellent buildings.:
acres: No,, buildings.
NEAR BLYTH Hog farrow'to finish. Also beef set up.
147 acres. 2 HarvestOre silos. Modern set up with good
Near Nile. 50 acres:, 20 workable, 30 acres hard*ood
and cedar bush and stream. Good investment property.
NEAR LONDESBORO - Beef and hog set up. 290 acres.
New home. Hardwood bush. Good buildings.
SHFIELD TOWNSHIP—Beef-Set up: 200 acres. Level
• • • ••••••,,,,,
% :$**4
Logs and Standing
All Species
Also Pallet Timber
Dungannon 529-76
77 ACRES in Kiri, Os: Twp.
stone house,,' dew Mot new
septic system and',hew dril-
'led well, Barn 52x60. Owner
1 will a ccept a $30,,000 down
payment and held a first .
mortgage for the balance
with no interest for the first
with; restyled •4 • bedroomd
42 ACRES on Hwy. #4 near
• .Wingham good, two \storey
. brick house with convenien-
'ces, barn 60 x 60 for hogs.
LtICKNOW - Three bedroom
hane in good. residential
area - house nicely decorated
with- flying room, dining
room, • and kitchen, exterior
aluminum sided - low .asking
ONE ACRE lot on Hwy. #86
between Lucknow and Ant-
berley. Good place , for a •
_ house or a small businesS,
Asking $7,900.
KINLOSS TWP. 113 acres,
79 acres good corn. land.
Holls is restyled with new ,
family room. Barn 57 x 60
with steel toof,5000 bu. steel
granary, pit silo and the ,
asking price is only $89,000. j
'•Offers considered.
Phone 357-3208
- -Rep. L. W. Hutton
Real Estate Ltd.
Broker,, Kincardine
lirtotoostio'ialootte ,
The Entertainment ommittee of Dungannon 125th
birthday celebration *land Wce to thank the follOwing
marchantsond businesses for ibeir RenerOos IR:POI of
our.'very , Successful '.."Vegas" night last. Saturday
evening aid to .the Kinsmen Clubs .for. the &tie board
and those who, attP0orted, tie
• Sherweodi Store, VV, Wawaans., Obriens, Gerd Smith
Carpet, Cashway,' 'Discount Daves, Kentucky Fried
Chicken, Jana Health Foods, Terry and Warren Zinn,
real- estate, Bains Groceteria, Luckriew hockey
Sears.auto body, C & M Transport; Johnstone's
Furniture, Lynn Hoy, Charntans, Eedys B'akery,
Ashtons,, Bill's-Variety, Cedar Hill, and Super Scoop and
Lucknew Machine' 'Shop;Eank of Commerce, Harvey
Culbert, FrankForan, Donna Sue McClenaghan,..Huron
Landscaping, -'Hamilton's B.P., Fina, Les Petter's,
McDonagh's Real Estite & Ins ., Sepoy Stationery,
Lucknow Appliance Centre, Chisholm Fuels; G &, E
- Sales & Service;-Lueknow-Cut and-Curl, Doug Brown
Coniractors Sproul Electric DaWson'S* Hodges
200 - acres on edge of Goderich. 147 workable.
Hardwood bush. Gravel deposits. Driving shed.
Exdellent remodelled house. Good corn and cash crop
Near Kincardine. 150 acres workable land. All
equipment. Priced for immediate sale.
Choice serviced building lots in the growing residential
area in Goderich. Plan your new home, now.
Several choice business locations in • the growing
Goderich area. 4 lane highway serviced lots adjacent to
Suncoast Mall.
For these farms, or if you are buying or selling, contact
R. A. (Gus) Chisholm. Phone 524-8554 or 'Business
Alexander & Chapman
AMBERLEY one acre lot on which is a family home,
new addition 'about 5 years old, 4 and 2 piece bath,
electric furnace about 2% miles from Lake' Huron on
paved road.
WHITECHURCH 5 bedroom frame home; all newly
renovated carpeted with .' 2, 3 piece baths and oil
furnace plus small barn.
GODERICH - 3 bedrdom frame home on lot 50. x 132,.•
built in 1952, locnied on :Cambridge Street,. excellent
value at the list price, '$29;500. Immediate Possession,
APARTMENT BUILDING:, -Bruce Connty, 6 units of
brick Construction with coin washer and dryer.
Excellent financhig available,. attractive investment"
opportunity. Inquire for further information.
LOCHALSH - an excellent Highway location with. good
solid building to accommodate a business, pips a.
well maintained separate 3 bedroom honie. -Priced to
-DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom home with 4 lets. This older
home has 4 pc. bath, sunporch and electric hear, asking
$29,500. •
LUCKNOW eornfOrtable 2 bedroom bungalow, full
length sun, porch, all electric heat, on an exceptionally
nice lot, asking $21,000.
RIPLEY AREA; brick home on 2 acres,, good solid 4
bedroom, oil heat, priced at $25,000. Owner will
. consider holding a first mortgage.
504 ACRES, approx. 400 choice cash' crop workable.
Homes and buildings are well maintained, barns are
well set up for beef and hogS, crop is' in the ground and
may be sold with• the farm or fall possession is
ASHFIELD TWP. - 118 acres, - approximately 23
workable acres, recently constructed residence,
balance bush, .river valley; *potential camp site, ,Port
Albert area.
300 ACRES - Ashfield Township, 3 bedroom home,
every convenience; barn has capacity for 45 sows,
flashing 1000 yearly; liquid manure storage.
150 ACRES - Ashfield Tvip., approximately 95 acres of
tile drained, level cash crop land; 4 bedroom home with
new family room; barns could handle 50 to 60 sows.
100 ACRES - West Wawanosh, no buildings, approx-'
imately 15 acres of hardwood bush.
We have inquiries for farms, both large and
small acreages. If you are thinking of selling,
give us a call, we would be pleased to talk to
-Warren & Terry Zinn
R. R. # 2, LUCKNOW,
PHONE 529.7350
BO* collectors and
just Vain readers are.. wel-
come Saturday) June 7 at
Huron County's; largest Used
book' sale at Mentorial Hall in;
Yth ,
Sponsored by the 13lyth
Centre.for the Arts, the sale
brings together t ousan s of
paperback an& hardcover `
books, many .of them riced
at only 25 centa, There'll be.
special* sections' of children's
books, Canadiana, and refer-
ence books* as well as, a huge
choice of fiction; in the same:
building that houses the
nationally' famouS Blyth
Simmer FeStiival.
Home.baked ;goods; and,
refreshments,will be avail-
able throughout the book
sale, whithi mnns.fro 1O.to 4.
As well,-book,browsers and
buyers will be able to take
specially conducted sneak
preview tours of the new
quarter *million .d011ar addi-
tion to: the theatre. •
A community :talent sfiow
will be held SaturdaY night,
on stage at Memorial Hall.
There's no admission charge
to. the book sale.. Memorial
:Halt is located ,B1Yth*
main. street.
8'0 .Acres
." W;. Hughes
. •
Rita •MilmA24 011 3!
:Ras. 324,14se
Realty Limited
GocierIch 5244117