The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-14, Page 27.SKELT.ON' MEMORIALS
A large stock of monnments at fair priceS,
Available for evening appointments
ive Your chickens
A Head Start'
Swift Special Chick Starter
—containing everything they need for fast
growth and good feathering -
We Also Have Swift Duck-Goose Starter.
Mobile Feed Service
*know 528-3534
Spacious 3 bedroom' family home feaiuring huge
kitchen with lots of cupboards. A finished ree
room and children's playroom adds to this home
at only $44,900.00.
Brick and Aluminim 3 'bedroom, home. Needs
your finishing touch outside. Features' walkout
from kitchen. Asking $41,000.00.
2 storey, 4 bedroom home on 2 acres. This home
has a summer kitchen and large rooms, and a • cedar deck and attached garage. Asking
6 lots in Lucknow' in new subdWision. Asking
$7,000.00 each.
Gary McWilliams
[Sales Director]
relOCOn 396-723i or 396-7561
rlIstocatlin Sinks",
Makeiyour next move'
a family affair
ngsid womanhomy e ho
Lucknow Sentinel Wednesday, May 14$ 1980—Page 27
We hope all mothers had a
any Mother!s Day on
A farewell card party and
ante was held for Charlie
aylor and Gordon, Clifford
rid Mervin Huffman; all
roin-,-the ,tangsule area,
he Whitechurch hall on
aturday evening. Charlie
aylor has moved to Luck-
ow and the Huffmans have
old their farm.
Glenn England of Van- ,
couver is undergoing, another
operation, on 'his leg 'which
was Injured in an automobile
accident last November.
Glenn is a son 'of Mr. and
Mrs., Donald gtigland of near.
and Mrs, Frank Bongertman
on the 'birth of a baby girl,
cherYlLionna, on April 22. A'
new granddaughter for 'Mr.
and Mrs., Albert Botigertman
of Lucknow, . .
Mrs,. ,Roelie de Boer, re-
turned home, last week after
aftending her parenti" 55th
wedding :anniversary AX1, Hol:
land; '
Mr. 'and Mrs. Bob Breg-
Hank Bregman of Goderich,
who is a patient in LondOn
hospital, on' Friday ,evening..
Dinner guests with' Mr,
and Mrs,. Len Coughlin and
family on Sunday ere Mr,
and Mrs. Clifford Young,
,William and' Russel and
Debbie Ferguson..
A congregational meeting
was held after the church
service at the Whitechurch
Preshyterian Church on Sun-_.
clay at whiCh time it was
decided to have the inside of
the church painted.
joins walkat on in wheelchair
REED • Thompson participated in' The work was ° started, r e a ding that.Russian
Suddenly at her home in the recent Bluevale walk- but not completed and soldiers had killed so.
inloss Township on Friday, n a-thon in a unique way. whe weather turned cold school girls in
ay 9, 1980, Deborah (Deb- She completed. half . the the water pipes to • Mr. A f g ha ni s ow n
ie) Jane Webster, dear wife course in a Wheelchair. Bailey's building froze recently.
f William G. Reed, beloved - Sandra set her goal to and tenants were without He said the Saviets
other of Birdie, Mrs. Ar- complete five miles of the water and parking space should be challenged to
hie Nicholien, Lucknow; ' 10 mile course and "she did The $1,000 Mr: Bailey is explain why their "brave -
eon, Mrs. Ben Brown, God. exactly that requesting would cover soldiers" it -
Ron Adains, who the $500 worth of gravel neCessary. to -kill school
rich; -Eunice, Mrs. Ford started out on his walk and grading he had done' Children.
f Groderich; Dick; Hazel unningham, Lucknow; Bill with about $745 in pledges to the parking lot before Councillor Campbell
ark, Michigan; and Howard
f Windsor.,Also survived by
Five miles by wheelchair o would be done during a
BRUSSELS - Sandra 'warm spell last January.
resolution and said .he
Was physically sick after
resting on him .
:also ,
istrict news
ster. of Edmonton and .Evart wound up with : ap r he "'knew the.' tank :was
Webster 'of .Kirkland Lake.,
Predeceased by her parents, P Y pledges. Daniel K. Webster and Eliza
beth Lane, a son, Harold,
two grandchildren, three
rothers , -and--one--sister. is . theTeurb. 'At present-one— -Trhat's-- their problem " BLYM-4WaSen Bailey , , Rested at the MacKenzie and tenant haS refUsed to pay as was done in the:case of tired of Sympathy. His McCreath Funeral Rome in c9eflict with the eon_ her rent because of the the . Hungarians and
Liicknow until Monday, MaY inconvenience. '''-- Czech, traetor over the 'new 12, 1980 When the funeral addition to the Memorial Village CounCillor Tone
was. Hail has come to a head 110 held 'at 2 . p.m. with Cronin suggested. that AI •-01• go , • 011 0 11111.111. -
with a bill for $1,000.' He Arts directors and leave
said that the bill will pay council .out of the matter.
for out-of-pocket ex-
holding tank on Mr.
-Vir-ingirant'and Distriet-
Harris James F'urdon of 52
ital on-Thursday;-May 1Tef
The death occurred in
that while footings for the
BaileY's lot. ,
Bristol Terrace, VVingham. addition were being put
He was in his 79th year. in, the drainage overflow
Mr. Purdon was born on from the septic tank was
June 17, 1901, in, West flowing into the footings.
Wawanosh Township, a son A new tank had to be
of the late James C. Purdon installed and the con-
and Barbara Jane Stein. He tactor assured Mr.
was a member of Chalmers Borgal that the work
Presbyterian Chureli, White:
He worked as a grader
operator On highway con-
Left to mourn his passing
is one sister, Mrs. Calvin
(Jean) Robinson, R. R. 1
Belgrave; one brother, Wil-
liam R. Purdon, White-
church; three nieces and two
nephews. He was predeceas-
ed by one brother, Elmer D.
Purdon, formerly of Wing-
The late Harris Purdon
rested at the Currie-Walker
Funeral Home, Wingham,
where Rev. John W. Bell of
Whitechurch' conducted fun-
eral service Saturday at, two
o'clock. Interment followed
in Witighain Cemetery.
Pallbearers Were Peale
Holmes, Aldin Purdon of
Winghatn; Don Gaunt, Chat-
ham; Garry Robinson, Lon-
don; Larry Henderson,
Guelph; Athol Purdon, Port
Colborne. Floral
were carried by Ray Robin-
son i'af Belgrave_ and Daryl
Holmes, Wingham.
completed 'course in'
18 grandchildren, 36 'great an unusual way.. He took'
grandchildren.. and 1 `great up a challenge and
great grandchild. Survived crossed the finiSh line
by two brothers, :Jack Web- P ushing a hahy buggy, complete with baby. He
Construction conflict
$800 in
said it was time other
going in, He hUd a Portion nations stood up to back
of .a brick wall taken countries being vic-
down to accommodate timized by the Russians
scaffolding for the con-, rather than following the
tractor and paid $98 for policy Of merely saying,
burial in Greenhill Cemetery and Mt-. Bailey has Mr. Bailey come to terms Lucknow.
the' installation. of a
International politics
EXETER - The council in
Exeter moved into----
the--realm of international
politics by passing a
resolution urging the
federal government to
express their disgust to
the Russian government
over the atrocities taking
place in Afghanistan.
Councillor Jay Cam-
pbell presented the
with his tenants and meet presented council and the '
Blyth Centre for the Arts with the Centre for the
incurred during penses
- 77 ACRES in Kinloss Twp.
with restyled 4 bedroom
stone house, new roof, new
se tic s item and 'neW .drif-
led well. Barn 52 x 60'. Owner
wilt accept . a $30,000 doWn
mortgage for the balance
with no interest for the first
42' ACRES on Hwy. #4 near
Wingham - good two storey
brick house with convenien-
ces, barn 60 x 60 for hogs.
LUCKNOW - Three bedroom
home in good residential
area - house nicely'decorated
with living room, dining
room, and kitchen, exterior
aluminum sided - low asking
ONE ACRE lot on Hwy. #86
between Lucknow and Am-
berley. Good place for 'a
house or a small business.
Asking $7,900.
200 ACRES West Wawa-
nosh, no barns, over .100
.cres workable, 35 acres
hardwood bush.
KINLOSS TWP.-- 113 acres,
79 acres good corn land.
House is restyled with new
family room. Barn 57 x 60
with steel roof, 5000 bu. steel
granary, pit silo and the
asking price is only $89,000.1
Offers considered, -
Phone 3574208,
gep. L. W. Hutton
Real Estate Ltd.
Bitioker, Kincardhle