HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-14, Page 24Akilicles -forsaie 0.!..R 0.!••• ...•0:!•••• 'PADDED . WESTERN, saddle and bridle in good condition. Phone 529-7215. —,20x ED COAT-ST-IAWBERR-Y plants, 20c each. Quinn's Flowers, and Gifts, Lucknow, phone 528-2033, —a0,21ar VIKING MATCHING washer and dryer; compact size. Phone 528-3508. Like new, reasonable price. —20,21 9. Ace. to rent THREE BEDROOM mobile,- home in country; 'kitchen, ,. living room and family ream included are fridge; gas ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated; fridge and stove, good parking. Phone $28- 2113. --17tf 12. Help wanted , 14: Employment wanted YOUNG MAN; 24, with. ClaSs "A" driver's license seeks full time employMent. Phone 357-3297. --20 ANYONE wanting grags cut; call 528-2909'. —20;21x. THREE. BEDROOM house, in THE TEESWATER EX- • Anaberiey, For further infor ,TOGGERY has a large selec- mation call 395-530S. tion of summer clothes for —43tfar WOULD LIKE OLOER PER. SON willing out able to make a garden out of a small patch of grass. Phone 528-3545, stove;washer-and-clryer-and—/-20 curtains. Phone 529-7469., 1, Articie$ for Sale LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL trailers, hardtop tent trailers, park models, truck campers and caps. Trillii/M, e en Falcon, Camp Out Rental' & Sales; Hwy. 8 West, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar- merits, convalescent , prod- ucts, .etc. See Rieck ',D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square,, Goderich, 524-7241. —8tfar k. • * LI I OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. See Bieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. —8tfar BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING. On Tuesday and ThUrsday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET . ,LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Or If No Answer Call 528-2112 --,40tfar ,CEDAR POSTS 5 to 8" tops, 8' long, .$3.50 each. Anchors. 9' long; $7.50 and up; brace eosts; Tamarac trees for barn beams, 40' to 50' long. Phone after 6 p.m 395- 5305. —45tf We-offecuodeners the -Largest-selection.of top quality • flower vegetable BOX PLANTS GERANIUMS PERENNIALS GARDEN NOVELTIES ETC., ETC. All at tow grower to gardener prices. We are open: AAON.-FRI. Noon - 8 p.m. SAT. 8, SUN. •10 chnti- 8 p.m. Our greenhouse is located in the village of Benmiller, 100 yards downstream from the large bridge. 1976 YAMAHA 100 trail bike in good • condition. Phone 395-2766. —20 THREE BEDROOM cottage, building only, sitting up and ready to move at South Amberley beach. Inquire at Van Villa, Amberley or call 705-445-6489. —19,20x ROCK-PICKERS: Rock-O- Matic models 546, 5' pick- up, medium dump; model St, 7' pick-up, high dump; model HDWS, 20' pick-up high dump. Windrowers models TM20, 20' width, TivI12, 12' width. Contact your local farm equipment dealer for prices. Distributed in Ontario by L. E. Seeley, Flesherton, Ontario. NOC 1E0 Phone 519-922-2389. —20no it The Bruce dainty Board Of Edueation, Box 190; Chesley, Ontario. Phone. Montgomery Motors, -720ar 528-3007. --19ar 14' BOAT with 50 H.P. Johnson Motor and trailer. 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Inventory Reduction Auction Sale of Farm Machinery plus some consignments will be held for 3. C. GOWLAND & SONS at their location at the north end of TEES- WATER on Highway # 4, on SATURDAY, MAY 24, start- ing at 12:30 p.m. Tractors, equipment for hay- ing, tillage, forage; ploughs; tires; many miscellaneous' it- emse, OWNER J. C. GOWLAND & SONS, Teeswater 392-6817 AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagir Teeswater 392.6170 Grant McDonald Ripley, 395-5353 —20ar AUCTION SALE Royal Doulton Mail and Floor Auction, Sunday, July 13, 1980, Over 150 discontinued and current figurines, plates and jugs. Send $3.00 for picture catalogue and bid sheets. Box 130, Durham, Ont., Canada. NOG 1R0 (519-369-2834). —2Onc HOUSE OVERFLOWING? CLEAN UP WITH CLASSIFIED ADS POINT CLARK BOOK EXCHANGE 38 Sauk Court, Off Seneca Street Paper backs, hard covers, Comics SOLD - EXCHANGED Open Daily 9 a.m. 7 p.m.. —20-23 DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395-3466 RIPLEY —15tfar AUCTIONEER . SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 —40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING - Sand Gravel - Topsoil - Paving Robert Symes Contracting Lucknow 528-3047 —10tfar Tee ourselection of —Good Used Furniture, Antiques aniCollectables Consign Any Of YeurtInwanted'Or UnloVed items "Old Or New We Will Sell It - For You" COME AND BROWSE 357-2628 "%Wright= IN THE 18. Services• available sale, Open Thursday 10 - 12 a.m. and 2 - 5 p.m, and Friday and Saturday 2 .- 5 p.m. —20 Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. —20nc JEEP PARTS, Accessories, Adaptors, Convertible• Tops. All Jeeps 1942'to 1980. Gigantic Stock, Low Priem Gemini Sales 4736 East Hast- ingi, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K7 112-604-294-2623. —20nc RAILROAD TIES. Excellent quality. Soft wood. 8' long. Kreosoted. Delivery avail- able. $7.75 each. Call Bill at 1-705-726-7139. —20nc . PLANT requires mechanic with general knowledge of repair and maintenance for . trucks and farm machinery. Electric—and gas -welding necessary., Year round em- ployment. Phone or write Paddle Valley Products Ltd.; Box '508, Mayerthorpe, Alta. TOE 1NO 403-786-2702. 7-20nc LICENSED FARM Mechan- ics for new IHC facility, $9.00 to 11.50/hr. 403-986-5400. Leduc Farm &. Truck Supply, Box 1367, Leduc, Alberta 'I'9E 2Y8. L-20nc AGENTS WANTED Referral fees paid for introducing our Non Insurance Financial Ser- vices. Write for more details. John A. Church Inc., P.O. Box 1002, Woodstock, Ont- ario, N4S 8A4. --20nc BYLAW Enforcement Officer Pay Grade 17, 1746 - 2020 ,per month required as soon as• possible by community of 2,200 and enjoying steady grawth. Other duties will' include building inspection development control etc. The position offers an individual a good opportunity to gain further experience. Desir- able qualifications include previous municipal experi- ence and trade (carpentry) training and or experience. Resume indicating previous employment duties and re- numeration to be forwarded to: Gerard Forcier, Municip-. al Adminisirator, Box 485, High Level, Alberta. TOR 1ZO. Phone 403-926.2201. —20nc ' 1973 HONDA 350 motor- cycle. Phone Montgomery Motors, 528-3007. —19ar 4. Articles-wanted- ems= ammo 'mons moms Imr DOES - ANYBODY HAVE . OLD BUTTONS, because I want . any old buttons, be- cause I am collecting them. Please call .after school, My phone number is 528.2475, R. R. 5 Lucknow. Thank. you Cailin Clarke. —20 WANTED - old brick build- ings for demolition/wrecking and salvage purposes. Con- tact Ross Lumley, 1185 Mur- phy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088 or David Ranson, R. R. # 4 Brussels. 1-887-9584. —2eow 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1974 FORD PICKUP, club cab; good, condition; and cap, $2,000. Phone 528-2900. —20 9. Accommodation to rent TWO BEDROOM apart ment, Main. Street, electric heat, 4 piece bath, available now. Phone 528-3932 or 395-5593. —20tf FURNISHED BED SITTING room, heated, linen supplied and all utilities paid. Phone . 528-3723. —18tf ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments • in Lutcknow, Teeswater and Ripley. Call Glenn • Haven Apartments, Phone 528-3234. —15tfar - to work independently. Current Salary range $9,550 to $12,745 with, placement according to tiperience. Twelve-month position. Lo- cation - Chesley. Starting date. August 1980. Apply in writing on or before May 30, 1980 giving details of qualifications and exper- ience. position .requiring excellent 15. Tenders secretarial skills including shorthand and the ability to communicate effectively and TENDER SCHOOL BUSES ALFALFA DEH RATING • YE) THE HURON COUNTY BOARD-OF gpvcomN 103 Albert:StStit Clinton, Ontario. NOM D. McDonald 3`. Cochrane Chairman Director —20,210 Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by R. B. Minion. Superintendent of Blisines-s Affairs, for the • supply at. three (3) new, school buses. Tender closing effective• 12 o'clock noon, Friday, May' 23, 1980. Specifications and tender forms are.available at the Board Office. Lowest or "any tender not necessarily accepted. R. L. CUNNINGHAM TRANSPORTATION MANAGER. •••••••••ip •••••..•••.! pq.*W —RONWINVONSTRUCTIOW Additions, exterior and inter- jor renovations; cedar• decks, rec. rooims, etc. Far free estimate ;PHONE 3954450 -443tfar POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE . • IN RIPLEY Heintzman and Sherlock Manning Pianos, Panasonic Sound Equipment. Recondi- tioned pianos for sale; used ' pianos wanted. •For piano tuning and repairs call, 395- 2982. --8tfar BILL THOMSON CARPENTRY Renovations, repairs, odd jobs, cement patios, curbs, sidewalks, etc. Free estithate call 528-3508 after six. Cecil. Cranston R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIXHANIXER DACKHOEING ---5tfar CUSTOM BUTCHERING Cattle and hogs Monday Reasonable rates Guaranteed. Workmanship For appointment call Ripley Abattoir 395.2905 —9-21 PAPER AND PAINTING. Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 395-5079 or Joe Allison 396-7173 ,-46tf 18; Services available ROOF TARRING, driveway and basement sealing. .14111- es Symes, 528-3233, —1.8tfar --2tfar PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work Custom Stabling SPIKE BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528.2026 HOW DOES YOUR SUB. SCRIPTION LABEL READ? . aripeoeo Conley Constriidtore-17. „;...,_ LUCKNOW Cement.Work Framing Renavation$ For Free Estimates CALL 528-2338 bartoftworaptrie"~ ANDB 1.11141)ZIN LANDSCAPING°G 13111Robinizion R. R. '2 Auburn 529 ,7857 . 4-17tf • 19., Notice to .credltors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All creditors and other having claims against the es- tate of BENJAMIN. CALD- WELL, late of the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex, (and/or of the Village. of Dungannon, in the County of Huron), Retired Press Operator, who died on April 4, 1980, are required to deliver such claims to the undersigned Executor by the 20th of May, 1980, after which date such Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having claims of which such executor . shall then have notice. John Baynham, Executor of the Estate of Benjamin Caldwell, c/o N. William Baski, Barrister, etc., 829 Ottawa Street, Windsor, On- tario, NSX 2C7, his solicitor. —20 FEMALE UNIVERSITY SMALL FURNISHED apart- student wishes summer cm- GEORdE LUBBERS merit. Phone 528-2174, if ployment, has class D drivers no answer 528-3134. —17tf r Phone 395 2827 CONSTRUCTION. icence. • Renovations, additions, cot- URINE-EASE saves sarpetsl '12. Help wanted - tages. Phone 357-3457, Guarantees removal dog, WILL DO LAWN CUTTING. .VVhitechurch., —3tf cat, human urine stains,. HELP WANTED Call Paul johnstone, 528- odors from carpets! •Free bra- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 3811., chure. Dept. A, Reidell This is, a senior secretarial