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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-14, Page 12
„.. Page 12.-Imeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 1980 her work and contributions as president, and presented her with the Pat President's . pin. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Delor-' es Van Osch and adopted as correct, There was no corms-. ponclenee7The treasurees—g BY MORES Van Oscb Day Dalton returned ,home last week after spending the past five monthsvisiting with . his son, Dan and wife Marilyn and family in Tuc- son--,---Arizona, and.. with' daughter, Kathy, -husband, Jim MacDonald and girls 'in Vancouver, He visited other places -as well, like Mexico and on his arrival back in, Toronto, visited with rela- tives in Pickering, before returning home. Dr. Peter and Mrs. Bole land and family of Clarkson, spent the Weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Durnin and .fainily of Ingersoll visit- ' ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Vince.Austin and family and with friends in the area. Congratulation:: to Jack and Rita ,Tigert who cele- brated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday. Following a dinner with their family, a reception was held n their honour at Saltford Valley Hall for family, 'riends and neighbours. :hey have a 'family of four girls, Judy, Janice, Joan, and Jennifer; and three sons, Glen, Bob and Bill. The community extends their deepest sympathy to Bill VanDyke and Jean Van- Root' and their families on the sudden passing of -their: brother, John VanDyke in Holland in his 46th year. Brother'Carl Voll leaves on Tuesday, May 13th on a three week tour to the. Holy Land. This is a very well deserved holiday for Brother Carl.' - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Werner Ritgen on the arrival this past week of a baby boy. This is their second son. A warm welcome by the community is extended to Art and—Liirda----(Vassella) Bowler and family of four children who moved into the community last weekend. They formerly liVed in Strat- ford. This past week was Educa- tion Week and a variety of events took place at St. Joseph's School. The week started off with a Mass, followed by a hot dog lunch for teachers, parents, and students in the church hall. Following the lunch a game volleyball took place in the school gym between students Ind parents-teachers. On Tuesday the junior grades travelled to, the Luck- low Nursing Hoine where hey entertained the patients with songs and recitations and handed out fruit. On the same day., grades six to eight had their French public speaking competition at the school. This is the third annual French orator ical for the school,- having originated as an idea of principal, Dave .Zyluk. Thus each year since 1978, Mr, Builen, the French instruct- or, has arranged for the con-, testants to write a short article about themselves and family or prepare a story or poein to be delivered in French. This year guests princip- als, Mine. Liliane Laporte of Ecole Ste. Marie, St. Jos- eph's and M. Gaeton Blanch- ette, Ecdle Sr,"Boiface, Zur- ich- attended as judges. Aw- ards were presented to Grade six: Mia Dalton, Sally Van Osch, Junior Pelletier, Lonnie Deherty; grade sev- en, Tom Gilmore, Vickie Do- herty, Christine Stapleton, Billy Card; and grade eight, Stephen Hickey, Perry Van Osch,. Shawn Doherty, and Michael Austin. On Friday afternoon the annual speaking contest for those reciting poems or readings took place. The• speeches had been held during the winter. The re- sults will appear next week. On Thursday afternoon grades seven and eight host- ed a card party for the seniors in the area. This also gave the students a chance to play. and afterwards serve lunch. By all reports, this was thoroughly enjoyed. On Wednesday evening a' meeting was held in the school to explain what exact- ly is a Community School, and to find the interests of the community, in keeping' this school as such. The meeting was well attended, A council was formed to be in 'charge of setting up different programs and committees. They are, Denise Dalton, Denise Westecoft, Karla Hogan, Tom Sinnett and Jackie Dalton, A grant has been approved to go towards the building of' tennis courts at the school. The summer playground is being planned again this year. KiNGSBRIDGE C.W.L. The May., meeting of St. Joseph's C,W,L. was held last Monday evening in the church hall with the new president, Clarice Dalton in the chair. Father Dentinger led in the opening prayer. Mrs. Dalton thanked the past president, Pat Howard, for report was...given by Mary Clare, Roll call was taken by Rita Howard and she report- ed 45 paid up members .so far, ° Every one enjoyed a brief ' intermission to liSten,to Mary Luanne Clare present her prize-winning speech. Mary Luanne who is A krade 12 student at F. E. Madill, Winghatn: has won in vari- ous competitiens this past winter and Spnng with her topic, The International Year of the Child - Were there accomplishments or not? Karla Hogan reported for the Brownies and Gitl quid, es. They will be selling cookies this week. " Betty Frayne reported that the pens and pencil sets for the grade eight graduates- have been ordered. The radvation-is-, June 25; letter is to be sent , to the Knights of Columbus re. questing their annual dona- tion towards the grade eight gradnation and banquet. Fran Riegling, Church Life: convener, reported that First Holy Communion will be held May 25, Two members attended the Trinity Church Thankoffering. Bernadine Kinney gave a report on the Kingsbridge Area Seniors and how the money from the New Horizon grant is being spent. Father Dentinger spoke Turn to page 160 NOW'S THE TIME TO REDUCE YOUR HEAT:NG.BILL! 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Roundup by Monsanto controls treated milkweed and stops it from spreading or regrowing. Because Roundup controls the whole weed, roots and all. How to hit milkweed with Roundup. Just spray *Roundup on actively growing milkweed, when most of the weeds are in the bud to full bloom stage. Retreatment may be necessary if all Milkweed plants are not at the same stag of growth. You can, use a bogm; &handgun,- or a backpack- sprayer. Roundup will destroy the crop if you spray it on the crop, so keep Roundup where you want it. Right on those ugly milkweed patches. Always read and follow label directions for Roundup. Roundupe is a registered trademark of MonSanto Company. ©Monsanto Company, 1980. RC11,13.80 Monsanto Canada Inc. '- Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver. Spot treatment with Roundup() in the crop can stop yield-robbing milkweed from spreading further. aoarluawfauo,a6.A.inua,